Fan Meet-Up + Caught

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[Ze's PoV]

On Saturday we were just hanging around the convention center. We all went to attend The Creature Panel where they invited me up on stage for a little bit. It's amazing how much they've changed as a group. I remember when Gassy, Chilled, Junk, and Sly were all still a part of The Creatures. The fans asked some questions. Some directed towards the group and some directed towards one or two members.

"So, this question is for Ze actually. How has been living with Chilled in Connecticut been so far?" Someone asked.

"It's definitely been interesting. I think both Chilled and I have become more mature in our actions towards each other off camera but who knows what else goes on off camera." I hinted. The guys all ooo'd at my answer and everyone laughed.

"Are you saying Ze, that there may be some RoyalChaos going on off camera?" Kootra asked.

"Well, like I said, that's for me and Chilled to know and you guys to find out. But, I am saying this. Chilled and I have shared a bed these past two nights and will continue sharing a bed this whole weekend. Then again, Smarty and Galm are also sharing a bed and Tom gets couched every night. We figure this all out before we even got here. We are in a suite as well. All 5 of us." I said.

"Ze, how did you feel about kissing Chilled on the livestream back in August and also kissing him and getting naked with him in the date video?" The next fan asked.

"Oh god." I mumbled. I could clearly hear Chilled laugh in the audience. "SHUT UP CHILLED! I heard you laugh!"

Everyone else laughed at my outbreak. I spotted Chilled to see that he was dying from laughter. "Anyway, back to the question, how did I feel during the livestream? Well, it was awkward between us, knowing that we'll have to kiss but at the moment I did grab his face and kiss him was actually a rush of adrenaline. We actually ended up falling asleep on the floor together. Now, when it came to the date video, we made sure to practice before filming so it wouldn't be as awkward but seeing the camera in my peripheral vision it made me more nervous. Also, we were only shirtless and he was pretending to push into me. We both still had pants on but I will not say about anything afterwards." I said. 

"Wow! We did not see this! You two actually kissed?" James asked.

"Yep. Like 3 or 4 times on camera but who knows how much off camera to practice." I said.

"Dan, can you see if you can possibly pull that video up?" Kootra asked. He went to his laptop and went on Youtube and searched 'RoyalChaos date video' the big screen came up and we heard Chilled's voice.

[In the video]

"Every relationship starts one way or another and it ends one way or another. Last time when we met these starcrossed lovers, they had died. One, stabbed to death by his lover and one by poison. Everything has good beginnings and stuff to do but we only scratched the surface between these two. We now bring you behind the real scenes of these two really were." The music started to play as it showed Chilled and I talking at a restaurant and being all cutesy together.

He grabbed my hand along the way and we were walking hand in hand to the car until Chilled went in front of me and pushed me against the car. His and my lips moved for a bit until he bent down and kissed me. We made sure to keep our bodies close together and then it paned over to the next shot where we were in the same outfits but at the edge of a cliff with the sunset. Audio came back on and you could hear us talking.

"I love you Steven. You're everything to me. I never want us to split. I don't want us to split even after death but that won't be for a long time hopefully. So, Ze, I ask of you, will you marry me?" Chilled asked as he was on one knee while my feet were dangling off a cliff. I shot myself up and started to fall backwards. I research and it was over 100ft drop but we made sure to practice on the apartment balcony before we even tried something like this. I stepped off the cliff and onto a rock.

Savior (RoyalChaos)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz