Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Comp...

By lamsis4life

4.9K 63 50

Hey, sorry guys. This is the rewrite for Romeo and Juliet~Klance. Wattpad decided to be a little butthead and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 14

122 2 0
By lamsis4life

Warning: Mention of rape

Keith's POV

Six months. It's been six months since I was kidnapped and raped. My Omega is crying out for Lance, but I've given in. He's not coming. His words, "Keith, we'll find you!" keep ringing through my mind. Another tear rolls down my cheek as I think of him. You need to stop. He's not coming to get you, and even if he does, he won't want you. Your used. Your no good to him anymore. A voice says. I look around and find a figure standing in a dark corner of the room. My breath got caught in my throat when the figure looked up at me.

They had glowing yellow eyes and when he stepped into the light, it was me. You know he won't love you once you tell him. He won't want you. He growled. I whimpered and closed my eyes. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! He will! He will..." I trailed off. How could you give up on Alpha so quickly? He'll come for us and he'll love us anyway! My omega shouted. The door slammed open during my breakdown, causing me to jump. Lotor must be angry. But why? I think, scrambling to hide from the pain that would come.

I heard footsteps come closer to me and hear someone say, "Keith? Are you there?" It was Lance! He came for me! I don't know why your so excited, as soon as he sees you he's going to leave you here. The voice was back and I whimpered at his words. The footsteps came closer to where I was in the corner. "Keith, come on. There's no need to be scared anymore. We're here. You're going to be safe now." Lance said, falling to his knees in front of me. He reached forward to grab me, but I jerked away.

"Come on, babe. We need to get you out of here before the Lotor wakes up. I've got you." He says, picking me up. I whimpered and struggled in his arms, causing me to fall out of them. "Keith, come on. We need to go." Lance grabbed me by the wrist and I whined loudly. He looked to me in worry but ignored it and dragged me out of the room. We left the place and it was pitch black outside. I was still whimpering, and something inside of me was calling out for Lotor.

We got to a car that was parked a mile away from that place and Hunk, Pidge and Shiro were all there. "That was way too easy." Pidge said as Shiro started the car and started driving. We had gotten an hour away from that place, when I felt a pain shoot from my stomach. I doubled over and whimpered. "Hold on, Keith. The farther we get, the more it'll hurt, but we need to get you away from here." Shiro says, worry clear in his voice. Does he know? How could he know? You're his brother, you idiot. He's known your scent since you presented, and now it changed. You need to get out of this car and go back. They won't care about you when they find out. Lance won't care about you when he finds out. Dark me says, malice in his voice. I look up, and there he is, in the rearview mirror.

"Shut up..." I mumbled. Lance looked at me worriedly. "Kei-" Dark me was still telling me how Lance wouldn't want me. "SHUT UP!" I yelled, now crying. Shiro stopped the car and turned around to look at me. "Keith, what's wrong?" Lance asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinch away violently. "Pidge, what do we do?!" Hunk asked. Pidge looked at him, then to me. "Lance, you're going to have to scent him. It's the only way to calm him down. Do you remember how?" Lance nods and places his wrists on the sides of my neck, over my scent glands. I tried to wiggle away, but Hunk had a grip on me, making me stay still. Lance then kissed my neck, and I had a flashback to when Lotor did the same thing. I kicked out, making Lance let go of me and I climbed over the console to get out of the car, but Shiro grabbed my ankle.

"Keith, come on. We're trying to help you. You need to calm down." He says softly. I look into his eyes and calmed slightly. He's always had that effect on me. Lance climbed into the passenger seat next me and placed his wrists back on my neck. I slowly calmed down after that, and Lance shifted to where I was sitting in his lap in the passenger seat, and Shiro started driving again. I must have fallen asleep during the ride because the next thing I knew, we were in Galra, at the palace. "Come on, Keith." Lance says softly, moving me to get out of the car. I just clung to him tightly and he sighed. "Shiro, help me." Lance says, pleadingly. "Come on Keith. Once we are out of the car, you can cling to any of us as much as you want to." Shiro says, gently pulling me off of Lance. I nodded and hesitantly let go. Lance got out of the car and walked toward the palace. I whimpered, thinking he was leaving me. "ALPHA!" I cried, wiggling away from Shiro, and scrambling to get out of the car to get to Lance. I fell onto the rocks, but got up and ran over to Lance as he turned around.

I jumped onto him and clung to his neck as he lost his balance and fell on his butt. "Keith, what the hell?" He growls. I whimper and let go of him, backing away from him. "Alpha, I'm sorry." I said. Lance's eyes widened when he realized what he'd done, and he stood up. "Keith, I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you, I was just surprised, that's all." He said softly, slowly walking over to me. He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I should have protected you better. I promised Nikolas that I would protect you and I failed." He says into my hair, my face buried into his neck. "No, Lance. It's not your fault. I made you let me go to the kitchen. I'm the one who made noise." I said, crying.

Lance lifted my face up and kissed me. My eyes fell closed and my arms wrapped around his neck. This felt right. This was what I needed. Don't forget to tell him. Dark me says menacingly. My eyes snapped open and I pulled away from Lance roughly. "Keith? What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "Lance. I have something to tell you, but I don't know how. I'm scared to, and I don't know how you're going to react and you'll probably hate me and-" He cut me off with a kiss. "Keith, whatever it is, just tell me. I promise I won't hate you for it." He says softly. I look him in the eyes. I sigh and tell him.

"Lance, I'm pregnant." 


Hey guys! Two days in a row! I might have another one done today, since finals are almost done with and I only have one class with finals. I've already started planning how chapter 15 is going to go. Comment on this and tell me if you saw Keith being pregnant from the beginning of this chapter. Thank you all for reading!

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