Innocent Deaths: Daddy's Litt...

By Queenart13

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Clarissa Regan, a teenage beautiful girl turns psychopathic and inherits a dark mind at a young age when her... More

Chapter 1: Too little to Murder
Chapter 2: School is the place
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 4: It's Just The Begining
Chapter 5: Getting In The Game
Chapter 6: Catching Up
Chapter 7: The Meeting
Chapter 8: What's The Plan?
Chapter 9: A Trip To Mexico
Chapter 10: Into The Vipers Nest
Chapter 12: Love At First Sight
Chapter 13: Kristy, You're Next
Chapter 14: Just Keep Going
Chapter 15: Little Harris
Chapter 16: Tears Of Cheers
Chapter 17: When Evil Returns
Chapter 18: Hide And Seek!
Chapter 19: Innocent Kidnap
Chapter 20: Only Mine
Chapter 21: Family First
Chapter 22: Evidence Doesn't Lie
Chapter 23: Innocent Deaths?
Chapter 24: Don't Leave Me
Chapter 25: Where The Sun Doesn't Shine
Chapter 26: A Second Chance?

Chapter 11: Into The Vipers Nest: Part 2

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By Queenart13

"Oh Alia you dirty player, your time is coming to an end. I can smell it."

Warm water from the shower bathed her as the blood of the innocent washed down from her body. She raised her hands to rinse her hair. She hummed to herself happily.

When she was satisfied, she turned off the shower and stepped out. She grabbed the towel off the rail and wrapped it around her body. Water still dripping from her body, she came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.
She sighed happily and looked at glass window display beside her bed, taking in the Mexico City view.

"Coming here did work out after all" she muttered.

Clara looked away from the window and the torn garment all scattered on the floor caught her eye. Her fancy dress she wore to the casino yesterday, was now all torn up and stained with blood-thanks to herself.

She was crazy last night, she couldn't control herself. She had to do something to stop that urge, she didn't have a choice.
She eyed the dress a little longer before she stood up. She bent down and picked up a torn piece of the dress.

Her tongue touched the blood stain and she giggled like a little girl at the high salty scent. Last night was amazing for her, not only did she find out Alia's plan, she got to enjoy herself. It's like killing two birds with one stone.
The way the receptionist's blood filled the bathroom stall. It was like a piece of art to her


Clara's POV:
After the meeting, finally knowing Alia's plan to put my father in jeopardy, I had first lured the receptionist out of her office into the restroom when Homero wasn't looking.

When she was finally in the bathroom hall I made up some dumb excuse to get her distracted. Told her there was a problem with the toilet. The plan was already in motion and when she was trying to see the problem, I stabbed her right in the back. She was about to scream but I knew the drill.

I covered her mouth before she could scream. Seconds after, blood slowly soaked the receptionist's white shirt. It unfortunately touched me but I liked it anyways.

I then forced her on her knees and drowned her, pushing her head into the toilet water.
Bubbles immediately surfaced as the poor woman frantically tried to grab something to push herself up but I was clearly way more stronger.

It wasn't that hard, even if it took time, her body gave up, and she stopped moving. Her body jerked a little.

I left hold of her and reached for my knife.
Raising my knife preparing for a dive, I stabbed her again and again. This went on continuously, the sounds of smushed flesh filling the hall. Blood moved fast and so did time. I knew Homero would probably be looking for me, so I hurried up even when I didn't want to.

I carried the body and dragged it into the another restroom. I sat her on the toilet seat which was really hard to do because she wouldn't stop falling down. Her blood messed it up but it was drying up.

I grabbed a mop and cleaned up the bloody mess and when I was done, I locked the restroom door. I cleaned the other restroom I killed her in next, not leaving a trace.

I couldn't let Homero or anyone see me because my body was obviously stained so she exited the casino using the back way. I went down a deserted street but made it to the hotel anyways. It wasn't easy, but I found a way to make it there without anyone seeing me. I had got away with another murder.

I knew very well that I killed a citizen of Mexican city and that wasn't good at all. It wasn't that bad after all, she could simply go back to her country and they won't be able to get her there.
When I reached my room I knew Homero would be worried about me so I texted him that I was ok.
But for some damn reason, he still wasn't satisfied so he was coming to come and visit this morning.

I was going to leave Mexico today since I now know all I had to know. Getting back to that mansion was the last thing I had to do now before Alia and Daniel could.
Because as they say the person who hits first always has the advantage.

Third Person POV:
"You just couldn't hold yourself back huh?"

"Don't freaking judge me Homero, you don't know what I feel like everyday"
Clara said packed her bag getting ready to leave Mexico.
"And I definitely don't want to" Homero talked back.

"You know you've caused big trouble for yourself right?!" He said angrily.

"Please don't shout, it's too early for that" Clara said folding her cloth and putting it inside her bag.

"Why do you always have to be so damn stubborn and unthinkable sometimes?!"
Clara was a little shocked to hear that from his mouth,
"Excuse me?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"You heard me! Just because you think I'm helping you, doesn't mean I have to clean up your messes Clara!!"

"Oh wooowwww" she said sarcastically, "where did this side of you come from? What happened to 'Homero the gentleman' from yesterday?"

"I'm not playing games Clara" he then lowed his voice down, "You can get life imprisonment for ending a Mexican life damnit!"

"I don't mind spending my life in prison" Clara shrugged.

"Well it's not as easy as it sounds Clara, trust me"

"Whatever. You're now acting like my father"

"Clara, you're lucky that body is gone thanks to me. And speaking of your father, if he finds out thay you entered prison some day, he'll kill me"

"Well it will be pleasure seeing you dead" Clara said coldly.

"Wow such an ungrateful person you are. You should be lucky I have self control Clara"

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it? Insult me, beat me, kill me?"

"Don't you freaking push me"

"Cmon do it, I don't care about life anyways. Life is unfair to some people don't you think?"

Homero didn't know what came over him but he aggressively pushed her on the bed and swiftly pulled out his gun. He got on top of her and held her down by her neck. Clara looked at him right in his eyes. She knew he wasn't going to do it, so she decided to play along,
"Go on, I dare you Homero" she said smirking at him.


The glass cup shattered to pieces of glass. Clara looked at the glass which was on the table next to her, then back at him. She would never admit that made her jump a little. She was actually shocked at him for the first time.
Homero surely wanted to teach her lesson but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"It's too early for spilling blood" he muttered. He was truly angry now. Clara could sense it.
Homero got off her and hid back his gun. She sat up, rubbing her neck as she watched him walk to the door. He opened it and gave her one last look, not the friendly kind.

"Get dressed. A black Mercedes is going to take you to the air hangar"

Homero slammed the door with so much force that the other hotel roommates may have heard it. Clara sighed heavily rubbing her neck and looking around the room for no reason. She had never seen that side of him before. She would have revenge for this, but not with death.

She couldn't kill someone who she owed everything to. She would think of something, soon.
She quickly got up shaking off her thoughts and got back to packing. She had to get rid of all the things she used to come to Mexico. Incase anything happens in the future, they won't have anything to trace her down. After she was done, she picked up her bag and closing the door behind her, she took the elevator downstairs. She approached the black Mercedes outside and got inside..

The plane flight was insanely quiet.
The two hadn't talked to each other since the journey started. Clara started to think she must have pushed him too far.
She was bored during the flight.

Most of the times she'll stare out the window looking at the clouds, or she'll read the magazines she brought with her, or she'll spare Homero some glances. But he was just on his phone and he never looked back at her. He had a bold scowl on his face.

Okay, she didn't push him too far, she pushed him WAAY too far. He wasn't even smiling at her like he does before, such a sudden change.
"Why do I even care? I take care of my own problems not his" she thought trying not think about him.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"
Clara's head shot up to him,

"About wha-oh."
He was referring from yesterday when they both found out Alia's plan to over throw her and her father.

"I have to get there first, right?" She said.

And that was it, nothing else.
Only yawns, flight sounds, beeping of buttons etc. The boredom was killing her. Her phone was available but she wasn't in the mood for that right now. She started to wonder about her father.
He would have been worried about her. She didn't tell him that she went on a trip, that was dumb. He hadn't called her since and she didn't know why.
She searched her bag that was on her lap and brought out her phone. She started to dial a number. Homero's head shot up the minute he heard her bag unzip.
"Who are you calling?" He asked, serious.
Clara looked at him with out raising her head.

'Must he know everything? Ugh!' She thought
"My father" she answered

Homero didn't take his eyes off her. Clara raised the phone to her ear as it called her father. It went straight into voicemail. Clara smacked her lips annoyingly.

She looked up to Homero who was still looking at her. She couldn't send her voicemail when Homero's here.

So Clara stood up, replacing herself with her bag on the airplane seat in pursue of the bathroom.
"Send the voicemail here" Homero stopped Clara, who was already behind him.


"I don't tolerate secret conversations or messages"

"I'm sorry but I can't do it in front of you"

"I don't see any reason to hide it from me, it's just your father though"

Clara swallowed.
It's not like she was hiding something, she just didn't want to send the message in front of him because of the things she had to say. Her father was the only person, by blood, who she actually cared about.

She wanted to tell her father many things, how she loved him and how he has been doing. But saying all of that in front of someone will be embarrassing and she, as a psychopath, might have trouble exposing her feelings, if she had them.
"Try and understand, its a family matter"

Clara hoped that he won't force her but he just sighed and shooed her away. Clara went to the bathroom and tried calling him again.


"Hey dad,'s Clara. I'm going to be quick, in case you've been looking for me I just wanted you to know, that, I just went somewhere, on a trip. You don't need to worry about me I'm coming back today anyways.
I-I lo-"
She paused for a second and immediately decided against it,

"I mean, I'll let you know when I arrive"
and she sent it. She put her phone in her pocket and went back to her seat, back with Homero.
"Did he answer?" He asked,


"Sorry about that"
Clara sighed and looked out the window all through the entire flight...

Clara got out of the cab and paid the driver. He drove away taking a turn leaving Clara all alone standing in front of her huge gate. She picked up a rock nearby and threw it at the gate. It made a loud noise as she wanted to attract attention from the inside. She couldn't be out here for long before anyone could see her.

Clara tapped her foot on the ground waiting for someone to open. She picked up another rock and was about to throw it but immediately it left her hand, the gate had opened revealing Pepe and in result, the rock hit Pepe right in the forehead. He grabbed his head in pain.
"Ahhh! Who the hell did that??!" He said looking around,

"It was me you bozo! Didn't you hear the first time?" Clara said annoyed.
Clara walked ahead and passed him going into the compound.
"Sorry ma'am" Pepe apologized,

"Shut up"

The first thing she saw was her mansion then the huge garden and rest house beside. Guards were walking around guarding the place as they were supposed to. She went inside the mansion, wanting to see her father first. She checked in the living room but it was empty. She searched the whole place, even his room.
"Father, were are you?" She asked herself in the middle of the big hallway.

"Miss Clara"
Clara turned around and saw one of the maids. She was holding an envelope in her hand.
"What is it?"

"Well, your father said I should give you this when you get back. Oh sorry where are my manners?"
"Welcome back miss Clara" she said bending slightly down.

"Yeah yeah, give to me"
Clara snatched it from her and went upstairs to her room. She closed the door behind her and took a look at her room. She breathed in the air.
She missed this place.
Staying in a five star hotel's most expensive room was nice, but there's nothing like home. She sat on her long couch which was facing her tv and opened the envelope. She read it in her mind,

"Dear Clara,
If you're reading this, that means you might have come back home. Welcome back dear.
I don't know where you disappeared to, but I'm glad you're back.
You haven't seen me at home because I had something very important to get to. So, now you're back, I don't want you to worry about me or think that Alia has done something to me. Because that's something that'll you'll do.
Considering Alia, she had to go on a business trip with Daniel, so don't be surprised when she's not at home.
My phone will be turned off for a while for security reasons so don't try calling me. Make sure you take care of yourself and don't do anything crazy. I love you my dear,
-Your father."

"Pft! Yeah in important business-of ruining our lives!" Clara shouted in her head.
Though the part that said "You haven't seen me at home because I had something very important to get to." put Clara at rest.

"So that means he's safe" she muttered to herself.

She then got up with a huge smirk on her face. Since Easton wasn't home, she was free to get to work. She first changed into comfortable house clothes,
A simple blue purple top with

black leggings and her furry house boots.

Going out of her room, she went in pursue of the safes hidden around the random areas of the house. She had to change it now because what she heard yesterday from the casino had been triggering her.

Clara's POV
Wait, your woman can't be here" Jessica said.
Everyone looked at me.
Jessica was right.
A drug dealer's simple girlfriend couldn't be here during this private discussion.
Homero looked uncomfortable and he didn't have anything to save me. But I only smiled. I had a backup plan, as always.

"Beltran here is right this is none of your business" Alia said smiling.

I'll soon wipe that smile off her face.

"Don't worry I understand. It's better I stay out of this. You guys are dangerous anyways" I said.

I put my phone inside my bag as a distraction and exchanged it with the little spy recorder that Frank made for me. I folded it in my hand and brought it down.
They didn't even know that they were talking to one of the former biggest drug dealer's kid. They didn't suspect a thing, not even Alia.
I leaned on the table next to Homero,
"Hope you guys have good night" I said.

And with that, I stuck the recorder under the table, as far as my fingers could put it so that no one could find out.
I bent down to Homero, who was on the seat and whispered to his ear.

"It's ok just relax" I whispered.

I then winked at him in a flirty way so it would like I said something romantic and then left the room. I walked into the reception and saw the lady working on her table. My mind turned dark, thinking of the best way to dispose her.

I didn't forget what she did, even if it was a mistake. Mistakes are not forgiven in my territory.
That's how she ended up being on my death note...

When I got to the hotel, I used my phone to eavesdrop on their conversation, and it was damn interesting,
1. Alia was going to make the biggest transaction of cocaine ever made in the states to Mexico with the help of Jessica and Titi, they asked for Homero's help, but obviously he said no.

2. When it's successful, they'll share the money between themselves, Alia getting the highest.

3. Next, Alia will gather all the evidences, that consists of all her illegal drug imports and exports through different countries to other drug dealers.

4. Daniel was also going to have a part. Alia knew that my father and I have a safe in the house, 3 in fact but she just didn't know where, well except for one, that was in my father's room. She planned to use Daniel to get the code from my father without my knowledge when they got back from Mexico.

5. And to avoid suspicion from me, they decided to send Daniel back home early. Daniel agreed to do so so he could have a close eye on me.

6. When Alia's done in Mexico, she'll come back and side with Daniel again. Then she will steal all the money in the safe and hide them somewhere outside of the neighborhood.

And when they meant all the money...she meant all of them. So she would leave my dad and I bankrupt.

7. Alia will then put all her illegal drug transactions in my father's name.

8. She planned to frame him for selling drugs. And if my father successfully gets arrested, she'll have the victory.

And when the police come for the money made from of the drug dealings they won't see any because she already took everything. And I'll have to live without my father again.
And with my father out of the way, Alia will be free to torture me for who knows how many years.

I was super glad I now knew what they were doing. I was no longer feeling useless for myself.

So right now, I was on my way to change all three safe passcodes so neither my dad, Daniel, Alia or anybody will know. Besides, my dad doesn't usually take from the safe, he usually takes from his account. That's 1 of the advantages Alia had.

The first one, my dad's room. It was locked but I always had my spare key with me. So I opened it and entered. The safe was secretly hidden behind a huge picture frame of a lion on the wall.
I took it down and under it was like a false wall, more like wood. It was something you had to push aside into the slim, tall slot hidden behind the walls. I slid it beside and I saw the safe. It was the biggest one in the house out of the three, so it had the most income.

So I first opened it and what I saw inside didn't actually change. A few diamonds, five bars of gold and a LOT of cash; some of them where even in other currencies. For a really old woman, Alia sure does have a big eye for big stuff.

I closed it back and changed the code into something not even close to the former one. I checked if it worked and it did before I left the room.

Next was the one near our pool.
Yes...why do you ask?
Because that's the least and last place anyone or possibly an enemy would want to look for money. Well it's not inside the pool, it's underground; under one of the art clay pots filled with flowers, which was placed as a design at the edges of the resting area close to the pool.
So no one was around the pool but that didn't mean I wasn't watching my back.
When it was safe, I used all my strength to remove the heavy clay pot to the other side.
Because dang that was super heavy.
After that, I peeled off the fake carpet grass and under it was a trap door with a passcode lock on it. A little soil from the real earth was scattered all over it but it didn't cause any damage.

I checked if the money it held was still there and changed the code. Looked like no one has touched this in years.

The last of them was inside my room. Now mine is the safest because, no one and I mean NO ONE was allowed in my room.
Not my dad.
Not Betty.
Not Alia
Not Daniel
Not even the maids to come clean up.
At least, Betty could come in , but not for more than 2 minutes.
My room is like my own life, if anyone gets in it's like breaking an entry.

The last safe was hidden in my bathroom. Behind another fake wall, beneath the shower. I changed that code too, but before I did, I took a wad of cash for myself.

I washed the dust off my hands in the sink and when I was done it was time for a nap.

I hadn't had a decent sleep since days. Now that I know what Alia is planning and I've done something to prevent it, I now have peace of mind.

I took my furry boots off and lied down, covering myself with my duvet with one leg sticking out. The way my head laid on the pillow felt so good. It took just a few minutes till I fell asleep...

What's up my peeps! Having a good day? Yeah sure..if you're not,

So it has been a very long time I updated this story. Just thought I should leave my first story and attend to this one instead. Because trust me this story isn't going to exceed like 30 chapters like the first one🙄.
I'm trying to finish it before next year🙂Oh and yah! Those are my art works right there! Thx very much if you like it!😉 Don't steal it!

Anyways please vote and comment on this chapter. God bless you!!

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