Haikyuu x Reader One Shots

By TrapdoorFreddles

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Haikyuu Characters x Reader One Shots. Each story will have randomly generated characters and Romance Tropes... More

1-Satori Tendou
2-Hajime Iwaizumi
3-Shinsuke Kita
4-Yuji Terushima
5-Lev Haiba
6-Osamu Miya
7-Kei Tsukishima
8-Keiji Akaashi
9-Kotaro Bokuto
10-Wakatoshi Ushijima
12-Shoyo Hinata
13-Koshi Sugawara
14-Tobio Kageyama
15-Daichi Sawamura
16-Kenma Kozume
17-Rintarō Suna
18-Yū Nishinoya
19-Atsumu Miya
20-Tetsurō Kuroo
21-Ryūnosuke Tanaka
22-Tadashi Yamaguchi
23-Morisuke Yaku
24-Tōru Oikawa

11-Asahi Azumane

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By TrapdoorFreddles

~Story 11~
~Title: Mini Libero~
~Character: Asahi Azumane~
~Trope/AU: Best Friend's Sibling~
~Warnings: N/A~
~Word Count: 1417~


"Noya! Give me back my phone!" you hissed, chasing your brother around the school gym. Man, that kid was fast.

"No, I want to see who this guy you've been texting is!"

"It's just Tanaka-Senpai!" you yelled back. Nishinoya stopped running at your words and saw the chat open on your phone. It was indeed with Tanaka and was just about how you were coming in today to watch the team play. You went to a different school than your brother so you could get into their volleyball team. You knew Tanaka from the number of times he had come to your house to see your brother and the two of you were fairly close. You had also seen a few Karasuno's games, and with the new first years, they were really good. While most people would say the best part of Karasuno is their black-haired setter and the orange haired spiker, but you begged to differ. While those two were good, you always found your eyes were on someone else...

"Oh, that's no fun," Noya sighed, handing you back your phone.

"I've told you bro, I'm not chatting anyone up. I was just telling Tanaka-Senpai that I'm coming,"

"And here she is! The wonderful libero and the shorty," Tanaka's voice rolled in. You both turned to look at him and you saw him gesturing to you and your brother. There were other people from the team entering with him. Nishinoya laughed.

"That's nice of you to say I'm wonderful," Nishinoya said, making a pose. Tanaka laughed.

"I meant the other libero," he replied, pointing to you. Nishinoya pouted while the rest of you laughed.

"Woah! You're a libero too?" the orange haired boy said, coming up to you.

"Yeah! I am, just like my big brother here," you said proudly, roughing up Nishinoya's hair, getting you to receive a 'hey!' from him. "Between you and me, I'm better," you whispered and Hinata snickered.

"I'm Shoyo Hinata! What's your name?"

"I'm y/n Nishinoya," the rest of the team introduced themselves, including a particular ace.

"Nishinoya, you didn't mention your sister played volleyball," Asahi whispered to his friend.

"Oh, yeah she is. I don't usually tell people because then they get more excited about her than me," Noya pouted. Sugawara laughed as he walked past.

"Maybe she's just better than you," he joked.

"Hey! She's not!" Nishinoya began ranting and Asahi sighed. He'd seen you come to some of their games and he found you really pretty... how was he planning on talking to you if he gets so flustered seeing your face?

"Ok, you know what? How about we have a match and find out?' Suga suggested. Hinata gasped and began bouncing up and down.

"We can have the first years against the second and thirds!" he suggested.

"You need at least 6 players on a team you idiot," Kageyama hissed, noting that, including you, there were still only 5 players.

"Kinoshita! You've been promoted to first year!" Daichi called out.

"I- oh, ok captain..." Kinoshita said, slightly confused.

So now here you were, standing on one half of the court with Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Kinoshita while your brother, Tanaka, Sugawara, Daichi, Ennoshita and Asahi stood on the other half with Narita being referee.

"You first years are going DOWN!" Tanaka hissed.

"I'm not a-" Kinoshita whispered, but was interrupted.

"Nuh uh! We're gonna beat you and prove we're the best!" Hinata yelled back. You patted Kinoshita's shoulder and he smiled at you. You felt honoured that the boys all wanted to see you in action and you were ready to show them who's the best.

The scores were 24-23 with the senpai's winning. They only had to get one point to win and they were convinced they had it in the bag. You watched as Sugawara got into position to set. The ball landed into his hands then flew to Asahi's direction.

"It's going to Asahi!" Yamaguchi yelled at Tsukishima and they both ran to block it. It grazed past Tsukishima's fingers and continued flying into your court.

"One touch!" the blonde called.

"We're not going to make it!" Hinata yelled before running into Kageyama's back. Your feet began moving before your head and made your way to the ball. Time seemed to slow down, as you dived on the ground and flung the ball back into the air only inches before it was to touch the ground.

"Cover!" you yelled and quickly Kageyama was at your side and setting to Tanaka who spiked the ball and it slammed into the ground. "Nice kill Tanaka!" you called. It was dead silent. You were confused and you looked around frantically, looking to see who had gotten hurt. No one was, but they were all staring at you. "Uh... something wrong?" you asked.

"Well, I told you folks, my baby sister is pretty amazing," Nishinoya finally stated. You hadn't even realised it was a good save, but apparently it was. You looked at the chestnut-haired boy near you on the other side of the net, and his jaw was dropped. He soon noticed you looking at him and he shook of whatever thought he had and gave you a gentle smile that made your heart flutter out of your chest.

"Wow y/n, that was a really nice save. You're really good," Asahi said to you as you got up to your feet.

"Oh, thank you Asahi! That was a really good spike though, you can't deny you've got great talent too," you replied, smiling the same gentle smile he gave you. You didn't know, but it had the same effect on him. His cheeks went a deep red too.

"Oh, uh, thank you!"

"Come on guys! We're tied up now, we're still in this!" Hinata roared and everyone snapped back and continued playing. Your team scored the next two points, making your team. Hinata and Yamaguchi were through the roof and even Kageyama and Tsukishima seemed to be pretty happy. Kinoshita was feeling good too. You made your way to the other team and found Asahi.

"You're even better on the court than I thought you were! No wonder they call you the ace! You're awesome!" You told him. His face nearly exploded from overheating with blush.

"I uh, thank you, I um... you... you too, you're really good," he stuttered.

"Thank you!" you replied, putting your fist out for a fist bump. He smiled and did the same. He looked like he wanted to say more, but your brother ran up from behind you and hugged you and scruffed up your hair.

"See guys, my baby sister is amazing!"

"That wasn't even the point you were getting at in the first place, it was to see which of you were the better libero and since we played a game for it and we won, technically that makes your sister the better liber. I mean, it's not that hard anyway since you aren't even that good," Tsukishima stated, adjusting his glasses. Everyone laughed except your brother.

"Well Tsukishima's going to get killed," Tanaka yelled. Everyone focused on those two, but your attention turned back to Asahi, but his was already on yours. You both stared at each other for a while.

"My brother talks about you a lot," you said finally, catching him off guard.

"Oh, he does?"

"Mm. I've been to a few of your games too and you are remarkable!" he blushed again and your constant compliments. This time you noticed. "Hey, are you ok? You keep going red,"

"Mmm! Yeah, I'm fine! I just... you're really pretty!" he sputtered faster than his head could stop him. You smiled.

"You are such a sweetheart. Can I borrow your phone?" you asked. He nodded slowly and went to his bag to pull out his phone and hand it to you. You went to add contacts and put in your number before giving it back to him. "I'd love to get to know you better, and maybe we can hang out some time?" he nodded with a smile and looked down at his phone where your number was now added in.

He muttered a quiet flustered 'thanks' and you smirked back.

"No worries," you added, giving him a kiss on his cheek before winking and skipping off to pry your brother of a certain blonde before the teeth come out.

Asahi just stood there, blushing profusely. Did you just ask him out?

(Yes, yes you did)


Author Notes

This prompt for Asahi was too perfect. Having Noya as a sibling would both be amazing and chaotic and I love it.

I don't know how I feel about this story, I kind of got carried away with writing about a game and kind of forgot that this is a x reader, but you know-

Hope you enjoyed it though, and yeah, see yous on the flip side :)

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