Savior (RoyalChaos)

By bikergal12

9.2K 406 87


Forced Out
First Night
LiveStream Pt 1
LiveStream Pt 2
Livestream Pt 3
Post Stream
Found Out
First Date
First Time Mistake
I'll Take Care of You
Gaining Clues
Fan Meet-Up + Caught
Growing Older
Halfway and 3/4 There
Back to Normal?
Back to Normal...Somewhat
More Problems
Trying Things Out
Splitting Up?
Finding Out
Telling Everyone
Realizing It
Finding Out


290 10 2
By bikergal12

[Chilled's PoV]

The last day we, as in the Derp Crew, were all walking around the area. Ze and I decided to escape from the crowd and to the outside in a more closed and private area to show our part of our love that we showed last night.

"I love you Anthony." Steven mumbled.

"I love you too Steven." I replied as we continued to make-out until someone from behind interrupted us. We thought it would be the other guys but it was someone who wore a black cloak, had gray hair that was messy, and long, brown and yellow finger nails. My thought was that it was a fan wearing some kind of costume.

"Hey, that's a sweet costume. Are you a fan and want an autograph?" I asked.

"No. I'm no fan to you and your little idiot of what you so call your boyfriend. Bach. It makes me spit in thy devil's eyes to clear it and send you to hell." She said.

"Woah. I don't want to start any fights here. I just got a little confused. That's all." I said.

"Confused eh? You should be confused of why you're dating that scrawny little one instead of some other lassy." She said. She was not easy to talk to.

"Look, I love him and if you have a problem with that then just say it. Ok?" I asked.

"A problem? Why it most certainly is. No male should ever love another male. If thou will, it will end in despare and hatred that the two shall not forget. If you so love him, then let's see how much you love him if I youthanize him." She said as a blue glowing ball appeared in her hand and shot it right at Ze making him flash before his clothes fell to the ground and left a lump. I carefully peeled what was the shirt he was wearing to reveal a baby. I instantly stood up.

"You hag! What have you done with my boyfriend?!" I yelled at her. She let out a throaty cackle.

"I'm just testing your ability. He will grow back to full size within a month or two but be wary and be careful of anyone else who may step in your path." She said then vanished. I looked back at the baby lying on its back. Knowing that it was Ze made me think.

I couldn't process what was in front of my eyes. He looked to be no older than 6 months old and obviously his clothes didn't fit him. At least she put a diaper on him. I picked him up and held him in my arms like they taught us how to hold a baby in health class. Cradle the bead and support the bum.

"Ze?" I asked. It seemed to understand and let out a gurgle of a giggle. It actually made me smile but then I realized something. Ze's been turned into a baby and I needed help. It was my fault as well. I grabbed his clothes that were left on the ground and ran towards the hotel room. Once I got inside, I snatched my phone from my pocket and called Tom.

"Tom, I don't care what you guys are doing. I need you guys to come back to the hotel room asap. It's urget." I said and hung up, not giving Tom time to answer. I held baby Ze in my arms and made held him up under his arms so we could look at each other. His eyes seemed to glow more green than what I was normally used to. I laid down on the bed and held him in the air and he seemed to like that. He gurgled and stuck his hand in his mouth making him drool on my face.

"Oh Ze." I laughed. Maybe, just maybe I could have some fun with this. I was making faces at him when Galm, Smarty and Tom all came bursting through the door all out of breath.

"What's so urget that you needed us to leave and come here asap?" Tom asked. I sat up and put Ze in my lap and pointed at him. His little hands grabbed my finger and stuck it in my mouth as he dull gums chewed on it.

"Ze, let go of my finger." I said. He just looked up at me with my finger still in his mouth and smiled at me a cheeky smile that I couldn't help but smile back at.

"Wait a minute. Ze?" Smarty asked, pointing to the baby. 

"Yes, this is Ze. Story time, so Ze and I had snuck away to have a little private time when we were interrupted by this old woman looking person. We thought that she was a well dressed fan and wanted an autograph or something. Aparently not. She started talking in this weird, kind of Shakesperean way and then she hit Ze with magic and turned him into a baby who I'm assuming is about 6 months old, more or less. She said that he'll grow back to full size in about a month or two and fully remember everything that happened the year before he was turned back into a baby. So he won't even remember our relationship until that time comes. He won't remember moving in with me, the livestream, our kisses, or anything and it's all my fault." I said as I was starting to tear up at the end. It was all my fault.

"Well, we need to establish a plan of action to how this is gonna be resolved. So, who knows how long he'll be a baby but Chilled, you need to buy baby stuff incuding food, diapers, and some clothes for him to wear." Smarty said.

"Aw. I forgot that I'm gonna have to change his diaper. Sh-"

"Don't say that kind of language around a small person." Smarty said.

"You know he's gonna become one to say that stuff a lot when he's older. Why not just teach him the words right now?" I asked.

"Because it's not good parenting. Anyway, Tom, Galm and I will go to the store to buy some diapers and baby food to hopefully sustain him until you leave tomorrow to head home. We'll also buy some kind of car seat/airplane seat." Smarty said.

"Thanks guys." Was all I could say as I stared at Ze who was still nibbling his gums on my finger. They all left in a hurried fashion. I couldn't go back to see the fans and they would wonder where I was. I pulled out my phone and texted Max.

[C=Chilled, M=Max]

C: Hey Max. Ze and I won't be at the convention anymore. Something kinda happened mainly to Ze. If you want to see it, come to our hotel room 1313. 

M: Why don't you just tell me? If I don't get it, then I'll drag Renee your way to see it. :)

C: Alright but let's just say that Ze is now a baby and will be for the next month or two.

M: ...I'm coming your way.

Ze gurgled in my arms as he saw me type while using one hand. He cooed but then he started to cry. I put my phone down and made him face me.

"Shhh Ze. Don't worry. We'll get you out of this, I promise." I said but he continued to cry. I felt like I was going to break. Knowning that this was gonna be my life for who knows how long is going to kill me. Just as I finaly calmed Ze down, someone knocked on the door. I got up with Ze in my arms and opened the door to see Max and Renee.

"So wait, what do you mean by Ze is a baby?" He asked. I pointed to him in my arms and his eyes widened.

"This, Max and Renee, is Ze." I said.

"Oh my god. Would you mind if I hold him? I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold a baby ever again." He said. I smiled as I handed Ze off to him and gave my arms a rest. I took this time to look up ways to care for a baby at 6 months old. Apparently this is the month of big change. Growth will slow down, communication will start up, they become more active with movement, and they should be introduced to solid foods. Max was gaving way to much fun with playing with baby Ze but I didn't mind since he was giggling at him and Renee was smiling at how much fun Max was having.

"So, how old is he right now?" Renee asked.

"I'm thinking around 6 months. Smarty, Galm, and Tom decided to head out about 20-25 minutes ago to get stuff to take care of him aka food, diapers, and a car seat. I have no idea exactly how long he'll be like this but in all honesty, I hope it won't be long. Just before he meets what his full age would be he would have remembered everything that happened in his real life before hand but he won't remeber the last year. He won't remember his parents kicking him out and him coming to live with me. He won't remember our relationship at all. Do you know how hard it'll be to not kiss him while recording videos when he's basically full grown like we normally did?" I asked.

"Hey, look I know that it'll be hard but trust us, everything will be fine. The only thing that you'll need to worry about would be the fans. If Ze isn't posting for a month or two, his fans will get crazy. They already go crazy if he doesn't post for a couple days. Imagine about two months like you said." Max said. I did and I shivered.

"I don't want to imagine that. I better tell Jess about this as well before we leave tomorrow." I said as I pulled out my phone to see a mutiple missed calls from Diction, Utorak, and Sp00n. I ignored as I opened up my contacts and scrolled to Jess' number. I decided to call her, knowing she should be awake and not at work. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Anthony. What's going on?" She asked.

"Hey Jess, listen, I'm gonna need you to set up the place to be baby proof. Something kinda happened to Ze that's hard to explain over the phone. I just need the place baby proofed." I said.

"Ok? Just tell me the basics. Did Ze somehow get turned into a baby?" She asked.

"Yeah. If you can at least buy the things tonight and I can set the stuff up tomorrow that would be great. Just outlet protectors, cabinet holders for the kitchen and a fence railing thing for his bed and the computer room for the time being. If you can at least do that, I will be thankful. Also, you're gonna need to move over for the bed again." I said.

"No problem. I'll go out right now and get that stuff. See you tomorrow when I get home." She said.

"Yeah, see ya then." I replied and hung up. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a foul smell started to fill the room. I looked at Ze and opened the windows. He started to cry and I grabbed him from Max. 

"I really hope the guys get back soon. You two should head back down though and tell the others what's going on. I'll stay up here with ZeBabyViking." I said.

"Ok then. Good luck Chilled." Max said and hugged me. Renee just waved and they left. It was about another 10 minutes before Smarty, Galm and Tom came back.

"Thank god you guys are back." I said.

"Yeah, we know how important and serious this is. Here's everything you may need." Smarty said, placing multiple bags in front of me. I looked for the one with the diapers and baby wipes and took him into the bathroom. After a successful changing session I came back out to see the guys holding a little red onesie. I smiled as I laid Ze down on the bed and grabbed it, taking off the tags and sitting him up to slip it on over his head and laid him back down snap the buttons on the bottom. He looked adorable and I smiled.

"Chilly." He said. When he said that it made me start to cry. I gave Ze to Smarty as Tom hugged me and told me that everything was going to be alright. Hearing him say my name made me know that he still knew me and could recognize my face but knowing I won't be able to kiss him as a lover for a good while. 

That night I still had Ze next to me but I made sure to watch him sleep peacefully throughout the night. I knew that if I fell asleep and rolled over I could crush his small form so I didn't risk it. Every hour I would open a new can of Coke that we had in the fridge. We were running out but that was our plan for the entire weekend. To have it all gone by the end. I kept a close watch of Ze while sitting on the couch on my phone, watching as he stirred at points but slept peacefully. There was one moment where he stirred awake and started to cry. My immediate reaction was to pick him up and hold him on the couch with me. He fell asleep in my arms and I put the recliner back and fell asleep as well. 

Well I hope you all enjoyed that interesting chapter there. I don't actually know how this idea came to be but I liked it and I hope you guys did too. That's it for today and remember to like/vote on this chapter as well as comment down below if you liked it. Also, be sure to check out my other stories and follow me if you're new to my stuff. I'll talk to you all later! BYE!! :D

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