By TiashaGhosh250

214K 20.7K 5.4K

The story is based on love and revenge between the main characters. Aly the famous businessman swears to tak... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
Chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78
chapter 79
chapter 80
chapter 81
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94

chapter 23

2.4K 216 68
By TiashaGhosh250

SURPRISE!!!!! Hi everyone!!!! the next chapter is here.....i hope i don't disappoint anyone as its first ff please forgive me if i make any mistakes please do vote and comment  also suggestions are always welcome.... happy reading!!!!!

/////(p.s.  comment me do you like this surprise!!!!)/////// 

Aly swiftly tackled the guy and snatched the gun from his hands knocking him down.

Aly: leave her hand – he spoke pointing the gun on Mr Bhasin with rage in his eyes.

Mr Bhasin: see princess, now he is pointing a gun on your dad – he said pleading

Jasmin: just cut the crap dad..... – she said and stamped the feet of the guy holding her hand and released herself.

Jasmin stood beside Aly and held his hand tightly

Mr Bhasin: you can't be serious!!! – he frowned

Jasmin: I am serious dad!!! – she said with a serious face

Mr Bhasin: but...... . – he was about to speak when Jasmin cut him in between

Jasmin: just leave or else I will ask him to leak all your video proofs

Mr Bhasin : you are going to pay for this – he said glaring Aly and left with his men

As they left Rosey closed the door , Aly sighed in relief while Jasmin sat on the floor breaking down in tears. Aly tried to console her

Aly: don't cry please – he said cupping her face

Jasmin: I just can't believe what I did – she said with a cracking voice

Aly: are you feeling guilty?

Jasmin: no, I don't know .... I just never thought will use me and treat me like a property – she said breathing heavily and sobbing

Aly started rubbing her back trying to calm her down while Jasmin buried her face in his chest and clutched his shirt tightly and cried bitterly. After a while she stopped sobbing and looked up Aly

Jasmin: can I ask you from something!!! – she asked emotionally

Aly: yes! Tell me – he asked being curious

Jasmin: can we leave this country?

Aly: why?

Jasmin: I am sure dad will do something or the other to and take me with him and I don't want to go back to him ever.

Aly paused for a while....

Aly: OK we can leave this country now stop crying – he said rubbing her tears.

Jasmin just smiled faintly

Aly: come lets have our breakfast

Both stood up and went to have their breakfast.

On the other side

Mr Taneja and Arijit were waiting in Mr Bhasin's cabin for Mr Bhasin to return with Jasmin.

Arijit: what is taking him so long?

Mr Taneja: keep patience my son!!!

Just then Mr Bhasin entered with a displeased expression

Arijit: where's Jasmin? – he asked excited

Mr Taneja: is everything alright? – he asked scanning Mr Bhasin's expression

Mr Bhasin : that bastard married my daughter – he screamed kicking a chair

Arijit: what? – he held Mr Bhasin's collar tightly

Mr Taneja: but she was kidnapped right and even if she is married forcefully by that guy why didn't you bring her back – he interrogated

Mr Bhasin narrated the whole incident

Arijit: my Jasmin , she is only mine no no this can't be happening – he stammered

Mr Taneja: you are just so useless Mr Bhasin.... . – he stated

Mr Bhasin: useless!!! If I would have not backed off today then by now the whole media would have been taking about our deal and our business would have been all finished

Arijit: great!!! So you guys got whatever you wanted , your deal is still intact but I got nothing – he said sarcastically

Mr Taneja : don't worry , now I will take things in my hands.... She will be all yours I assure you my son and you Mr Bhasin I will see you later first let me close this problem – he said villainous smirk

that's it for today guys!!! do comment me if you like my surprise.....

please do vote and comment also suggestions are always welcome

i will update the next part again tomorrow!!!

till then BYE!!!!

JasLy Lovers.

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