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[Ze's PoV]

We have been waiting a full day to see our baby girl. We had decided on the name of Hope and we'll make sure to sign it when it comes to it to sign the papers. While we were waiting anxiously, the witch suddenly appeared from a rush of wind.

"You." I said.

"Yes me. I've heard the news about a little baby girl that was born." She said.

"Yes. And you're not touching her." I replied.

"I wasn't planning on touching her. It seems though that you two have made up and all and since you no longer have a baby, it would be wrong of me to not change you back." She said. "Get up, out of bed or at least sit up."

"I-I can't. My back is broken." Antonia replied.

"I'll help you." I said as I went over and place my arm under her shoulders to support her. Once we were up and stable she started to wave her hands around and a blue/purple glow emitted from her hands as she shot Chilled with it. She glowed brightly to where I had to look away. Once it died down, I was met face to face with the face I've come to know and love.

"You're back." I said.

"I never left." He replied before kissing me and taking his dominance back.

"Ok now do that on your own time but I'll be going for now and more than likely forever. You've shown that no matter what, in the end, you both will be together and love each other. Also, I've healed your back and scar so you can get that cast and those stitches off." She said and left with another gust of wind.

"Now, where were we?" I asked before he smiled and kissed me again. There was a quick knock on the door before we heard murmuring from the entrance of the room.

"Well, well, well. Look who's back in town and has come out of hiding." I heard Smarty say.

"And look who's back to his original form, doesn't have a broken back anymore and is getting away with a scar!" Chilled replied. The whole Derp Crew plus a few other friends were here as well.

"So, what is it?" Smarty asked.

"It's a girl." We said together.

"And the name we've chosen is Hope. We haven't see her though and whenever we ask, the doctors don't say anything." I explained. The room suddenly went quiet as soon as I said that. They quickly caught onto the fact that something was wrong. Just then, a doctor walked into the room with an upset look on his face.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Viking. Listen, there are some, things I need to tell you about your daughter." He said looking at his clipboard but then at us. "Oh, you're not the person who was just here last I checked."

"I'm the same person and we'll tell you later but what about our daughter?" Chilled asked.

"Listen, I hate to break it to you but she didn't make it. She swallowed too much amniotic fluid plus the condition she was in it was very unlikely that she would make it. We're very sorry for this sudden lost so quickly." He said. Once I heard the news, I felt like I was going to collapse. She's gone? After only one day? Not even one full day! In just a matter of hours after she was born, she ended up dying. I hugged Chilled close as the doctor walked out, my head buried in his chest and his head resting on top of mine. It was quiet and the only sounds you could hear were mine and Anthony's sobbing into each other's body.

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Smarty said.

"Fuck off Smarty! Leave, everyone!" Chilled said angrily while still holding me. We needed each other at this moment. He was back and all was happy and up until that news. That's probably the worst thing for a new and first-time parent to hear. Their first child died less than a day after he/she was born. We held each other close and had everyone who had come to visit us go home. We needed time by ourselves for the day. 

The rest of that day was spent together in each other's arms grieving over the fact that we lost our daughter. The doctors checked up on Chilled to see that he was completely healed and didn't need the brace and also got his stitches out. 

We were let go the next day and had Jess drive us home. Once we got inside, we cuddled on our bed in our room for most of the day. We wanted another day or so to ourselves to make-up before we go onto the internet and tell everyone of what happened or talk to any of our friends. We both enjoyed each other's company again as we sat together on the bed.

"I only got to get a glimpse of her when she was taken out of you. Eyes closed, squirming in the doctor's hands, mouth open but no sounds. I guess she'll always have her eyes closed now." I said.

"It'll be ok Steven. Besides, I don't think either of us were ready to become parents yet. Hell, we're not even married." He said. I thought about how technically our parents are grandparents but their first kid ended up dying. We figured it would be best to make a video tomorrow explaining the whole situation. I know my parents saw my original video and Chilled's video that he made and they actually said that they were very proud of me and how far I've come and how much I've matured in the past couple years.

"Hey internet. It's Chilled."

"And Ze." I cut in.

"And well first of all, some great news is that we're back together and I'm back to my original form but of course, for things to go good, there has to be some negative consequences and there was." He said and I continued on.

"A lot of you guys were expecting a ZeRoyalChaos baby by now or sooner or later. Well, Chilled had a C-Section delivery and the baby was taken out of him. It was and ended up being a girl which then we had decided on the name Hope once he got back to consciousness. Unfortunately, she didn't fully make it and ended up dying while in the I.I.C.U. Also known as the Infant Intensive Care Unit. We didn't get to see, hold, or touch her. I only got a glimpse right after she was taken out of Chilled's stomach." I said. Chilled continued on.

"We're both very upset but now that we're not parents and back together, things can hopefully start going back to normal like the way they used to be starting with the fact that Steven, I've loved you for multiple years now. I was blind at first but now I see it. I can't live without you and I want to spend the rest of my years with you. We've been through good and bad and so much more and all the places in between. Steven, I ask you this now, will you marry me?" He asked, getting down on his knees. My hands shot up to my mouth.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Why would it be a joke? I've never lied to you before." He said. I went serious and gave him a 'Are you sure?' face. "Yes, I'm sure. Ok, I've lied when we're playing games but did I lie to you about the fact that we had a child? No. Have I ever lied when I said I love you? No. Ze, Steven, I love you and put you in front of anyone else. Now, you never answered my question. Will you marry me?"

I looked at the camera then back at him. I smiled and said a soft but still heard, "Yes." His concerned face turned into a goofy smile as he slipped the ring onto my finger. Even though we were both very upset, it was all fine. We ended the video and uploaded it to both our channels right away. We went into our room to have a little fun time that we couldn't even risk doing with a little kid around. Things were finally looking up for once.

And that's it for today. I am so sorry for leaving you guys hanging just for this but it's not my fault that my Chromebook wouldn't connect to the internet outside of my school but I finally got it done for you guys so I won't ask you to leave a like/vote on this sad chapter but I do ask you to comment down below what you thought and what your reactions to the news was and until next time, this is bikergal12 and I will see you all in the next chapter! BYE!! :D

Savior (RoyalChaos)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang