Little Game

By Ela_banana

296K 11.2K 3.3K

[[COMPLETED]] "Life's a little game that people play." ____ Isabella Sofia Torres was someone who was born in... More

Prologue 01
Prologue 02
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
This is The End

Chapter 04

8.8K 303 51
By Ela_banana

When he first heard that he had a daughter, he first wanted to laugh viciously at how much of a desperate person his former wife's parents were. He wanted to kill them right then and there. His children were his treasures and he doesn't appreciate such jokes like that.
Apparently, it was true, and it was more shocking when he heard that his runaway wife had 'died'. He snorted at that because he knew his wife all too well and he also knew that she asked her parents to call him so that he could take care of her burden.

However, for him, Isabella was far from a burden.

When he first saw her, all he wanted to do was to tuck her in his strong embrace forever. The little girl was a bundle of joy, his sons loved her the moment they first saw her as well.

He understood why.

In the Torres family, they rarely have girls. The reason why was because they were either killed as soon as they were born or their either of their parents would run away with their babies, away from the Torres family, from the Torres name and from the tainted souls that they have.

It was understandable. Their whole family was dangerous. It was a kill or be killed kind of thing.

Of course, he would never let anyone hurt any of his children. Everyone knows how much he would kill just for his children to be safe in his territory. It's much safer for them to be with him than to hide them from the world where everyone could investigate them and find out that they're actually a Torres.

Unlike his sons, Isabella was much more closer to danger due to the fact that she was a girl. Since the Torres rarely have girls and women, Isabella would be seen as an opportunity, a weakness and definitely a tool for revenge.

Dante shivered at the thought.

As he looks at Isabella in her crib, sitting down while she looks up at him with a bright smile on her face, her cheeks flushed in rosy red and her adorable baby teeth showing, he couldn't help but smile back at her. She was perfect in any way. He couldn't even believe how Tatiana could hate such a pretty little girl like her.

He kneeled down so that he could be face to face with his daughter.

She cooed softly, her doe eyes were wide with amusement. She crawled towards him and  reached out to pat his cheek with a look of curiosity swirling in her beautiful brown eyes. He smiled softly.

He greeted her. "Cómo está mi niña hermosa?"

(How is my beautiful girl?)

Isabella greeted him with a giggle and a coo.

"Hello, mijita." He exclaimed, holding her hand. "I haven't seen you since the flight. How are you doing, darling?"

(My little daughter.)

He knows that Isabella can't understand what he's saying but it felt like the right thing to talk to her. Isabella was a talkative baby, she would babble away without getting tired.

And she did just that. She babbled away with a serious expression, screeching every once in a while while doing wild hand gestures to explain herself better.

Dante nodded wordlessly, humming his answer every once in a while.

He didn't like the idea of Isabella being with that bitch for a year. He blames himself for not knowing earlier. However, he didn't even know that Isabella existed, which was even more suspicious. Dante just came to the conclusion that the woman drugged him before doing whatever the fuck she wanted with him.

He scowled internally, cursing himself for letting his guard down around his former wife. But could you blame him? She was his wife, he loved her and he was blinded by that.

Dante then stood up and carried Isabella with ease. She gurgled, snuggling closer to him. It was as if she loves her father close to her. She mumbled something with a small smile on her face.

And honestly? Dante loves the idea of having his little baby in his arms, in his home, where it's safe, where nobody could touch any of his children, where he could watch over them, where he could be a helicopter dad without anybody judging him for it. But it's not like he cares. No, his love for his children is endless. If the time comes where he'd have to sacrifice himself for them, he'd do it.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." He whispered to her, removing the adorable curls away from her forehead. He rocked her gently in his arms, kissing her forehead every once in a while because it was the only way to calm his beating heart.

When he realized that Isabella was actually his, he had never felt so frightened. He had never felt so frightened of the abilities of what his wife could do if she were to see Isabella as a trash to throw.

That's why he was so thankful of Rafael.

In all honesty, he doesn't trust him. Being in a world where the trusted are the ones who bring the most betrayal, he is skeptic of Rafael.

But he is thankful of the man. Without him, the wench would have probably done something far worse to his only daughter and Dante would have drowned in guilt and anger due to his incapability of saving his only daughter from a person he could have slaughtered easily.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, mi pequeña niña. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that you get to grow up to be smart and strong, okay? But don't grow up too fast and go leaving an old man like me."

(My little girl.)

He cradled her as he hummed a random tune filled with the intention of making Isabella be lulled to sleep with good dreams.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door just when Dante placed his daughter down in her crib.

The door slowly opened, revealing his right hand man who's got a smirk on his face.

Dante frowned, disliking the expression on the man's face. He also didn't like how the man just entered the nursery room without his permission.

"What do you want?" He snarked, keeping his voice low as to not wake his daughter up. Isabella needs her power nap and he will kill anyone who wakes up the baby.

"Is that any way to greet a friend?" He kept his smile on his face despite the harsh tone from his boss.

Dante hummed, looking at his daughter and stroking Isabella's head lovingly. "That's not what I asked you."

Not one who beats around the bush, he answered, "It's about Tatiana."

Dante's cold gaze looked at him and the man shivered, in a good way. He lets out a shuddering breathe out. Dante's gaze was so exhilarating sometimes, it causes him shivers.

"I believe we have leads on her whereabouts."

"Good." He smiled, leaning down to kiss his baby's forehead before looking back to the man. "We'll proceed with the plan then."

The man giggled. He expected no less from the boss. He nodded with a dark cheshire grin on his face. His face were painted in pure pleasure, licking his bottom lip delightfully.

"Isn't it a bit mean, sir? That you're playing this little game?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, I'm just doing what a good father would do." Dante said, though he was feeling guilty for actually playing a little game with his wife but he knows that he's the winner in their little game.

The man scoffed, looking blankly at the baby. His grin never wavered. It was as if he was a predator who's waiting for a chance to rip a head off. Maybe he can give the head to Isabella?

"Good my ass." He mumbled, knowing too well that the man's anything but good. But that's what he loves about his boss. He then looks at his boss with the warm gaze of his again. "Well, it's not that I care. I do love a good game of tag."

Dante rolled his eyes, glaring at him. "Yes, yes, I know that."

"Well, I'll take my leave. I'm pretty sure that you won't let me have a quick look at m'lady over there." He cooed, smiling deviously at him.

Dante snarled, but still making sure that his voice is low and quiet. "I'll cut your fingers off."

Dante's friend raised his hand up in the air in surrender. "I come in peace, sir. I won't do anything to harm the little lady. You have my loyalty forever, you know that."

Dante rolled his eyes, giving one last look at his precious baby before walking towards him with a sigh. "I know. You're like a bitch."

"I'm your bitch!" He chirped as he followed his friend out the door. "I'm like gum. I stick around."

Dante pinched the bridge of his nose. He doesn't understand how this man could say such a think that just makes him want to throw him outside the window. "I don't understand how you're still alive."

He chuckled, patting his friend on the shoulder. "Because I'm your only loyal friend. I'm like your hermano." He then added, "And I'm the only one who can find her for you. I'm your best piece in the game."


Dante hummed. He wasn't the best piece but he would allow the man to think that he is. "Well, I'm sure you can easily find her."

Romeo sighed, shaking his head. "It's still a hard thing to do, Dante."

"Well, that's why I chose you to find her." Dante said, rolling his eyes before closing the door of the nursery.

Romeo smiled. "Anything for my hermano."

Dante placed a hand on Romeo's shoulder and patted it. "Thanks."

Dante will do anything for his children.

Well, I do hope that you guys enjoyed it!

I apologize for updating late, there's a lot going on and I do hope that you guys understand.

Anyways, thank you for reading.

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