Childhood Love | Finn Harries...

By stylesmeup

460K 5.6K 1.5K

"Finn, I-" "Let's make it clear alright Anna? You're just a little sister to me, nothing more nothing less... More

Childhood Love | Finn Harries Fanfiction
Chapter 2: Childhood love
Chapter 3: Childhood Love
Chapter 4: Childhood Love
Chapter 5: Childhood Love
Chapter 6: Childhood Love
Chapter 7: Childhood Love
Chapter 9: Childhood Love
Chapter 10: Childhood Love
Chapter 11: Childhood Love
Chapter 12: Childhood Love
Chapter 13: Childhood Love
Chapter 14: Childhood Love
Chapter 15: Childhood Love
Chapter 16: Childhood Love
Chapter 17: Childhood Love

Chapter 8: Childhood Love

25.9K 301 54
By stylesmeup

Before i start, i have changed a little part in the previous chapter. Once you read on this chapter, you would have figure out what i've change so you don't have to re-read chapter 7 again.

Enjoy! <3

Chapter 8:

"Wake up darling, the twins and Janice are waiting for you..." I didn't want to wake up, i didn't have enough sleep yesterday after knowing i left 5 days here in London with everybody. I kept thinking about how am i suppose to Jack, Janice and Daryl again? My parents part would be a piece of cake since they want me to go over as soon as i can.

My mom left the room for me to change, i didn't want to go to uni again but than again Finn would have notice why was i allowed to not go to school for 3 days straight. I don't know this is just so frustrating you know, i'm suppose to enjoy this 5 days instead of mumbling over Finn. Sigh, i drag my feet down the stairs and headed to the kitchen to grab a bite.

"Morning Anna!" Jack chirp, how does he do that? Getting all hype up in the morning, isn't he tired? I wish i had half the energy Jack has, god.

"Morning... why are you guys here so early?"

"This is our usual morning time, what have you been doing last night?"

"I have 5 more days, i was so shock about that." After i mumble that sentence, everything hit me. Finn was here, shit.

"What 5 more days? Are you sick?"

What am i suppose to say? Shit, my parents are hell going to tell him that i'm leaving. Damn it, save me from this.

"Er.... She borrowed a book but they cut her due-date." What even, i shot Anna the like-he-will-believe look.

"Oh, that's sad. April is waiting for us at the gate, i think we should hurry. By we, i mean you." Finn showed me his cheeky smile, aw that smile but urgh April once again. It's always her in his mind first, wait well of course.... She's his. i have this dying urge to ask him how he felt about that kiss when we were young, but i already knew the answer.

This is not the time to think about Finn, Anna! Look, you have 5 days left and I bet you would love to spend this 5 days wisely.

Sigh, my subconscious is right. I ate my breakfast quickly and we all headed out to university. My dad decided to drive us over to uni, i was praying so hard for him not to open his mouth and talk about 'Leeds'. Lucky, he didn't but all thanks to the couple as usual they were bickering about what are they going to do after school. Remind me later to ask the couple to shut it.

I thank my dad for driving us here and headed into the school. It seems so long since i went to school, 5 more days.

"Hey Anna, Finn's gone... explain." Jack and Janice said in unison, what's with this man. Before i could tell them Daryl came towards us, great at least i don't have to repeat myself again.

"Hey mates! What's with the look Jack and Janice?"

"Er nothing..."

"Guys, he knows it too."

"Well then, Anna is leaving in 5 days time! They changed the days for her, it's so unfair okay... 14 days was short enough but now 5? I can't..." Jan started freaking out, god i was the one leaving shouldn't i be the one who is freaking out?

"Wait what? Are you serious?" Daryl exclaimed, can they keep it down?

"Stop screaming, it's true. I received a call from Leeds, i'm leaving in 4 days time instead so i can settle down there first."

"Can we come along?" Jack said, the rest all nodded. Are they that dumb?

"If you guys come along, wouldn't Finn find out? Just don't even think about sending me off, i will text you guys once i reach there so please keep it a fucking secret."

"Than can you stay over my house today? Please please please!" Janice begged.

"Of course, i would. I'll just give my mom a call afterwards, you boys want to come along?"

"Why not?" Daryl gave us a wink before heading back to his cliqué of jocks, but he isn't that bad you see. After that date with him that night, i understand so much about him so yeah.

Like the usual, we attended class, the twins started to disturb me and tries to get me to detention and well the teacher knows i'm leaving so being the bias teachers that let me off! Uni went pretty fast though, i wasn't that boring... maybe it was but i survived it.

"So where are you guys going?" Finn asked, oh ya he wasn't there with us when we talked about staying over Janice's house.

"Going to Jan's house, wanna come but no April." I said, who the hell wants her along with us. I mean i shouldn't act this way but why would i want her to ruin my 5 days left here?

"I'll come, April has to go and do her manicure."

"Oh lover boy has been pushed away huh?" I said in the annoying tone of mine smirking, Finn didn't say anything but instead he picked me up running straight to the pond.

"Finn! Let me go please, Finn! Stop don't you dare you motherfu-" The next thing i knew i was in the pond, ew! Do you know how long did the uni not clean this damn pond? My favourite beanie now is soaked with dirty pond water, fucking hell. "FINNEGAN FRAYN HARRIES!"

"Blame it upon yourself Anna!"

"You ruin my FAVOURITE BEANIE! Fuck you man, it's not even funny...." I was pissed but nah, it was fun. I just want Finn to be my slave, so i can torture him for ruining my beanie.

"Sorry.. i'll be your slave for today okay? Please don't be mad at me!" Yeah, success!

"Deal!" I smirk, but on the side note i'm shivering and i stink! It's so cold, I should have bought along a spare clothes.. now i have to walk in the cold with stinky clothes to my house since it's closer. "I'll meet you guys at Jan's house. I'm freaking cold now so I run back home and get change, by-"

"Here you go babe.." Finn whispered into my ear, he took off his jacket and put it on for me. I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks, shit i hope he doesn't sees it. "You don't have to blush you know."

I could feel the smirk in his voice, urgh but my wish got granted a little. I got my little time with Finn and i'm happy this way. Let's just say that Finn wanted to keep me warmer, so he put his arms over my shoulder and pull me closer to his body.

Can this day get any better? I don't know what to say or do, all i know is i'm in the arms of the one i love. So we were heading to Jan's house instead since Jack said that I was warm enough and Daryl started making kissing sounds with Jack. I didn't say anything, i just kept smiling. I swear if this continues, I would look like joker.

"Finn?... You can let g-go now, we reached Jan's house." I didn't want him to let go but this whole time when we were walking to Janice's house, i have to keep reminding myself that his not mine. It hurts but i'm glad he didn't push me away. If he did, i wouldn't know what to do with my life.. Maybe i know but it would be tough not having him around.

"Anna, do you want anything to eat after your shower?"

"Cream pasta my dear slave, i want to have orea milkshake too!" I smirk, side note, having a hot slave is good. I went into Janice's room to grab her clothes and head for the shower since i stink so bad. Doesn't Finn think am stinky? But if he did, it was his fault!

"Someone seems very happy today!" Janice squeak, she needs to keep it down. I shut the door and lock it up so none of the dudes would barge in.

"Well.... Yes, I hell am!"

"Did you see how he pull you and snuggle you? I want Jack to do that with me oh god."

"Come on, you have been tapping Jack's d... Lots of girls wish to be you!"

"Oh shut up, you stink!"

"I physically stink now, so bye i'm going to have my beauty shower and have my awesome cream pasta from my slave!"'

"What the fuck, i want some too! JACK!"

I giggled and headed to shower. I think i need to send my beanie and clothes to the dry-cleaners, my mom wouldn't be happy if i had her to wash my pond clothes. I scrub every inch of my body and i can't get rid of the smell! It stinks so bad, it feels like i haven't been in the shower for years. I'm exaggerating but the smell is indescribable.

I stepped out of the shower and seeing the trios and no Finn on the bed. I bet i'm going to have another 'talk' god, i'm the queen, i'm suppose to give the instruction not them. When will they learn?

"... That's the plan." Daryl whispered thinking i couldn't hear.

"What plan guys?"

"Woah, you scared the fuck out of me babe!" Daryl said and they all ran out to the kitchen, urgh fucking ass.

"They will get their ass whip." I muttered under my breath and walked to the kitchen for my cream pasta.

"Hey, here's your pasta and orea milkshake!"

"You prepared it?"


"Don't lie to the queen, you slave." It's definitely Finn who prepared this, I remember when Jack and I were like so lazy to go out and eat. Finn whip up some pasta for us, so am very sure this is his work of 'art'. I'm so weird, god knows why.

"I really did!"

"Calm your tits, i know! I was fooling with you, come on sit down and eat with me. Jack, Janice and Daryl; You guys don't deserve to see with me, out!" I have to make them tell me what they were planning just now, i shouldn't have did my little performance in the shower. Everybody does that, don't judge me.

"What?!" Jack and Daryl exclaimed, Anna just sat there continue eating her pasta.

"Tell me what did you guys plan! If not, don't talk to me!"

"Do you want us to tell Finn here about what y-"

"Fine, you win this time." I curse under my breath, if the plans has to do something with pranking me than i won't even sleep tonight. It's so dangerous sleeping around the trios.

"I'm so full! Thank you Finnegan, that pasta was delicious!" I say as i rub my tummy like a fat man would do.

"No problem babe!" Finn slump down beside me as we wait for the trios to discuss with whatever they had in mind. It seems like whatever they are planning isn't good, i'm not going to participate in whatever they had in plan.

"Let's play hide-and-seek, thank god my parents ain't home so we have this house to ourselves." Anna exclaimed.

"Aren't we too old to play hide-and-seek?" I said.

"I'm in!" Finn shouted, "Come on Anna, it's going to be fun! Remember when we were young we use to play this so much?"

"But that's when we were young like you said.."

"Party Popper!" All of them chanted, why are they doing this to me.

"Fine, i'm hiding!" I throw my hands up in defeat. "But let's play in pairs, it would be more exciting! An-"

"I'm with Daryl, so you take Finn!" Anna shouted, what kind of best friend is she? Tsk.

"Whatever, Finny let's win this!"


Now Finn and I were hiding in the closet of this spare room, and as i can say, Jack is a very stupid seeker so this will take longer than i expect.

"Hey Anna, how are you doing?" Finn whispered.

"I'm been doing real fine, what about you?"

"Not bad, the usual you know."

"Ah, how's April?" Stupid brain, you should ask about us not them. I don't want to know anything about April.

"Alright, we got a little quarrel you know."

"What is it about? I may help..."

"It's about you, apparently. She said that i shouldn't hang out with you, i should not go near you or something like that but i told her that you're someone important to me so... yeah."

I was important to Finn, he even got into a little fight with his girl for me. My wishes has been answered, this is great. Before i knew it, Finn was inches apart from my face... Now this really remind me about that kiss when we were young. Does he think the same?

Our lips almost touched and someone opened the closet. We moved back from each other and acted like nothing happened but i swear i need to stop blushing every single damn time.

"Woah, did i interrupt something here?"

"N-no you didn't, have you found Daryl and Janice?"

"Yup, you guys are the winner. Why do you both always hide in the closet? Are you both having sex in there?"

"God damn it Jack, we didn't." Finn said and whack Jack in the head. He deserve that whack because he interrupted my kiss with Finny ok. So we left the room and headed to the living room, well this was boring.

"So what are we going to do again?" I said, slumping down on the couch.

"Wanna go to the beach?"

"This time? Are you crazy?"

"Come on, it would be fun! Skinny dipping would be fun!" Daryl smirk, aye fucking kinky teenagers.

"So midnight swim?" I asked, if they say yes... We, all, seriously need help.

"Yes!" Everybody shouted, okay it settled. We need to find help, who the hell goes to the beach and swim this late?

Author's note
This is chapter 8, hope you love it! I hope this chapter would fill in my late update for the other chapter! I can't update fast as you know school... I promise to update as soon as i can alright! I need a new cover for this story, anybody willing to make one for me? Tweet it to me: @_curlywerly !

How is this chapter?

Comment and Vote! <3 I love you all, thanks for your support!

xo, stylesmeup

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