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[Ze's PoV]

I had finally graduated. My parents did get almost front row seats but I didn't even look at them as I accepted my Degree. They were the ones forcing me out of my house right now and to move in with Chilled. 

"Congrats Steven." My parents said and met me outside. Some of my other family like aunts, uncles, and cousins came by as well but I was somewhat a grouch during the time except for when we went out to get food. Of course, I got a normal Cesar salad.

"Steven, why do you always get a salad?" My aunt asked.

"Because I like salad. It's healthy and also I'm a vegetarian." I replied. Someone always asked this whenever I went out to eat with family. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw that it was my Skype ringing. I put in some ear-buds and answered the call from Chilled.

"Hey buddy. I know I cant be there right now but I wanted to say congrats on graduating." He said.

"Thanks Chilled. I'm actually with family right now." I said.

"You mean the family that's forcing you out of your house even though they said when you turn 26 but you're only 22?" He asked.

"Well, I am with those two people." I said, eyeing my parents. 

"Steven, stop talking with your friend and put your phone away. This is supposed to be family only right now." My mom said.

"Well Chilled is my family. He'll be even more of my family when I go and move in with him by the end of the month since I can't live with you anymore." I said.

"Wait, I thought you said he could stay with you until he turned 26." My aunt stated.

"Yeah, that was the original plan until some people didn't want me anymore and decided to kick me out and give me 3 months after I graduated to move out." I said.

"So wait, that Chilled guy did offer to house you?" My dad asked.

"Yes. He's a very nice guy. He's my best bud that I've met over the internet. Yeah we do piss each other off a lot but it's all in good fun. We're always best friends again in the end. He's like a brother to me. More than a friend but not in a gay way." I said.

"Are you sure Steven?" Chilled asked. I peeked over to see him wiggling his eyebrows and it made my face go slightly red.

"What did he just say?"

"Nothing. He's just pissing me off again and saying things at the wrong time." I hinted. Chilled just laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry to bother you Steven. I'll leave you be." He said. "Bye."

"See ya bud." I said and ended the call. Well that was awkward. I got home that night and went straight to bed. The next few days were spent mentally prepping myself. I made a quick vlog saying that I was going to be moving in with Chilled for personal reasons but I capped it off with saying that it soon, by July, there will be a whole lot more shenanigans, maybe pranks to each other or maybe even Jess, and a whole lot more fun.

About a week later I started to take down the basic stuff of my furniture like my bed, my geek shelf, and my extra desk for my room. I made sure to check chipping costs and to label like- for my bedroom. I shipped it and told Chilled that same day that I had shipped at least those two things. He said that he would get Tom to help him since Tom lived only like an hour and a half away. I bought boxes from the Home Depot and continued to pack away everything special to me. Game consoles, geeky merch, all my games, bedsheets and blankets, clothes except for a few shirts that I wore over the time before I moved, toilet and shower utilities, my tv, and the last thing on the day that I was to be moving out, my computer and moniters. I shipped it all away to Chilled's and looked around the now empty room.

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