Cinder's Younger Sister

By TeamWhiteRose100

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This my dear readers is a story about an alternate reality where Cinder has a younger sister. When you were b... More

Chapter 1: Origins.
Chapter 2: The School Life.
Chapter 3: The Midnight Dock Massacre.
Chapter 4: School Rivalry.
Chapter 5: Big Problems In Little Anima/Haven
Chapter 6: The Schnee Ball.
Chapter 7: The Arrival.
Chapter 8: New School.
Chapter 9: An Everyday Occurrence.
Chapter 10: The Dance.
Chapter 11: The Breach.
Chapter 12: The Vytal Festival.
Chapter 13: The Battle Of Beacon.
Chapter 14: The Grace Period.
Chapter 15: Interlopers.
Chapter 16: The Battle of Haven.
Chapter 17: The Road To Atlas.
Chapter 18: The Betrayal Of Trust.
Chapter 19: The Wandering Hero.
Chapter 20: Captured.
Chapter 21: The Job.
Chapter 22: The Dinner Party.
Chapter 23: Fight Night.

Chapter 24: The Fall

1.3K 31 38
By TeamWhiteRose100

I Do Not Own RWBY*

A Few Minutes After Chapter 23: Fight Night*

Ash's POV*

My eyes popped open and I was in some Manta flying somewhere.

I looked at the front seat and saw Cinder and some little girl.

I angrily forced myself up despite the pain and punched Cinder so hard I knocked her out cold.

I didn't much care for fighting the little girl as I said, "I have no quarrel with you.".

She didn't seem to care much either and even opened the Manta for me to leave.

I got out and began flying away but I was barely holding on.

Thankfully I landed right on the edge of Atlas.

I landed face first because of my still bleeding stab wound in the back.

I groaned in so much pain as I got up.

I couldn't maintain anything and fell down.

I looked up and I saw a ship landing nearby me.

I dragged myself along and it was Team RWBY.

They rushed over and helped me up and over to the Bullhead.

They laid me down in the ship, and I groaned in pain.

I weakly said, "Take me... to the academy... I... need to... get... The Staff...".

Ruby said, "That might not be possible right now.".

I weakly asked, "Why...?".

Ruby said, "The general's abandoning Mantle, and its people.".

I weakly said, "I don't... care about Ironwood... I need to get to... The Staff.".

Ruby said, "You don't understand, we don't have access to The Staff.".

I started to get up and I weakly said, "Get... me... to... The Staff...".

Weiss said, "Ruby, she's lost a lot of blood, adrenaline seems to be the only thing keeping her going.".

Ruby said, "Ash you need to rest.".

I weakly said, "I'll rest... when Cinder's dead...".

Ruby had a strange look on her face and she said, "You need rest.".

When I was up just enough, Yang punched me in the face knocking me out.

Ruby's POV*

Ash's body went limp on the floor, and Yang said, "There she's resting now, and I get a little payback for our match back at Beacon.".

I sighed, "Yang, you didn't have to get rough with her.".

Yang said, "Yeah... yeah I did...". 

Blake said, "She didn't sound like she was going to cooperate.".

Yang said, "Exactly. After we get The Staff we can get everyone to Vacuo and be done with her.".

Weiss asked, "What do you mean?".

Yang said, "We don't have to worry about her anymore once we get The Staff.".

I looked down, and Weiss said, "It's all right Ruby.".

Ruby said, "No, no it isn't.".

A Few Hours Later*

Ash's POV*

I groaned getting up holding my head as I did so.

I slowly got up and heard Willow Schnee, Winter's mother say, "Welcome back to the land of the living.".

I groaned, "Where am I?".

She said, "The Schnee Manor. Your friends brought you here.".

I sat up on the bed and said, "They're not my friends. Not anymore.".

I looked myself over and saw that I had some bandages.

I slowly got up saying, "Friends don't punch each other knocking each other out.".

I held my side and some guy came in saying, "You need rest miss.".

I said, "I've rested enough, now where are my things?".

Willow pointed at a nearby table and I slowly made my way over to it.

I said, "Friends don't ignore others.".

Willow said, "Yeah, but as Weiss put it, you've been kinda harsh to them.".

I began getting my black button-up on and I asked, "Did she tell you why?".

There was no response and I said, "Think how you would feel if your sister ruined your entire life in one evening. You get saved by a general who immediately puts you to work as an assassin not caring about your mental state. You go through the motions for years, finding love, making friends, only for her to ruin it all again for other people this time. You get patched up, take a breather and then immediately start trying to track her down, only this time you have help. After helping those friends get where their going you can hear them talking bad about you, so what do you do, help those who insult? Or leave? After leaving they just drag you all the way back and you finally tell them the truth, you help them understand, and in the process lose trust and the only love you've ever known. But in expressing the truth and going through a new set of motions, you learn acceptance, and try to forgive your sister, only for her to stab you in the back. I've known nothing but suffering with brief glimpses of happiness." and I finished getting dressed.

I turned to Willow and said, "Oh and should I forget punching someone hard enough to knock them out while they're already near unconsciousness.".

I started slowly walking away and I said, "If they ask where I went, tell them I went to get The Staff, and if they have a plan for it, to call me at the earliest convenience.".

I snuck out of the Schnee Manor and to Atlas Academy.

I got to one of the exterior air vent exits.

I sighed and said, "Better than taking another bullet.".

I entered and started sneaking around The Academy.

I stopped my travels when my Scroll started going off.

I stopped in the air vent and pulled my Scroll out and the CCT broadcast was going before it cut to Ironwood.

Ironwood said, "I have always promised to defend this Kingdom. Its technology, its future, from those who would see it destroyed. Our enemy is crippled, but one individual still denies Atlas its salvation. The one known as Cryomancer. Wherever you and your friends are, I need you all to listen. I know how much being a hero means to you, so I'm going to give you a choice. You can bring yourself to Atlas Academy and do your duty, and help me save as much of Atlas as I can, and Mantle will be left to fend for itself. Or... you can all watch as I destroy Mantle and its people. I have one bomb. That's all it'll take. If there's no Mantle then there's no reason for you not to work with me. Neither of us want it to come to that, but one of us is willing to do it. If anyone tries anything other than what I've ordered, Mantle... is gone. You have one hour to respond. I hope you live up to the respect and admiration I have in you.".

I said, "As if." and I kept moving.

I kept on moving until I heard footsteps.

I stopped and looked.

I saw Ironwood and Winter walking down a corridor.

I saw two soldiers emerge from one of the side paths and, upon noticing Ironwood, they saluted them while doing their best not to look Ironwood in the eye.

I silently followed them in the air vents.

I stopped once they stopped by the Ace-Ops who were lined up and standing at attention like a bunch of nobody's.

Ironwood said, "Good, you're here. I need a squad of drones in standby to drop the payload.".

I shook my head in disappointment.

Winter asked, "Sir, what for?".

Ironwood said, "I believe I was clear in the broadcast. If they give me a reason, I'm gonna remove Mantle from the equation.".

I whispered, "Idiot.".

The Ace-Ops looks on in shock as Ironwood continued by saying, "This is how we save Atlas.".

I rolled my eyes, and Ironwood began to walk away from the group.

Marrow asked, "You call this saving Atlas? Doing Salem's job for her?".

Ironwood stopped, but he didn't turn around.

Marrow walked towards him, distraught as he said, "I believed in you! I thought we could work towards something better. But now you're throwing it all away.".

Harriet grabbed him by the shoulder and moved him in order to stand between Marrow and Ironwood.

Harriet said, "If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to do it for you.".

Vine said, "If this is what gets the children to cooperate, then it's worth it.".

Elm said, "I don't like this either, but the top priority is...".

Marrow walked past Harriet to get closer to Ironwood saying, "Do you even believe what you're saying anymore?".

Marrow turned to the Ace-Ops and said, "Do any of you believe in anything? I used to wear this rank with pride. Now I see it for what it really is: a collar.".

Marrow walked past the Ace-Ops and away from Ironwood, and I noticed Winter preparing to shoot Marrow only to be punched to the ground by Winter.

Ironwood pulled back his gun as Winter restrained Marrow and she said, "You want a collar? Fine.".

I understood why she did it, as she picked Marrow up and held him as the Ace-Ops look on in shock.

Winter said, "I'll throw this traitor in the brig. Where he belongs.".

Ironwood nodded and allowed Winter to take Marrow away while he holstered his gun.

He walks past the rest of the Ace-Ops, who get out of his way and stand at attention.

I sighed silently and silently began moving again through the air vents.

I kept going until I found the one leading to the vault.

Once I was there I stopped.

I pulled my Scroll out and called, Ruby.

She picked up and she sternly asked, "Where are you?".

I said, "If you must know, I'm heading to the Vault. What's the plan?".

I heard Yang sigh and say, "Okay, Ironwood wants you, otherwise Mantle is done for. So, how do we stop him?".

I heard Blake say, "Qrow and Robyn are still in his custody, and May said that the Atlas security drones are watching the crater, so they're trapped too.".

I heard Oscar say, "And Salem isn't going to stay gone for much longer.".

I heard Ruby hopelessly say, "So then, it's impossible.".

I then heard Emerald of all people say, "See? If Miss Hero with all the answers doesn't have an answer, then we have ours.".

I heard Weiss say, "Shut up.".

I heard Yang say, "Okay, then why don't you just leave?!".

I sighed and I heard Oscar say, "Can we please just give each other a chance? Emerald's not with Salem anymore and Oz is back.".

I said, "Oh goody, the king of liars has returned.".

I heard Oscar say, "All of this doubt and worry and distrust, it isn't getting us anywhere.".

I heard Ruby say, "Then nothing has changed!".

I heard a slam and Ruby say, "We're in the exact same spot we were yesterday. Arguing what to do while the Kingdom waits to die.".

I took a deep breath not saying anything.

I heard someone leave and it was obviously Ruby.

I said, "Call back when Ruby's done having a tantrum." and I hung up and waited.

I waited patiently for a few minutes while they went through the motions of a child having a tantrum because she didn't know what to do.

I knew what had to be done, I needed to get The Staff and I needed to keep it away from Cinder and Salem, while also getting everyone from Mantle, Atlas, and The Crater to Vacuo, but in the fairness of cooperation I'd let Ruby and them figure out that exact plan on their own while I wait, lucky for them I don't know The Spirit of The Staff's name.

A few more minutes passed and I finally got a callback.

I answered and said, "Finally, class is back in session.".

I heard Ruby say, "Cut the sass.".

I stopped my sarcastic comments as I heard Weiss say, "So we've got people trapped in Atlas and Mantle that we can't evacuate unless we use the Staff which is located inside the Vault. If we open the Vault, there's a chance Ironwood might kill you, and he's already got a virus lined up for Penny if we fail to deliver as well. If Ironwood gets wind of any of this, he blows up Mantle.".

I heard Oscar say, "There's something else to consider. Once The Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural Gravity Dust to keep it from plummeting immediately, but, well, nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down.".

I heard Blake say, "Okay, then let's use The Staff to teleport everyone to safety. Maybe even to another Kingdom.".

I heard Oscar say, "We can't just wave it like a magic wand and make our problems go away. And we haven't even told you about... him.".

Yang asked, "Who?".

I heard Ozpin say, "The spirit in the Staff, Ambrosius. He's like Jinn, but, well, he's a character. He can build you anything, but only if you can explain to him how. Like any craftsman, he'll need blueprints. Some sort of reference. It'll help if we have real-world examples to show him.".

I hummed and said, "So I'll need examples and blueprints. Penny's to be exact for her safety. But I'll need more than that if we're gonna get the people to Vacuo.".

I heard Winter's little brother, Whitley say, "I've already gone through the city layouts for the SDC evacuation. Maybe I can help?".

I said, "That would certainly help, yes. Thank you, Whitley.".

I heard Ozpin say, "There's still James and his bomb to consider.".

I heard Weiss say, "Oh, I've got a plan for that.".

I asked, "Care to share with the class?".

Weiss said, "That's our end of the job, you need blueprints for yours.".

I said, "Fair enough.".

I heard Blake say, "So, that takes care of phase one.".

I heard Ruby say, "Meanwhile, Ash, how close are you to The Vault?".

I looked at The Vault and said, "Well... I'm looking right at it.".

I heard Weiss ask, "What does, I'm looking right at it, mean?".

I said, "I'm sitting in the air vent right by The Vault as to avoid contact from The General and The Ace-Ops. Just send me a signal and the blueprints and buy me some time to get it and use it.".

I heard Ruby and them say, "Okay. Good luck, Ash.".

I rolled my eyes and she hung up on me.

I sighed and waited for a little bit.

I got the signal and the blueprints and I silently opened the vent and jumped down to the platform.

As I approached The Vault a staircase formed and I walked up those steps.

I soon stood before The Vault door.

I reached for the door, and upon making contact, the door's engravings glowed icy-blue.

The Vault door comes down piece-by-piece robotically, and I headed for The Staff that was floating there.

I walked forward into The Vault, and I looked around the grassy plane.

It was peaceful and surreal, my ideal calm place.

I soon stood before The Staff.

I grabbed it and said, "Ambrosius." and as with Jinn's summoning, time slowed to a crawl and eventually stopped.

Cyan smoke billowed from the jewel on top of The Staff.

I looked on in a mixture of not caring and awe as a muscular, blue-skinned figure took form before me and flexed gratefully, and he said, "Ah! It seems someone has come to engage my creative wiles! All I'll say is it had better be worth it after my last project." and he crossed his arms and with disdain in his voice said, "A floating city? How pedestrian.".

I said, "Tell me about it. Honestly with the entire power of creation at their fingertips all they could come up with is a floating city, talk about boring.".

Ambrosius said, "Exactly! They could've done so much more but...".

I said, "They're limited by everything really. They lack originality and creativity in these trying times.".

Ambrosius said, "Right again! Man your way more interesting than the last guy who was here, talk about boring.".

I nodded and said, "Well I'd love to stand here talking about the many failures and stupidity of humanity, but... work first.".

Ambrosius asked, "What do you need.".

I said, "A friend of mine. She's gonna probably die but...".

Ambrosius inspected his nails unconcerned as he said, "I'm going to go ahead and assume that you know it's against the rules for me to bring people back from dead so...".

I said, "No... see she's not your typical girl.".

Ambrosius's expression turned to one of shock, and he immediately disappeared.

I heard Ambrosius say, "So she isn't! I'd love to meet whoever did this. Ah, I see.".

He appeared right before me and said, "There's something eating away at her isn't there?".

I said, "Not yet. I wish to rectify that problem before it even becomes a problem.".

Ambrosius nodded and said, "I'm guessing you think you have some clever plan to save her. Just know, I will give you exactly what you ask for and I don't want any complaining when it's not what you wanted.".

I pulled my Scroll out and projected a hologram of Penny's blueprints for Ambrosius to see.

Ambrosius is immediately engrossed and drawn to them.

I said, "You insult me, Ambrosius, I've brought her schematics knowing full well how you operate. I want you to make a new version of her using her exact same robot parts if you'd be so kind.".

Ambrosius frowned, peering over the hologram at me saying, "That was curiously worded, girl.".

I said, "An exact copy of her would include the virus that will sooner or later threaten her. An exact copy of her without the virus would cease to exist the second you make something else, and I'm pretty sure I and everyone else would probably wanna keep her around a little longer than that.".

Ambrosius chuckled and said, "You've done your homework.".

I said, "Of course. Now master craftsman, I want you to create a new version of Penny, using her existing robot parts taking the virus with them.".

Ambrosius formed a steeple with his fingers, deep in thought.

He twirls in the air away from me to make a series of complex hand gestures, apparently doing some difficult calculations.

I stopped projecting Penny's schematics and Ambrosius mumbled, "Okay, but if I take the robot parts out of her, that would leave...".

I took a deep breath and said, "Penny. The girl who's always been there underneath it.".

Ambrosius hummed and I said, "I'm sure I don't have to tell but you can't destroy, I'm pretty sure it's against the rules. But you wouldn't be destroying her. Her soul is who she is. The mechanical parts are just... extra..." and I looked down at my nanorobotic hand.

Ambrosius turned back to me, and asked, "But a soul without a complete body, what would be left?".

I said, "Well...".

I looked up at him and said, "I'm not... sure I'm the best person to say... but where I can't say for certain I'm sure your creativity will answer it for me. So for lack of a better word, get creative.".

Ambrosius's excitedly flew here and there, doing calculations, clearly lost in thought as he said, "I suppose I could do a little... Oh, add a touch of... But if I do that, how much of the old Penny would be my work, and how much would be her? Just coming up to the surface.".

Ambrosius came over and said, "This is all very exciting, and very dangerous. I don't know what the results are going to be.".

I said, "I believe in you.".

Ambrosius flexed and said, "Then ready yourself, to witness my artistry!".

He made an expansive gesture, then made some more hand movements, that emanated a bright glow from his hands, and I watched as a stream of sparks and mist moved away and up into the air.

There was a bright glow and I shielded my eyes.

Ambrosius gave a final snap of his fingers, and with a cheeky look and wink said, "It's done!". 

I asked, "Was the cheeky grin necessary?".

Ambrosius said, "Of course! Now what's next?".

I said, "I need you to open a bunch of two-way doorways in Atlas that open at Shade Academy in Vacuo. Yes, I have the location and coordinates.".

Ambrosius sighed and said, "Sure! I'll just need specs for each door, an explanation for bending space and time to account for the much greater traffic on one side and the single point of exit on the other.".

I said, "So, I would need to funnel everybody through a central location first.".

Ambrosius asked, "You're going to have to tell me more about this central location. For starters, uh, where is it?".

I said, "I was figuring a place like this. A place like these Vaults. Wherever they are, they exist apart from Remnant. Only accessible if you know the right way in.".

Ambrosius chuckled, amused, and said, "You're either smart or much more foolish than you realize.".

I said, "Probably a healthy mix of both.".

Ambrosius asked, "I'm going to need a reference?".

I pulled my Scroll out again and projected the SDC schematics of the Snow Shoe Shopping pneumatic tube delivery system, as well as the Atlesian Military Compounds where all the tubes connect, and I gave coordinates to Shade Academy just to be sure.

Ambrosius smiled and concentrated briefly before making some more complex hand gestures.

In the doorway to The Vault appears a glowing blue portal bordered by a yellow frame.

I said, "People enter from Atlas, Mantle, and The Crater on one side... and leave on the other side, with a two-way ticket to Vacuo and possibly back if needed.".

Ambrosius said, "Well, everything appears to be in order. You were quite thorough, disappointingly so.".

I said, "Well do you see who I'm dealing with.".

He lazily settles into a reclined position midair, putting his feet up.

I asked, "So, is it done?".

Ambrosius said, "Yeah.".

He waves me away, apparently bored.

I said, "Well you seem bored so, I'm gonna go.".

Ambrosius said, "Oh, and one last point of clarification about this central location of yours. Do not fall.".

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Didn't plan on it.".

Ambrosius said, "Okay, and with that dire warning--".

He took a majestic bow and disappeared in a puff of smoke. 

I rolled my eyes and entered the extradimensional portal and was in a black void with a network of these portals appearing, linked by bridges, all leading to a central platform funneling into a particularly large portal.

I said, "Not too shabby if I do say so myself.".

I started walking and once I was on a platform I was hit with a fireball.

I hit the ground but used The Staff to get myself up.

I looked and saw Cinder.

I smirked and asked, "How's your head?".

She smirked and said, "Fine. How's your back?".

I nodded condescendingly and said, "Can we not do this right now. There are people who need me right now.".

Cinder said, "We don't have to, all you have to do is hand over The Staff and leave.".

I looked at her waist side and saw The Lamp.

I nodded and said, "You wasted the last question to figure out what I and the others were up to.".

Cinder said, "Doesn't seem like a waste if it worked.".

I held The Staff in a battle-ready position and said, "Well it's a waste if you don't get to see your plan through.".

Cinder manifested some swords and said, "We'll see about that.".

I charged at her twirling the Staff around as I approached.

She backed away, and I jumped up trying to use the momentum to bring The Staff down on her but no matter where I struck she blocked it with her blades.

My feet touched the ground and she used her blades to attack me while I used The Staff to defend myself.

She pushed me back with an assortment of attacks and I soon got the upper hand and tried hitting her with the Staff but she ducked back and we stood off again.

Cinder approached and jumped trying to spin kick me but I ducked.

She tried to bring her two blades down on me but I blocked it with The Staff.

She pulled one blade away and tried to attack my legs but I jumped up dodging it and elbowed her in the face making her drop one of her blades.

I tried a flurry of attacks that she blocked but they pushed her back.

She did a spin kick that pushed me back.

She held a hand out and her blade approached me from behind.

I dodged it and said, "Not gonna work this time.".

I started pushing her back every way I knew how and soon had The Staff against her throat and was using it to choke her from behind.

I said, "This ends here.".

I held my nanorobotic out and with my magic created an Ice Dagger and just as I brought it down to end her once and for all, my entire nanorobotic arm was completely shot off.

I held it in pain as I fell to my knees in agony.

I turned and saw Ruby with Yang, Weiss, and Blake.

I shouted, "Why?!!".

Cinder said, "Isn't it obvious sister?".

I looked at her and was hit across the face with The Staff, knocking me close to the edge of the platform I was on.

Cinder said, "Ruby cares about me. She has since our interactions before The Fall of Beacon.".

My eyes widened and Cinder approached me and asked, "Don't you think it's a little too convenient that she and the others are always the ones stopping you from killing me. The Silver Eye attack at Beacon. Raven not finishing me off at Haven. And now this, well this is just icing on the cake, and all because Ruby wants to save my soul from darkness and despair as she so accurately put it once.".

Everything started to make sense now, why they were always stopping me from killing her.

I looked up at Cinder and then over at another portal as Winter came through.

Cinder and the others looked as well.

I held a hand out to Winter but she turned her gaze away from me.

Cinder hit me over the edge of the platform but I caught the edge before I could fall.

Cinder walked over and looked down at me with a grin on her face.

Cinder said, "Now if you'll excuse me there are people who need me much more than they need you." and she hit my hand with the bottom of The Staff forcing me to let go.

I was gonna try and fly up with my magic but Cinder shot me down into the abyss with her magic.

As I fell into the abyss I hopelessly watched Cinder look down at me, Team RWBY watch on without making a move to help, and Winter standing there keeping her gaze away from me.

I fell until I couldn't see them anymore.

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