The Demon Queen And The Knigh...

By Amira_Yurina

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This story is about Yoohyeon who is a Knight have a hatred toward the Demons and the queen.One day,there is a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 part 2
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (final)

Chapter 27 part 1

576 50 20
By Amira_Yurina

Kim Yoohyeon POV

Where am I...exactly?Why am I here? Am I really dead? Am I really in the underworld, heaven or hell? 

I do not know where am I and how I got here but my whole body couldn't move. I was laying on the black floor and I cannot even lifted my fingers and legs, it was as if I was paralysed. 

The blackness surrounding me is kind of similar to Sakura's magic that I fought her before but it was slightly different since I couldn't move. 

"Yo, I finally get to meet you."I heard a male voice. Since I couldn't move, I look up and saw a young man was standing in front of me. He was smiling at me cheerful with his weird gesture pose. 

Who is he anyway? Smiling like that doesn't work on me since I'm not interested in men.

"Who are you?"I asked him. 

"Hi, I am Kim Hyojong but called me Dawn. Can you sit up? Why are you laying like that?" 

"How can I sit up if I can't move??Look,my whole body couldn't even move."I yelled at him.

Seriously, how can he ask me if I can sit up when I actually couldn't move. My whole body couldn't move. 

"Sorry sorry. I forgot to undo my gravity magic."He said and I look at him with surprise. Gravity magic? What kind of magic is that? It is a magic that can manipulate gravity? 

He suddenly clapped his hand altogether. "Gravity magic, release!"Suddenly, my body became lighter and my body can move again. 

Whoa, who was that guy? I never see that kind of magic before. Is he also a demon? 

"To answer your question, yes I am a demon." Wait, did he read my mind? How did he know that I was about to ask him that? "Unfortunately, I cannot read other people's mind."He replied. 

"Then why did you answered all the questions in my mind??"I asked. That jerk is somehow look different than I actually thought. I mean he is a demon but he's kind of good-looking, not that I actually like him. I mean other demons that I encountered look like a monster. Well, actually only a few look like a human.

"Thank you for compliment me. I am handsome,right?" 

"Since when I was complimenting you!? Beside, how can you answered my question in my mind when you told me that you can't read people's mind."I asked him again. 

"That's because I am you and you are me."He is what? What with this guy?He's not joking,right? I am just Yoohyeon, I am not him... 

I look at his face and his face suddenly looks serious. "Do I look like I'm joking? I am not. I forgot to tell you something when I first introduced myself. I am the First Demon King, King Dawn. You are my reincarnation. This is why I was able to communicate with you even though I already died thousand years ago."He crossed his arm 

He is the first Demon king? And I am his reincarnation? No way...that's impossible. How is that possible? I am just a human that was born in a commoner family. How can I be the reincarnation of the First Demon King? 

3rd person POV

Yoohyeon suddenly pointed her index finger at the first king. "Im-impossible! THERE IS NO WAY I AM-" 

"Silent!"Dawn clapped his hand once again as the gravity suddenly pushed Yoohyeon down, causing the younger to crashed on the ground with her head hit it hard. She tried get up but her body couldn't move again. She is basically stuck in that position whereas her body only lay on the black floor. "Ouch...that's really hurt."She groaned. 

"Sorry for being rough to you,Yoohyeon. But unfortunately, I got no time to hear your complaint. Right now you are in danger and I want to talk to you fast."Dawn said as he walked toward fallen Yoohyeon. 

" you want to talk about, Dawn?"Yoohyeon asked, still laying on the black floor. 

"It about your power inside of you. Ever since the current Demon Queen gave her power to you, do you feel anything strange about your body?" 

"About my body...?"Yoohyeon tried to remember what happened to her when Jiu gave her power to her. Of course, she did feel warm inside of her but when she fought Sakura, her body suddenly been flowed by darkness and there was a voice talking inside her head. Yoohyeon tries to think.
"Hmm..." Yeah, even when she used to fight Sakura back then, she couldn't control her body due to the darkness overflowing her. 

"I think I did felt that my body was strange. There was a weird voice in my head,asking me to kill someone."She spoke, recalling the time when she almost lose control. 

"I see,this means that you are going to be a demon."Dawn said as he glanced down at Yoohyeon. Yoohyeon obviously didn't believe him. "Please tell me you're joking. If you are not joking, what do you mean about that!? Am I a demon or a human?" 

"Well, I am not joking. I am serious about this, Yoohyeon. You are a human but with a demon's magic inside of you. No human can withstand any demonic magic. If they couldn't withstand it, they are more likely to die, but you are exception." 

Yoohyeon raised her eyebrow, she couldn't get what Dawn was saying. What do he mean that she is exception? 

"You are my reincarnation." 

"You keep telling me that I am your reincarnation but why? Why is me being your reincarnation? I am not related to the demon. I was born into a commoner human family." 

Dawn sighed and scratched his nape. "I know you won't believe me but you are actually didn't born in a commoner family. You are born in a royal family of Jung family and the current king, Jung Hyunki's long-lost daughter. In other words, you are the lost princess of InSomnia Kingdom. As you already know, the king has only daughter but actually, his daughter had an older sister but someone stole her older sister immediately after she was born in this world. The king thought that his first daughter had been killed by the demons since they couldn't find her but actually, his daughter was found at the doorstep of the commoner family." He said the truth. 

Yoohyeon widened her eyes. She couldn't really believe it when the first Demon King told her. 

"What?How?First you told me that I'm your reincarnation, then you were telling me that I'm going to turn into a demon and now, you are saying that I am the princess of the Kingdom that I currently serve as a knight??"She asked and Dawn just shrugged his shoulder. Yoohyeon was trying to process her thoughts. Too many things were already in her head.
"How?"She asked again as she struggling to get up. It seemed that Dawn's gravity magic was powerful enough to prevent Yoohyeon from getting up. 

"If I tell you everything, the truth about your past and mine, it will be going to be a long story. But will you willing to listen to my whole story about how you ended up becoming my reincarnation and also Jung Hyunki's long-lost daughter?" 

In order to found out the truth, Yoohyeon agreed. She wanted to know all the truth and how she ended up being the first Demon King's reincarnation. 

"Very well then. I will give you all my memories and also Kim Minji's memories. Please note that it going to be a little bit painful. Are you ready for this?" 

"Yes...I'm ready." 

Dawn then nodded his head. He pushes his index finger on Yoohyeon's forehead and that's when so many memories were playing in her head, the memory of images was flashing in her head and Yoohyeon could see everything, all the memories of the past in her head. 

[5000 years ago] 

Kim Hyojong (Dawn) was an ordinary boy who lives in a small demon village with his younger brother, Hyunsoo. They actually lived together alone as their parents were already died due to being killed by the human knights when they were just children. 

Although they died, Hyojong still forgives the humans, while Hyunsoo didn't forgive them easily as he thought all humans are evil and he despised every human. However, Hyojong love human, quite a lot, even if they killed their parents. 

One day,Hyojong was in the forest all alone. He loves nature's vibe, especially the sound of nature whereas he could hear some birds chirping or a wild animal roared. 

Hyojong was sitting under the huge tree, leaning his back on it. He was reading a book about all types of humans. He smiles at it as he flipped it to another page. 

Just then, there was a young man started approaching him. He was seen carrying a wooden sword with him as he was approaching Hyojong. 

"Hey there, what are you doing in the forest..."The man paused and look around them. "...all alone?"He continues. 

Hyojong stopped reading and put down his book. He just smiles at the man. "I was just wanted to feel the nature here."He replied. He then started scanning the man from top to bottom. By the look of the man, he was wearing armor with the Jung family crest on the center of his armor. He was also carrying a wooden sword and some dirt had stained on his face. 

"By any chance, are you from the royal family?"He asked the young man.

The young man was shocked when Hyojong asked him. He quickly raised both of his hands in surrender. How did he know about him coming from a royal family? That what his thought.

"H-how did you know??"He stuttered. Hyojong chuckled and pointed at Jung's crest. The man slowly looks down at the crest that Hyojong pointed at and his mouth formed an 'O' after knowing that is the reason how Hyojong knew about him.

He started laughing and scratched his nape. "Sorry, my bad. My name is Jung Wooseok. I am actually the current Prince of InSomnia Kingdom but please just call me Wooseok. I don't want you to call me in formal way. And what about you?"The young man that introduced as Wooseok asked him. 

"My name is Hyojong."He said and Wooseok suddenly extended his hand to him,offering him a handshake. "Alright Hyojong, nice to meet you."
"You too."Hyojong held Wooseok's hand and shook his hand. 

After the two finally introduced themselves, Wooseok decided to sit next to Hyojong to talk more about himself and how his life is in the kingdom. He even tells a joke about how he always ran away from the castle and his servants were always looking for him every single time. And his servants are currently looking for him right now. The two of them were laughing together, laughter could be heard in the forest. Hyojong couldn't stop laughing as he keeps holding on to his stomach. 

"Aren't you feel bad about your servants?"Hyojong asked as he wiped away the tears of his laugh. Wooseok shook his head as he started laying on the grass. "Why would I feel bad about that?" 

"I mean you are the only Prince in the InSomnia Kingdom and they are probably worried about you since you were missing from the castle."Hyojong said. 

Wooseok looks at him and let out his arms around his head so that he can rest his head on his arms. "You don't know how it feels like to be the prince of the kingdom. You must be responsible for everything. You can't also leave the castle easily as my dad is worried that there may be a thief who might kidnap me or any of my family members. That's why I always ran away from home because of boredom. What about you?You seem different than anyone I met before. It as if you are not any ordinary guy, am I right? Are you by any chance a human or-" 

"Demon."Hyojong spoke. 


"I am a demon."He said again as he was breathing anxiously. 

He can't believe that he going to reveal his identity to a person that he just met today and that's person was a human. And he remembers correctly that all humans are despised against the demons. He couldn't stop gripping his shirt while he was waiting for Wooseok's response. He was too nervous to hear what Wooseok will say. 

What if Wooseok will run away from him and told the king about his identity? That's what he thought. Not only he worried about his identity, but he also worried about making a friend with a human. After all, he does love human and he wants to make friends with them, at least one of them. 

Suddenly, Wooseok's lip curled into a smile which makes Hyojong confused. Wooseok quickly hung his arm around Hyojong's neck and smile at him cheerfully. "Wow, you are a demon? That is so cool man. I can't believe I actually make friends with a demon. I always wanted to make friends with a demon like you." 

"Are you not scared of me?"Hyojong asked. 

Wooseok furrowed his eyebrow. "Why would I be scared of you? To me, you seem nice. There is nothing for me to be scared of you. I mean if you were a demon that is bad and you attacked me suddenly, I of course will be scared, right Hyojong?"He said and Hyojong just nodded his head. It was the very first time he met a human that accepts his identity as a demon.
"Besides you are my friend."He added.

'Friends,huh?'His thought as his lip grew into a smile. He was happy that he finally make a human friend. He hopes that their friendship will be last forever. 

After a few days have passed by, Hyojong and Wooseok started hanging out at the same place that they just met. Although they only met a few days ago, it feels that the two of them were friends for many years. The two of them couldn't stop bringing out their own jokes or even chit-chatting about their personal life. Hyojong has changed ever since he met Wooseok. He became an open-minded person. He could talk more about his family and friends to Wooseok without any worries. The war between human and demons were still going on, but it feels like the war didn't happen whenever the two of them hanging together. The two of them were forgotten all about the war that currently happened. The forest was the only secret place they could hang out together.

And there was one time Hyojong decided to help out Wooseok's training as a swordsman or a knight. Hyojong had experience fighting with swords since he was young, so he doesn't have a problem helping him with his training. 

As a son of a royal family, Wooseok needs to be a strong knight so that he will continue with his family's legacy. After all, his dad defeated a powerful demon a long time ago, that's what Wooseok told Hyojong about his family. 

When Wooseok was about to hit his sword at Hyojong, Hyojong smirked. He moved down so that the sword will miss him. Using his leg, he let his leg out to trip Wooseok over his leg, causing the prince to fell over and dropped his sword. 

By the time the prince crashed on the ground, Hyojong immediately points his sword at him and Wooseok gulped. 

After a few minutes, they stood in the same position, the two of them suddenly let out their laugh together. Even though they were training seriously, they convinced themselves it was just a friendly fight. 

Hyojong decided to offer his hand at the prince. "Sorry for being so harsh on you during your training. Are you alright,Wooseok?"

"Yeah, I'm better than alright. Besides I want to be the strongest knight in the InSomnia Kingdom."He said confidently and took Hyojong's hand before he finally got up to his feet, sweat was streaming across his forehead and neck. 

"Thank you." 

"Nah, it nothing. That's what friends are for."Hyojong smiled at him as he said that. 

Wooseok chuckled. He grabbed the sword that he just dropped and gazed at such a beautiful sunset. He didn't even realize that they were training till dawn. It was as if time were flying surprisingly fast. Being the strongest knight was his dream. 'Do not worry dad, I will surpass you no matter what. I will bring the kingdom with peace.'His thought as he extended his arm at the sky and clenched his fist. He promised himself that one day he will be the next King. 

Hyojong only stood behind him and smile at him, knowing that his friend wanted to achieve his goal to be the strongest knight and the next king. He only can just support his friend whatever he can including those intense trainings. After all, the two of them are working almost on the same goal, which is to keep the world at peace and no more fighting between humans and demons. That what they thought at least. All they want is to put the war to an end.

Time skip

Seven years have passed since the two have met. Wooseok finally achieving his dream to be the next king and became the strongest knight in the kingdom while Hyojong is still the same. He was just a commoner demon who still lived in the same smaller Demon village. But even though Wooseok became the king, his friendship with Hyojong hasn't faltered. They still became the closest friends they ever been since their first met. 

One day, Wooseok brought a young beautiful blonde-haired girl along to meet Hyojong. When Hyojong set her eyes on such an unfamiliar girl beside Wooseok, a red tint appeared on his cheek. He didn't know what was this feeling he felt. His heartbeat couldn't stop beating faster when he was staring at the blonde girl. 

"Hyojong, let me introduce her. This is Kim Hyunah. My childhood friend."Wooseok introduced his childhood friend to his best friend. "And Hyunah, this is Kim Hyojong."He then introduced his best friend to his childhood friend. 

No word came out from Hyojong's mouth. He just nodded his head and bring out his hand to Hyunah so that she can shake his hand. The said girl just giggles at him, knowing that Hyojong was too shy to even speak to her. She found that he was cute. 

"Nice to meet you, Hyojong."Hyunah said as she slowly wrapped her hand around his hand and started shaking it while Hyojong only stared at the blonde girl. 

The girl had long blonde hair, her skin was fair and he noticed the girl was wearing dark red lipstick. 

He was totally in love with the girl named Hyunah. Hyunah was looking at Hyojong, thinking why the said boy didn't say anything and he only stared at her which make the girl blushed suddenly. 

Wooseok glanced at Hyojong and then at Hyunah. The two were frozen all of a sudden and their hands were still in contact with each other. 

Wooseok decided to clear his throat to snap their staring contest. 

Hyojong and Hyunah quickly let go of their hands and Hyojong scratched his head with a red blush on his cheek. "N-nice to meet y-you too...."He finally spoke but stuttering. He was too nervous to talk to a beautiful girl and even to maintain his eye contact with Hyunah. Instead, he was looking at the floor. 

"Are you okay, Hyojong? Are you sick? You don't feel good to me."Wooseok asked the blushing boy. He was clueless why Hyojong's behavior suddenly change from being a talkative person to being the shyest person.

Once they finally introduced themselves, It was time to get to know each other. That's what Wooseok wants. He wants his crush to get along with his one and only best friend.

Hyunah was actually his crush since they were children. He was in love with her. To him, everything about her is perfect. He wanted to confess his love to the blonde girl but he was too scared that Hyunah might reject him. This is why he decided to introduced Hyunah to Hyojong, maybe Hyojong can help with his love life, giving him some tips that might help him to confess to her.

Wooseok was smiling at the way Hyunah and Hyojong having a casual conversation. He was so happy that the two get along really well. But then, he realized something between those two.

They were blushing and laughing while having a conversation. It is not that he was jealous when he watches them talk. It just that he could feel a sword stab into his heart.

As time passed by, the two became very close and Wooseok was just sitting with them and listening to their conversation. They don't seem to care when Wooseok was around.  They were on their own world. They just talk and talk, leaving Wooseok out. Even his best friend, Hyojong, didn't talk much to Wooseok as he used to, he only talks to Hyunah a lot and stared at her with love in his eyes.

Whenever Wooseok asked Hyunah out, like for example to eat for lunch, Hyunah turned his offer down and told him that she promised to Hyojong that they will go out.

Hyunah then told the two boys that she wants to go to the washroom and will be back quickly. The boys nodded.

"Okay, be careful on the way!"Hyojong shouted to the girl who finally ran a mile from them. "Okay, I will!"Hyunah cheerfully replied.

Now that the two were alone together, Wooseok decided to talk to him about Hyunah. He had no idea what to start his conversation with Hyojong.

"Um...Hyojong."Wooseok spoke, earning the attention of the demon. "What is it?"He asked.

"I wanted to talk to you something...."He shyly said. He doesn't know if he wants to talk to him with his feeling about Hyunah. He was rubbing his right arm shyly.


"It about to say it...? Do do you think about Hyunah?"That was not the question he wants to ask. Hyojong just smile at the question and leaned his back against the tree. The two of them were sitting on the grass under the tree.

"Hm...what I think about Hyunah,huh? I think she is beautiful, kind, and damn, she even looks like an angel when she talk. I didn't know there is a human like her exists in this world. But..."He paused and glanced at his nervous friend. "I think I fell in love with her."He answered, which make Wooseok's heartache. 

"I you too,huh?"He muttered at the end,feeling broke inside. Knowing that he was too broken, he was still smiling.

The next day, Wooseok met Hyojong at his castle with Hyunah. But what makes Wooseok shocked was that Hyojong and Hyunah were holding hands, as if they were a couple already. And he was correct, they are a couple.

"What?"Wooseok asked in disbelief as he just heard from Hyojong himself.

"Yeah, I just confessed to Hyunah yesterday and now we are officially a couple, right Hyunah?"Hyojong asked his girlfriend and she nodded.

"Yes."Hyunah giggles shyly.

That what Wooseok was afraid of. Hyojong confessed first before him but nonetheless, he gave them a cheerful fake smile."Oh congrats! When are you going to get married?"

Hyojong scratched his cheek. "I don't know. Maybe soon. What do you think, Hyunah?"

"I am fine with anything."Hyunah said sincerely. Although he asked that question, his heart can't stop the ache. He was too in love with the girl that just became his best friend's girlfriend and regrets not telling her sooner.

Meanwhile, they didn't realize there was a blue-haired boy was watching them afar but he mainly glared at Hyojong and the way he was holding his hand with a human girl.

When Hyojong finally returns to his home in the demon village, he was greeted by his angry-looking younger brother who was standing by the door. Hyojong couldn't tell why his brother suddenly looks angry at him. Is he in a bad mood or something?

"Where did you go?"Hyunsoo angrily asked his older brother while crossing his arms.

"What are you saying? I told you I went to the forest to have some training.s"He lied as he was about to walk-passed Hyunsoo.

"Are you training or dating a human girl?"He asked and that's enough to make Hyojong suddenly stop walking after walking-passed him.

He slowly turned around to face his brother and chuckled. "Of course not, why would I date with a lowlife-"

"I know everything, Hyojong, and how you met your human best friend and girlfriend."

Hyojong was shocked to hear from him. How in the world did he know about Wooseok and Hyunah? He didn't even mention meeting with the humans to any other demons. Unless...

Hyojong suddenly clenched his fist. "Did you spy on me?"He asked, gritted his teeth. Now his turn to be angry at Hyunsoo.

"Of course I am. After all, you are my dearest older brother and the only family I had. I am quite worried of you whenever you went out from the village."

"I know you are worried about me but don't you know privacy? It is wrong for you to spy on me."

"Why not? What if something happened to you? What if those humans turned back on you one day?" Hyunsoo emphasizes the word 'human' and Hyojong knew what Hyunsoo was referring to.

"They are not like any other humans we saw when we were kids. They are nice and they are also my precious friends. They will never turn back on me."

Hyunsoo scoffed. "Suit yourself, hyung. Don't blame me if they did turning against of you."

"Yeah yeah, they won't. I believe in them."As soon Hyojong continues to walk, Hyunsoo suddenly spoke. "Anyway,  the village chief has chosen you to be the First Demon King. He offered you to be the king."Hyojong widened his eyes and turned around. He was shocked when he heard from his younger brother.

He will be the first Demon King? He couldn't believe it.

A thousand years ago, the demon village doesn't have a king or a queen to rule over the demons. They were just independent. They just do it on their own. No one orders them, right until a few years ago, their village chief, Oh Sehun, decided to start having their own king or queen so that they can rule over the Demon Village that will be called the Demon Kingdom.

But Hyojong still couldn't believe it. They could appoint some demons that are even stronger than him but why him out of all the demons in the small demon village?

In the end, Hyojong decided to accept his offer and became the king himself. The reason why he decided to be the King is that he wants to maintain the peace between the humans and demons and no more wars between the two kinds.

Some demons disagree but some agree.

Just like Wooseok, all he wanted was peace but the peace they've been longing for will soon end when Wooseok asked Hyunah to meet him at the garden just outside the castle. He told her not to tell Hyojong about this meeting. Hyunah was confused about why Wooseok doesn't want her to tell Hyojong about it.

"Why do you want to meet me all of a sudden?"Hyunah asked once she's arrived at the garden and Wooseok slowly turned around to face Hyunah.

Hyunah was beautiful. She was beautiful even though she was wearing only a white floral dress with a hat. He also noticed that Hyunah didn't even wear makeup. Even without makeup, Hyunah was so beautiful.

" something to tell you."He nervously said as the red tint appeared on his cheek. The wind was brushing against their skin and Wooseok clenched his fists.

"I know it already too late for me but I love you, Hyunah. I really love you."He confessed.

Hyunah gasped and covered her mouth. She was shocked when Wooseok confessed to her. She then took one step backward. "When? Since when did you start to fall in love with me?"

"Since we were children...when we first met. I fell in love with you when I first lay my eyes on you."He replied.

Hyunah was speechless ever since Wooseok confessed his feeling to her. She did not know how is she going to reply to him. All she knows that her feeling on Wooseok was nothing but mutual. She only treats him as a friend and nothing more. "Sorry,Wooseok. I know you like me but I can't accept your feeling. My heart is already set on Hyojong and I love him deeply. But we can just be friends, right?"She said, hoping that Wooseok will agree with her. But being friends is not what Wooseok wants. He has a feeling against Hyunah and he loves her from the bottom of his heart.

Wooseok was trying not to have a tear streamed through his cheek. He tried not to. But it was too late when a tear finally falls and Hyunah saw it. Wooseok bit his lip and started to run away. He doesn't want Hyunah to see him in his pitiful state.

"Wooseok! Wooseok!Come back!"Hyunah was trying to stop Wooseok but the said boy ignored her and continue running. She didn't realize that her tears started streaming too. She feels sad to see Wooseok cried just because he got rejected by his crush.

One month later, it was the day of the wedding between Hyojong and Hyunah. Their wedding was held at the Demon Kingdom, the reason is that Hyojong want Hyunah to meet all of his friends at the Demon King and of course Hyunah is fine, meeting all his demon friends.

Hyunsoo was just standing at the far corner where not many people can see him. He was drinking a glass of whiskey and glared at his older brother. He hated the fact that his older brother is going to marry a mortal human, a human that cannot live longer like how demon lived. "Tch."

Meanwhile, Hyunah was wrapping her arm around Hyojong's and the two were smiling while talking to Hyojong's 'demon' friends.

"Oh man, I can't believe you have grown up so fast."Hui said as he was covering his face to make him fake-crying while Hyojong just fake scoffed at him. "Hui, if you keep crying like this, there is no way you will get a girlfriend. And you are older than me,you know."

"Shut up. There is no pretty girl in the Demon Kingdom."All the girls at the wedding started glaring at Hui and Hui just scratched his head, giving a sorry look to the girls. "Sorry! I-I am j-just kidding haha..."He laughed and the girls still glaring at him, as if those girls were going to kill him.

Hyojong laughed at his friend who offended the girls.

While her future husband was busy talking to his friends, Hyunah also was talking to one of Hyojong's friends, Jiyoon and Hyunah was smiling at her. "Oh wow, you look so beautiful in a wedding dress Hyunah. I am so jealous that you can wear a wedding dress. Aaahh~how I wish I can be a bribe one day "Jiyoon let out a huge sigh. Hyunah patted Jiyoon's shoulder. "Do not worry,Jiyoon. Someday, you will be a bribe. I know it."She said and Jiyoon slowly smiles at what Hyunah said. She then hugged the current bribe and thank her. "Thank you, Hyunah. No wonder Hyojong chose you. You are so kind-hearted." Hyunah blushed. "You think so? Thank you."Hyunah hugged the girl back. She was smiling. Marrying Hyojong is a great choice for her. 

No matter what her family thinks of her, she still wants to marry with the love of her love. Her family was against her choice to marry Hyojong. They don't like demons. They believe that all demons are bad with cold-heartedness but they were wrong. She actually believes that not all demons are cold-hearted. She already sees it for herself. All the demons treat each other like a family even though they are not related. This is why she decided to marry in the Demon Kingdom than the human kingdom. Most of the demons here accepted her as a human.

"Tch,look at how happy Hyojong hyung is. One day, his happiness will be gone if that human girl turns her back at him."Hyunsoo mumbled. He decided to leave the wedding instead of staying for so long. He couldn't stand seeing his older brother being married to a human.

The wedding ceremony finally started and the groom and bribe started to position themselves. Both were facing each other, eyes were full of love as Hyojong caresses the cheek of his soon-to-be wife.

The ceremony started when a man in a suit asking Hyojong if he will stay forever by Hyunah's side and never leave her and Hyojong replied with a 'yes'. The man asked the same to Hyunah. Hyunah nodded her head. She tried her best not to cry in front of everyone. "Yes, I will stay with him...forever."

"You may kiss the bride."The man said to Hyojong.

Hyojong slowly cupped Hyunah's cheek as the two started leaning closer. Their faces were almost inches apart as they keep leaning closer.

When their lip was about to touch, there was a sudden explosion occurred at the kingdom which makes the two suddenly stop and eyeing at the top when they saw a ball throwing from the sky and explode once it landed on the ground.

Not only one ball, but, it basically hundreds of ball been thrown and explode the whole place and most of the citizens there died instantly when they been hit by the bomb.

"Oh no, what is that?"

"Who the hell attacking us?"

" Humans?"

"No, why are the humans attacking us? Aren't we supposed to agree not to attack each other?"


All the citizens were trying to evacuate from the place but it already too late when the bomb clashed on them, giving a big explosion and no one will escape from it.

Meanwhile, the groom and the bribe were shocked. How did this happen? They were watching all the demons dying slowly.

"Mom,please don't leave me!"



Hyojong gripped Hyunah's hand tight. If they keep staying here, they have no chance to survive. Hyojong quickly turned his head to her. "Hyunah, we need to go-"

Hyunah saw another bomb heading toward them. Hyunah doesn't want Hyojong to die. She quickly pushes Hyojong away and the bomb land on her, causing a very large explosion, making Hyojong flew away from her.

Hyojong slowly opened his eyes after he crashed on the ground. His right arm, left leg, and also his right eye were injured, and couldn't stop bleeding. Usually, he can heal with these types of injuries but he couldn't. It was strange that he couldn't heal his own injuries easily.


"Anti-demon bomb!"Hyojong realized it. Anti-demon bombs or any anti-demon weapons are the threat of the demons. If they got hit by that anti-demon weapons, they couldn't heal their injuries fast, even if it a mild injury. Just like human, they will heal within a couple of days. That's why he couldn't heal his injuries.

He then looks in the direction of where he being pushed and widened his eyes. gone.

Her whole body was burned. He couldn't even sense the lifeforce coming from her.

Since his left leg was injured, he was crawling his way to his lover. " can't leave me like this. Please open your eyes...please...Hyunah."He cried,tears were streaming uncontrollably through his cheek. He doesn't want the love of his life to die. He wants her to stay with him until she dies in her old age. Not like this, that's not how he want her to leave this world.

Then, he heard a footstep and a clap coming from behind. He slowly turned around and shocked.

It was his best friend clapping while he was smiling, walking toward shocking Hyojong "Well, well,well,look like she's already dead."

"You....did this? But why? Isn't she was your friend? Aren't I was your best friend? Why did you this, Wooseok? TELL ME YOUR FUCKING REASON WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!!???" Hyojong was fuming with his anger. Not only he had lost his love, he also had lost all his friends, relative, people and everyone in the kingdom. He look around and no one could escape from the explosion. Everyone was dead including Hui and Jiyoon and now, Hyunah dead. Her burnt body was just in front of him. He clenched his jaw and hit his fist on the ground.

"I thought you want peace but this is not the peace that you want. This is the opposite of what you want. This is a massacre."

Wooseok laughed. "Sorry Hyojong. I always wanted peace. I don't want so many people to die. I want all of them to live peaceful and harmony regardless if they are humans or demons."

"Then why? Why did you kill most of the demons here and..."He paused as he glanced at Hyunah and shut his eyes. It was too painful to even look at the dead body of his future wife. "...Hyunah...?"

"Because I was jealous. I was jealous of you and Hyunah to be together. I actually don't want you two to end up together. I don't think I tell you before but I love Hyunah. I love her more than anyone in this world."

"You were jealous? That's why you did all of this. You killed every single one here and you also killed the girl you love the most. This is so fucking stupid! Why didn't you tell me about your feeling!? Tell me Wooseok! If you tell me about your feeling, I will leave Hyunah so that you can be with her." Hyojong was angry. He was angry at Wooseok. If Wooseok tells him about his feeling sooner, he willing to leave Hyunah but now it was too late. Hyunah is dead and he can't do anything about her death.

Wooseok scoffed. "Tell you? I can clearly see Hyunah was in love with you. She didn't choose me. She chose you over me. This is why I killed her. I killed everyone who attending your lovely wedding. I originally planned to kill all of you here without letting anyone live, but it seems my plan has failed. You are the only survivor."

Hyojong started flashing back, the moment Hyunah pushed him away to protect him and got hit by the bomb instead of him. He started clenching his fists tight, making a bruise on his palms. He was angry at himself for not being able to save Hyunah and himself. He couldn't stop blaming himself. "Curse it..."He muttered.

"Guards!"Suddenly, there was a group of men, wearing a suit of silver colour armor with the symbol of InSomnia Kingdom on their chest armor. They were also wearing their helmet. Some of them were holding a spear and some were holding swords and pointed at the poor guy.

"Now any last words,my best friend?"Wooseok asked, the evil smirk was plastered on his face.

"My best friend my ass."Hyojong suddenly laughed. He couldn't even move with his injuries. All he can do is to lay on the ground, laughing like mad. It was no use, he was going to get killed by his own best friend. No,he is not his best friend anymore. He is his enemy that killed his friends and his love.

"If that's what you want,Wooseok."Hyojong spoke.


"If that's what you want, killing innocent people even though they didn't do anything wrong, even though the two of us were working hard to achieve the same goal, you as the King of InSomnia Kingdom and I as the King of Demon Kingdom...this is unforgivable, Wooseok. I won't forgive you."

"What are you going to do now,Kim Hyojong?You cannot fight back in this state. Your leg, your arm, and even one of your eyes are injured. You cannot even fight me when you are seriously injured."

Hyojong laughed in a pathetic way. "Just kill me."

Wooseok widened his eyes,then he smirked again. "So you do have a death wish?"

"If you really are my best friend, then kill me. That's what friends are for."He weakly said.

Wooseok suddenly remembering the past when Hyojong used to help him with training

"Nah, it nothing. That's what friends are for."

The way Hyojong smiled when he helped him out during his training was suddenly playing in his head. Wooseok quickly held his head, trying to stop remembering the past. He gritted his teeth, angrily.

"Friends,friends, are not my friend. You are just a demon. A demon as my friend? You got to be kidding me. Damn it! Guards, attack him now, torture him, and don't let him die because I will kill him myself."He commanded his men. The men obeyed him and started attacking him, stabbing his leg, slashing his abdomen and waist, slashing his arms, and even they were stabbing through his stomach, making sure they put some holes on his body. More blood splashing out, staining on the ground and Hyojong couldn't stop screaming in agony.

Wooseok started laughing, hearing Hyojong's scream. To him, Hyojong's scream was music to his ear. He loves to see him cried in pain after what he had done to him. Surely, Hyojong is nicer than any demons he met but he stole the love of his life from him. That's why he had hatred on Hyojong.

Wooseok clicked his tongue. "That's enough!"Wooseok stopped them,leaving a poor guy covered with his stabbing wounds. Hyojong pants. It was tiring, trying to bear all the pains he felt and how he couldn't stop screaming.

He looks at Wooseok and the vision of him was blurry and darker. Sooner he will be going to die since all the weapons that stabbed him were anti-demon weapons.

Wooseok quickly drew his sword and pointed at the most badly injured Demon King. "This is the end for you, Kim Hyojong. I will kill you right here right now."

"You...are right...this is the...end for me...but even so...I won't let you kill me first!"Hyojong shouted. With all his strength left in him, he got up and lunged forward and bite Wooseok's arm, causing him to yelped in pain.

"Ouch ouch, you damn bastard! Get off me, you damn pig! You fucking scum!!"

'Here I come.'Using his barely injured arm, he immediately touched Wooseok's chest, causing his hand to glow with a dark aura. He used all of his magic against him.

Once the dark aura stopped glowing from his hand, Hyojong smirked while Wooseok was glaring at him, not knowing what Hyojong did to him. 

"Hyojong, what the fuck did you do?"

"I cursed you...."He then shook his head before he continues. "No...I have cursed you and all your descendants that will born after you and with this magic,I will reincarnate under your descendants. If I reincarnate, I will make sure that I will kill all of you! I will make all humans in this world extinct. Not a single human will live again and the demon can rule the world-"

"Shut the fuck up!"Without letting Hyojong finish speaking, Wooseok quickly thrust his whole blade through his chest and Hyojong smiled after coughing with more blood. "I will keep my words,traitor."He said and slowly fell back on the ground as he started closing his eyes.

Now Hyojong is gone. The First Demon King finally died in his hand.

The tears that already formed on Wooseok's eyes fell on Hyojong's pale face. "Hm?Why am I suddenly crying?"He asked himself as he wiped away his tears,looking at his best friend's dead body.

Wooseok then began to look at every knight that was standing in front of him and pumps his fist in the air. "The Demon King is dead. Humanity has won after thousand years of war!"

Ever since then, the whole InSomnia Kingdom was celebrating their first victory against the Demon kinds. They thought that the kingdom is going to be peaceful again since the first Demon King has fallen but they were wrong.

Hyunsoo was now the second Demon King who was controlling thousand of demons that had lost their families during the massacre on the day of Hyojong and Hyunah's wedding. They decided to declare their war against humanity as revenge for their friends and family.

And so on, the war continues to their next generation and another generation.


A/N: For those who watched anime, this chapter is actually inspired by Black Clover. I don't know if you watch it, but I got inspired by the massacre of the elf tribe, especially the wedding. Anyway, I will update the next part later or tomorrow

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