10 Years Time

By justkending

16.2K 565 70

As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

606 23 0
By justkending

The party went off without a hitch after the signing of the contract. Y/N and Scott made their way around having other kingdoms and royals congratulate them on their motion. Y/N wanted to make a bee-line for Steve as soon as the signing and speech was over, but was immediately bombarded with people wanting to talk.

She knew realistically that she would have to wait a little to see him since the party did revolve around her and Scott.

What she didn't want though was waiting an hour before finally feeling like she had talked to everyone she needed to.

"Just a few more people bug." Tony said next to her.

"You said that about 10 couples back." Y/N groaned but kept an elegant smile on her face as she waved at some random duke in the corner.

"Yes, but this one I think you'll be happy about." Tony snarked making her snap her head over to him.

"What do you mean-"

"If it isn't the little Ironess." A familiar voice spoke up.

Y/N moved her head to see better, and the face from the voice showed coming around another person's body.

"No way." Y/N breathed out before unhooking from Scotts arm and running the short distance into the arms of her close friend. "Hilde! What are you doing here?" she said engulfing the other princess in her arms.

"Good to see you too friend." she laughed returning the hug for a little longer before pulling back. "And what kind of question is that? I came to watch a very close friend of mine make history." she said motioning around her.

Brunnhilde was dressed in a multi-rainbow-colored shining dress. It had a tight halter neck, and flowed around her like it had a wind of it's own to show it off. It was perfect. Hilde wasn't one to dress up much. She was very much a tomboy/ dress hating kinda gal. But when the occasion called, she killed the runway.

"You never sent any word about coming. Well, I guess your family didn't. I sent invitations to your kingdom, but the only word I got back was saying you were still at school and wouldn't be able to make it." Y/N said still having a hold on her arms to keep them close.

"The school was kind enough to let her visit for a while considering that you are making history my dear. Would be an educational field trip if I ever saw one." Tony said next to Y/N. The princess turned and shared a smile with her father. "I'll leave you two to do what you want the rest of the party. I think you've made all the rounds that are most important. It's party time!" he said throwing his hands in the arm and moving into the crowd getting them all riled up.

"So that's King Anthony Stark?" Hilde chuckled.

"That would be my father." Y/N sighed with a small chuckle of her own as they watched the man dance with strangers.

"I like him." Hilde said.

"Most people do. I have my days." she said turning back to her friend with a sarcastic shrug.

Y/N introduced Scott to Hilde and the three kept a good conversation. For once this evening, Y/N didn't feel like she had to convince or impress some older royal about her reasoning behind the days events. She could finally breathe and celebrate the evening for what it was for. And with her old roommate too!

"Well, I'm going to go scope out the crowd. I already talked to your father, and I'll be staying here for the next three days before heading back to the academy. Only 2 more weeks to go," Hilde smiled.

"What? You only have two more weeks, but I thought-" Y/N said excited for her friend.

"I haven't been getting into as much trouble since you left, so-"

"Hey, you were the one getting me in trouble! You were the influencer not me!" Y/n pointed a finger, but was smiling at the memories.

"You were so easily swayed to get into trouble. I couldn't not take advantage of it," Hilde shrugged with a smug grin.

"And that is why you had to stay 2 years longer, and you're graduating late." Y/N said with a raised eyebrow.

"Touche." she leaned in giving another hug to her, and quietly whispering, "Any maidens that I may have a chance with?" she asked getting a giggle out of her friend.

"Carol Danvers. She is on guard tonight for the first half, but her shift should end soon. Blonde with a knowing grin. East entrance." Y/N instructed before pulling back. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up since you're staying for a little. Enjoy the party tonight." she winked.

"Will do. And you," Hilde pointed. "Let loose some tonight. The business part is over. Have fun!" she jumped dancing backwards.

Y/N laughed at her friend as she disappeared likely making a fool of herself like her father was.

"She's an interesting character." Scott laughed.

"Interesting is putting it lightly."

"Well, I think it's time for our dance. The band is quieting down." Scott said extending his arm again.

Y/N smiled at him and took the gesture as they walked to the dance floor. Of course the whole time, Y/N was trying to spot a certain tall handsome blonde, but not finding the one she was looking for in the herd of people.

"I haven't seen him yet." Scott said to her, catching her off guard. Maybe she wasn't hiding the fact that she was searching as well as she thought she was.

"He came in during our speech. I lost him after that." she said quietly to him.

"I'm sure you'll find him. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if he found you first." Scott smiled looking forward before looking down at her. "You are kinda the best looking one in the room. Hard to miss such a beauty." he winked.

"Wow. Prince Scott Summers of Turan is a flirt? Who would have guessed?" she laughed playfully shoving his arm.

"I save it for the special princesses." he shrugged looking back ahead.

"Jean is truly lucky to have you. I really hope things work out for you two." y/n said genuinely.

"Same for you and Steve. You two really have a chemistry I haven't seen before."

"If I ever get the pleasure to meet Jean than I'm sure I could say the same thing considering how crazy about her you are."

"I'm not that obvious am I-"

"Very. So very obvious." Y/N shook her head showing he didn't hide it well from her.

The two laughed together after sending serious faces to the other. They moved to the ballroom dance floor area, and the band announced the two.

"Now the two future royals of each country will commence in a dance," the announcer shouted before queuing the band.

All eyes on the two. They moved elegantly to the center, and Scott took Y/N in as they danced to the waltz. Smiles and happiness radiating from the two young adults who just made history. Eventually people began to join in and the floor was full of happy couples, friends, and neighbors dancing with ease.

Y/N looked around her as Scott and her swayed easily since the song had changed. She was half looking at all the people who surrounded her kingdom, but also keeping an eye open for that handsome knight.

Just when she was about to give up searching, Scott twisted her out for a spin without her knowing and she let out a gasp as she was easily and gently caught by someone else.

"Whoa." she said once she caught her balance, and looked up. "Well, look at that. He does exist." she said smiling up to the blue eyed man who held her heart in his hands.

He cleaned up really nice. She hadn't been able to see his outfit until now. He was all knightley and spiffy. More so than the other parties they had hosted. He had a navy buttoned knight outfit on. Of course a lot nicer than the other knights considering he was the captain. His collar red and white. His shoulders covered in decoration as well as the badges he earned from his rank. He looked like the perfect man. And a devilishly handsome one at that.

"Hello Sunshine." he said with the most jaw-dropping smirk slanted on his face as he gave her another quick spin before reeling her into his arms completely.

"Hmmm..." she hummed melting in his touch. She gathered herself as much as she could considering everyone around her didn't need to know about their little relationship. The party would turn into a fiasco... "I've been looking for you. You disappeared after I got off the stage."

"Lot of people here that I had to maneuver to find you. Believe me, I've been searching through the crowd all night." he said squeezing her hip ever so slightly bringing her closer to his body.

"Well, a little over a thousand people isn't that easy to weed through." she chuckled moving her hand to rest on his shoulder more relaxed.

He didn't say anything, but instead stared at her. She could tell he was thinking. Thinking hard and taking her in.

"What? What's going on in that head of yours?" she asked with a breathy chuckle as she moved her head to the side as if trying to read his mind.

He grinned at the head tilt. It was adorable and he knew just what the little squint in her eyes meant.

"I just don't understand how it can be so hard to find someone as absolutely stunning and breathtaking as you. A crowd of a thousand or more, you of all people should stand out." he paused leaning down to her ear. "You do stand out."

"You're looking pretty eye-catching yourself, Captain." she giggled making him shiver at the name and the sound. "I'm worried I'm going to have to fight off some other ladies tonight."

He pulled back and the two grinned at each other. Once again, just taking in the others presence. Then Steve's face grew more serious.

"What?" Y/N said no joking tone now. Genuinely curious at the mood change. Not bad, but not something she could understand.

"I've been thinking." Steve eventually said.

"About?" she asked.

"Us." he said quieter. He turned to look around him. All of a sudden self-conscious of the people around them, and scared they may hear them.

"Hey," she pulled his attention back. "They're either too drunk, or too worried about themselves to pay attention to us. We're ok." she smiled easing the tension all of a sudden in his body.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his hands on her. Again pulling her back to him as if space had become further in the two seconds.

"Y/N, you're doing amazing things, you know that?"

"You tell me every night." she laughs.

"Because you deserve to be told every second how amazing and perfect, and hardworking you are." he says with a grin, so badly wanting to press his forehead to hers. Screw that. Lips to hers.

"Steve, what-"

"I've been thinking about how I've come at this whole thing." he paused expecting her to ask what, but instead she just waited. She knew he had something to say, she wasn't going to interrupt him. He appreciated that because this would take him a second to get out.

"You deserve someone who is going to tell you every second he can, how beautiful, caring, passionate, loving, mindful, intelligent, and perfect you are. I got scared thinking that even if I did those things, I wouldn't be enough." The song behind them continued becoming more soft, but still loud enough that no one near them could hear the conversation. That and Y/N was right. Absolutely no one was paying attention to them. Well except their nosey friend group who was watching from the sidelines. "It took me practically getting smacked upside the head from Bucky to realize that I could never allow someone else to give that to you because they would never try as hard as they should."

Y/N grinned and moved her hand to his cheek briefly running a thumb over his cheek before placing it back on his shoulder. A small reinforcement to show she was listening very closely to everything he was sharing.

"I want to try Y/N. Sunshine. I want to try my damned hardest to make sure you're loved and appreciated as much as you should be. Hell, more than you should be." he said slightly choked up. "I hate that I'm just now coming to understand that, but I mean it. If you still want me when you're ready, I would be happy to be a bigger part of your life."

Y/N's eyes were slightly glossed over. She was beyond happy that Steve had come to terms with how important he is to her, but also the statements he made about her for how he felt and believed she deserved to live, made her heart soar.

She blinked away the tears, and shook her head out.

"Is this you proposing?" she laughed slightly trying to play off the tears that were threatening to spill by humor. "Because if it is, I was really hoping we would do it somewhere we could actually show it."

"No." he laughed. "But that's not to say that in the future I won't." he said pulling her chin up with his index finger to see her eyes better. "I do plan on making you my wife one day, and if you'll have me your king. No one else's." he said.

"Really?" she stuttered out after a minute.

"Whatever makes you happy." he grinned.

"Steve, I want you to be happy too. Happiness isn't a one sided thing in a relationship." she said squeezing his hand that he had hers encased in.

"If you're happy, I'm happy. As simple as that." he said leaning closer. Maybe more than he should for the amount of people around them, but screw them. He needed this.

"I love you." she whispered getting on her toes and whispering in his ear.

"I love you so much more." he whispered back.

When they pulled apart just enough to see the others' eyes, the music changed to a more upbeat tone. Maybe the dance floor wasn't the best place for this kind of discussion.

"We can have an actual conversation about this later." he said as they both looked around them noticing the people moving to dance more freely.

"Good." she said. "Because it's my turn next to spoil you with my love." she said just for him.

They still hadn't separated fully from each other, but appearances need to be kept up in the sense that they were not supposed to look like they were together. The only thing that could separate them though was someone else budging in.

"I hate to break up the two of you, but I just can't help myself to ask the future queen if she would allow me a dance this evening." Bucky said cutting in and placing a hand on his friends shoulder giving it a squeeze.

"And I would like a dance with my dear friend Captain Rogers, if possible." Nat said coming around the other side of Steve.

"Ok, you two. We get it." Y/N laughed. She gave Steve one more squeeze on the hand before pulling back and accepting Bucky's arm he had extended to her. "You." she said turning to Steve. "Find me after the party." she winked with a mischievous grin.

"Yes Ma'am." he smiled back.

"Shall we?" Bucky asked patting her hand on his forearm.

"None of your little moves, you got it mister?" she joked with the brunette.

"Ugh, you take the fun out of everything Y/N." he playfully rolled his eyes before moving them to the dance floor again. Only turning to smirk at Steve who sent him a friendly warning smile.

A silent, "You take care of my girl, and I'll take care of yours."

The men nodded at each other, and the party continued.

The things that were to come for this kingdom, this friend group, and this community, was going to be game changing. Everything was in motion to go uphill from here. Especially for a certain Knight and Princess.

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