NCT Imagines ambw

Від fanficgirl99

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Imagines for kpop group NCT Cover photo creds: Pinterest Cover photo edit creds: me Більше

Walk in the Park (Jaehyun)
Calling Your Name (Hendery pt. 1)
She Is Your Joy (Hendery pt. 2)
Request Page
Petty (YangYang)
It's Always Been You (Johnny)
Update 😓 (March&April and so on)
Not Knowing What To Do (Jeno)
Chile... (Jeno)
I Promise (Jeno Pt 2.)
Butterflies (Taeil)
1k Reads💚🎉
Nothing To Live For (Johnny Pt 2)
January 9th (Xiaojun)
Wild Side (Yuta)
Annoying (Doyoung and Haechan)
Coffee (Mark)
First Of Many (Ten)
Park Lady (Jaehyun)
Maybe Next Time (Hendery)
Validation (Yuta)
You Cheated (YangYang)

MC (Shotaro)

531 19 3
Від fanficgirl99

Requested by: @BlueAryam ❤️

y/n's pov

"Today is going to be a great day" I say to myself out loud as I packed my makeup pouch. Why is today going to be a great day? Because I'm starting my new job as an MC for Inkigayo, a very popular program in South Korea, having this job is a huge deal.

Though I'm happy I'm also kind of nervous because I haven't met my cohost, Osaki Shotaro, yet. I was so nervous I did research on him and found that he recently debuted in the boy group, NCT, which was a little intimidating because I love that group. I just want to get along with him, I'm someone that hates tension and I don't want to be those people that seem like best friends onscreen but can't stand each other off.

I finished packing my makeup bag and put it in my tote purse. I was informed by my manager that my hair, makeup and outfit would be done on set but I was a little skeptical. Not only is my skin color different than the cosmetics they have but my hair type and texture is extremely different from what they're use to working with so, better safe than sorry.

*Phone dings*

Eui (Manager): " Annyeonghaseyo , Y/n. I will arrive in 30 minutes. Be ready 😊"

Y/n: "See you soon, Eui."

I took my phone and sat on my couch as I finished my morning tea. I went on twitter and replied to fans that were wishing me well on Inkigayo. It really warmed my heart seeing so much positivity and love surrounding my debut on the show. I was getting so much love from Kfans and lots from international ones too.  After scrolling through twitter for a while I went to instagram and scrolled through my activity which got really ugly really fast. I read comments under my recent post and they were horrific.

user001: "Stupid, ugly darkie"

user002: "tar baby. tar baby"

user003: "Keep your poopie skin away from our Shotaro"

user004: "I didn't know they let monkeys on tv. Does the zoo know?"

The hate went on for scrolls and scrolls. It was hard to not get engulfed, once I read one I was on my way to reading them all. As I continued to scroll I heard a knock on my door that saved me from the waves of hate. I quickly wiped my eyes as I had been crying at this point and made my way over to the door, opening it. I saw my manager, Eui, with a big smile on her face, until she saw mine and it dropped.

"Y/n. what's the matter?" she asked, kicking off her shoes and dragging me to my couch.

I was too upset to talk so I just showed her my phone. Her eyes widened bigger and bigger as she read through the comments.

She pulled me in for a hug. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. No one should have to endure this blatant racism.".

"You're gonna be on tv in a couple of hours. You can't be puffy." she went to my freezer and grabbed two ice cubes for me to rub on my under eyes. As I did that, Eui began turning the comments off on all of my instagram posts, then I began seeing her type.

"Don't turn your comments back on until I say so and do NOT check any DMs. I put your management contact info in your bio for any business inquires. If brands want you they reach out to me. Understand?" I nodded my head.

"I know you're sad but we have to get ready to go to the studio" she said. I grabbed my bag from the other room and slipped on my comfortable shoes, then headed to the car with Eui.

*At The Studio*

The makeup artist put on the last the touches of glitter and the hairstylists finished finger coiling some of my curls. I know I underestimated them but they actually did pretty good, we did have to use some of the products I brought from home but other than that things went smoothly. I was still upset and a little anxious from the comments earlier but Eui made sure to never leave my side which made me feel at ease. It was almost time to go on air and to make matters worse I still hadn't met Shotaro. I caught a glimpse of him when I first came in but we have yet to actually interact.

"Okay, Y/n" Eui spoke, standing up. "It's time to start heading on stage. How are you feeling?"

I sighed. "Honestly I'm just ready to get this over with so I can go home."

"I see. I promise once the cameras start rolling all your worries will go away." she smiled softly.

"Shotaro, Y/n please make your way to stage" the producer's assistant called.

"I'll be out there soon, I just have to call my husband. I'll be out before the camera starts." Eui hugged me. "You're going to do amazing y/n".

"Thank you, Eui. I'll see you out there" I hugged her back and made my way out my dressing room.

My heart stopped briefly as I saw Shotaro in front of me. He didn't hear me behind him and I was too shy to say anything. As I made my way past his dressing room his manager came out and called both Shotaro's and my names. Shotaro turned around, he went to answer his manager when he finally noticed me. His face turned a light shade of pink and he bowed to me (a/n: or you bow to him if you're younger than him).

"Konnichiwa, Shotaro" I said to him. Since he was Japanese I thought it'd be a bit more welcoming to greet him in his native tongue. He did a cute little smile after hearing me speak Japanese.

"Konnichiwa, y/n".

"Shotaro, Y/n, let's take a quick picture" said his manager, happily.

Shotaro and I stood next to one another and I put a thumbs up, he did the same. His manager snapped a picture on Shotaro's phone and then one on film.

"Lovely. Now time for the stage" he waved us away.

"Nice to meet you, y/n. I look forward to working with you" he said to me.

I smiled "The feeling is mutual". He opened the stage door for me and helped me up the stairs. We were finally on stage and the sad feeling was slowly going away. I saw Eui by one of the cameramen and she gave me a thumbs up which gave me more relief.

"5. 4. 3. 2...." the cameraman pointed to us indicating the camera was now rolling and it was time for us to speak.

"Annyeonghaseyo, jae ereumeun Shotaroepnida" Shotaro greeted. (a/n I'm not sure if the "hello my name is part" is suppose to be spaced out or combined so I spaced it out. Please spare me.😭)

"Annyeonghaseyo, jae ereumeun Y/nepnida" I wave at the camera

*Time Skip After The Show*

"You did amazing, y/n. The camera is in love with you" Eui boasted, coming into my dressing room. I thanked her with a huge smile on my face.

There was a knock on my door. Eui and I looked at one another not knowing who to expect.

"Come in" I called out. In came two of the producers, Shotaro and his manager who had a camera. The producers had a cake that read "congratulations" in Korean.

"Welcome to the Inkigayo family" they cheered in unison.

I sprung out of my chair and bowed to them. "Thank you so much, I was not expecting any of this. Oooo *insert favorite cake flavor here* cake, my favorite". The producers handed me the cake and we all came together for a group photo, taken by Shotaro's manager.

We chatted for a while before the producers had to leave for a meeting. Eui, cut a slice of cake for the four of us and she and Shotaro's manager left, leaving him and I in my dressing room.

"This cake is delicious. I can't wait to down the rest when I get home." I said aloud. I looked up to find Shotaro looking at me.

" can take some home too...if you'd like." I finished, getting up to cut another two slices for him. I wrapped it up on one of the extra plates and handed it to him.

He laughed. "Arigatou gozaimashita, y/n. I look forward to our time together". He bowed once more before exiting.

After having such an amazing first day I was more than ready to keep showing up and showing out.

*A month and a half later*

A month and a half later and work was amazing. I was even offered brand deals and host spots for award shows. Of course with more recognition came more hate and though I tried to stay away from it, it was hard. It was easy to get away on instagram but on twitter they were ruthless. Twitter use to be my escape from instagram but now it's the other way around. I was sitting in my dressing room alone, crying as I scrolled through the horrible tweets when I heard a knock on the door.

I wiped my face and cleared my throat before speaking. "Come in" I croaked. Way to hide the fact that I've been crying.

Shotaro came in. "Y/n, are you okay? I heard sniffling from outside the door." he said

"Yeah I'm fine. I was trying a new eyeliner but it irritated my eyes. I was crying because it was stinging so badly" I added in a light chuckle to show some playfulness. Shotaro looked at me as if he wasn't buying it.

He huffed. "Y/n you know I'm here for you. You can share anything with me." he said in attempts to get me to let him in.

"Thanks, Shotaro but I'm fine, I swear" I forced a smile. He came in for a hug and I allowed it. I gripped him a little tighter than I normally would for a friendly hug. It was just hard, outside of Eui and her comfort I felt like I really had no one.

*Shotaro's POV*

I gave y/n a hug which she accepted. She had been sad for a while now, I don't think she knows that anyone has noticed. I mean maybe a lot of people haven't, maybe they have and just don't speak up but I've noticed. I still don't know y/n that well but it hurts to know that she's hurting and frustrating that I don't even know why. 

My eyes wandered around her dressing room, aimlessly. I noticed her phone placed in her chair and it was unlocked. I craned my neck slightly to see what was on her screen and I was shocked by what my eyes were met with. I let y/n go.

"Would you like to go on a picnic on Saturday? I know a place that's beautiful and secluded." I asked.

Y/n smiled. "Yes, of course. I would love that" she replied cheerfully.

"Great. I will text you the details of everything".

"Looking forward to it, Shotaro." y/n replied.

*Time Skip pt 2932939*

I was at the spot for y/n and I to meet up at. I told her to meet me at 6:30 but I was already here at 5:00. I just wanted to set everything up and make sure it was perfect for y/n, I wanted it to be memorable. I purchased a *insert fav cake flavor here* cake, I remember her saying it was a her favorite. I also brought *favorite take out* for dinner, some flowers and a new camera with lots a film to document the evening.

I was putting the finishing touches on everything when I heard rustling. Someone's here? Many people don't know too much about this place. Way to ruin my plans. I think to myself. I prepare myself for what could be an awkward moment between myself and a stranger when I'm met with, Y/n?

"Y/N? You're here early." I say shocked. She looked beautiful. Her hair was in a pineapple with some pieces sticking out, she had on a white sundress with baby pink flats on just as surprised seeing me.

"Well, yeah, I just wanted to umm...come here early to familiarize myself with the area" she says. "This set up is beautiful. Look at all of the flowers, the water." y/n looked off into the distance with a soft smile on her face. I pulled out my camera to snap a quick, candid photo of her. The ways the sunlight bounced off her skin and made it shine even more, she was perfect.

"And look at this beautiful picnic set up. Did you do this all on your own?" She asked, picking up a spoonful of cake and eating it.

I nodded. "Yes I did. I went on picnics a lot when I was a child. A lot of my favorite, earlier memories consist of my family and I having a picnic" I smiled at the memories.

Y/n's eyes twinkled. "Thank you for allowing me to share something special with you. Tell me more about life in Japan.".

For the next 4 hours Y/n and I talked about our childhoods, lives back home and hopes for the future. The ways her eyes lit up when she recalled details of her own childhood and plans for the future was magical. I managed to snap another photo of her as we watched the sunset and we took a few of the two of us together. Y/n was such a happy and lively person, being with her made me feel the happiest I've ever been since leaving Japan.

We started packing up the picnic since it was getting late and we had to do the show tomorrow. I gave Y/n all the leftovers and walked her to the car that was waiting for her.

"Goodnight, Shotaro. Thank you, again, for all of this." I gave her a hug which she returned.

"Goodnight, y/n. Let me know when you're home.". I helped her into the car, closed the door and watched it drive away.

Y/N's POV (Morning Time)

I was in my dressing room taking photos of myself. This episode's theme was "mythical creatures" and I was a fairy. My glam team absolutely slayed this look, it would be a crime not to document it. As I was taking pictures my phone started going crazy with instagram notifs, I was being tagged in a post, it was from Shotaro's page. The post was a bunch of photos of myself and some with him. The first photo was me from last night, then there was one from when we had a spa day at work, one of me sleeping on his shoulder in the car, one of me staring down a cake, one of me in my alien makeup from our "out of this world theme" and one from the very first time we met. The post caption read:

"This wonderful girl is my friend, "y/l/n y/f/n. I wish everyone had the privilege  of  being graced with her beautiful presence. I couldn't imagine a more loving, caring, funny, selfless cohost. She's worked so hard to be here and to established the career she has. She deserves to be treated with such love, care and respect as any other MC, idol, actor or person. NCTzen, y/n is my friend and I care for her dearly, if you all care for me you'll care for her too because she's my friend. If anything ever happened to her I would be broken, please NCTzen take care of her and support her like you do me. ily, NCTzen, ily y/n💚💚💚😊"

My eyes began to fill with tears of happiness. I started getting floods of green hearts under all of my instagram posts and within minutes there were fanpages that shipped Shotaro and myself. I wasn't expecting any of this and was so overwhelmed with all of the love I was getting.

There was knock on my door. "Come in" I said. The door opened and revealed Shotaro dressed as an elf. I couldn't help but laugh at how cute he looked. I ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you so much" I exclaimed.

He wrapped his arms around me. "You're welcome, y/n".

Things were really beginning to look up.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n: I know this was so long but I feel it was worth it, hopefully you all think so too. Sorry again for all the time skips but that was the only way on making the story longer than it already is.

New chapter coming soon.

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