Found Out

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[Chilled's PoV]

I awoke with arms wrapped around my torso and a face in my chest. Thinking that it was Jess I didn't mind until memories flooded into my mind. 'Ze. He and I kissed on the stream. Afterwards we made out in the office. The rest of the guys got a glimpse of it. I pulled him to the ground and fell asleep. Wait a minute. ZE AND I MADE OUT?' 

I quickly got up from my positon but careful enough to not wake the sleeping Canadian. I ran a hand through my hair as I stepped over him and went to the kitchen to find Jess there, making her lunch. I grabbed some water from the fridge and opened it.

"So, had fun last night huh?" Jess asked.

"Jess, it was nothing. I don't know what came over me." I said.

"Yeah right. I saw it. Anthony, just think to yourself, you're in love with someone else rather than just me. Look, I know you won't be able to live on your own so we'll do this, I won't kick you out, we can still sleep together, but I'll let you date Steven if you so choose to do so." She said.

"I don't know about that. I'm just so confused right now." I replied. "But if I feel that way then I guess it can work but I wouldn't know how he fells about it as well."

"Just ask him sometime today. I mean you two live together now. It's not like he hasn't seen you at your best, at your worst, or anything. He's your best friend. Think of all the conventions you've guys been to, how many games you guys have played together. Maybe, just maybe, it's time for a new one that involves the heart, mind, body, and you know what that game is called? Love." Jess said. I stood there, puzzled by the words she spoke. "Now, I'll let you settle this on your own. I gotta get going or else I'll be late for work." 

She left the kitchen. I looked behind me to see her stop for a moment, smile and continue. After a few seconds she left out the door and after another moment Ze came around the corner with a straight face.

"Hey bud." I said.

"Hey Chilled." He replied.

"H-How much did you hear?" I asked.

"Enough. Look Chilled, I'm gonna say it right now but, I love you. As in more than a friend. I've somewhat felt this way for a long time. Probably for at least a year and a half or something like that but I finally fully realized it last night when we kissed. I know you may not feel the same way and I hope we can still but friends but maybe we can be friends with benefits if you don't want anything to really do with me. At times we can just fuel the fanfics and just-"

"Steven, look, after talking with Jess I've realized how much I love you as well. Jess said she won't kick us out if something else happens. She said to think about our past. You know, all the conventions we've been to together, all the fun and mostly frustrating times while playing games we had together. Then, she said something about trying a new game that doesn't take a controller, a mouse, a keyboard, or that we don't need to record but it takes the mind, body, heart and that's all and that game is called love. I thought I had found it and knew I started to play it about a year and a half ago when I met Jess and even my girlfriends before that like Kara but I always thought and felt that there was something missing from the game at that time when we kissed, the first, second, thrid, and fourth time, I found a secret door that opened up to a whole new world and area that I've never been in. That's what you did for me and if you don't mind, I would like to explore around past that door and not just standing in the doorway but, you know, go inside, look around and see what I could find or pick up." I said. He smiled and walked closer to me.

"To be honest, Anthony, I would like that as well." He replied before reaching his neck up and standing on his tip-toes to kiss me softly. His lips were sweet and the kiss was passionate. I smiled into it as I bent myself down so he could relax. Since I was a whole head taller than him, it's a bit difficult but it shouldn't matter all too much. 

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