Haikyuu x Reader One Shots

By TrapdoorFreddles

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Haikyuu Characters x Reader One Shots. Each story will have randomly generated characters and Romance Tropes... More

1-Satori Tendou
2-Hajime Iwaizumi
3-Shinsuke Kita
4-Yuji Terushima
5-Lev Haiba
6-Osamu Miya
7-Kei Tsukishima
8-Keiji Akaashi
9-Kotaro Bokuto
10-Wakatoshi Ushijima
11-Asahi Azumane
12-Shoyo Hinata
13-Koshi Sugawara
14-Tobio Kageyama
15-Daichi Sawamura
16-Kenma Kozume
17-Rintarō Suna
18-Yū Nishinoya
19-Atsumu Miya
20-Tetsurō Kuroo
21-Ryūnosuke Tanaka
22-Tadashi Yamaguchi
23-Morisuke Yaku

24-Tōru Oikawa

1.8K 19 9
By TrapdoorFreddles

~Story 24~
~Title: Tobio-Kun and Tōru-kun~
~Character: Tōru Oikawa~
~Trope/AU: Enemy's Sibling~
~Warnings: Swearing~
~Word Count: 4030~


You were completely heartbroken when your brother told you he didn't want to go to the same school as you.

"Tobio-kun! Is it because of me? I really am sorry for embarrassing you that one time in middle school, I really am!" you pleaded. Your brother shook his head.

"It's not because of you. It's the other kids on the volleyball team. Plus, they're saying the old coach for Karasuno is coming back," your brother explained. You nodded, understanding. You were going to be a third year this year anyway, so you two would only have a year together, so you guessed it was ok.

"Ok, but when you guys play my team, assuming you do, I'll be watching ok?" you said, scruffing your brother's hair playfully. He nodded.

"What's going on?" your sister called out, walking in the door.

"Miwa-chan! I was just talking to Tobio-kun about what school he's going to next year," you explained, hugging your sister hello.

"Sick. You still going to see his games?" she asked. Tobio rolled his eyes. He loved his two older sisters to pieces, but they were so proud of him and his skills and it was embarrassing.

"Of course! You and I should both go see them play if they go to nationals!" you cheered. Miwa laughed.

"I think you mean when they go to nationals. With our baby Tobio on their team they've got this in the bag," she explained. Tobio blushed again and walked away to his room.


"What do you mean I can't go see it?" you whined. Tobio had just gotten home and told you he was going to have a practice match against your school. Then turned around and told you that you can't come to see it.

"I mean, there'll be too many people I know there. It'll be embarrassing,"

"Tobio-kun! I'm not that embarrassing! Plus I already go to school with these kids anyway,"

"There's also my team too,"

"Come on, I promised you and Miwa I'd go watchhhhh," you whined. Tobio rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but don't make a scene and please don't talk to anyone," you nodded aggressively and hugged your brother as a thank you. He reluctantly hugged you back.


"I wonder where Oikawa is? He sure is taking his sweet ass time," Iwaizumi hissed.

"Maybe if we message him and tell him that the hottie he keeps staring at in the cafeteria at lunch times is here he'd come faster," Matsukawa joked. Hanamaki laughed and nodded.

"That's true, he probably would. Quick Iwa, message him," Hanamaki begged Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone and messaged his captain. 'Shitty-kawa hurry the fuck up and get down here. Matsu and Maki told me to tell you that chick you keep staring at is here.'

You walked over to the group huddled up at the back of the gym. You made your way to who you assumed was their captain.

"Hey! I'm Y/n Kageyama," you said politely, holding out your hand. The brunette boy looked you up and down and shook your hand.

"Daichi Sawamura. Kageyama?" he asked.

"Tobio's sister,"

"Oh! You go to Aoba Josai? It's a pleasure to meet you! Have you come to watch your brother?" he asked you nodded. You went to speak, but Tobio grabbed you arm and attempted to pull you away.

"What did I say about talking to people!" he hissed.

"Tobio-kun! I just wanted to give a good luck to your captain and team!"

"Well don-" he began before a small redhead interrupted him.

"Kageyama! You have a sister?!" he cheered, staring at you with a glimmer in his eyes. Kageyama sighed.

"I have two, boke, and this one is about to leave," he hissed.

"I'm Hinata!" the redhead said, holding his hand out to you and you shook it.


"Y/n, you're welcome to come sit over here on the bench with our team if you want? You might get a better view," Daichi said with a cheery smile.

"I can keep you company," a grey haired boy said approaching you. Tobio rolled his eyes and let go of you.

"For god's sake," he muttered before huffing off.

"I'm Koshi Sugawara. Pleasure to meet you y/n!" they grey haired boy said cheerfully.

While Tobio was huffing off, he bumped into someone, nearly falling over. He was about to mutter a sorry before he saw who he had just bumped into.

"Tobio? Ah, nice so see you again," the brunette said. Tobio could hear the sarcasm in his voice practically leaking out of his mouth.

"Oikawa." Tobio said sternly. He could see Oikawa wanted to say more, but Tobio knew it would be a smart ass remark so he quickly walked off , not in the mood for anything.

"Gah! Rude little Tobio," Oikawa hissed. He made his way over to the team. "The amazing Oikawa-san has entered the gym," he announced as he reached his team.

"More like the pain in my ass Shity-kawa has entered the gym," Iwaizumi retored, making the rest of the team.

"Why is everyone so mean todayyy!" Oikawa whined. He pouted for a second, but when no one seemed to take notice of him, he snapped back. "So where is she?" he asked, looking around the gym.

"Huh, yeah... about that..." Matsukawa started.

"She's over sitting on the bench with Karasuno's other setter," Hanamaki finished.

"What?!" Oikawa screamed, looking right over to the bench. Like Hanamaki had said, there you were, sitting next to Sugawara, laughing with him. "How does she even know him? She goes to our school, shouldn't she be talking with us?" he hissed.

"She probably knows them somehow. I mean, this is the first time we've seen here near the gym and our team. Don't you think maybe there's a reason for that?" Iwaizumi said, crossing his arms and leaning on the back wall. Oikawa looked at him, his cheeks a hint of pink. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. He knew that boy far to well and knew exactly what was going on in that head of his. "You seriously can't have thought she suddenly realised you exist and came to watch your game, can you?"

"I mean... yeah kind of. And we have talked before! We've talked in class before!"

"Ok, what's her name?" Hanamaki asked.


"Some friendship you two have then huh?" Matsukawa scoffed.

"Ok, so I don't know her that well, but you never know!"

"Sorry to interrupt, but Oikawa's crush is walking over to the Kageyama kid and they're talking," Yahaba said, pointing over to you.

"WHAT? That son of a bi-"

"Oikawa, calm down. It's not a big deal," Iwaizumi said, slapping the brunette over the back of the head.

"Owch! Iwa-chan!" he whined, rubbing the back of the head. "She's talking to the enemy!"

"Looks like she likes setters too," Hanamaki muttered.

"Oh sweet, I've got a chance then!" Yahaba said, cracking his knuckles then coming his hair with his fingers, heading over to you.

"Oh boy," Iwaizumi muttered.

"YAHABA GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Oikawa yelled. Said boy turned around and saw the look on his captain's face. He quickly got the hint and quickly made his way back to the group.

"You going to make a move Oikawa or what?" Matsukawa huffed.

"Don't encourage him Matsu!" Iwaizumi hissed.

"Maybe I will," Oikawa said before making his way to you. You were now with the Karasuno's captain, so he had an excuse to talk to you. He smirked to himself.

"I'm sorry about Tobio, I didn't mean to get him embarrassed like this, I just wanted to wish you all luck..." you sighed, looking down to the ground.

"No no, don't be sorry y/n!" Daichi said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "I know having you here cheering us on will help the whole team, even you him," Daichi added. You both smiled at each other.

Oikawa heard the last part. 'Cheering them on? Not us? Were from her school!' he shook it off and walked over to you both.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. You're Karasuno's captain yes?" he asked, looking at Daichi. He nodded.

"Daichi. You must be Oikawa?" he asked. Oikawa nodded and held out his hand. Daichi shook it.

"Daichi! Can you come here a sec?" Sugawara called. Daichi excused himself. 'Perfect'. Oikawa thought. Oikawa turned to you and smiled. You smiled back, cheeks going a little red.

"Uh... hey!" you said softly. You had seen Oikawa around and gosh he was cute. "Oikawa right?"

"Yep. And you are?"

"Uh, you can just call me y/n!"

"Y/n, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl," he said with a wink, kissing the top of your hand. You giggled.

"So you've come to watch the game huh?"

"Yeah... my brother plays for Karasuno, so," you explained. Oikawa sighed a breath of relief. Thankfully, it was brother not boyfriend. Wait- brother? Who the hell is your brother? Oikawa didn't think you looked like any of the boys in that team. You were far to gorgeous for that, but he didn't ask. He had a task, and he was going to keep to it.

"Oh nice, that's why you're cheering them on I guess," you nodded. "Fair enough then, but you should come see some of our games sometime. You can come cheer me and my team on," he suggested. You laughed.

"I can see what I can do! I'd love to do that,"

"Cool! If you wanted, after this is done, you can come join me and the boys at lunch too, get to know them?" he suggested. You had always seen Oikawa at lunch times. You had always wanted to get up and go talk to him. You both had talked in classes, but only casually. He probably didn't even know your name before now, but you knew you were crushing on him hard.

"Oh! I'd love to! You sure that's the reason though, and it's not just an excuse to talk to me?" you asked flirtatiously. You were obviously joking around, but his response shocked you.

"I... ok yeah you caught me. You're cute and super nice. I really do just want to hang out with you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks going red. You laughed.

"I was joking, but it's nice to know you feel the same way I do," you replied.

"Oikawa! Games about to start!" Iwaizumi called out.

"Ok I'll be there in a second!" he called back. He turned back to you with a smile. "See you after the game?" you nodded. "Well, may the best team win," he said, holding out his hand in which you shook.


"Tobio, you did really well, I'm proud!" you said as your brother packed up his things.

"Yeah but we lost,"

"So? Tobio. I'm your sister. You can lose every game you play and I'd be proud of you," Tobio smiled a little. He looked up at you and you gave him a hug. He hugged you back.

"Thanks y/n,"

You congratulated all of the team and walked them to the bus. Karasuno had played a really good game, and Daichi mentioned that it was it was helped by your encouragement. While on the sidelines, you and Sugawara had come up with a cheer routine and encouraged Narita, Kinoshita, Ennoshita and Yamaguchi to do it with you. It seemed to pump up the team, even just a little. Sadly though, despite your efforts, Karasuno lost both sets.

You made your way back to the cafeteria after saying goodbye to the boys. Just as you entered, you heard someone call out your name from behind you. You turned around and saw Oikawa and some of the other team entering.

"Oh hey Oikawa," you said, waving, walking over to him. You noticed that his hair was wet and he smelt like strawberry shampoo. He must have just had a shower. You blushed when you realised how close you were standing to him now. He noticed, but instead of speaking up about it, he booped your nose and lead you to his table. He introduced you to his friends and you all got to talking. You liked the group, they were quite amusing, and they all seemed to enjoy teasing Oikawa, which Oikawa would always whine and go deep red about and you found it hilariously adorable. When lunch was over, Matsukawa said you're welcome to come sit with them anytime and that Oikawa was too shy to say it himself.

So, for the next week or so, you sat with them every lunch time. You and Oikawa ended up getting really close, even messaging each other every night. It took him 3 days to finally find out what your last name was. He heard one of your friends walk past and yell out "Hey Kageyama!" Oikawa looked at Iwa with a mortified face when he heard the name and Iwa practically snorted. You quickly excused yourself to go talk to them and Oikawa turned to the whole team.

"I guess I found out who her brother from Karasuno is then,"

"You forgot about that part didn't you?" Hanamaki laughed. Oikawa nodded.

"You going to give up on her?" Yahaba asked. "I mean, if that's the case, I totally get it," he said, adjusting his hair again. Oikawa gave him a look that basically said 'No you idiot. Back off.' "Ok, I'll shut up now,"

"I'm not giving up on her... I like this girl. She could be the sister of Ushiwaka for all I care," Oikawa said proudly. The team looked at each other shocked. Typically when Oikawa liked a girl, even the slightest flaws would set him off. He was devoted this time and they all, especially Iwaizumi, were impressed and kinda proud.

Oikawa and the team didn't even bring up your brother for the whole week and you and Oikawa only got closer and closer. You also went to one of his practice matches to cheer him on, just like you said you would. Actually, speaking of that match, after Aoba Josai won double sets, Oikawa made his way to you and asked you out.

In front of the whole team. You were quick to say yes and you jumped up into his arms.

That afternoon, you raced home to get dressed and tidy up the house. Miwa was sitting on the couch reading magazines.

"What's up with you today y/n?" she asked.

"I got a boyfriend," you said casually. You weren't facing her, but you heard her practically throw her magazines down and jump up.

"What? You did? Is he coming over?" she asked, making her way into the kitchen where you were turning on the dishwasher.


"You aren't kidding with me are you?"

"No, why would I?" You replied, looking up at your older sister who's eyes were sparkling with excitement. "Don't go embarrassing me ok?"

"I won't! I won't! But you have to introduce me!"

"Ok, I will,"

"Who are we introducing?" Tobio asked, walking in and chucking his lunch box and drink bottle on the bench.

"Oh Tobio! Guess who got a boyfriendd~" Miwa sung. Kageyama opened the fridge and got out a milk box.


'Yup! Isn't that cute?"

"I don't know? Sure?" He said shrugging. He poked the straw into his drink and began drinking from it.

"He's coming over so you gotta be nice Tobio. When's he coming?" Miwa asked, turning to you.

"After he finished volleyball practice," you replied. Tobio stared at you with confusion.

"Ooo, cutee! What's his name?" Miwa asked.

"Tōru Oikawa," you muttered, your cheeks going red at saying his first name. Kageyama coughed and spat milk on the kitchen floor. You and Miwa looked at him with worry. Kageyama put his milk down on the bench and grabbed a sponge and cleaned the floor.

"You good there?" Miwa asked. Tobio didn't answer. Once the floor was cleaned, he grabbed his milk and walked off to his room without speaking to either of you. "What's up with him?" you sighed.

"I don't know, I think Oikawa and Tobio-kun have some sort of rivalry or something they haven't told me about. Whenever I mention one of them to the other, they get all weird,"

"Do you think they're going to be like that today?"

"I hope not... I really like this guy Miwa-chan! I just hope they will get along...."


"Tōru-kun!" you squealed. His cheeks went a soft pink at the name.

"Hey princess," he replied back, hugging you and kissing your forehead, making you blush. You internally squealed. You lead him in, closing the door behind him. Oikawa looked around, taking in all the baby photos on your hallway wall. As you passed the lounge room, where your sister was, you heard Miwa clear her throat purposefully loud enough for you to hear. You sighed. You pointed over to her.

"This is my older sister Miwa. She's dying to meet you,"

"Oh. Hello, I'm Oikawa. Pleasure to meet you," he said, shaking her hand. Miwa nodded then turned to you.

"He's a bit cute, isn't he y/n?" she whispered. Oikawa chuckled as your face went deep red.

"I uh... yeah I guess," you muttered. "I told you not to embarrass me!" you whisper-yelled at Miwa. She laughed and Oikawa joined. You sighed.

"Would you like a drink? You must be thirsty after training," you said to Oikawa, already heading into the kitchen.

"Oh, yes please,"

"Soft drink, water or juice?"

"What juices do you have?" you opened the fridge and read the labels.

"Uhh, we have Pineapple, apple and orange,"

"I'll have pineapple please," you nodded and pulled out the juice and a glass.

"Hey, come with me a sec," Miwa whispered, leading Oikawa over to the shelf in the lounge room. She pointed to a photo. There was three children. There was a boy, around the age of 2, sitting in between two girls. The one on the left was around 9 years old, sitting and holding him up. The one on the right was laughing and about 4 or 5 years old. Oikawa recognised them all. "That one's y/n there. Isn't she cute?" Miwa whispered, pointing to the laughing girl. Oikawa smiled.

"Yeah, she's really cute. I assume the other two are you and Tobio?" Oikawa asked, and Miwa nodded. "That's cute. You three seem pretty close,"

"Yeah, we are. Miwa why are you showing him this?" you hissed.

"Would you rather me show him in mum and dad's room?" Miwa asked with a smirk.

"Nono! I'm sorry!" you quickly pleaded. Oikawa and Miwa laughed once more. You handed Oikawa his drink and you both headed to the dining room.

"You don't have to be embarrassed y/n, I think you looked cute. Well, you still look cute," he kissed your cheek and took a seat. You sat next to him and the two of you casually talked. Miwa was back in the lounge room and your brother was in his room. You two were just in the middle of talking about siblings when Tobio finally came down. He didn't acknowledge any of you and made his way directly past you to the cupboard to grab a bag of chips.

"Hey Tobio, you ok?" you asked, getting up to go over to him.

"Do you know where the plain ones are?" he asked. You rolled your eyes and put your arm at the back of the cupboard, grabbing out said chips, handing them to your brother and closing it.


"Tobio, mum said be nice," Miwa said, walking into the kitchen on the phone. Tobio rolled his eyes. He looked at Oikawa.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello Tobio," Oikawa replied.

"Yeah... Oh, I haven't asked... I can ask?... ok one sec," Miwa said to the phone. "Oikawa, our mum's wondering, did you want to stay for dinner?" she asked the boy.

"Oh, if you guys are offering, I'd love to," he replied with a smile. You smiled too and so did your sister. Tobio on the other hand, frowned.

"Yeah, he said he'd love to," Miwa said back to the phone, turning back to the lounge room.

"You don't mind me staying do you princess?" he asked. You shook your head.

"Not at all," you said, hugging him.

"Eww," Tobio muttered under his breath.

"Tobio!" you hissed at your brother.

"Aww is Tobio-chan jealous?"

"Tōru!" you hissed at Oikawa this time.

"Why would I be jealous of a prick like you anyway?" Tobio snapped, ignoring your scolding.

"Because you know I'm better than you," Oikawa snapped back, getting up out of his seat.

"Say that when Karasuno beats you and goes to nationals,"

"As if you can make it past Ushijima,"

"Yeah, like you've had enough luck to do so," Oikawa's jaw dropped.

"Oh so now we're getting personal now huh? Is that so your highness?" Oikawa retorted. This time it was Tobio's turn to get pissed. You saw in his face he was ready to punch Oikawa and you were quick to intervene.

"TOBIO KAGEYAMA! TŌRU OIKAWA! DON'T EITHER OF YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON EACH OTHER!" you yelled. Both boy's attentions snapped back to you, both of them shocked you used their full names instead of their first names like you usually would.

"Princess, I-"

"No. Don't princess me," you interrupted him. Kageyama began snickering and you gave him a glare. "You aren't in the clear here either," he nodded in acknowledgement. "Listen. I love you both and I need you both to get along. You guys don't have to be best friends, or even friends at all for all I care, but I can't have you guys yelling and trash-talking each other like... like... fucking five-year-olds!" you yelled. Both boys stood there shocked. Neither of them had seen you get so mad before. Miwa walked in after hearing the commotion.

"Good job boys. You have unlocked scary angry y/n," she muttered. There was a long moment of silence before someone spoke again.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, please don't be mad..." Tobio muttered. You let out a sigh and went over to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Tobio-kun, I'm not mad at you, but I want you to get along with him. Please? For me?" you asked. He nodded and you smiled, kissing the top of his head. You walked over to Oikawa, who was bright red in the cheeks and looking down.

"I'm sorry too. Please give me another chance princess, I'll be nice to your brother if it means I get to stay being your boyfriend! I really care about you y/n!" he said, bowing in front of you. You smiled at him, grabbing his chin and lifting his face to look at you.

"It's ok Tōru-kun. Thank you," you whispered, kissing his forehead.

For the rest of the evening, neither of them fought with each other, especially when your mother was home. You all ate dinner together nicely and she loved Oikawa. When it was time to leave, you walked him out the door.

"Thank you for being nice to Tobio-kun. It means a lot," you said once the two of you were outside in the cool night-time breeze.

"It's no problem. I really love you so..." you smiled. You grabbed his arm and went on you tip toes to gently place a kiss on his lips before you got back to your feet.

"I love you too. You're going to be ok walking home in the dark?" you asked. He smirked.

"I'll be fine, but you aren't leaving me with just that," he said with a smirk. Before you could ask him what he meant, he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for another kiss, but this time a longer, more passionate one that made your cheeks glow. Finally you both parted and said your goodbyes. You entered back into your house to see the mortified look of your brother.

"What's wrong?"

"That's gross..."

"Then don't watch!" you laughed.

"I didn't mean to!" he whined. You only laughed in response.


Author Notes

Well, I just love Oikawa and Kageyama though. And Miwa. Had to include Miwa.

Since this is the last one and as of writing it, I have over 100 favourites on the story, I wanted to give you
all a special story so I let myself write for as long as I wanted (hence why it's longer than the rest). Plus I like Oikawa and got way too carried away with it.
To be honest, the main reason I started this book was so I had an excuse to write an Oikawa x reader, but he had to go
and be the last goddamn one I rolled so sorry for the wait ;-;

Also this is not based off the actual Karasuno vs. Aoba Josai practice match, I'm too lazy to do cannon events
so dont come at me-

End Notes

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this book, and thank you all so much for the support. I really appreciate it.

I'm currently beginning a much longer story so I may be away for a while, but I hopefully will be back every so often with some short stories here and there. You can follow me on Twitter too, I should be updating every so often on my works and things (shameless self promo lmao, link in my bio)

Um so yeah, thankies, love you all xx

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