His baby mama (Kolvina)

By AmyBee34

279K 5.9K 1.9K

What if Kol got a girl pregnant around the same time Klaus got Hayley pregnant? Kol and Davina met at a night... More

3 Months Ago
The Letter
Detective Elijah
Man up!
Chef Mikaelson
Where's Elijah?
Elijah found
Why Hayley?
Sabine's Vision
A trap
Did you feel that?
Meeting The Pack
Overnight Stay
New Place
Another Plot
What This Means To Me
Colourful Vocabulary
Break in
Hybrid theory
A little seductive turn
Whispered Confession
The Dream
Curse lifted
Movie night
This Is Wrong
A gift
A heads up
Wet dream
Davina's dream
Dinner Disaster
Someone's gonna pay
On my way
Bloody kick ass
At last
Back to New Orleans
Regret and morning fluff
Sneak out
Out on the quarter
Spoiled Moment
Will You?
Vibrating boxers
Factions ball
Trouble rising
Encounter of the ex
Papa tunde
Suspicions and poison lips
Things are about to take a turn
Klaus knows
Hunting a Bitch
Time for answers
A dead man and witch
Found and saved
Dead wolf
Sent away
Up to no good
Sped up
The birth
Not so dead
Baby names and a reveal
Part 2 aesthetic
Part 2-The start
And so it begins
Midnight run
I spy mother
Aunt Kayla
Filled in
You are mates
Red door
Here we come
We're mates
Off to Mystic Falls
New Original
Back to New Orleans again
Confronting Esther
Visit to the Crescents
Date x2

Bitchy witch

2.1K 58 24
By AmyBee34

FYI Davina is currently five and a half months pregnant as is Hayley

One month later....

Kol's pov

Me and Davina were returning to New Orleans after a good month away from the city. We had a good time on our road trip, we went to various places further away from New Orleans. We didn't go too far but we also put some good distance between us and New Orleans.

Klaus requested that we come back as he claims there's been no sign of trouble and Hayley misses her sister so that's why we're going back. I'm gonna miss it just us two alone with no one else around to bother us. Me and Davina haven't kissed or done anything during our road trip as even though I really want to kiss her and make my move. I just freeze up whenever the moment comes and I don't know why, I just get so nervous around her sometimes and I'm just afraid of ruining things.

Me and Davina have something good going on now, we get along and we mean something to each other and I don't want to ruin that. Yes I want her to be mine but I'm afraid of change and commitment so I'm just taking things slow for the time being but I will eventually make my move.

Davina is currently sleeping in the passenger seat, she's been very tired lately but she is pregnant so it's expected. As I come to a stop at a traffic light, my eyes flicker to Davina's rounding baby bump. She's started to feel a lot of flutters in her stomach which according to many pregnancy books and pregnancy websites that I've read the fluttering is the baby kicking which is great but she hasn't felt any full on kicks yet.

I reach a hand out and place it on her belly, caressing it with my thumb as I step on the gas and start driving as the traffic light turns green. 

I feel Davina shift before I feel her hand on mine "got the flutters again" she says rubbing her belly as I pull my hand back. "Baby's kicking but yet to feel an actual kick" I say "trust me I think I'll be feeling the kicks soon now where is the nearest gas station with a restroom?" she asks "3 miles I think why?" I ask "because baby is sitting on my bladder and mama gotta pee" she replies making me chuckle. "Hold on love, we'll get to a restroom soon enough" I say as I step on the gas harder making the car go a bit faster.



About 20 minutes later..

We finally pull up at a gas station and Davina bolts out the car and heads to the restroom while I get some gas and pay before having a blood bag.

Davina comes back looking more at ease "much better" she says before getting in the car and strapping herself in. I get in and start up the car "how long til we get to New Orleans?" she asks "about an hour" I respond as I drive away from the gas station.

"I got you some snacks from the gas station in case you're hungry, there's a sandwich, some chips and a drink" I say opening the hatch bit between our seats. "Oh thank you" she says grabbing the stuff "you're welcome" I say as I keep on driving while she starts eating.



1 hour later...

We finally arrive in New Orleans and I pull up outside the house "here we are" I announce as I shut off the car ignition. Davina gets out of the car "already regretting coming back here" she says as I get out and I chuckle at her words "don't worry love, it'll be fine" I assure her as I lock up the car before we make our way up the path.

The door swings open and Hayley stands there with her hands on her hips and an obvious rounding bump on show "and why the hell did you go off without telling me?" she asks with an angry look on her face "sorry Kol took me on a road trip and we really needed it. I was getting fed up of having to stay inside" Davina replies as she walks up the steps when Hayley suddenly attacks her with a hug and pulls her into the house.

"I know I'm not mad, I just missed you and I was a little envious that you got to escape from this shit hole and the bitch witch" Hayley says with a slight hiss at the end as she pulls away. "Is Monique really that bad?" Davina asks "oh yeah, she acts like she's this high almighty bitch and I'm so close to throttling her" Hayley explains as I step through the door and shut it behind me.

"You're just jealous of me Hayley because I'm ten times better than you" Monqiue sneers from the top of the stairs before starting to make her way down. "Ha me jealous of you? You make me laugh" Hayely says with a sarcastic laugh as she looks at the witch.

"Well hello handsome" Monique flirts looking at me, biting her lip making me shiver and suddenly have the urge to throw up "bitch don't even!" Davina sneers glaring at her. "You must be Davina the other knocked up wolf who can't keep her legs closed" Monique insults pissing me off but before I can do anything, Davina punches her in the face.

"You really want to test a pregnant wolf bitch? I will snap your neck like a twig and beat your head in like a pinata" Davina threatens as she pins her up against the wall with her hand wrapped around her throat. Monique gasps, her eyes wide and she looks to me and Hayley "don't look at me, you've been testing my patience the second you walked through the damn door. You made the mistake of pissing off my sister and compared to me she has a shorter temper than I do" Hayley says before walking away.

I manage to pull Davina off Monique who instantly gasps for air "thank you, you're so kind" she says standing up making me scoff "oh don't thank me, you're lucky I haven't ripped your throat out for disrespecting Davina like that!" I snap "why can't I rip her throat out Kol?" Davina asks "because she's our alley and we need her alive Davina" Klaus answers as he walks down the stairs making us roll our eyes.

Klaus checks over Monique "be on your way love, I'll take care of this" he says and Monique nods before walking away. "Brother, Davina it's good to have you back but you must hear my rules and obey them" he says making Davina scoff "yeah no fuck you and your rules" she spits flipping him the bird before storming up the stairs leaving me alone with him.

"Well isn't she still as lovely as ever?" Klaus says sarcastically "shut up Nik, she won't abide by your rules you can't control her and I won't let you. Also didn't I tell you to get rid of Monique before she becomes a problem?" I ask with my arms folded across my chest. 

"She's useful to us" he says "yeah and I told you I don't give a fuck, she's a problem Nik and she's already starting trouble with Davina. You do realise she's disrespecting Hayley you know the mother of your unborn child? You might not give a rats arse about Hayley but I care about her since she is the mother of my unborn niece and I obviously care about Davina and if that bitch steps one foot out of line, I will snap her little neck and burn her body to a crisp" I warn with a glare before vamp speeding out the house to go have a drink at the bar.

End of chapter

Kol and Davina are back in New Orleans after a month of being on a road trip. Was it such a good idea for them to go back? Monique's already running her mouth and causing trouble with Hayley and Davina who isn't having any of her bullshit. Klaus isn't listening to Kol about getting rid of Monique, insisting she will be a problem. What will happen next?

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