King Island- Secrets are mean...

By Lila10Stella

383 67 49

Peter gets everything he wants because he's rich, except the one thing you can't buy - love. He thinks everyt... More

Authors note !Please read!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

7 2 1
By Lila10Stella


"Jackson stop!", I laughed trying to sound at least a bit annoyed, "I need to finish this. It's for my college applications." Of course, Jackson didn't stop and continued kissing my neck.

"Can't it wait?", he asked, trying way too hard to get my attention. I ignored him teasingly.

"Come on Accelya. Your parents will be home in an hour and it doesn't look like you will be finished soon with whatever you're doing. If you're asking me to come to your house, I expect to get at least half of your attention. The humiliating part is that it's your laptop, to which I lost your attention.", Jackson continued to complain about me not giving him enough attention.

I leaned my head back and looked at his cute grin. Then he placed his lips on mine. While kissing him, I sneak a look at my laptop. He slowly let go of my lips and complained again: "Even while I'm kissing you, I don't have half your attention." Next, I heard him fall onto my bed.

On my laptop, I clicked on "send" and then walked over to Jackson. I let myself fall into his arms.

"Now, you have my attention." There once more was this adorable smirk on his face.

"Te quiero. I'm crazy about you.", he whispered, causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I guess that makes me the luckiest person on earth. You know, I'd eat a whole chocolate bar for you.", I joked around playfully, to which he replied with tickling me.

I had to laugh so hard, my stomach hurt.

"Ouch, my stomach.", I still laughed. Jackson stopped and looked at me, intensely into my eyes. He was leaning over me. I looked at his lips, causing him to kiss me again. This was way too good to be true. If I could, I would stay in this moment forever. There were no words to describe how happy and joyful I felt or how he made me feel. He was this comfort feeling, when I felt like I wasn't enough, my sun after a heat storm, making me forget all the ugly things I had ever felt.

I pulled him even closer to me, destroying his balance and making him collapse onto me. We both started giggling.

Sometime later, when we eventually stopped laughing, Jackson looked at me again. His head was resting on my breasts. He then leaned into another kiss. I wrapped my legs around his body.

When suddenly the door into my room was opened unexpectedly. Jackson instantly got off me.

It was my dad standing in the door frame.

"What the hell is going on here? Who is this guy, Accelya?", he questioned with a bitter undertone.

"Um... He's...", I stuttered. My dad definitely saw us kissing.

"I'd like you to leave and never talk to my daughter again.", my dad warned Jackson, looking at him intimidatingly.

"Dad, we're dating. Peter broke up with... Peter and I broke up.", I clarified to my dad, who looked shocked at me.

"You remember the deal, right? It's you and Peter and it'll always be. Your 'boyfriend' probably isn't able to give you what Peter can, wealth and a bright future.", my dad insulted Jackson, just like almost everyone I knew. I think Jackson had a point with saying rich people only thought about money. For me, the only thing that mattered was that he understood me and loved me.

Not like Peter, Jackson actually enjoyed spending time with me. He always went shopping with me and we ended up making out in the changing room. We also went mini golfing, and he took walks at the beach with me. Sometimes we sat at three in the morning at the beach looking at the stars.

"Actually, Jackson can give me everything Peter can't. Happiness. Dad, I love him." I didn't hesitate to say one word to my dad.

"This is unacceptable. Did he break up with you? You know what, it doesn't matter. The deal was you and Peter, and you clearly aren't dating. This guy will leave, and you will stay in your room. It's time for the world to know the truth.", my dad proceeded to talk. Was he talking about the D'avila's secret?

"Are you gonna make it official? You can't do that to Peter. Let me at least talk to him, before you make it public.", I begged my father.

"No, he didn't stick to the deal, so he gets to know the truth. I should've done this the first time he cheated on you. I'm not saying this is all his fault, because you certainly cheated on him as well if I look at the situation now. Making the truth public is exactly what the D'avila's deserve. So, stop having pity for them.", my dad raised his voice at me.

Jackson was so confused by the things happening, but I couldn't let this happen. I grabbed Jacksons hand and ran past my dad downstairs to the door out of this house.

"What is going on?", Jackson wanted to know, but there was no time to explain this to him. My dad yelled after us, as we drove with one of his cars away to Peter's house.

In front of Peter's house, we ran into Ellenora, who told us that two minutes ago, the news were dropped. Jackson still didn't know what this was about, but Ellie and I surely did.

So, we hurried to get into Peter's house which was more difficult than expected, because not even a minute later, there were thousands of paparazzi in front of his house.

I could only imagine how broken, how hurt Peter must feel now. I always hoped he wouldn't ever find out.


It was a beautiful day, that's what I thought when I woke up. Unfortunately, this day would take an awful turn. I hadn't expected any of this when I talked to my parents this morning. They hadn't paid much attention to me like always, so I went back into my room, where I spent the rest of the morning.

I was listening to music and watching people at the beach. When I suddenly noticed paparazzi gathering in front of my house. What was going on? I didn't think of looking at the news and walked downstairs. My parents were nowhere to be found. It was like no one was home, but I had just seen everyone this morning.

The easiest way to find out what was going on was by going outside to the paparazzi. If I had known what would've happened, I would have probably never done that, but I was clueless.

So, I walked outside seeing tons of paparazzi and Accelya, Jackson and Ellenora? What were they doing here?

I walked towards the gate in front of my property. The paparazzi were shooting tons of photos, as I came closer, I heard them yelling questions.

"Where is your mother?", one asked me, another one asked if I was okay. Then finally someone asked me a question which made me find out more information.

"Is it even true that Brandon D'avila isn't your true father?", one yelled. Not my real father? What gossip was this? This was so fake.

Eventually then I got the idea of looking at the news on my phone.

Mister Lombard spills the truth: Brianna D'avila's son is a bastard from an affair with one of her students, from back in the day when she used to teach at colleges.

Why would Accelya's father say something like this? My dad wasn't my dad? This was some dumb joke. Why would this be true?

Suddenly my mother appeared next to me and tried to drag me back into the house.

"Mom? Is this true?" She didn't answer me. So, it was true. It felt like suddenly everything slowed down around me, like it was in slow motion. For a moment I forgot how to breath and gasped for air. My mother was a lying bitch!

"He's not... he never cared.", that's all I brought out, getting my mother's hand off of me. It made sense. All his words made sense.

You're not even my son; If you make it official that you like Ellenora more than Accelya, a big secret will get out and your mother and I will no longer be together.

I wasn't his son. I was a mistake.

My mom yelled something at me, but I didn't hear anything. I just felt tears slowly running down my cheek. My whole life I had tried making a stranger love me, because I was living the lie that he was my father.

"I hate you! I hate you so much for everything you have done to me!", I screamed at my mother, sinking onto the floor. I didn't notice anything that happened around me, all I could do was die slowly inside by the pain. I had tried so hard to make everything right and to make him accept me. Of course, he never did, I wasn't his child, I was an accident.

When my dad, I mean Brandon walked outside, the anger overtook me. All this time he made me think, it was my fault he didn't think I was enough. In the rush of anger, I ran towards him and started hitting him uncontrollably. Some of his bodyguards stopped me.

"Let fucking go of me! He deserves this! He's the guilty one!", I accused Brandon.

"Bring him inside. We'll talk with him there. I think the public saw enough and bring me Accelya.", Brandon, demanded. I always wanted to call him my fucking dad, but my dad was probably some guy, that could be my brother.

The bodyguards got me inside, where I sat down and waited until everyone was here. My mother, Brandon and Accelya. It was quiet. I didn't even think there was anything we could talk about.

"I'm not the only one to blame here. Your whore of mother cheated on me, with one of her students. We could never let anyone find out. Unfortunately, Accelya's parents did. They made us promise something, or they would tell everyone about our secret. You would marry their daughter, that was the deal. Accelya knew all this. She played along and fooled you just like we did.", Brandon told me the truth, like it was some story from a book. This couldn't be true.

"You knew this the whole time?", I aggressively asked Accelya, who slowly nodded.

"Peter, listen up! Your mother and I will get a divorce and then you will be going to that college anyway. You will take over my business. I don't care if you're my real son or not.", Brandon demanded like this was the most important thing right now.

"I won't. I'll do what I want to. I wanna meet my real father.", I stood up to Brandon. He couldn't tell me anything anymore.

"You will find his fucking address and tomorrow I'll be on the first flight to where he lives. I don't care what you want me to do. You're not my father!", I made it clear that I was no longer doing what he expected me to.

No one said a word. I guess that meant no one had a problem with my plan. So, I walked away, knowing that I would finally get out of here and could do what I wanted to.

I think in that moment I was so overwhelmed by all the things I found out, that I kinda ignored all the feelings I had. When it was night and I lay in bed, that's when I felt the tears run down by cheeks again. That night I cried myself to sleep. Even if my "parents" never treated me like they should have, I had at least expected them to be honest with me. The never had told me anything but the cruel truth. So why didn't they now?


Accelya had told me everything after she had talked with the D'avila's. The story was messed up but made sense.

I wanted to talk to Peter and be there for him, though Accelya told me that he was gonna leave today. Maybe he would tell me goodbye, I wasn't quite sure. I wasn't even quite sure where we were standing. Accelya and Jackson felt the same way. That thing that happened yesterday made everything just worse.

Peter was now indeed the only thing on TV. That couldn't be easy for him.

I guess some things just aren't meant to be. Like he and I. We could've had the perfect love story; however, it wasn't meant to be. At some point we would see each other again. I would probably always be able to watch what he was doing through TV. That was kinda creepy.

My feelings for him were still here and I would never forget anything that had happened, even if we never really had a love story.

Right now, I was watching the news. It was all about Peter. They showed a video of him getting onto a plane and then a lady added: "This video is from 6 AM today. Peter D'avila got onto a plane, without his parents. To where he is heading is unknown.

I knew that he was flying to see his real dad. Imagine living such a lie your whole life and finding out the truth when you're nearly eighteen. His life would never be normal. I'm not sure whether this is positive or negative.

Anyway, I thought Peter finally was able to do what he wanted to. His mind was free of his parents. It was like they had possessed him and now he was free. It must feel relievin

At the end of the day, I think some secrets aren't meant to be a secret forever.

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