Like Mother Like Daughter

By dirteedamsel

105K 4.5K 138

"Anybody can be a mother, but it takes somebody special to be a mom..." They said everything happened for a r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 16

1.9K 93 1
By dirteedamsel

Why did I agree to this? This had to be the worst idea ever! Not to mention my skirt was incredibly itchy! AND Tom wasn't here yet. AND my parents were going to be here any minute! Why did I agree to this?

Then the door bell rang.

"Courtney! Can you get the door please?" Amelia shouted from upstairs.

"Yeah I got it!" I shouted back. I went over to the door and opened it, hoping it was something good. Luckily it was.

It was Tom with a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh good it's you," I said as he came in.

"Were you expecting the boogie man?" he asked. I chuckled.

"No, I thought you were my parents," I replied.

"Nope, just me. These are for you," he said and handed me the bouquet.

"Thank you! They're lovely. I just need a little bit of positivity before the he and she get here," I replied.

"You're really not looking forward to this are you?" he asked as he followed me into the kitchen.

"No I'm not. Don't ask me why I agreed because I'm still racking my brain. And let me tell you right now when this dinner disaster is over I'll be hitting my head with something hard until the memory goes away," I replied.

"All right, all right, take it easy. Let's try and enjoy this. I mean first off you look great, second Amelia and I will be here, third, if you get angry just excuse yourself to the bathroom and cool off alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah okay. Thanks," I replied. Just then Amelia walked in. She wore a navy blue V-neck dress with a nice belt under her bust and the rest of the dress swayed out and around, just ending above her knees.. On her feet were three inch black pumps. Her hair was curled in loose ringlets, her bangs were pushed out of her face and pinned back, and she wore the perfect amount of make-up. She looked very sophisticated.

"Hey Tom, how's the casserole?" she asked me. I bent down and checked inside the oven. There was a broccoli casserole cooking in the oven.

"Looks about done," I replied. Tom handed me a pair of oven gloves and I pulled the pan out of the oven. The smell of melted cheese and olive oil filled the air.

"Smells pretty good, when do we eat?" Tom asked. I scoffed.

"Hungry much?" I asked.

"Mom was serving pulled pork for lunch and I wasn't risking having another meat facial, courtesy of dear Sally," he replied. I ended up giggling.

"We can't eat until Charlie and Tess arrive," Amelia said. As if the universe is a miracle worker the door bell rang.

"Oh joy the gong show begins," I said.

"Alright you wipe that look off your face and at least pretend to have a nice time," Amelia said and went to get the door. I groaned and dropped my head on the table. A hand paced gently across my back.

"All right come on, up. Look at me," Tom pulled me up to look at him.

"Everything will be alright, if you get frustrated just excuse yourself to the bathroom," he said.

"Alright, alright," I agreed.

"Helloooo!" right on cue. Tess came singing into the kitchen with my dad following her. Dad had a bottle of wine in his hands; whenever we went to dinner parties they'd always bring a bottle of wine. Tess hugged me and kissed my cheek. All I did was roll my eyes when she wasn't looking.

"We missed you a lot sweetie! You're father and I can't go a day without thinking about you," she said.

"Yeah, yeah, where's dad?" I asked. Dad was standing to the side exchanging greets with Amelia.

"Hi dad!" I said and hugged him.

"Hey Courtney!" I missed my dad's hugs. And he always smelt like ginger strangely.

"Who's this?" Tess asked, directing her voice to Tom. I pulled away from dad and ran to Tom's aid.

"This Tom, he's my boyfriend," I said.

"You've only been here a month and already have a boyfriend?" Tess asked me, she seemed almost shocked at this news. Did she not think I was capable of getting a boyfriend?

"Hi, nice to meet you," Tom shook my dad's hand.

"Very nice to meet you Tom," Dad said with a grin. I'll take that as a good sign.

"Tom is also one of my best students, he's been a very good influence on Courtney," Amelia said.

"Well that's great. Hi I'm Tess," Tess shook Tom's hand.

"It’s very nice to meet you ma'am. Courtney's told me a lot about you," he said. What?

"Really?" Tess asked. I shot Tom a glare, she didn’t need to know that I told him why I’m here in the first place.

"Uh yeah...about you're're lives in general...that stuff," he said. I can already see how this night is going to go on.

We all sat down at the table. Amelia brought out the casserole and I helped her serve everybody. It was dead silent.

"So Tom, what do you plan on doing for university?" Dad asked. Whenever there's an awkward silence, my dad always tried to strike up a conversation.

"I plan on studying photography and criminology at Princeton," he replied.

"Really? You know I was big on criminology as a young adult," Dad said.


"Oh yeah, I loved figuring out puzzles and proving the guilty figure,"

"But instead of being an exciting detective Dad went into being a boring accountant," I said.

"That's because you're father wanted to support a family and there's not a lot of money in being a detective sweetheart," Tess said. And cue the eye roll.

"Unfortunately it's true. But that was like twenty years ago. Times have changed now and detectives are making 10% more than accountants per year since 2004," Dad cut in.

"How's that even possible accountants work in banks?" I asked.

"The crime ratio has gone up in the past five years. Remember the attack in Russia a few months ago?" Dad asked.

"...Oh," I said in realization.

"But a lass, you're father chose banking. That's how we met," Tess said, making everything about her once again.

"You told me you guys met in a bar," I said.

"Well that is true but we were both in university," Dad said.

"That's true, and I saw the whole thing," Amelia said. I turned my attention to her.

"Whoa and dad used to go to university together?" I asked.

"Yes, we were friends," Dad said.

"Oh it was more than that Charlie," Amelia said.

"More than what?" Tom asked with a sly look on his face.

"Amelia and I used to go out, okay? You caught us," Dad admitted. Amelia nodded solemnly.

"But if you two used to date than what happened?" I asked.


"Um things were getting a bit rocky between your father and I so we called it quits. A week later he met your mother," Amelia explained. Something told me she was lying, there was much more than that.

"Yeah, and you're mother and I hit it off right away and we've been in love ever since," Dad said and wrapped an arm around Tess' shoulders. I wanted to gag.

"That's right, and Amelia chose...well a darker path let's say," Tess replied.

"That's a bit rude Mrs. Stern," Tom said.

"No, no, I'll admit I fell off the wagon after university but I've done pretty well for myself," Amelia said.

"Yeah, I also forgot to mention love the house. It's much better than that scrappy old apartment you used to live in," Tess said. Is she trying to start an argument? I felt like slapping her.

"Yeah I used some of my well fare and the money I got from teaching to buy my own place. I also had to take out a loan but already paid it all back." Amelia replied.

"That's great Amelia. The house is amazing. You like being a teacher?" Dad asked Amelia. This is the point where he tries to change the topic after there's growing tension.

"Yeah I love it, especially when I got such smart students like these two," she replied and winked at us.

"Touched," Tom said and took a sip of water.

"Yeah Amelia's a great French teacher. Better than Mrs. Polaski who was 87 and had scarlet fever," I added.

"She had scarlet fever and she taught? Especially in another language?" Tom asked me.

"You only have Mrs. Polaski for your homeroom advisor once. After that you wear ear muffs to protect your ears from streptococcus," I replied.

"Now come on sweetie, Mrs. Polaski may be old but she's still a very good teacher," Tess said.

"She called you Ted at my parent/teacher meeting," I replied.

"So she's a bit hard of hearing, so what?"

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked. Tom huffed.

"Yes Courtney you may go to the bathroom," Amelia replied. I thanked her and hurried to the door in the hall. Shutting the door a bit loudly I looked at myself in the mirror. I have to admit I looked pretty good. My hair and make-up was still perfect. My skirt and blouse looked fine. Surprisingly my pumps were still comfortable. I realized I looked like a little girl with the black and white polka dot skirt and red shoes. I was dressed like I was thirteen or something. I looked cute though. I always tried to look my best, especially now at this school where everything depends on labels.

"THAT IS AN INSULT!" I heard Tess scream. Can you believe this I'm gone for two minutes and already a fight has broke out. I ran out of the bathroom and saw the three grown-ups in a fight with Tom trying to calm them down.

"Hey! Hey! HEY!" I shouted. The shouting stopped.

"What the actual hell is going on here?" I asked.

"We're leaving." Tess said. "Right now,"

"Tess wait," Dad sighed.

"Charlie grab your coat we're leaving right now," she repeated.

"Wait don't leave. We can work this out," Amelia said.

"Nope we're leaving right now," Tess stated and pulled on her coat.

"Tess wait a second-"

"Charlie this is the exact reason why I didn't want to come here!" Tess snapped at dad. My dad! How dare she!

"What happened?" I asked again.

"We were talking about Sally and how she was a surprise to my family," Tom replied.

"And then Tess randomly shouts 'That's an insult’?” I asked.

"I accidently brought up pregnancies," he said. I face palmed myself.

"I'm really sorry Courtney this is all my fault," Tom said.

"No, no I'm not blaming you. You had nothing to do with it," I replied.

"Tess let's at least hear Amelia out," Dad said.

"I told you we should've adopted a child, we wouldn't be faced with these problems!" Tess snapped.

"What problems? For the past eighteen years we've been perfectly happy!" Dad snapped back.

"She's mad at me," Amelia said.

"Mad is the understatement of the century, I am furious!" Tess shouted.

"You know what, you're right Tess we should go," Dad said.

"No Charlie you're right. I think we should stay so I can have a word with Ms. Pond," Tess said.

"I agree with dad, you should leave! Like right now!" I cut in.

"Stay out of this Courtney," Tess said.

"Why should she?" Amelia asked defensively.

"This doesn't concern my daughter! She has no business in this!"

"Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel anything at all? You've been lying to your daughter -- no actually, my daughter for the past eighteen years! She deserves the truth and she deserves to be a part of this just as much as any of us do!" Amelia shouted.

"Maybe I wouldn't need to lie if you could stick up for yourself, stay on the wagon! Huh! Teacher?" Tess screamed.

"Tess that's enough!" Charlie shouted.

"Well what about you? You inconsiderate little bitch, you think you can just walk into a scene and all of the sudden everything becomes about you? You don't care about Courtney and that's all I've been doing for the past month! I may not have known Courtney for a long time but you can bet your sweet sorry ass I love her more than you ever will!" Amelia shouted at Tess. Tess looked shocked, then her shocked face turned to anger and she did the unthinkable.

She slapped Amelia.

Right across the face, everybody saw it. We witnessed it. But that didn't shake me most, it was the words Amelia had just used. Sure everybody has a bit of a potty mouth, but I have to admit I was proud of Amelia. In some ways shocked too. Amelia looks like such an innocent, sweet person and you could never imagine her being harsh like that.

It seemed Tess had realized what she had done to Amelia when she covered her jaw-dropped mouth.

"Amelia, I am so, so sorry," she said.

"I understand, but I would appreciate it if you both leave now please. Thank you for coming," Amelia replied. Without another word, Dad and Tess took their jackets and left the house.

"Are you okay Ms. Pond?" Tom asked.

"I'm fine Tom. Why don't you two go to bed...I'll clean up," she suggested.

"I'll help you," I offered.

"No, go to bed Courtney. You should go home Tom. I'll go to bed soon," she replied.

"Alright," I didn't want to fight with her after what just happened. So being a good daughter, I headed to the stairwell.

"Hey Court," Tom came after me at the bottom step.

"Do you mind if I quickly use the bathroom before I leave?" he asked.

"Sure, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight," I replied. Tom leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Sleep well," he said.

"I'll try," I replied and headed to my room.

Amelia had given me the guest room; it was very nice. The walls were a seashell white color, the floor was covered with soft greyish brown carpet, and there was a slant for the ceiling because my room was at the top of the house. The roof indented onto the ceiling but I didn't mind. I always like it. My bed had a blue and white polka dot quilt; there was a love seat at the end of it. I had a desk for my laptop, books, art, etc. Next to the hall door was my closet filled with my dresses and shoes. Across from the love seat was a dresser with my shirts, pants, shorts, and under garments. I had a nice bedside table and a lamp.

What kept bothering me was what was said at the dinner table that got Tess so insulted. No one was giving me the right answers. This was one family mystery I wasn't going to get to the bottom of tonight.


I did my business in the bathroom, and then came out to hear crying. It was coming from the kitchen. My feet carried me across the hardwood floor into the kitchen where Ms. Pond was washing off dishes and placing them into the dishwasher.

She was crying.

"Ms. Pond? Are you alright?" I asked. Ms. Pond looked back and dried her eyes.

"Oh hi Tom, I thought you went home," she said.

"I needed to take a wiz first. Are you okay?" I asked again.

"Yeah I'm just fine," she replied. She was lying.

"Would you like to talk about it?" I asked. Ms. Pond took a breath and turned off the sink tap that was rushing water.

"I was thinking about the day I delivered Courtney. After I gave birth they cleaned her. She turned her little head and looked at me with her wide eyes. After that they took her to Charlie and Tess. They thanked me and paid me." she let out a gasp and a few tears ran down her face.

"I never got to hold her. I never saw her smile for the first time. I'm sure it was magical when she did. It was a miracle to hear her first words, to see her first step; that’s what every mother dreams of. I'm a surrogate mother Tom; I don't get to see that. I get money in the place of a child. That doesn't seem like a fair trade,” She explained. Something's not right.

"Courtney said after they cleaned her they lay her down next to you," I said puzzled.

"I had to lie to her to make her feel better. To not feel as guilty. But she shouldn't feel guilty, I made a deal,"

"And Courtney was the prize," I said. Ms. Pond nodded.

"Exactly. I loved Courtney so much. I tried reaching out to Tess and Charlie; I wanted visitation rights. Charlie was all for it because he was close with me, Tess however...she was the obstacle. She didn't want me around. She felt threatened by me. I was still off the wagon. She thought be being around would be bad for Courtney. She didn't give a crap that I loved her. She thought I only wanted Charlie, and to steal him away from her. I should've though, Tess stole him first," she replied.

"They went out after you broke up...right?" Ms. Pond stayed silent.

"Right?" I asked again.

"You know Tom, I've learned that it's best not to ask questions you don't want to know the answer to," she replied.

"I'm sorry. I should go. I'll see you on Monday Ms. Pond," I said and started to leave.

"Tom," she called me back. I turned around.

"You know outside of school you can call me Amelia. I don't mind. Even for tutoring sessions you can call me Amelia," she said.

"Will do, have a good night Amelia," I said.

"I'll try. Goodnight Tom," she replied. I headed out the door into the cold night air. Up above was a light in a room. No doubt it belonged to Courtney. There was an ivy ladder on the side of the house. Me being cocky me, I climbed the ladder to her room. Courtney was lying on her bed; she looked really upset. I knocked on the glass window a couple of times. Courtney looked up from her bed, then her lips turned into a smile. She ran over and opened the window.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" she asked.

"You're light was on...Juliet," I joked. She rolled her eyes.

"Very cute, do you want to come inside?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied. She pulled me inside and fell onto the bed. I fell next to her.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Eh, I'll be fine," she replied.

"You were right; this night was a disaster. Did you hit your head yet?" I asked. She punched my arm.

"No, the cold shower took that desire away," she replied. I leaned in and kissed her nose.

"Everything will be fine. Promise," I said.


"On my little sister,"

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