Livestream Pt 3

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[Ze's PoV]

We had been going alone all night. Opening a new engery drink every 30 minutes to keep us awake. The Creatures I know do a 24 hour livestream for Halloween but they have like 8 people all playing games at different times so the others could sleep but it's only Chilled and I. I had actually doze off for a little bit while Chilled was getting some food ready but when he came back, he scared the shit out of me, almost literally. 

"Alright. We're coming up to our 18th hour doing this. We're tired but we hope you guys aren't. I sort of tired of Evolve. Wanna play some Minecraft?" Chilled asked.

"Sure. I'll start up the server and see if we can get Galm and Smarty and Tom all in with us." He said past a yawn. It made me yawn but I continued to start up the server and logged on. It took another ten minutes before at least one other person logged onto the server and of course, it was Chilled. He invited me into the call and I heard Galm, Smarty and Tom all talking at once. It somewhat woke me up and I looked at Chilled who just shrugged. 

"GUYS!" I shouted. Everyone calmed down and they finally noticed us.

"Hey Ze, Chilled. How's the stream going? Anything else besides the fanfictions happen yet?" Smarty asked, smirking.

"Nope but we will be filming a date video soon." Chilled said.

"Really? Did we hit the goal?" I asked.

"Yep. So, the date video could and should be out by next week and everything seems like it's going alright. We have about 6 hours left so, if you want to see a real ZeRoyalChaos kiss, then please, donate away. What we said we will go with no matter the fact and if it happens last minute then we'll extend another 10 minutes or however long we need to to get the kiss done if it happens within the time of the livestream. But, if it doesn't happen and we re close to it, donations will still be open an hour after we both end the stream. Then there will be a countdown saying how much time donations will still be open and if you guys do reach that goal within that extra hour then we will make sure to kiss in the date video. Not just hold hands or pretend or hint that we had gay sex in the last one but actually kiss, on the lips. Maybe even a peck or two on the cheek. And, how about this, if we reach the goal within the livestream, we'll make sure to do it at that moment and in the date video." Chilled suggested. I was frozen. Was he really thinging about this that much?

"No, how about 25k within the stream we kiss now but not in the date video, 25k after the stream we kiss in the date video but 30k, either way in or within the last hour, we kiss now and in the date video. How about that? Set a new goal for us." I said.

"Alright. Internet, you heard him. If you want to see us kiss in general then donate and get it to 25k and if you want to see us kiss twice, then get us to 30k. Ready for some Minecraft now?" Chilled asked.

"Yep. And may I say guys, you seem to be putting a lot of effort into this like you guys actually want to kiss each other on the lips." Tom said.

"Well..." Chilled said, not finishing his sentence.

"The ship is real!" Smarty shouted. We both chuckled as we continued to play in our modded Minecraft world. We played for another 3 or 4 hours and we only had about 2 hours of the stream left to go. Many donations kept coming in and by the time we stopped playing Minecraft, only because Chilled blew up my sheep farm, we were at $22.5k and the number was still rising. That means that over the time, almost $2k was donated a hour. Well then.

"Jesus internet. You guys really want us to kiss. We're only $2,500 away from it and by the rate you guys are going, we could hit that before the last 30 minutes of the stream." Chilled said.

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