Book Two - Just Enjoying My L...

By LisaStanbridge

87.8K 2.5K 351

Book Two of The Price of Love Series (Book One is titled 'In Love With Mr Wilson') Entering a new relationsh... More

A message from meeeee :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6a
Chapter 6b
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
A final note from me and updates on the progress of the series

Chapter 5

3K 82 9
By LisaStanbridge

Hi everyone, here's chapter 5 for your (hopefully) enjoyment! Things start to move along in this chapter. Happy reading! <3


Finally we’re here!

Well we’re sort of here. Ok we’re not actually IN Spain, we’re in London but that’s just as exciting! Oh alright, when I say we’re in London, we’re still on the plane. That still counts as ‘being here’ doesn’t it? It means we’re not flying anymore and we’re actually on the ground. Well the wheels of the plane are on the ground at least, not us and the plane is just taxiing around the runway. Still you get the gist!

The taxiing is taking forever though! Why does it take so long just to stop the plane?

We took forever to land as well. We were flying round and round Heathrow for what felt like hours. Apparently there was some congestion at the airport which was quite typical for London, so I heard. Now the taxiing is taking just as long. All I want is to get off the plane and be on firm ground, even if it is just for a while.

I notice the seatbelt sign go off and jump out of my seat as quickly as I’m able. Nancy stands up at the same time and we look at each other and start giggling. We’re both delirious and overexcited at the upcoming holiday. From the corner of my eye I can see Sam shaking his head in despair which just sets me off giggling even more. He probably doesn’t realise what Nancy and I are capable of when we’re together.

“So what’s the plan from here?” I ask Nancy once we stop giggling.

“I want to meet Mum and Dad at arrivals so I can say a quick goodbye. Then we head to departures for our flight to Spain.”

I can’t help but groan. “Oh god I’m so over flying!”

Nancy gives me that look again, the ‘I can’t believe you just said that’ look.

“You did not just say that.” Nancy says, practically repeating my thoughts. “You have six weeks of travel on various kinds of transports, you had better get used to it.”

I shudder. “I just wish I knew it would be like this.”

“It’ll get better.” The flight attendants gesture to us that it’s time to disembark. “Oh that’s us! This is why I love first class, Em. We get to disembark first! Isn’t that so exciting?”

I nod then say, “Is that the only thing that’s exciting about first class? I would think the food would be pretty high up on the list followed with the service. It’s pretty good being waited on hand and foot.”

Nancy gives me ‘the look’ again. “You really are jetlagged aren’t you?”

“Huh? Why do you say that?”

“I wasn’t saying disembarking first was the most exciting thing, I was just saying that it’s exciting.”

“Oh.” I trail off and shake my head. I still feel all fuzzy from being up in the air. “Well either way it’s all pretty good.”

Nancy shakes her head and slaps my arm. “My God, Em, you’re a mess when you’re out of your comfort zone.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “What do you mean?”

“All I mean is you were always the bright one in school but one long distance flight and you’re brain becomes mush.”

I shrug. “I just need to get used to this travelling thing.”

Nancy walks off then Sam takes my hand and we follow. I’m only dressed in shorts and a tee as it was quite warm when we left Australia. Of course at the time I didn’t stop to think of where our first stop would be. I had forgotten we had to stop off at London before going to Madrid. I just thought we’d go straight to Madrid which will be warm. Won’t it? I mean it’s Spain, isn’t Spain always warm? I guess I’ll find out.

Anyway, that aside London is cold. No correct that, it’s bloody freezing! For some reason the plane has stopped hundreds of miles from the actual airport so we disembark onto the tarmac and have to walk to the entry point. Ok, ok so it’s not literally hundreds of miles but still it’s long enough to result in me freezing my butt off. The moment I’m outside I start shivering.

“Oh. My. God.” I manage to say through chattering teeth. “It’s so cold!”

Nancy is in front but overhears me and shakes her head. She doesn’t say anything but Sam, being the gentleman that he always is, hands me his jacket. I smile at him gratefully and put it on. This helps my arms but my legs are still cold which means I’m still shivering.

“Thanks.” I say wrapping my arm around his waist to share his body warmth. “I didn’t realise it would be so cold.”

Sam smiles wryly. “I didn’t think to mention it I’m afraid. I hope you packed some warm clothes with you.”

“Of course I -” I trail off as I think back to that morning.

Wait, what did I pack? I was half asleep, I don’t actually remember.

“No you didn’t.” Nancy pipes up from the front.

My blood runs cold which doesn’t help how the rest of me feels. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Nancy stops and turns around, a sheepish look on her face. “Well it all went a bit pear shaped. By the time you got back it had slipped my mind.”

“You’re such a bitch.” I’m angry yet as always I can’t stay angry at her long. A small smile plays at my lips. “You’re going to pay.”

Nancy pokes her tongue out. “You love me though. Don’t worry, we’ll go shopping soon. Perhaps once we get to Madrid.”

“Why bother? Madrid will be warm.” Sam snorts next to me and I glare at him. “What was that for?”

He grins at me. “You forget we’re not in the Southern Hemisphere anymore. The seasons are completely opposite. It’ll be winter in Madrid too.”

I groan. “Seriously? I’m going to die!”

Sam chuckles but doesn’t answer. I pout as we approach the terminal. The door is approaching so I pick up my pace and powerwalk the last few metres. The automatic doors open and I practically run inside. The warmth is like being enveloped with an electric blanket.

“Oh that’s better!” I moan. “Can we just stay in here for the next few hours?”

Nancy checks her watch and gasps. “No can do. Our flight leaves in under an hour and I still have to see my parents.”

Sam and I both gasp and we all start running.

“What about our luggage?” I ask as we run through the terminal.

“Don’t you remember anything from when we checked in?” Nancy calls behind her.

“Of course not! I was half asleep!”

“It was checked all the way through to Madrid, we just have to make it to the gate on time.”

Well that’s one less thing to worry about I suppose. My God, I never thought travelling would be this tiring! We continue running through the hordes of people and use our elbows to push and shove our way through. We are greeted with groans and curses but we just ignore them. I can’t understand why we’re running. I’m starting to run out of breath too so I might just slow down a little and meet them at the gate.

I slow to a walk and take a few deep breaths. Boy, I’m really unfit. Suddenly I feel a hand grab my arm and I have to start running again to keep up.

“Hey!” I cry as I realise it’s Sam who is pulling me along. “Can’t I just meet you there? I can’t run anymore!”

“Stop your complaining, Em and hurry.”

He just snapped at me! How dare he snap at me over such a stupid thing. I start to slow down again in protest but he has a firm grip on my arm and I can’t. Damn him! I’m really annoyed now

“Will you just keep up?” Sam snaps again.

“Not if you keep snapping at me! I’m tired, Sam! I just want to walk.”

He looks back at me with a look of exasperation on his face. “Well you can’t, now hurry!”

“Sam, please! I have no energy!”

“Emily will you quit it?” Nancy yells. “If we don’t run we’ll miss our flight. So just keep up and stop your whinging!”

What is this? Gang up on Emily day? I continue running to keep the peace but I can barely keep up with them. My legs feel like jelly, my heart feels as though it’s about to jump out of my chest and I feel like I can’t breathe. I really wish I had done a little bit more exercise in the last few years. I’m so unfit! Sadly it doesn’t help that I’m just not a sporty person and I am so not interested in exercise. Sadly at this moment I’m wishing I was fitter, perhaps I wouldn’t be in so much pain.

My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it going thump, thump, thump against my chest. I’m going to have a heart attack! Oh come on that’s not fair! I’ve only just turned 18, I can’t die! I try to slow down again but Sam has a firm grip on my arm and I have to keep up with him.

Suddenly I find myself wishing I had been a sportier person. If I was then I wouldn’t be in so much pain right now. Surely the terminal can’t be THAT big. I’m sure they’re just being over paranoid. Well fine, if they’re going to be all moody then I won’t talk to them anymore. I’ll just keep running as they demanded then if I die it’ll be on their heads. Then it’ll be up to them to explain to my parents about my death.

As we continue running I start doubting myself. We run, and we run, and we run until I realise that the terminal is in fact that big. It’s over twenty minutes later when we finally slow down as our gate comes into view. We were running that whole time yet it still took us twenty minutes? Bloody hell! How can any airport be so huge? Oh of course, it has to be London.

While Sam and Nancy look at the computer above us to check our boarding time, I’m doubled over trying to catch my breath. I hope I don’t have to run like that again anytime soon, I might die for good next time!

“Ok boarding is in ten minutes.” Nancy says, relief evident in her voice. She looks around her then said, “Oh there’s Mum and Dad! C’mon.”

She runs off again and I groan. “No more! I can’t run anymore!”

Sam chuckles and pulls me into an embrace. “Stop being so melodramatic, Em. You’re not going to die.”

I glare at him. “How do you know? My heart almost exploded back there!”

“It wouldn’t have exploded. Anyway, I’m sorry I snapped before. Do you forgive me?”

I pout then say, “Fine but I don’t really appreciate being snapped at. I was trying to tell you I was dying!”

Sam laughs and kisses me. “You weren’t dying. Now let’s just forget about it, ok? You didn’t die and our tour is about to start.”

I can’t help but smile at this. “Do you think I’ll meet Antonio Banderas?”

Yes of course I know the answer but maybe Sam knows something I don’t.

“I doubt that, Em.”


Well it was worth asking, wasn’t it?

A couple of moments later our boarding call is made and Nancy returns at the same time. We board before everyone else again and take our seats in first class. I feel extremely tired again. The running really knocked it out of me. I sit down, tighten my seatbelt and fall asleep immediately. The last thing I remember thinking is, I hope I’m not this tired for the next six weeks.

The next thing I know I’m being shaken awake. I stir slightly and open my eyes. Sam is standing above me with an amused look on his face. I smile as I look into his blue eyes. They are so kind and always full of love, especially when he looks at me. I feel a stab of guilt at my earlier thoughts. Sam loves me more than anyone yet I started to doubt what we have. How stupid can I get?

That stupid, obviously.

What Sam and I have is special. It’s real and long term. There is nothing wrong with that.

I feel goosebumps form on my arm as my blood runs cold. Suddenly my hands go clammy and I can feel my breathing becoming irregular.

My god! I’m having a panic attack! But why?

Long term.

The words practically slap me in the face. No, that’s not possible! I was all for long term a few months ago, how can it have suddenly changed? Have I changed? Has Sam changed? No!


Sam’s voice snaps me back to reality. The panic slowly begins to subside. Whoa that was intense!

I blink a couple of times then focus on him.

“The plane has landed.” Sam says, his brow furrowed with concern. “We’re about to disembark. Are you ok?”

I gasp as realisation hits me. “We’re in Spain?”

Sam nods.

I shriek excitedly and jump up out of my seat. I misjudge the height of the cocoon and hit my head on the edge of it.

“Ow!” I cry, rubbing my head.

Sam chuckles then kisses the sore spot. “You are such a klutz sometimes, Em. Are you ok?”

I smile wryly at him. “I’m fine, just a bit overexcited I think. I’m sorry about before, I was dreaming and I thought I was still dreaming when you woke me.”

I hate lying but I’m not about to confess my momentary lapse of sanity. Seriously flying has really played tricks on my head. I shouldn’t doubt anything about Sam and I, and I definitely shouldn’t fear the long term. It’s what we’ve both always wanted! After a long sleep in a nice comfy bed I’ll be perfectly fine, I’m sure of it.

Sam smiles and holds his hand out to help me up. “It’s ok. Now come on, Spain awaits us. Nancy was the first off.”

I giggle. “She’s just as excited as me.”

We exit the plane and once again it’s directly onto the tarmac. I’m very put out at how cold it is. Whose idea was it to travel in winter? Seriously, it’s freaking freezing! Sam lends me his jacket again and I put it on gratefully. The first thing I want to do is buy some clothes. Soon!

Looking around me I notice it’s still daylight but I have no idea what time it is. I still can’t believe I slept through the whole flight! That means I missed the announcement on what the time was. Yes I can always ask but I can’t be bothered. I’m way too tired.

Yes I know I’ve been sleeping for ages but that hasn’t helped one bit. I’m still insanely jetlagged. I think I need to sleep for two days solid.

We reach the airport and go inside. Ah warmth! Spotting Nancy just ahead, I sprint up to her. We hug and jump up and down like 5 year olds.

“I can’t believe we’re in Spain!” Nancy shrieks. “Maybe I’ll get to score a hot Spaniard.”

“Only if I get one too.” I joke.

Sam reaches us at this point and looks at me with a look of jealousy.

“May I remind you that you’re taken?”

I wink at him. “Oh you can remind me alright.”

Sam grins and Nancy just rolls her eyes.

“Get a room you two!” Nancy says.

“With pleasure.” I say looking at Sam seductively. “Take us to the motel.”

“Ew! I hope we don’t have rooms next to each other.”

“Why? You might learn a thing or two.”

Sam starts laughing and Nancy just looks at me in horror. I can’t believe how delirious I am! Perhaps this is what I need, a good love making session and a good sleep. I’ll probably feel 100% in the morning!

We pick up our luggage then slowly make our way through the airport. Apparently we meet our tour group here but I have no idea where. I’m just following Nancy as she seems to be on a mission to get somewhere. I can’t help but be impressed by the airport though, it’s spectacular! It’s been designed in such a way to give it an illumination effect. Natural light comes through the domes in the roof and glass panes are used in place of walls. It’s so unique and just… amazing.

I’m so busy looking around me I don’t realise we’ve stopped until I bump right into Nancy.

“Oh sorry.” I say shaking my head.

“You are seriously delusional, Em.” Nancy replies with a smirk. “There’s our tour group over there.”

I look over to where Nancy is pointing. There’s a group of over 60’s huddled around a sign with ‘First Class European Tours’ written in big bold letters. There’s no one holding it, it seems to be attached to a pole. My first thought is ‘great, so now we’re on a tour with old fogies?’ Oh this is just dandy! Why on earth did Mr and Mrs Jones book us on this? Why not just a contiki tour or something?

Well what can we do about it? Nothing. Exactly so I just have to deal with it. Now that I think about it I don’t think it’ll be that bad. Old people are usually quite sweet and the truth is, they must feel young if they’re touring Europe for 6 weeks. I’m sure we’ll all have a blast.

Looking around me I can see 7 elderly people in total then there’s just us 3. One part of me hopes there’ll be a few more otherwise we’ll have an odd number. The other part of me would enjoy having a small group. Only time will tell I guess.


I hope you enjoyed. Did you expect them to end up on a tour full of old people? Muahahahaha! Ok chpater 6 will be up very shortly. xoxox

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