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[Chilled's PoV- 2 months after engagement]

Since Steven and I will be getting married in 8 months from now, we had decided to go house searching. Jess had already moved out with her fiance Aaron which left only Steven and I. It's sad to see all of us go our separate ways but we're all happy in the end. She's still in the area but in an actual house rather than an apartment and that's what we're looking for.

"Hey, there aren't really any good houses in this area or even state for that matter. What would you say if we moved somewhere, I don't know, different?" Steven asked as we were driving back from almost a full day of house searching.

"I think that sounds nice but where would we go?" I asked in return.

"Well, I think it would be nice if we moved somewhere close to some of our other friends and/or other gaming youtubers. We can all chat about strats and editing techniques and so much other stuff. It would be nice but I do want to stay in this country." He replied. I chuckled at the last part.

"Well, you can call up maybe some people who we haven't spoken to in quite a while or try to find other youtubers while I make dinner." I said as I pulled into a parking spot. He smiled as we went into the apartment. He went straight to the office while I went to the kitchen. 

I've gotten him to loosen up his diet a bit and not be vegetarian but eat some meat like fish. That's the farthest I've gotten. I'm planning to have him ready to eat steak by the time of our wedding so that gives me 8 months to loosen him up in his eating style. I've already loosened him up in another way. I finished dinner just as Steven came by.

"I found a few nice places by Mini, in Florida, Colorado by TheCreatures, and in Chicago. I want you to have a look at them after dinner." He said. I smiled as I put the final touches on the meal. Thanks to Jess, I've improved with cooking a lot over the past years. I put the food onto two plates and placed them on the table. Since we've had a long day today, instead of drinking soda we could drink some champagne. 

I went outside and popped the cork off so Steven wouldn't hear. I poured the drink into two tall wine glasses and set them by the table. I dimmed the lights as I called Steven to the room.

"Hey Steven! Dinner's ready!" I yelled.

"Be right there!" He yelled back. I smiled as I leaned against the table holding both glasses of champagne. A few moments later he walked into the room while looking at his phone but turned it off and put it away to look up and see me.

"Hey babe." I said as I handed him a glass.

"Hey. This is nice. I like it." He replied. I smiled as I clinked my glass with his and we both took a sip of the liquid. While eating we talked about the places that he has found and how nice they look. After eating and cleaning everything up Steven dragged me to the computer that had multiple tabs opened on Youtube, Twitter, but mainly a bunch of different images of different houses. I pointed out some that looked exceptionally nice from the outside and told him that we'll have to book some flights in for a few months from now.

"So Steven, you know how we're planning our wedding and everything and how we're inviting a lot of our friends and family? Well, what would you say if we invite some fans. Maybe 50-100 fans, depending on how many live in the area." I suggested.

"You know what Anthony, that's not a bad idea." He replied. I smiled as I went to my desk. I worked on planning the wedding some more and put my idea into motion by making special tickets that will get the fans into the wedding. I was going to wait another couple months before we send out fan invites because we just sent out the regular invites to friends and family. Things are going good for the both of us.

[2 and a half months later]

"Hello internet and welcome to another update video. Ze isn't here at the moment but he's going to be back soon. Things are going great with us and there are a lot of questions being asked towards both of us like when is the wedding going to be? Are you guys planning to move? Yadah, yadah, yadah. Well, we are planning to move but we don't exactly know where yet but the wedding is going to be in 5 and a half months and we've decided to have some fans come along and join us in our special day of happiness because what else would be better than marrying someone who was my best friend for 7 years and having some of our fans with us. Yeah, my life is crazy. But like I said, we want some of you to come along and join us so, a link is down below where you can enter to win a prize to our wedding."

"Some regulations are that you have to be at least 18 years of age to join us or turning 18 by that time. We're sorry but it's going to be more of an adult party and neither of us really want younger kids running around. We will email you if you won and send a ticket to your address if you win but you also have to be living in the Connecticut/North Eastern part of the U.S or even Canada to get here or timing could go really well with some of you and you may be visiting the area around the time we're getting married so link in the description if you want it. 50 people win be able to come along, thank you guys so much for watching and a regular, gaming upload will be up soon." I said and ended the video.

I quickly edited it and uploaded it to my channel before starting to upload a video of GMod Murder. Things were coming together for both of us and I checked to see how many entrees we had and there were already over 1,000 entrees for coming to meet us and see our wedding after only 1 hour. I checked through all of them and saw their info to see that some didn't even live in the area and some were underage. I guess some 12 year olds just heard that they had a chance to meet us and went straight for it without hearing the rules and regulations. Steven walked into the room with a smile on his face.

"Hey babe." He said with a goofy smile as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Hey. How's it going?" I replied and put my hands over his and leaned back.

"Alright I guess. Did you already make the video and open up the thingy?" He asked. I chuckled at his use of words.

"Yes I already made and opened up the thingy and we have over 1,500 in the past hour." I replied.

"Wow. How many are actually of age and meet the requirements?"

"Only 1/3 or so." I chuckled. He did as well and he bent my head back so he could kiss me softly. I couldn't believe that I was marrying this man in less than 6 months. It was all so exciting and before I know it, I'll be saying my vows to him and vise-versa.

And that's it for this chapter. Next chapter(s) is going to be the wedding and the reason why I put an 's' in parenthesis is because I might split the wedding up into two parts but we'll see. Either way, I hope you all enjoyed and if you did please make sure to leave a like/vote on this chapter as well as comment down below for more and I'll see you all next time! BYE!! :D

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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