Trust No One

By Sonu2314

89.6K 2K 846

Annabeth Chase is a special agent in training at Lake Valor, a convert organization within the United States... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Thank U, Next

Chapter 20

2.5K 54 24
By Sonu2314

Percy POV

My mind was racing with conflicted thoughts and emotions. I knew what I had to do, but that didn't mean that I wanted to do it. 

Annabeth's hand in my own was the only thing keeping me balanced right now. 

She was my anchor to staying afloat rather than succumbing to the darkness. The world was a dark place, but she acted as one of my lights. 

"Seaweed Brain, you seriously can't be thinking about doing this," Annabeth said again. 

We were sitting on my couch. Thalia and Jason were home, and they were just staring at the interaction between us. I had told them about my memory loss facade, which meant that they were up to speed. 

Of course, Thalia and Jason were angry, but they also understood. 

Everyone understood my dilemma, especially after the increasing evidence that Lake Valor was compromised, and I was a victim of betrayal (due to this conspiracy). 

"Can you please tell him?" Annabeth asked Thalia and Jason sharply. 

"Sorry, I'm still getting over my initial shock," Jason said before clearing his throat. "But, Annabeth's right, bro. There's no guarantee for trusting Kronos." 

"Plus, he wants revenge on you," Thalia added. 

"Guys, I know all this, but this is a real shot at cracking this conspiracy. We can restore Lake Valor to what it used to be," I said firmly. 

I was right, and they knew it too. 

But, they were also right about this being way too dangerous. 

"Percy, this will not do you any good. I don't like this one bit," Annabeth said firmly. She was really trying to convince me not to do this mission and for good reason. 

"All right," I said quietly. 

"What?" Annabeth asked in surprise. 

"I'll listen to you, Wise Girl. Let's just not talk about this anymore. We've been talking for three hours now. Let's just relax for a bit, guys," I said softly. 

Thalia, Jason, and Annabeth stared at me in suspicion. 

However, I kept a straight face as my thumb rubbed against Annabeth's hand. We were still holding hands ever since walking out of the woods together. 

"Um, all right, dinner's ready. I'm going to call Piper as well," Jason said. 

"Wow, what a simp," I exclaimed with a smirk. 

Jason reddened as I continued to laugh with Thalia. I was really trying to lighten the mood because I wanted to have a good time tonight. 

Annabeth was still staring at me before smiling. 

Her grip tightened around my palm and fingers. I loved the feel of her hand in mine. Her hand belonged in my hand due to how much I loved her. Another object that belonged in my hand was a weapon due to my profession as a special agent. 

The rest of the night went well. We had a good time just like I hoped. 

Piper was as surprised as anyone about my secret. 

However, she was also happy that I had my memories. She was happy for Jason and Annabeth for still having me. 

I liked Piper. She was a good recruit and an even more caring girlfriend and friend. Also, she knew about Annabeth's and my relationship.

Eventually, Jason and Piper stepped out of the house, and Thalia retired to her bedroom. 

Annabeth and I were alone doing the dishes. 

I was washing while she was drying and putting stuff away. We finished the job in no time since we made a good team. Although, we were playfully arguing the whole time about my poor work as a dishwasher. 

I listened to her melodious laughter as she enjoyed my sleazy joke. 

"Hey, Wise Girl, we started something in the woods before getting interrupted," I said softly. 

Her laughter died down as she stared at me intensely. Her beautiful, yet intimidating gray eyes were enough to make me crumble. 

Annabeth came forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"I love you, Wise Girl," I said softly. My hands rested firmly against her waist, and I was ready to hoist her up. Our eyes were locked in a passionate, fiery gaze. 

I wanted this so badly. I wanted her. 

"I love you, too, Seaweed Brain," she expressed. 

The fact that she kissed me first was all it took for the passion to take over. I felt the heat spread through my body as I hoisted her up. 

Our kissing intensified as I carried her to my bedroom. My legs hit some of the furniture, but it didn't stop us from our make-out. Both of our shirts came off before we even made it to the room. Her skin was warm under my hands. 

It's been so long since I last shared her intimacy. 

The sparks radiated off her body and into my own. And, vice versa. 

My lips and kisses traveled down from her jawline to her neck. I kicked my bedroom door shut before we both collapsed onto the bed. 

She landed on top of me as our actions calmed down suddenly. Annabeth sensually pulled her hair to one side before meeting my lips yet again. 

I used my body weight to flip us over so that I could press down against her. My hands explored her familiar body as we enjoyed each other's warmth, ecstasy, and love. 

Gods, I loved her more than anything and anyone. 

I wanted to be with her. At least, for tonight because I knew that all hell would break loose tomorrow. 


The moonlight gracefully shined through my bedroom window. 

The light shined against Annabeth's soft skin, and she slept peacefully. I was laying next to her and simply watched her sleeping under the blanket. 

Our clothes were scattered around the floor, but it didn't matter. 

My hand reached forward and tucked a strand of her shining blonde hair behind her ear. Wise Girl was a light sleeper, so I had to be quiet and gentle. 

My hand caressed her cheek as I stared at her beautiful features. I had already memorized them long ago. 

I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips and forehead. 

I was leaving now to make this deal with Kronos. I knew that I couldn't leave after Annabeth woke up. She had too much power over me, and I wouldn't be able to resist her. 

This was something that I had to do to help save the world. 

I quietly and regretfully got out of bed. It was dark, but the moonlight was helping to illuminate the bedroom. After getting dressed, I quietly gathered my phone, documents/IDs, laptop, and clothes into a backpack. 

The backpack hung loosely on my left shoulder as I opened the door. 

My gaze wandered back to Annabeth. I sadly stared at her sleeping figure for a few more moments. I didn't want to leave, but I had to. 

With a final sigh and love you, I disappeared from my home. 


Kronos already knew about my memory loss facade. This meant that he's already informed his spies at Lake Valor that I was a threat. 

Even if I stayed here, WiCKeD and BlodgeHarm would come after me. 

Sneaking into Lake Valor at night wasn't as difficult as you'd expect. I had my badge, so I was easily able to get into the building. 

My only trouble was navigating the halls of the South wing, which was the technology and evidence wing. 

I rarely came into these hallways despite working here. 

I wasn't stupid to simply go into Kronos's trap. I was definitely going in prepared, which included grabbing a gun, knife, and a few other things. 

While Annabeth was the intelligent one of our team, I had more experience with dangerous missions, especially related to terrorism. I sighed in relief as I finally found the room that I was looking for: the evidence lockers. 

I looked through the evidence lockers with a flashlight until I found the shelf cabinet labeled KW (ie Kronos-WiCKeD). 

I found a few of my gadgets in the locker as well. After all, I was a big part of compiling evidence against WiCKeD. As such, my weapons and locator chip would be in here. 

It was the same locator chip that BlodgeHarm stuck into my arm. 

I was hopefully giving them a taste of their own medicine. 

I quickly closed the evidence cabinet and quietly walked out of Lake Valor. It was easier to exit the building than enter. 

Gun, knives, locator chip, and contact lenses. Check.  

The last part of my plan for tonight (before I crossed the border) included a person. I already knew who I had to go to. 

I threw my stuff into the passenger seat before igniting my engine. The parking lot was empty and so were the streets. After all, it was 2 am. 

I drove through the empty streets easily until reaching my destination: a small, broken-down repair shop. 

Honestly, Lake Valor made a big mistake when kicking out Leo Valdez. 

He was an excellent recruit for technological jobs. Even if he couldn't be a special agent, Lake Valor could've used his skills for hacking and intel. 

I had to ring Leo's doorbell multiple times before he came to the door. 

At first, Leo seemed blatantly annoyed at being bothered in the middle of the night. But then, he saw my face and simply stood there in shock. 

"Can I come in?" I asked confidently. 

"I, err, yes. Agent Jackson, what are you doing here?" Leo asked. "How do you even know or I guess remember me?" 

"Relax, Leo. I never actually lost my memories," I said firmly as I stepped inside. 

"Oh my god, what? How is that possible?" Leo continued to splurt out questions and talk randomly as he guided me towards the back of the repair shop.  

Leo suspected my facade, but now it was confirmed to be fake, which was overstimulating his already confused brain. 

His desk, multiple computers, and TV screens were exactly how I pictured an underground hacker's den to look. The repair shop was actually a very good hide-out for a mission. He seemed to have all the resources necessary for a covert operation. 

"Leo, I don't have much time," I interrupted him. "I need your help."

"I, err, why me?" Leo asked nervously. 

"Because I can't trust Lake Valor, and I have to go after Kronos," I said before quickly explaining this deal with Kronos. 

It was easy to explain considering that Leo heard our conversation when he was trying to trace the call yesterday. Leo quickly understood the plan, but he didn't seem too comfortable with it. 

"So, why can't you tell anyone about this?" Leo asked. 

"They won't let me go. I sat for three hours as they tried to convince me to abort, but this something that I have to do. This list could put an end to Lake Valor's network of spies and traitors. We can restore the good in order to fight the bad." 

Leo nodded in understanding. At least, he comprehended the significance of taking a chance on this deal. 

Also, I knew Kronos. He was a lot of things, but he wasn't a deal-breaker. Kronos would show me the list, but he wouldn't let the intel leak out. He'd stop me beforehand. 

That's why I was setting my own plan in motion right now. 

"All right, what do you want me to do, Percy?" Leo asked.  

"First, don't tell anyone about this until necessary," I said boldly. 

I took the locator/audio chip and visual contact lenses from my backpack. My eyes landed on another one of Leo's toys in the corner of the room. I brought that over as well. 

Leo analyzed the machinery on the table before I started talking again. 

"All right, here's what we're going to do..."


I hope that y'all are enjoying this story. I know that y'all hate my cliffhangers, lol. At this point, I'm not even sorry. The story's getting good. 

Sorry, I haven't been as active as usual. Finals in college are not fun.  


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