I Was Abducted

By sammyhansen21

8.6K 567 31

Jackson Peter discovered the boogeyman is a real person at 8 years old. He was abducted. He was missing for n... More

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Nadia
Chapter 3 Jackson
Chapter 4 Nadia
Chapter 5 Jackson
Chapter 6 Nadia
Chapter 7 Jackson
Chapter 8 Nadia
Chapter 9 Jackson
Chapter 10 Nadia
Chapter 11 Jackson
Chapter 12 Nadia
Chapter 13 Nadia
Chapter 14 Jackson
Chapter 15 Jackson
Chapter 16 Nadia
Chapter 17 Jackson
Chapter 18 Jackson
Chapter 19 Nadia
Chapter 20 Jackson
Chapter 21 Nadia
Chapter 22 Jackson
Chapter 23 Jackson
Chapter 24 Jackson
Chapter 25 Nadia
Chapter 26 Jackson
Chapter 27 Nadia
Chapter 28 Jackson
Chapter 29 Nadia
Chapter 30 Jackson
Chapter 31 Nadia
Chapter 32 Jackson
Chapter 33 Nadia
Chapter 34 Jackson
Chapter 35 Jackson
Chapter 36 Nadia
Chapter 37 Jackson
Chapter 39 Jackson
Chapter 40 Nadia
Chapter 41 Jackson

Chapter 38 Nadia

153 12 2
By sammyhansen21

I fiddle with my fingers watching my dad giving candy to the kids dressed up in costumes. "Bug, are you sure you want to stay in tonight?" Dad asks closing the door as the crowd runs off.

"Yeah, we're watching movies tonight," I say putting my cheerful persona on. Dad nods his head grabbing his beer car off the counter.

"Do you want to go to the shop and buy some snacks?" Fred asks pulling out his wallet.

"Sure, but don't worry I got money," I say waving him off.

"Okay, but be safe theirs going to be creeps out tonight. You never know when someone's just going to sneak up on you and," Fred gestures with his hand slicing across his neck. My eyes widen now worried I'm going to be kidnapped.

"Don't scare her Fred!" Dad says shaking his head and Fred bursts out into laughter.

I slip my shoes on and head out into the Halloween night. Jack-o'-lanterns light up at everyone's house even though the sun hasn't even set.

Tomorrow will be Jackson's birthday. We haven't talked since our breakup and I haven't seen him at school. I also haven't been to my mom's house and I've been ignoring that family like the plague. Henry is in full stalker mode and has been at my front door begging me to come out. He has also been trying to talk to me at school, but I act as if he's invisible. Cutting ties would be an understatement.

I skip past the children holding pillowcases and buckets until I make it to the gas station. I shiver deciding it was a bad idea to wear shorts. The homeless-looking man outside smiles at me and I return the gesture warily. The bell rings telling the cashier that I have enter and I give him a wave.

I scan the isles in search of chocolate and sour candy. Pulling my hands full of boxes I look for a drink for myself. I try to pull open the see-through fridge to get an energy drink but my hands are too full. But before I can try a hand pulls it open for me. "Thank you," I say to the stranger without even looking at them.

"That's all your going to say?" The stranger asks. And I realize it's not a stranger. It's Jackson. Without looking at him I grab my drink and rush to the cashier.

I pile the candy onto the counter and wrestle to get my wallet out of my back pocket. A hand reaches in front of me with a debit card.

"Is that it?" The cashier asks fixing his hat.

"And a pack of Marlboros," Jackson says sliding the man his fake ID.

"Alright $14.78," the cashier says giving Jackson the recipe. I advert my eyes for him and grab the sack of candy.

I rush out the doors and listen to the footsteps following me. A hand grabs my wrist and I try to pull out of it. "Let go, Jackson!" I yell moving to meet his eyes. But I don't meet his eyes I meet the homeless man's. "You never know when someone's just going to sneak up on you-," Fred's voice echoes in my mind. The man's grip tightens and I scream.

Immediately I'm snatched back. I stumble And trip onto the ground. My skin burns and I notice my bloodied knees. "Don't fucking touch her!" Jackson yells pushing the man against the gas station's window. Tears threaten to pour from my eyes out of shock and adrenaline. "I'll fucking kill you!" Jackson shouts in his face.

"Jackson!" I yell now crying. Jackson's head snaps my way and his green eyes turn to worry. The green eyes I've missed so much. The green eyes I told myself I wouldn't look into ever again. He looks the same as he did but different. Lost.

Jackson gives the man one last shove and runs toward me, scooping me off the concrete. Jackson lifts me over to his car and sets me into the passenger seat. I sniffle and wipe at my tears. Jackson opens with glove box and pulls out alcohol swabs and bandaids. I hiss as he wipes at my bloody knees. "I'm sorry Blondie I should have known that guy was going to do something," Jackson says blowing on my knees to make them feel better. And this only makes me cry more.

"W-where were y-you?" I stutter trying to get my words out through my tears.

"I'm sorry Blondie, I was right behind y-."

"No," I cry, dragging out the o.

"No?" He asks tilting his head up to meet my watery eyes.

"You h-haven't even t-tried to talk to me," I cry. I've missed Jackson and I understand that he made a mistake. I forgave him and have been waiting for him to try anything, but he hasn't.

"I thought you didn't want me Blondie," he says looking hurt. "You broke up with me Nadia."

"And you didn't t-try to get me b-back," I hiccup.

"I want you back more than anything," he says kissing around my wounds then placing bandaids on top of them. My crying comes to a slow halt. "I miss you, Nadia," his voice cracks as he lays his head on my lap. My body stiffens for a moment then relaxes. I stick my hand in his curls and wipe my wet under eyes.

"Let me take you home please," he contorts his face pleading with me. I think for a moment and nod. Scooting my legs in the car and place the sack of treats on the floor making room for Jackson to close the door.

The way back to my house is silent and I refused to speak up. I knew the moment I looked into his eyes that I wanted him back. Call me an idiot but I can't stay away. "Please think about us," he says when we pull into my driveway. His pleading green eyes pull at my heartstrings. His freckled cheeks are so beautiful closeup.

"Okay," I say sighing, grabbing my belongings, and leaving Jackson in his car. The window rolls down and I stop to lean down.

"Can you at least call me for my birthday," he says pulling at the roots of his hair. I nod before rushing inside.

"Welcome back," Fred says gulping his beer can. "Shit what happened to you?" He asks looking at my knees.

"I fell," I say putting the bag of candy on the table. I turn around and jog upstairs.

When I make it to my room I dig for my laptop. When I find it I open it up to a search engine. I type the words Jackson Petter Idaho. Immediately images of a boy with long curly hair and the greenest eyes cover the page. I find a news article and begin reading.

"Today August 15th, 2015  marks the day where Jackson Peter a young boy was found after being missing for nearly three years. His mother reported him missing the morning barely two days after his birthday. We are now finding out that Jackson's uncle Raymond Floyd, was the man responsible."

Tears threaten to run from my eyes as I continue scrolling. A video pulls up and I reluctantly click.

"Jackson, what was it like living in the bunker?" The reporter asks.

"S-scary," little Jackson says paling. Silent tears stream down my face.

"What was the bunker like?" The report asks observing Jackson.

"Dirty, there were mice. Most of the time the lights wouldn't work," Jackson says shivering. I read more articles and I feel like blowing chunks.

"Sexually assaulted, abused mentally and physically. Jackson recalls standing under boiling water until his skin felt like it was melting. When Jackson was recovered he looked pale and skinny. Brutal beatings and starvation have also been reported. Jackson also stated that if he cried the beatings were worse."

I click on another interview heartbroken at seeing his little face.

"How did you feel when you got to see your family again?" The reporter asks a small Jackson.

"I was the happiest person alive," Jackson says with tears sliding down his cheeks.

"We heard you have a baby sister. How does it feel to be a big brother?" The reporter asks and a picture of baby Charlie is shown.

"I'm happy. I love my little sister. I'm grateful to be her big brother," he says giving a bright smile and wiping tears before they can even fall.

"We also heard you are very overprotective over her. Is that true?" The woman asks.

"I won't let anyone hurt her," Jackson says dropping his smile.

Shutting my laptop when I've heard enough I lay down to cry into my pillow. It would be a lie if I said I didn't pity Jackson. I just love him and never want to see him like that. It breaks my heart into pieces.

Why must the world be like this?

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