A Beautiful Mistake

By _letmekissyounialler

74.1K 1K 131

Katherine Carter was your average 16 year old. Except for the fact that her parents died when she was 12 and... More

Pinky Promise
New Home
One Direction Are Vacationing Where?
The Five Boys Next Door
The Box of Carrots
Better Luck Next Time
Best Friends?
Getting Their Numbers
Going for a Swim
That's One For Twitter
The Not So Girls Day
Bring It, Curly
Disneyland with the Boys
Under the Castle
He's Said What???
Singing and Sluts
Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Beach
The Truth Comes Out
Killer Spiders
Ass of Holes
Movie Premiere
He'll Keep You Safe
Stupid Ex Boyfriend
Hospital on Fourth of July
Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever
Niall's Grand Slam
Heart to Heart with Zayn Malik
Niall Makes Me Fall
Good Night Kiss
Destructive Cookie Sheets
And So It Begins
What Are You Doing Here?
Can't Breathe
Goodbyes and New Beginnings?
Shopping Spree pt. 1
Shopping Spree pt. 2
Last Day
The Fun and Only
Down Right Cruel
A Fish Without Eyes
Annoying Buzz
Three Days
Payback is a Bitch

Zayn gets his Trousers Twisted

754 13 3
By _letmekissyounialler

"You're kidding!!!" Niall laughed as I told him about how wonderful Mr. Davis is. Erika, Jade, and I are currently in Erika's living room doing our homework. Well Erika and Jade are doing there homework. I'm a little busy at the moment.

"Nope!" I laughed. "True story."

"I can't believe he actually read my text out loud." I pictured Niall shaking his head. 

"Right!? Don't be texting me during class any more!!" I playfully yelled. "But you should have seen his face when I corrected his pronunciation on Louis' name. Priceless."

"Damn, I've never knew you could be so sassy." Niall chuckled.

"Yeah, well Mr. Davis can suck a-"

"I like it." Niall's husky voice sent chills all the way down my spine. It went silent for a few seconds. Not knowing what to do, I let out a nervous laugh. 

"So how's New York?" I ask changing the subject. 

"Well, this airport is probably the biggest airport in the history of airports!" Niall chuckled.

"Where are you going next?" I asked. "You have layover right?"

"Umm... I think... I hav no bloody idea. Hold on!" I heard Niall yell to someone asking where they were heading too.  "We're going to a town in Vermont."

"Eat some maple syrup!" I say excitidly. "I hear its really good!"

Niall laughs, "Alright, just for you." I was about to say something but I was interuppted by Niall shouting at someone. "I'M STILL ON THE PHONE! Alright, alright! Don't get your trouser's in a twist."

"Is everything alright, Nialler?" I asked.

Niall sighed, "Yeah, just Zayn was telling me its time to board the plane

 "Oh, okay. Have a safe flight." I say meaning every single word.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Niall assures. "I'll call you when we land, okay?"

I nod. "Okay. I miss you."

"I miss you too, love." Niall whispers. "I need to go. Have a good day at school tomorrow."

I giggle, "Okay, I'll keep you updated on Mr. Davis."

I could hear Niall's angelic laugh. "Talk to you later, Princess."


"AHHHHH! I HATE PROOFS." I shouted in pure frustration. Stupid reveiw. I've been working on my math homework for about two hours now. I'm only on number ten. Out of thirty. Mother of God. "This is so stupid! I can't do this shit! AND WHO THE HELL ASSIGNS HOMEWORK ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!?"

Erika sat down next to me, holding back a laugh. "Need some help?"

I nod and let a small, "Yes please."

Taking my pencil from my grasp, Erika began looking over the problem. "Where are your toolkits?"

"In my locker..." I say avoiding her eyes.

Erika chuckled. "Then how are you supposed to do this shit if they're in your locker!?"

"That's why I have you!!!" I throw my arms around Erika giving her a tight hug.

Erika laughed and began explaining what it is I'm proving exaclty. 

"There. That's how you prove triangles congruent." Erika said setting down my pencil. I looked at the paper then back at her. "You don't get it, do you." 

It wasn't a question. "Can you explain it again. A little slower..."

About an hour later, she went over all the theorems in the proof, what they state, why they were in there, and explained everything again twice. "Do you get it now??" 

"......Yes!! Thanks!" I lied. 

Erika stood up. "I give up."

Laughing, I watch her walk back over to her chair to do her own homework. At least she didn't erase the answer! I pick up my pencil, starting on the next problem. The rest of the homework wasn't as hard. I just had to use formulas and plug shit in! 

Around 11:30 I decided to call it a night. I clean up all my papers that ended up scattered all over the dining room table. Swinging my backpack over my shoulder, I slowly trudge up the stairs. At the top, I contemplate on showering now or in the morning. I don't want to show now, but if I wait till morning I most definitely won't want to shower. I'll do it in the morning.


 IF I WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND I'D NEVER LET YOU GO KEEP YOU 'ROUND MY ARM GIRL.  With my phone on as loud as possible, I swear I jumped about ten feet off my bed. I angrily grab my phone wondering who the hell is calling me at four in the morning. I look at the screen; Nialler. He would put Justin Bieber as his ringtone. Rolling my eyes, I answer the phone.

"What." I growl.

"Well good morning to you too!" Niall chuckled. 

I sighed. "Niall, you do know its four in the morning here, right?"

"Oh crap! Sorry, love!" Niall apologises. "I didn't mean to- I forgot about the time difference!"

"Nialler, its fine." I smile. "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to start a song writing session." Niall said. "For our new album."

"What's it called??" I ask excitedly.

"You have to promise not to tell another living soul!" Niall says dramatically.

"I promise!" I laugh.

"Did you cross your heart?" Niall asks. "Its not a promise till you cross your heart!"

"My heart?" I ask slightly confused. "What are we, five?"

Niall sighed and most likely rolled his eyes. "Just do it!"

"Alright!" I trace an X over my heart with my finger. "I crossed my heart."

"I'm trusting you! Okay, its called...." Niall paused. "You ready for this?"

"YES!" I laugh. "Just tell me already!"

"Take Me Home." 

"Niall, your all the way across the country, how can I-" I start off, sounding completly stupid. I smack my forehead. "Shit."

Niall started laughing, "You can't tell anybody!" 

"I crossed my heart, Nialler" I state. "Plus I'll probably forget in like an hour."

"Well thaks for being honest." Niall says sarcasticly. "I better let you get more sleep. Night, love!"

"Goodnight, Nialler."


BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME-  I roll over grabbing my phone ready to scream at Niall for waking me up again. After listening to the song playing, I realised it was my damn alarm. I lay in my bed for another minute before dragging my tired ass out. After my hot shower, I change into my floral 1D t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and my grey converse. Once my morning routine was done, I jog downstairs for breakfast. I toast a bagel and go into the living room. I find Erika sitting on the couch eating a bowl of Fruit Loops and watching Spongebob. 

"Did you ever finish your homework?" Erika asks as I sit beside her.

"Sure." I take a bite of my bagel. "Let's go with that."

We ate our breakfast and watched TV in silence. The episode of Spongebob was the one were Spongebob and Patrick were playing in the box and Squidward was going crazy trying to find out what was going on in the box. Erika shut off the TV saying it was time to go. Grabbing my backpack, Erika and I set off for school.

Erika and I arrived just five minutes before the tardy bell would ring. Erika came with me to my locker to grab my notebooks.

"Don't forget your toolkits!" Erika reminds me.

"Got 'em right here." I say as I shove them inside my backpack. 

I walked with Erika to her locker and met up with Jade along the way. Just as Erika was zipping up her backpack the first bell rang.

"Gotto go! Can't be late for Mr. Davis' again." I start walking in the direction of the X building. "See ya at lunch!"

Turning around I run right into someone's locker door. The blow to my head sent me to the floor causing me to scrap all up my arm as well. Great, I have a throbbing head and a bloody arm. What are the oods. Whoever hit me with their locker is gonna be sorry.

"Aw, shit!" I say rubbing my head.

"Oh crap. Are you okay??" An unfamiliar voice asks.

"Fuck." I open my eyes to see a tan muscular boy with dark hair. His eyes were filled with worry. This should be fun. "You hit me in the head with your locker and now my arm is bleeding. Do I look fucking okay to you?"

"I'm sorry." The tan boy grabbed my non-bleeding arm. "Here let me help you get to the nurse's office."

I shook him off. "I don't want your help. I can get there perfectly fine."

I stood up to take a few steps, but I just crumbled back down to the floor.

"Well you look like you need my help." The boy said. Grabbing my arm again, he helped me get to my feet and we slowly walked to the nurse's office. The tardy bell rang about halway to the office. That didn't exactly help my head. The bell sounded a hundred times louder than it actually was.

As the tan boy and I walked in, the nurse looked me up and down. "Well this should be good. How did this happen?"

I glared at the tan boy. "He hit me in the head with his locker which made me fall backwards and I ended up scraping my arm."

The boy raised the hand he wasn't holding me with in defense. "It was accident!"

The nurse shook her head. "Just have a seat in that chair over there."

The tan boy led me to the chair. He carefully let me out of his grip and onto the chair. Once he made sure I was secure in the chair, he stood right next to me. Clearly he isn't leaving anytime soon.

The nurse stood in front of me. "I need you to follow my finger with out moving your head. Just your eyes, okay?" I nodded. She moved her finger to the right, left, up, down, and all over again about two times. "Good. Now if you could stand up and walk to that filing cabinet and back." Slowly standing, I did as told. I could feel the tan boy's eyes in the back of my skull. I only stumbled right before I was about to sit down. "Good," She paused, waiting for me to give her my name.

"Katie. Katie Carter." I gave her a small smile. She went over to the computer searching for me. "I don't see- ah! Katherine?"

I wince. "Yes."

"Katherine, do you feel sleepy at all?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"No." I shook my head slightly.

"Good. You should be fine." The nurse walked over to a drawer, pulling out a first aid kit. 

"What would happen if I fell asleep?" I ask as she cleans up my bloody arm.

The nurse put some cleaning alcohol on a cotton ball. "This is going to sting. Just don't close your eyes if you feel like your going to fall asleep, alright?"

I nod my head and let her finish up my arm. My entire forearm is covered in three huge bandages. Wonderful.

"Here you are, dear." The nurse says handing the tan boy and myself a pass.

We take our passes and walk out into the quad. I feel the tan boy slip an arm around me.

"You know, you don't have to help me anymore." I say looking in his direction.

The tan boy shrugged and flashed me a cheeky grin. "I like helping. Especially for pretty girls like you. My name is Tony by the way."

"Oh, I see what your doing." I remove his arm from me and stop in the middle of the quad. "You hit a girl with your locker, pull out some of boyish charm, and BAM the girl should be kissing the ground you walk on, right?"

Tony scratched the back of his neck. "I wouldn't say kissing the ground..." 

Rolling my eyes, I scoff and walk away. "Hey! Wait up!" I ignored him and continued walking. Why do some guys think they are so.. ugh. People like him annoy the hell out of me. "Katherine!" I freeze right in my tracks. Tony caught up to me. "Hey, I was just-"

"Don't call me that. Ever." I growl. "Understand?"

"But I-" Tony stammered. Not smooth with words now. I turned back around continuing to my class. Just as I was about to leave the quad I hear him yell, "SEE YA AT LUNCH KATHERINE."


HEEYYYYY GUYSSS! (: What do you think? Worth the wait? No? K. Not my best, but heyyy. Better than nothing right? What do you guys think about Tony? Feedback?

So, about 3 more chapters left in this book..... BUT DON'T WORRY. The sequel will come soon after (: Any title ideas? Leave some comments! I have one but I don't think its all that great. The sequel will be kinda short. Prolly about 20 chapters or so. Don't hate meeee! I really want to write a Justin Bieber fanfic cuz I have some ideas up my sleeve. Muhahhhahaha.

-Kori xx

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