Realizing It

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[Ze's PoV]

It's been a good almost 5 months since I left Chilled. Time has passed so quickly but that's what they say. Time does pass when you're having fun. I was scrolling through Youtube and checking out all my old friends' videos like Nanners, Max, Minx, Sark, and some of The Creatures' stuff. When Chilled played with Nanners and others, she sounded so happy. Like me leaving didn't affect her at all. She's stopped calling and texting me so I suggest that she moved on from me. It's been a while since I checked her channel so I decided that I would do that. I started from where it stopped saying that I've watched the videos and it was a video that was posted a month ago titled 'Real Talk. My Perspective' Weird. I clicked on the video and she came up full screen webcam and all.

"Hey internet, it's me, ChilledChaos. So, many of you probably saw Ze's video and heard him talk about how ZeRoyalChaos is over. Well, he may think that but I still think it's true but recently I've kind of given up on it. Now it's just over you can say but Ze, if you are watching this, please come home now. It may be the last time you'll be able to see me, hold me, and kiss me. I've recently found out that the condition I'm in is harmful to mine and someone else's health." She said and stood up. Her stomach looked like she had stuffed a large ball under her shirt.

"It's harmful to his or her health. I didn't want to find out what gender it was until Ze came back or until it was born. This is what I've been going through and known about for the past 7 months now. I'm in the final stretch and well, since I'm originally a guy, my body is treating the baby like it's some kind of virus. My body is trying to get rid of it and fight it. Also, my spine isn't curving like it naturally should. Here's a picture of what it should look like and here's a picture of what it does look like in my case." Two pictures appeared on the screen. One of a woman who's about 9 months pregnant and her back curved to the baby's figure and another where the spine isn't curved and almost like breaking.

"So, what does this mean for my channel in the next few months or so? Well first of all, according to doctors I should be on complete bed rest but I wanted to get this video out but as soon as I edit and upload this I will be going to bed rest but don't worry, videos will still be going out because I do have my handy dandy laptop here and my headset so that's how I'll be recording videos with everyone and they will more than likely be a lot more Gmod instead of anything else but I'm hoping that once everything settles down, I well, give birth and we have a healthy and well baby boy or girl in my hands I'm hoping things can start going back to normal. But Ze, one last thing, please, if you're watching this, come home to here the extended story that will take me another half hour to explain but knowing you, you're willing to listen. Thanks internet and I'll see you all later." She said and the video ended.

Multiple thoughts were going through my head right now. Chilled's pregnant? I'm going to be a father? Extended story? What else is there to tell? Wait, I'm going to be a father and if I don't go back I'm basically abandoning my child!?

"Oh shit!" I screamed.

"Ze, are you ok?" Mini asked. I didn't mean to disturb him. He was playing GTA with the other guys.

I ran into his recording room and said out of breath "I'm going to be a father."

"You just now learned that!" Mini nearly screamed as his character was killed. I could hear Delirious, Vanoss, and a few others talking and actually laughing at his outburst.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"Since about a week after you came here." He replied.

"How come you never told me? How come Chilled told you and not me? The father." I said.

"Because you kept ignoring him." He said, pausing his game and putting his controller down and taking off his headset. "Look Ze, if you're any good of a father and lover, you will go back to Chilled to comfort her. I recently talked to her saying that she's getting worse. I know the whole situation and trust me, what she said in the video isn't even the half of what's really going on."

"What's really going on?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and keep secret and for you to find out. Now go. Go book a flight to Connecticut and meet her there and let her explain everything to you." He said. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Craig." I said.

"Anytime Steven." He replied as he sat down and continued what he was doing before. I went back to my laptop and went to Southwest Airlines and booked my flight. It may be two more days but I'll be seeing Chilled eventually. I started typing a tweet saying 'Just booked a flight to somewhere but who knows where. I'm coming home either way. ;)' But then though that would seem too obvious so I deleted it and just set my phone down. It feels good to know that I'm coming home.

I hope you all enjoyed that chapter and if you did please be sure to leave a like/vote on this chapter as well as comment down below for more. Other than that I have nothing else to say but see you all in the next chapter! BYE!! :D

Savior (RoyalChaos)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora