Outlander ✔️

By justanathergirl3

68.6K 2.1K 634

Everything changed now. I never expected to wake up, but I did. I woke up barely feeling alive with only one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Whats next?

Chapter 8

2.2K 83 20
By justanathergirl3

I swung once, then twice and then another time before my arms turned jello.

"Come on, keep going," Tyler came up behind me and lifted my arms showing me the proper stance to be when throwing a punch.

This had been our 3rd session of training. Tyler had promised a long while back that he would teach me boxing.

But we never got the chance to since he was away in college. Now that his semester was over, we finally did have the time.

But I regret asking because this was harder than I had ever thought it would be.

And I was practically out of breath in the first couple of minutes, and by that time, we were only doing warm-ups.

We were practicing in his garage, which was their gym. It had everything we needed to practice, including a punching bag.

"How do you do this?" I asked, panting. Tyler came up in front of me, lifting my elbows directing me to punch on his pads.

"It gets easier," he said. I took another swing.

I was dripping with sweat, but I went again and again and again.

"Good," he assured. "Now duck!" I did just that when he reached out his hand and swung above my head.

We did for about 15 minutes before we finally took a break.

I gulped down the water. I am dripping with sweat.

"Remind me never to ask you to do this again," I said, being completely serious.

He let out a loud laugh.

"Don't be a baby,"

"I'm not! This is hard," he laughed again.

Tyler had mentioned his breakup with his ex-girlfriend. He seemed to be upset bout it, but he acted calmly.

I knew Tyler, and I could tell this helped him.

And even if I hated every second of it, it helped me too.

It had been a week since Sky and I had seen this video.

I hadn't mentioned it to anyone or brought it up to anyone.

Every time I saw Liam, I wanted to ask him and demand something from him.

But I just couldn't because I felt like I saw something I shouldn't, and asking him would only cause chaos.

In that video, Liam had told Noah he would kill him.

Though I knew Liam was not the reason for Noah's death. It made me think that maybe this was why he felt so guilty about his death.

I wanted to talk to him, but I'm waiting.

"Focus Storm!" Tyler's voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I took my stance once more.

I swung and ducked over and over until I was utterly exhausted,

"Can we take a break?" I whined. Despite the fact that I was drained, Tyler looked to be ready to go for another 3 hours.

He glanced at me, dropping his arm. "Fine. 5 minutes, "

I sighed a breath of relief and took off my gloves.

"You sure you're fine, Ty?" I asked him.

He raised an eyebrow.  "Ya? Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know you broke up with your girlfriend. You seemed upset,"

"Well, I'm not. I'm fine," he said a bit sternly.

"Don't lie to me," I shot back.

"I'm not Storm,"

"Yes, you are Tyler,"

He sucked in a breath and stared at me.

"Fine! I'm not okay. Cuz when I broke up with her, she told me she was cheating on me this whole time!" He let out.

My eyes widen, and I saw the pain in his own.

I hugged him immediately and held on to him tightly.

"She never deserved you," I whispered.

I had never seen Tyler like this. Ever. And it pained me to see him this way.

"Are you guys okay?" I moved away from Tyler and faced his mother.

"Hi, Mrs. Stone. We're fine," I told her.

She nodded her head. "Come on up for lunch, okay?"

I nodded.

She moved to leave but stopped on her track.

"Storm, you should probably stop calling me Mrs. Stone from now on," she laughed.

I looked at Tyler. "Johnathan proposed to her last night," he said, and I squealed.

I rushed to her wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm so happy for you!" I said. "Show me the ring!" I yelped.

She giggled, reaching out her hand. Her ring was beautiful. She had this elegant diamond ring that suited her perfectly. "It's beautiful, Mrs. Stone," I said.

"Thanks, Storm, but it's Mrs. King now," I smiled at her. "Okay, guys come on up," she said before leaving out of the garage.

"Your mom seems to be happy,"

"She is. She deserves it. After my dad, she was broken for so long, and Johnathan was the first person that made her smile like that," he said.

I smiled at him again.

"Does Liam know?" I asked, genuinely curious.

He shook his head.

I couldn't imagine what Liam would say about this either. He had already made it clear from what I saw that he didn't like Johnathan.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I think I will be. Thanks, Sunshine," he said, and I pulled him for another hug.

I honestly was surprised when Liam came down.

I had lunch with Liam's family so often, and it was rare for Liam to come down.

And him coming down today seemed to be the last thing I needed.

He glanced at me without any expression in his eyes.

"Surprised you actually came down, brother," Tyler laughed.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, and took his seat in front of me.

His mom brought the food and set it down on the table, and took her seat at the end.

"Everyone dig in," and we did just that.

"Liam, I want to talk to you," his mom said. "About something important,"

"Right now?" He asked.

"Yes, right now,"

"Whatever what?" He asked.

She took a moment before speaking. Tyler and I looked at each other.

"Johnathan proposed to me," she told him.

I didn't think she would say anything with us all around. At least the sooner she said it the better.

For a long time, we waited for him to say something. But it seemed like for just as long; he only ignored her.

"Well fucking congratulations," he said with nothing in his voice.

"William," She used his full name in means that she wanted more answers from her son.

He barely even glanced at her. He got up from the table and left once again.

"Why is he this way?" I could hear the sadness in her voice.

She sighed, continuing to finish her lunch, and I did the same with Tyler.

After we were finished, Tyler had left to go to the ring, and I decided to stay with his mom.

I had helped her around the house for a little while till we fell back and began talking about various things.

"Do you think he will ever understand?" she asked. I knew she was speaking of Liam, and being honest; I didn't know what to tell her.

"I don't know, but he will come around. I think he just needs time," I told her.

She sighed and looked at me. She tucked hair behind my ear in a motherly way. "I'm glad Tyler has you," she said.

"I'm actually glad to have him," I chuckled.

She smiled at me. "I think for a while I thought you guys would date," she said, and I wanted to burst out laughing.

"Tyler and I aren't like that," I told her.

"I understand that now. I can see that you like my other son,"

I almost choked on my spit. My eyes went wide.

"How did you-"

"Oh please, I see the way you look at him,"

I turned away. I really hadn't even realized that it was so obvious that everyone noticed.

She laughed. "Don't worry, sweetheart. If I want anyone with my son, it would be you. But you know he is damaged. Liam has many things going with him. Especially ever since his father passed away and-" she stopped herself. But I know exactly what she was going to say, and I nodded my head. "Noah's death and now the accident you guys went through, I just want to make sure that he is someone you would want to be with," she said.

"I know Mrs. Stone- I mean Mrs. King. But I don't even think it would matter if I wanted to be with him. He wants nothing to do with me," I told her.

"I know my son Storm. He likes you. Liam is a lot like his father, you know. He always has a hard time showing his love but trust me, I know him," she said. She placed a hand on my own, squeezing it slightly. "For a long time, I didn't see anything in his eyes. I was afraid beyond afraid, and I tried everything for him just to be him again but nothing. He was nothing for so long, but after you came into his life, even if it's briefly, I saw that life again, " she took in a breath. "But after Noah died and after the accident, it's gone again, and I think the only way to bring it back is you, Storm," she squeezed my hand harder. "But I know he put you through so much. I've seen some with my own eyes, so I can understand if you don't and would never blame you for any of it. You are like my daughter, and I want to protect you even if it's from my own,"

Hello, my lovelies! How are you guys doing?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

What do you guys think will happen next? Do you think Liam will accept his mother's engagement? What about Liam's mom knowing about Storm's feelings? Do you think Storm will mention the flash driver?

Leave all your amazing theories and comments down below, and please don't forget to vote!

Lots of love,

Just another girl

Next chapter: I don't know cuz I can't follow an updating schedule 😭
Follow my Instagram @justanathergirl3

For updates and sneak peeks of upcoming chapters!

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