Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxB...

By LamPayning

119K 2.6K 233

Niall's father in rich... very rich, but Niall isn't happy. He hides everything with a smile or a laugh. He... More

Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxBoy
Chapter 1 - I'll take care of it
Chapter 2 - How i met the boys (Past)
Chapter 3 - We've got Niall!
Chapter 5 - I didn't do it intentionaly
Chapter 6 - Much Better (Past)
Chapter 7 - You Start
Chapter 8 - On a second thought... maybe we should leave (Past)
Chapter 9 - Make up your mind already
Chapter 10 - So, what do you say? (Past)
Chapter 11 - Beautiful
Chapter 12 - I'm kind of lost *Final Chapter*

Chapter 4 - We want to help you (Past)

7.2K 188 19
By LamPayning

Zayn followed the three unknown boys, the short distance to their house. He didn’t talk, he didn’t know what was happening, or what would happen, but he knew that this was better than staying in that park, or going to a cheap hotel room with that man.

The boys walked in the house, and went to the living room, talking a seat on the couches that were there. Zayn on the other hand stood at the door, looking down, shifting in his spot, playing with the hem of his shirt.

Harry watched Zayn with a small smile on his lips, but he didn’t know how to tell the boy to make himself comfortable. He was a stranger after all, and he didn’t really know who he was, or what had happened to him. He could be a drug addict for all he knew, and he could escape in the middle of the night after stealing valuable things from the house. He just didn’t understand why the boy was feeling all awkward, when just minutes ago, he had a big, warm smile on his face.

Louis watched his boyfriend stare at the dark skinned boy, and he couldn’t help but be a little jealous. The boy was very good looking… well more than good looking. He didn’t see anything that would make you think he wasn’t a Greek good. He had a perfect smooth skin, full pouty lips, mesmerizing eyes surrounded by long eyelashes, with perfectly formed eyebrows, a straight nose that fitted his face so good, his jaw was perfectly sculpted… you get the idea, he looked like one of those boys in magazines that you daydream about!

“You can sit down, you know!” Liam’s voice filled the silence, getting Zayn’s attention. He looked up for a bit, and then looked down again, biting his lip. He made a few steps forward, but stopped beside the couch Liam was sitting on. He hesitated for a moment before slowly sitting down, but you could tell from miles away that his body was tensed.

“I’m Liam” Liam introduced himself, like the friendly person he is.

Zayn looked up, meeting the boy’s eyes, but he didn’t talk. He was still confused, and didn’t know what he was supposed to do.

Liam noticed the boy’s state, so he gave a small reassuring smile, that seemed to make the boy feel a bit easier, but still he didn’t talk.

“I’m Harry” Harry piped up, to make the new boy talk.

Zayn shifted his gaze to the curly haired boy, and he felt more relaxed. He decided to just go with it, and not act like a freak. He knew that if those boys kicked him out tonight, he would freeze on the park benches again.

“I’m Zayn” he said quietly looking down at his hands.

“Zayn?” Liam asked amused “That’s such a cool name! I’ve never heard it before”

Zayn smiled a bit, but not as brightly as he had smiled at the park. The smile on Zayn’s lips, brought smiles to the rest of the boys. There was something about him that pulled you in, that made you want to get to know him, that made you want to stay near him and make him smile. The way he smiled, showing his perfect straight white teeth, scrunching his nose, and being generally cute, made you smile and even want to aww or squeal at the cuteness.

Harry’s and Liam’s low chuckles filled the room, and even though Louis was fighting with his jealousness (idk if that’s a word) he couldn’t fight the grin from his face.

That was all it took, to make Zayn relax completely, and feel more comfortable around people than he had in the last 3 years, since he got kicked out of the house he called home.

“I’m Louis” the oldest finished the introduction with a nod. Harry grabbed Louis’ hand intertwining their fingers, and smiled at the older. He was really thankful towards Louis for many reasons, and now another one got added to the list.

“So, as you might have noticed, we didn’t get you here for the same reason you were waiting at the park…” Harry started quietly “… but we want to help you!”

Harry stopped talking, giving Louis the opportunity to start talking, because after all, it was his house, and it was him who battled the drunken man into getting Zayn. Louis understood why Harry stopped, and with one last glance at his boyfriend he started talking.

“I don’t know the real reason why you were staying there at the park, but i just want to tell you that i was in the same position a year back” Louis started feeling a bit uncomfortable, because he was sharing his story with a complete stranger, who he knew nothing about, but his name.

“I was a drug addict, and the money my parents left me was ending. They left me more, but i couldn’t get them until my father’s will was read. It said that i could get my money when i turned 20. I spent all the money i had in my account in less then two weeks!”

“Every night, i went out partying until morning. I woke up in different hotels, with the worst hangovers, with different girls and boys. I was getting out of control, until I ran out of money. I needed alcohol, I needed the drugs to make me feel numb, to not feel the pain and loneliness. I had no one but the drinking bottle and syringe that injected that venom in my body, and now that I had no money, I couldn’t get even those.”

“I spent one day without drugs, and it was hell! I had a very high temperature, headache, throwing up, sweating, nausea, panic, hallucinations, and intense craving for the drug. I finally made it to the alley where my drug dealer sold me the drugs, and he was there. I pleaded him, asking him to give me drugs so everything would go away again, and I would be left in my own world, where nothing existed.”

“I don’t even remember anything particular in those days, just hundred of parties, loads of drinking and drugs. I was careful not to overdose though… well careful until I got sick of everything.”

“The dealer wanted the money, and I didn’t have it! He pressured me, threatening me and I had no other choice, but bring him the money. I had no other way to gain it, so I did the same as you did. I went to a park, away from here so no one would know me, and sold myself. I did it for about two weeks, before i couldn’t do it anymore.”

“Before my parents died, I was happy. I never thought I would ever be so down in my life. I was the class clown, trying to make everyone laugh, and now I was making people laugh without even trying. I had turned into a total mess, and whoever saw me laughed. I couldn’t handle it anymore.”

“One night, I wanted to end it all, so I took more drugs than allowed. Like expected I passed out. I was waiting for death to take me, so I could be with my parents again.”

Louis stopped talking, and Zayn just now realized that he was crying. He sobbed silently as tears traveled from his eyes down his cheeks and fell on his shirt. He didn’t know why Louis was telling him those things, but he assumed that Louis though Zayn was the same case.

“Harry and Liam helped me, and we can help you too” Louis finally said his voice shaky. All this time Louis had held back his tears, but his voice was surprisingly stable. Even though he wasn’t sure about what he felt towards Zayn, he knew he didn’t want anyone to go through that.

“I don’t do drugs” Zayn said quietly, unsure of what he should say.

Louis narrowed his eyes looking at the younger boy. He didn’t know whether he should believe him, cause after all, he knew that everybody denied it. He stood up from the couch, and made a few steps so he was standing in front of Zayn.

“Show me your arms” Louis demanded in a firm voice.

Zayn’s eyes widened as he clenched his fists. He tried hiding his forearms, the tension that was already gone, returning to his muscles.

“Zayn!” Louis warned, raising his eyebrows.

Harry watched the encounter, not knowing on whose side to be. He thought Louis was being a bit cruel, but on the other side they had to start helping Zayn with his problems. He stood up and went to Louis’ side sitting on the floor in front of Zayn.

Liam who was sitting right next to Zayn was watching the scene, without knowing what to do, but he also didn’t know if he wanted to do anything. He wanted to help, yes, but he felt like Louis and Harry knew more about this kind of stuff, so he kept his distance.

Harry watched Zayn’s frightened face, and he felt his heart break a little. It was obvious that this boy had been through a lot. The wrinkles that appeared on his forehead when he frowned, the emotions in his eyes… it was all a proof that the boy had had a lot of sad moments.

He reached for Zayn’s hand giving it a light, encouraging squeeze, which made the dark haired boy look up and meet Harry’s gaze yet again. Harry’s eyes dropped from Zayn’s face to his wrist and he couldn’t help but gasp.

Many little pink scars and some fresh ones were hidden under the bracelets Zayn was wearing. No matter how strong Harry wanted to look, he couldn’t help the tears that escaped from his eyes, when he grabbed the other hand and noticed the same scars on the wrist.

Harry had seen many cut wrists and arms, but what was different from the rest was that Zayn’s cuts weren’t messy. Zayn looked like he had been careful while making every single cut, like each of them had a meaning and was there to symbolize a bitter memory.

The curly haired boy ran his soft fingers over the cuts, trying not to hurt Zayn, but just the fact that he was the center of attention, because of something he has ashamed of, hurt him a lot.

Louis cringed when he saw the pink lines that stretched over Zayn’s wrists and immediately felt even guiltier. He hadn’t noticed any bruises that could sign that Zayn had been taking any type of drug. Louis couldn’t take that sight anymore, so he turned around and walked out of the room. It felt to him like Zayn had been through more than he had imagined, and he didn’t know if he could be strong enough to listen to his story.

Liam drew his bottom lip between his teeth, feeling goosebumps rise on his skin at the horrible sight. He closed his eyes as his vision got blurry at the sight of dry blood.

Zayn’s eyes had been closed the whole time, but he could feel eyes on him. When he couldn’t take anymore he drew his hand back, and stood up abruptly taking a run out the door.  


I posted this chapter yesterday, but i accidentaly deleted it, so here it is again!

Hope it's not bad, and you'll like it!

Don't forget to Vote and comment, and again, i'll chose one of the longest comments and give a dedication to who wrote it :) 


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