The Maid | J.HS x P.JM ✅

By JoonsFix

42.1K 2.2K 212

When Evlyn lost her job everything around her started to crumble. She'd been out of work for months and was d... More

Welcome to The Maid


1.4K 84 9
By JoonsFix

Evlyn was moved in officially. She was putting away her clothes and when a knock sounded from the door

"Hi Hoseok, how are you today? Come in"

"Great, thanks for asking how about you?" He stepped inside looking around at the small indicators that this space was now occupied

"I'm good thanks. Is there something you need?"

"No, actually I came to let you know Jimin is coming back early, and he'll be home this evening, so you'll get to meet him before starting work"

"Oh good"

"I did talk to him about his little questionnaire, and it turns out there a mix up in communication between us so he'll be apologizing in person to you, if you would join us for dinner tonight"

"You want me to sit with you both at dinner?" She scrunched up her face "Won't that be too relaxed?"

"I know you're technically our maid but I'd like to think we can be friends eventually"

"Thank you Hoseok" she smiled "What time is dinner?"


"I'll be there"

"Great. Umm there is one thing I neglected to mention before, Jimin and I are both bisexual and he likes to flirt so don't take him seriously, it's just a part of his nature" Hoseok explained looking a little nervous

"Thanks for the heads up. I have to admit I am quite interested in meeting him, he sounds... complicated?"

"I guess he is" Evlyn plopped on her bed and played with her fingers "I feel like you have a question"

"I do but I don't think it's appropriate"

"You can ask and if I'm uncomfortable with it I won't answer, deal?"

"Deal. Are you and Jimin in an open relationship?" She almost whispered and gained a pretty pink blush on her cheeks

"Oh, uh yeah, sometimes I guess" he answered but it only triggered more questions, but Evlyn wouldn't pry any further "Sometimes we both desire a woman so we have friends we call up if the mood strikes us, you'll meet them at some point so you may as well know this now"

"Okay thank you for telling me. I just didn't want to be surprised if I caught a woman doing the walk of shame one morning"

"You're surprisingly calm about all of this. You don't seem phased that both of us are celebrities, him a bigger one than me but still I think I'm pretty well known, or about us being bisexual lovers in a semi-open relationship"

"I've never been one to get star struck, no offense but you are people just like me and everyone else. Status and money give you access to a better life, but I'm not impressed by that kind of stuff. You hired me for a job so that's what I'm going to do"

The look of shock on his face from her blunt reasoning could not be hidden. Realizing how brash she may have sounded she went to apologize but was stopped

"Don't apologize. I appreciate your honesty and you're right, we're just people at the end of the day" he smiled looking over the stunned girl, who felt like every time she talked to Hoseok, she said something embarrassing. Making a mental note to shut her mouth and do as she's told from that moment onward. These men are not here friends despite what he says, she is getting paid to be there so she would be a good maid and follow instructions from her bosses.


"Hey" Evlyn greeted Hoseok as she entered the dining room. He was standing at the head of the table obviously waiting for her and his fiancé to join him for the meal

"Hey, he should be down soon he wanted to freshen up first" she nodded and stood to wait as well.

Just as she had checked her distorted reflection in a metal lid, she heard heavy footsteps approach the room, looking up she saw the most beautiful man she's ever laid eyes on. He sported blonde-pink hair, both ears full of dangling earrings, and a flawless face where every feature was perfectly placed and spaced. His full, pink lips pulled into a smile when his sparkly eyes landed on his lover.

"Baby," his buttery smooth voice flowed out as he opened his arms to embrace Hoseok "I missed you"

"I missed you too daddy" giggled Hoseok who crashed into Jimin's body, wrapping his arms around him too as he gave him a welcome home kiss that made them both pant upon release "Babe, meet Evlyn our new maid"

Briefly lost in the trance that was Jimin and Hoseok, Evlyn blinked at the sound of her name and closed her mouth that had fallen open "Hel-" she cleared her throat "Hi. Mr. Park, it's nice to officially meet you" she extended her hand for him to shake

"Likewise, Evlyn, and let me start out by saying how sorry I am about that little mix up a few days ago. I apologize, Hobi here got the agencies mixed up and Uhh... let's just say you're not exactly what I was expecting but I hope it works out anyway" Jimin winked and released her hand

"Yeah, ye-, yes sir. It's fine, water under the bridge" her throat suddenly dry and voice was barely about a whisper

"Great. Let's eat" Jimin came around to pull out her chair and Hoseok's then sat down last. He and his fiance shared another quick kiss then Jimin removed the lids from the platters covered with delicious, braised meat, roasted veggies and warm soft rolls.

"Everything looks and smells so good" she nearly drooled. Evlyn accepted the plated from Hoseok and started filling it with a little bit of everything. "Mr. Park, how long should I expect you to be home? Hoseok explained that you travel often for work and could be gone for weeks at a time"

"One, please call me Jimin and two, I'll be home for a while, I have a few jobs lined up doing local ads and shoots for several fashion magazines."

"Okay good to know" she said very little throughout dinner, reminding herself to stay in her place and not to listen to too much of the conversation between the couple

"Evlyn, are you always this quiet or do we make you nervous?" Jimin asked after a generous swallow of wine. His lips looking tempting and suckable, she couldn't focus on much else. "

He's gay, well bi, he's engaged, and he likes to flirt. She reminded herself of this before she spoke up again. "Sorry, I just, umm, this is very new for me. If there's anything you want to know about me, you can ask"

"We're her first employers honey, she's never done maid work before" Hoseok explained

"Hmm. I have a feeling you'll be having a few firsts here" Jimin smirked, his crescent shaped eyes may have looked innocent, but he was anything but.

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