10 Years Time

By justkending

16.1K 545 70

As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen


1K 32 4
By justkending

A year had passed since the signing of the alliance for Alberia and Turan.

Both kingdoms had flourished since then. About a month after the signing, Y/N was officially made the queen of the Alberia and her father and Pepper went into retirement. Even in retirement though, Tony had opinions and always gave his two cents to Y/N when he could.

There was only one instance in that year that war was threatened. A neighboring kingdom that had been on the rocks of having a Queen as the single ruler of a country. It was something they never could really wrap their head around, and thought that taking over or trying to invade would be easier. Like many others did since the trend was becoming more popular of a female ruler.

But like the strong and powerful kingdom that Alberia is, they came up on top and war was never even approached after 'having a word' with said kingdom. In other words, they were reminded of the kind of country Alberia was and their alliances.

Another major change was the amount of new women knights they had signed up for the force. A-force was growing in numbers and so many more women were stepping up to the plate to fight for their country. It was historical and monumental being one of the few countries to allow this. But because of it, Alberia's security was stronger.

Scott and Jean were engaged to marry within the next year. The two so happy together and keeping Turan thriving together as well.

Nat and Bucky were engaged and married about 6 months ago. They didn't want anything fancy, and settled for a small elopement with close friends and family. Nat made a beautiful bride, and Y/N made sure that the after party with friends was truly one to celebrate at. Lot's of alcohol...

Clint and Laura were expecting their first child. Only about 5 more months to go. They, as well as the rest of the friend group, were ecstatic and so ready for one of them to take the next step in life with a family.

Wanda and Sam had begun talking in the last couple of months, and have finally settled into courting the other. They were perfect for each other with their bubbly and goofy nature. Everyone was surprised it didn't happen earlier.

Thor recently got engaged to a duchess named Jane. Though people thought she wasn't high enough on the royalty scale, Thor could care less and all his friends saw the love that he shared for her. They were all in support of the two being together.

Loki was still single, but not phased by others finding love. He liked the business he was in charge of, so not seeing him in love or engaged for the next couple of years wasn't much of a surprise to the friend group.

As for Y/N and Steve. Well, that's the story everyone wants, right?

The knight and princess had to keep their relationship on the low for a while after Y/N was finally labeled as the Queen of Alberia. If word got around that one of the reasons for the alliance with Prince Scott was because she was in love with a knight of her country, well questions would be asked and older kingdoms would say she wasn't in the right mind to rule a country.

Which was far from the truth as we all know, but old privileged men, am I right?

So the couple kept it a secret for a while. A good long while. But after sneaking around long enough, they got tired of worrying about what others thought, and didn't hide it anymore.

Steve would visit Y/N's room every night. Not climbing on the roof anymore, but instead walking in the door where everyone could see. They held hands, shared kisses, hugged, and did everything a normal couple would do in public.

As for the staff, cooks, maids, knights, guards, they all knew. They all knew since when the two were young fawning after each other in the fields of wildflowers, but they didn't dare share secrets that weren't theirs to share. That's the kind of loyalty this kingdom had for each other.

So when they finally made it public, the castle rejoiced. Everyone congratulating them and shared their joy for the couple every chance they got.

It was just a few days from when the two would be celebrating their 1 year anniversary from making it official themselves.

They were cuddled up into the other under the blankets of Y/N's 'made for a queen' bed. The whole 'saving yourself for marriage' thing kinda flew out the window the night that Y/N showed up to that ball in that gown, and Steve wore that mouthwatering attire for the signing. They were goners as soon as they set their eyes on the other.

"I can hear you thinking Stevie." Y/N giggled while she drew circles on Steve's bare chest. His arm possessively thrown around her pulling her into his side. As if someone was going to march in any second demanding her over.

"Hmmm?" he hummed clearly still in thought and not really knowing what he was humming to.

"Steve?" she said sitting up and leaning on her elbow to the side to see him better. His grip never going down, but his eyes quickly looking to look at her.

"Hmm, what?" he asked confused at her movement.

"Are you daydreaming, or..." she dragged out letting a small chuckle come out. When all he did was look at her, she cocked her head to the side and a small smirk began to curve at the corner of her lips. "What are you-"

"You are so beautiful. You know that?" he said looking down at those sultry lips of hers.

"What's gotten into you-" she giggled, and he couldn't help it. He pinched her side getting another laugh out of her. He pulled her to where she was laying on top of him, and wrapped his arms around her waist making it impossible for her to move. "Steven!" she shouted wiggling in his grip.

"I love your laugh." he said peppering her with kisses on her face as she moved laughing more. "I love your nose." he said kissing her nose. "I love your eyes. I love your cheeks when they get all rosy after I compliment you. I love how your eyebrows quirk when you want to say something sassy, but hold back." she was trying to move to see his face better, but after every comment he would kiss her again and again. "I love how happy you make everyone feel welcomed just by smiling. I love the little freckles you get when you're out in the sun too long. I love your love for being outside."

"Steve, why are you all mushy gushy all of a sudden?" she laughed finally moving to where she was looking down at him. He paused the kisses, and a gleam shone in his eyes. She moved to a sitting position. Still straddling him, but bringing the blanket to cover her exposed flesh.

He tugged at the blanket like he was nervous trying to find something to play with as he sat looking at her. But even as nervous as he was, he couldn't pull his eyes from those beautiful Y/E/C orbs.

He let out a sigh saying mentally, "Screw it." He moved to where he was sitting up to, but she was still sitting in his lap. He wanted her close for this.

"Do you know the love that I have for you is something that I never knew was humanly possible?" he said moving one of her curls away from her face and behind her ear. She fell into the touch and closed her eyes basking in his admiration.

"I love you too-"

"No. I mean, my heart feels sad and empty if you're not within 10 feet of me." he continued. "I really, really, really, really love you." he said. The desperation to get his point across was heavy.

"Steve." she said with a breath through her nose. She moved her hand to his cheek. He copied that same action she did just seconds ago and leaned into it. Instead of closing his eyes, he searched hers for something. "I think I can say the same thing about you. I know it's not a competition, but if it were I think we have each other tied." she chuckled moving to rest her forehead on his.

A simple touch, but something that meant much more to them. A sense of understanding and communication for them to share so much without saying anything.

They sat there for a second. Their breathes syncing and going in and out as one. Then Steve said it. He said it no longer being able to keep the thought to himself.

"Marry me."

It was more of a statement than a question, but either way, Y/N pulled back quiet and looked at him wide eyed.

"Wait, what-"

"Marry me." he repeated.

"Steve-" she breathed out as if she was socked in the stomach.

"I love everything about you and so much more." he said continuing his first rant. "I love the light your soul radiates on this earth. The way you are compassionate and loving to everyone you meet. How you come at issues with peace as the first tactic instead of war. How you make an effort to know every staff, guard, cook, noble man, and every person around you. I love the calmness and the excitement that you can turn up and turn down when needed. I love your stubbornness, when it's not directed to me." he said with a smirk making her laugh and a single tear came down her cheek of pure joy.

He moved his hand and wiped it away before pulling her closer to him by her face.

"I love everything you are, I love everything you are going to be, and I want to make that person my wife." he smiled nerves coming back. "I want to make you my queen." he said in a whisper.

"You really want that? You're going to be ok with that?" she asked concerned, but immensely excited too.

"More than anything I've wanted all my life." he answered as if it was the simplest thing he could answer.

"Can I say something then?" she asked catching him off guard. His nodded unsure of what was to come.

She bent down and slowly started to kiss his cheek before moving to other spots on his face. Slower than him, but just as love filled.

"I love how strong you are for everyone around you." she started. Once he saw where she was going with this he was about to interject since he was the one supposed to be peppering her with compliments, but the game worked both ways. She moved her hand to his lips and pulled back sending him a look. "Don't interrupt." she said semi-sternly making him effectively shut his mouth.

"I love the kindness you show everyone around you. I love the little specks of green in your eyes when the light hits it just right. I love how when I'm reading a book and fall asleep, you bring me a blanket or take me to my room to sleep. I love how long your eyelashes look when you sleep. I love the scruff of your beard when you first wake up. I love how when anytime you see me doubt myself, you jump in reassuring me every time. I love how supportive you are to everyone. I love the gleam in your eyes when you get an idea you're excited about. I love the way you protect everyone around you as if you would jump in front of an arrow for each and every single one of them." She stopped kissing his face, and looked at him seeing him practically glowing. Very rarely did he let her compliment him like this, so clearly he was blushing. "I love everything you are and everything you are going to be."

She grinned as if telling him her answer. He looked back and forth between her eyes and brushed a finger over her lips.

"Does that mean you'll marry me?" he asked.

"Only if you really are ok with being stuck by my side for eternity." she smiled back.

"I couldn't and wouldn't want to see it any other way." he said pulling her into his chest and crashing her lips to his own.


A royal wedding. Taking place only about 4 months after they announced it. Fast and hurried, but everyone was ecstatic. The Queen of Alberia was going to settle down and with a man everyone respected and loved just as much as her.

The villagers knew Steve because of how often he came into town to help with anything and everything. Y/N was the same kind of person. Making a large impression as a couple for the kingdom.

Not a single soul wasn't routing for the two in Alberia. People were waiting to see the marriage finally take place.

"No! Those flowers are supposed to be mixed with the wild flowers. Don't you understand the purpose of baby breath?" Nat shouted running to fix every little problem she saw.

"She does realize the wedding isn't until tomorrow, right?" Y/N asked as she signed another order of some sort with yet another delivery.

"That won't stop her from being type 1." Wanda shook her head letting out a sigh.

"True. What else is there to do today?" Y/N asked thanking the delivery person as they bowed and walked off.

"Aunt Jay said that the dress is just 2 stitches from being done, and she wanted you to try the veil on in about 30 minutes. We need to check in with the bakers and cooks to make sure the menu is ready for tomorrow, and lastly, we saved some time for you and Steve to be together before you're forbidden to see the other until you're walking down the aisle." Wanda grinned, turning to her Queen with her arms behind her back.

"Sounds doable." Y/N smiled back. "Have Nat go take a nap or at least rest. If she refuses, tell her the queen commanded it. It's not an option." she said with a certain look that showed Wanda to not relent. "I'll go check with Rebecca on the food, and then I'll head to Janet's room for the veil."

"Anything else you would like me to do?" Wanda asked with bright eyes.

"Just make sure you and Nat are rested for tomorrow. If you think the day before is stressful, just wait for the day of." Y/N winked moving to the kitchen with two guards behind her as usual. They kept a good distance though.

"Yes your highness." Wanda curtsied before turning to get Nat who was still trying to perfect the layout of the flowers.


"Oh Becca! It looks perfect." Y/N said circling the simple wedding cake she asked for. Steve and her weren't much to go over the top like the wedding was mapped out to be, so where she could add simplicity she did. The cake being one of the few things.

It was a beautiful blue marbled cake with gold flakes brushed on delicately. The topper was a sun and a moon together. Night and Sun. It was brilliant and very royal like while also touching a personal level for the couple.

"Really? You're not just saying that because you're best friends with my brother." Becca chuckled with some nerves in her voice.

"No Bec. You always come out making things better than I pictured them to be." she added with a nudge of her shoulder to the young girl. "You outdid yourself again."

"Thanks your highness." Becca said with a proud grin . "I'm glad you like it."

"How is that brother of yours? I barely see him anymore it feels like. He's either with Nat at night, or on some mission in the daytime."

"He's doing absolutely great. Thanks for asking." A deeper voice said in the background making the two girls turn.

"Hey!" Y/N said with a wide smile going to hug her friend. Bucky returning it and giving her a tight squeeze around her waist before letting go. "I thought you were training all day."

"That was the plan, but after some of the basics, I dismissed them all. I heard something about a big very important wedding happening tomorrow, so I figured, what the hell? We'll give them a day off to really be on guard tomorrow."

"Last day as second in command. You nervous? Excited?" she asked.

"Steve and me were practically co-captains anyway. Not much is changing besides having to ask him first before making a command or move. Which I feel like I'll still be doing since it does have to go through the King and Queen first anyway." Bucky shrugged folding his arms behind him.

"Well, I'm glad it's working out well for you. I know Steve is excited for you, and has all kinds of faith in you. As does the rest of the kingdom." Y/N nodded.

"Good to have the reassurance." he smiled genuinely. "Now before I forget, and get ripped a new one by my wife, I was sent here to get you to Janet." he said offering his arm.

"Nat's supposed to be resting." She said back with a tilted head.

"Yeah, Wanda was dragging her to our room when I went to find her. She was able to get out the little bit about a fitting before Wanda locked her up." Bucky laughed.

Y/N shook her head playfully grabbing his arm and turning back to Rebecca. "It's perfect." she said motioning to the cake. "I trust everything down here is in good hands with your mom and you. Let me know if you need anything further."

"Yes, my queen." Becca's curtsied.

"It's Y/N, Bec. You know that." she winked getting a blush from the younger baker. "Lead the way Captain." she said to Bucky who just rolled his eyes with a smile.


"Perfect timing my dear." Janet said once Bucky and her walked into Janet's tailoring room.

"Good evening Aunt Jay." she said moving to give a kiss to the older woman's cheeks.

"That's my sign. I'll see you tomorrow Y/N/N." Bucky bowed.

"Wait. What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Y/N said stopping Bucky from moving further.

"Uh, probably just double and triple checking stations for tomorrow, and then going to find Nat." he shrugged.

"Ok, then you can spare about 10 minutes here?"

"I mean yes, but why?" he asked.

"I just want to catch up." she grinned.

He returned the grin before moving to a chair by the small pedestal Janet had for fittings. "Of course your highness." he winked.

Y/N laughed before working with Janet. She showed her some tiaras she had in mind, and then she showed her the different veils she designed and already had done ready to try on.

"I know you want simple, but I thought I would go with a little uniqueness for the veil since the dress is very elegantly simple." Janet explained.

"These are all stunning Jay. You never fail to make my jaw drop." Y/N smiled ghosting her hands over the options.

"And everyone else in the room's jaw drop too." Bucky said under his breath, but still loud enough for the two women to hear and send smiles his way.

"Oh! I forgot!" Janet said running to the closet of tule and fabric. "How could I forget?" she mumbled to herself. Both Y/N and Bucky looking over at her trying to figure out what she was doing. "There it is!" she said grabbing something and speed walking back to the veils. "Now I know it's not traditional, but-"

"I think we are way over doing things the traditionally way around here Jay." Y/N snickered with Bucky.

"Well it wouldn't be a Y/N Stark kind of wedding if we didn't do something a little different." Jay said winking and going to the veil Y/N was hovered over the most. "I wanted to incorporate something like this. What do you think?"

Y/N looked and saw the little patterns of gold stars and moons that Janet had mapped out and made an audible gasp.

"Oh Jay. That's perfect. More than perfect actually." she said in a breath.

"So you want it?"

"Will it be too much to do? I don't want to make you even more time crunched then you are."

"For you darling? I would do anything and everything." Janet smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You can't say no to that Y/N/N. Steve will crumble at the altar and that's not even adding the dress to the thought." Bucky said over her shoulder making her jump slightly at how fast he stood by her.

Y/N smiled down at the veil and ran a hand over it before turning to Janet. "You're sure?"

"Only if you are." Janet shrugged crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then yes please. I would love to add a piece of Steve to this." she said.

"Oh yay!" Janet jumped clapping her hands. "It'll go perfect with the dress too!"

"I'm excited to see how it all comes together." Y/N said with a laugh.

"Me too." Bucky added.


Y/N was dressed to the nine. Perfectly dolled up, veil and tiara on, dress fitted perfectly to her body, not a hair out of place, and nails painted.

Everything was just how she hoped. There were very few details she got final say in since royal weddings were expected to be above and beyond. Though that wasn't the soon to be married couples taste, they were considerate people who knew everyone else wanted a big elaborate party.

So with the few details that were theirs to choose, they made it their own. Y/N's dress was simple but elegant and unique much like her. Her veil and tiara were a little more detailed but not by much. The veil had the gold stars and moons signifying her 'knight'. Reminding her of her love that would be waiting for her on the other end of the aisle. Her tiara the same kind of gold with red rubies littering it all around to show the colors of her kingdom. Her hair was styled as if it flowed down her back like a waterfall. Half looking like it was braided and half looking like it was curled to cascade down.

If beauty, elegance, perfection, stature, and humbleness was a person. Y/N was that person.

All the girls in the room were fawning over her. Nat, Wanda, Pepper, Morgan, Janet, and Hope who had come back home to see her long time friend get married.

"Ok, enough tears and mushy sentiments." Pepper said after the group had gushed over the bride. "We need to get moving and clean up the makeup we just ruined." she sniffled.

"Yes ma'am." Y/N said laughing as she looked up trying to blink the tears away.

"Oh, my dear." Pepper said moving her hands to Y/N's shoulders and looking her up and down one more time. "You're going to give the man a heart attack before he can say I do."

Y/N sniffled a giggled and then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Nat asked moving to the large doors.

"The father of the bride. Retired King of the Country. Philanthropist. Lots of other things, but mostly just excited to see my daughter." the voice said making Pepper roll her eyes and the rest of the women laugh.

Nat opened the door checking to see it was just him and motioned Tony in.

Tony thanked her and then looked in the middle of the room seeing his stunning daughter.

"Wow." he said as if he was out of breath. "That can't be the little girl that I used to know." he said stepping closer and his eyes showing a clear gloss forming.

Y/N shrugged her shoulders, pursing her lips, and trying her best not to break down in tears at seeing her father's reaction.

"Oh bug." he choked out moving to her and enveloping her in his arms.

"Hey dad." she said muffled into his suit.

Eventually he pulled back and when they separated some, they noticed that everyone had gone out in the hall to give them some privacy.

"I'll kill Steve if he ever hurts you." Tony said making Y/N laugh and wipe the few tears that did manage to get past the dam.

"We both know that will never be the case." she said with a soft smile.

"Yeah, yeah, but I'll still do it. If he even so much as forgets to tell you good morning, I'll have him banished forever." Tony said still with the threatening dad look.

"You do realize he'll be the King. You can't really banish the acting King." Y/N laughed.

"Well, I happen to know the Queen and she's more in power than him soooooo..." he dragged out.


"Hey, I have to say this stuff. I'm the father." he shrugged.

"Steve's the best of the best. You don't have to worry about me not being spoiled. I think he's got that down to a tee." she laughed squeezing his hands.

"Ok, ok... You're not wrong. If there is any guy I know you'll find happiness in... It's Steve Rogers." They paused as if taking in the moment. "You sure you still want to take his name?" Tony asked ruining the mood. Y/N smacked his arm. "Ok! Ow! Jezz! I guess I'll settle for the hyphenated name." She shook her head and looked at the ground. "Hey, you're going to kill it out there. You're my daughter so no chance you won't." he said lifting her head with his knuckles. "Head high, little bug. Today's your day." he smiled genuinely. All joking manners gone.

"I'm nervous."

"I would be concerned if you weren't." he said rubbing his thumb across her cheek before quirking a small smirk. "We should probably move to the ceremony though. Steve's out there sweating buckets, and I'm not sure if we have a back up suit for him ready to go." That got a laugh out of her as she moved to place her arm through his extended one.

"We didn't get to talk long last night. Only about 10 minutes before Nat forced us to go to bed for 'beauty rest'." She exaggerated the last part.

"Well, you'll have a lifetime to talk after this." he winked just feet from the door before she stopped abruptly.

"I wish mom were here." she said quietly.

Tony stopped and pulled her back into him in a tight embrace.

"She is baby girl. She never left. She's always watching and taking care of you. I know cause I see her in you." He said into her hair before placing a long and gently kiss on her forehead. "You are everything and more that we hoped you would be." he grinned. "We are both so very proud of who you are."

The two were about to start another set of water works, but Nat's knocking on the door broke them out of their trance.

"We should go before she drags us out there herself." Y/N laughed swiping a tear off her and her father's face.

"Natasha's a scary one when it comes to weddings." Tony said going back to hold her arm.

"No, she's scary when it comes to anything concerning me." she corrected.

"Very true. Makes me all the more happy that we brought her into our little family."

"Me too." Y/N said taking a deep breath looking at the door.

"Let's go make some people's jaw drops bug." he winked before they started ushering the two out the door.


"Nervous?" Bucky asked his friend.

"Well, when you're about to marry the Queen of your country, and become the next King it's a little overwhelming." Steve answered as Bucky straightened his suite. Much like the one from the night of the alliance ball. More decorated than before though with new badges and medals.

"We've been over this. You are going to do amazing as King of Alberia. Y/N deserves you and so does this Kingdom. You would do anything and everything for the both." Bucky said dusting off his perfectly clean shoulders. "Don't get in your head punk." he said stepping back and looking him over.

"I know. I know." Steve said taking in a deep breath. "It's the nerves talking."

"Understandably." Sam interjected. "You got this Cap."

"Not going to be Cap much longer. That's weird." Steve let out a nervous chuckle as he ran his fingers through his hair for what felt like the 100th time in the past 2 minutes.

"Yeah, I got that covered." Bucky winked. "Everything is going to work out just fine Steve."

"I just want to see Y/N. I want to skip the whole party, and just be with her." Steve sighed.

"Trust me. After she walks in, making everyone's heart stop I'm sure, and then a little talking and dancing here and there, it'll be just the two of you for a week. Tony said he was going to take care of things so you two can have a honeymoon unlike most royals." Bucky said going over the plan.

"Hmmm mmm," Steve hummed only half listening.

"Steve." Bucky groaned grabbing him by the shoulders once again. "Calm down. This is Y/N we're talking about. As soon as you see her walking toward you down that narrow aisle, everything will fall into place for you."

"Is that what happened when you saw Nat walking down the aisle?"

"Yes." Bucky smiled thinking back to that day. "It was as if I was in heaven and any worries or nerves I had just left my body."

"Come on Steve. You know you got this." Sam said standing and coming into his view.

Steve closed his eyes imagining his queen. No. His sunshine. Her walking in practically blinding everyone with her beauty and bright light. The thought alone dissipated the tension in his shoulders. He took another deep breath in and out before looking at his friends.

"Let's do this. I'm ready to marry the love of my life."


The choir had begun singing, and the band played a quiet song as Nat and Wanda made their way down the aisle with Bucky and Sam. Then it was Y/N and Tony's turn.

The crowd stood when asked. The ceremony small compared to what the reception would be. The giant doors leading to the back opened almost as if in slow motion. The crowd letting out a slight gasp at the sight before them.

Steve's breath hitched in his throat as the beauty that was his Sunshine began walking down the aisle. She was smiling widely and excitedly. Her eyes solely on Steve and his solely on her.

He let out a light breath trying to catch his own. Going to cover his mouth with his hand he noticed a tear or two had slipped and he now felt ready to let them all slip just at the beauty that was his bride.

Her dress? Perfect. Her hair? Made her look like the goddess she was. Her crown? Shining as if the lights around them were meant to shine just on her and them. Her smile? Priceless and something that Steve never wanted to see disappear.

Before he knew it, Tony and her were just mere feet from him.

"Who gives away this bride today?" the pastor asked.

"Her family and I do." Tony answered turning and placing a kiss to Y/N's cheek she soaked it up with a smile. He helped Y/N up the stairs where Steve was already standing with his hand out to take her. "You hurt her or don't spoil like she deserves, I banish you." he said with threatening eyes to Steve.

"Dad." Y/N scold.

"Hey, I told you I have to say it." He said to her.

"You can trust me sir." Steve said to Tony before looking at Y/N with that love-struck-teenage-boy look. "I would give her the galaxy if she asked."

"That's the right answer." Tony said before nodding and turning to go to his seat.

Once they were standing at the front hand in hand, Steve looked Y/N in the eyes and vice versa.

"You're going to kill me before we can even make us official." he whispered to her.

"Now we wouldn't want that would we?" she winked making him melt all over again.

"God, you got me wrapped around your finger." he shook his head pulling her closer to him as much as allowed.

She giggled and the ceremony began. The two faced each other the entire time. Only looking at the pastor every once in a while when he asked them to repeat something.

"Now the rings. Steven, you first." the pastor said. Steve turned getting the wedding band from Bucky, and turning back to Y/N. "Repeat after me."

Steve said his vows, and when it was Y/N turn she turned to Nat. Nat winking knowing that the ring wasn't what Steve expected.

"I got this from Daisy's mom's shop when we went into town a while ago. I was going to give it to you earlier, but never found the right time." She said sliding it on to his ring. He watched and noticed the piece of jewelry.

It was unique and one of a kind. Everything from Daisy's shop was made original. No others like it. Somehow it looked just like the necklace that he got Y/N all those years ago. The same one she was wearing now. It had a small moon and a small sun that were intertwined into each other. A symbol that stood for both Y/N and Steve. The balance and unity of the two. It was pure.

He looked up at her and another tear escaped. As much as he wanted to crash his lips to her at the thought behind the gift, he knew that wasn't until the end of the ceremony. So he settled for squeezing her hand and smiled brighter as she said her own vows.

"I would now like to proudly pronounce, Queen Y/N Maria Stark-Rogers and King Steven Grant Rogers of Alberia." the pastor said making the crowd shout and jump to their feet. "You may now kiss the bride."

Without hesitation, Steve wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist pulling her up and off the ground and capturing her lips into the most extraordinary kiss they had yet to share. All their love and admiration for the other pouring into it.

Once they finally broke apart, all the sounds and cheers in the room were tuned out from them.

Steve leaned his forehead onto hers and she leaned into him.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"Not possible, Sunshine."

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