10 Years Time

By justkending

16.1K 545 70

As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eighteen

580 23 0
By justkending

Chaos. That would be the best word to describe what exactly this day consisted of. Lucky for Y/N, she had two very comforting and capable ladies to help her through it all.

At one point something had gone terribly wrong with the food, something about allergies for a certain kingdom. But luckily Rebecca, Bucky's sister, got it under control before Y/N had to mess with it.

Then another time, something about the decorations not working how they planned. Then another with the fireworks that Y/N didn't even know her father ordered. Then another issue with the guest list possibly not being delivered right, which ended up being a mistake and not true. A nervous new assistant looked over a few things wrong.

And now, just about 3 hours before the whole ceremony was supposed to take place, there was word that Janet was running behind on the dress. Dear God. The dress.

Nat was practically hyperventilating because of the supposed rumor, and Y/N and Wanda were fanning her to calm her down.

"Nat, you know Jay will come through. She's never let us down." Y/N said holding her robe in place with her hair still half way done, and taking a break from the makeup artist to calm her friend.

"B-But the dress. If you aren't in it for the ceremony, th-then-," Nat said through breaths.

"I have never seen her this panicked. Nat doesn't panic." Wanda said with worried eyes still fanning her on the other side.

Y/N shot Wanda a reassuring look before bending on her knees and getting to Nat's eye level.

"Hey. Jay said she is just a little behind. Nothing to worry about. Want to tell me what the real issue is?" She said placing her hands on Nat's.

The green eyes shot at her, and Y/N could see the worry and anxiety bouncing around in them.

"If I remember correctly, this is my day to be nervous and anxious." Y/N said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but-" Nat paused not sure where to go with the thought.

"But what? Talk to us." Wanda said joining Y/N on the lower level.

The other red head took a deep sigh before closing her eyes. "I just want everything to be perfect for you Y/N/N. You've worked so hard for this and everything has to be just right." she said in almost a defeated tone.

"Oh, Nat." Y/N said moving closer and squeezing her friends hand. "Nothing is every going to be perfect. Do you know how many bumps we hit along the way to get here? A lot. But that's what's making it all the more special."


"No. No but's. We'll be fine. Everything will work out how the world intends for it to. If that means a disaster here and there, then so be it. We have yet to not come out on top before. We aren't going to start now." Y/N smiled pulling Nat up from her seat. "Now, what do you say we finish my hair and make up so that when the does get here, we are on schedule?"

"What if it isn't-"

"It will be. I have full faith in Jay. And if not? Then we will be fashionably late to the party. Quite literally." Y/N giggled pulling Nat in for a hug that she took without a second thought.

"Awe! I love you guys!" Wanda jumped in excitement before throwing herself into the group hug.

As if in perfect timing, just as they were finishing the last touches of Y/N's hair, the knock on the door signaled Jay.

"Hey girls. You ready for the next part of the make over?" she smiled walking in with the dress under wraps.

"Oh thank God!" Nat said, letting out a sigh as Wanda clapped next to her jumping on the balls of her feet.


"Did you guys get to spend a good chunk of time with each other last night?" Bucky asked as they checked the guards station since the party was just an hour away. People already showing up early.

"Yeah, we did."

There was a pause as Buck waited for Steve to continue, but that's all he said.

"Ok, and..." he probed nudging his friend.

"And what Buck? What are you trying to get out of me?" Steve chuckled.

"I mean nothing specifically, but you're being quiet. Did something happen?"

Steve looked at his friend knowing he could read him like a book. He rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore it, but Bucky just waited staring at him and making him more uncomfortable.

"She brought it up again ok! You got me!" Steve groaned throwing his hands up.

"Steve, why don't you believe her?"


"You would make a great King to the throne. I don't get how you don't see that-" Bucky started in a soft tone so that no one would hear.

"That's not the only issue." Steve groaned not happy about doing this conversation yet again.

"Then what?" Bucky said also annoyed at having to try and convince Steve the same thing Y/N was trying to.

"I don't know..."

"Clearly you know."

"Drop it Buck."

"No, why are you so freaked out about this?"


"I'm not dropping it. Neither will Y/N until you get it through your thick head that you are more of a man than you think you are-"

"I don't think I'll ever be enough for her! Ok!" Steve shouted luckily away from everyone making it just them. Bucky stood back shocked, but let out a sigh.

"So, some other guy is?" Bucky asked making Steve's dropped head snap up.

"What? No. No guy is good enough-"

"Ok, so wouldn't you rather you be with her knowing you are giving her your all, or would you want some rando that you know for a fact wouldn't?"

"Of course I want it to be me. I would give her the moon and the stars if she asked me to." Steve said almost offended that Bucky would think he would have it any other way.

"See? You two were made for each other. Neither of you think you are enough for the other, even if that's far from the truth, but you try and show each other that you would do anything for the other no matter what."


"Get out of your damn head Steven. She loves you. You love her. She wants you by her side for the rest of her life. If that means as her king, than take the damn position. It's not that hard." Bucky rolled his eyes throwing his hands up.

"What if-"

"No what if's. Do you love her?"

"Yes." Steve said without hesitation.

"You would do anything for her? Death included?"

"Of course! Why do you even have to ask?" he shouted again only getting a laugh out of Bucky.

"Because apparently you can't get it through your head that she does deserve someone like you. No less, punk." Bucky said placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Steve wanted to fight him on it, but he made a good point. If there was anyone that he believed Y/N deserved, it was someone who wanted to treat her like he wanted. As the queen she was. No. The goddess she was. She deserves everything he could offer and so much more. The only person that he knew would strive to give her just that, was him.


"Ok. We are all ready." Janet said stepping back after making the final adjustments. "Wanda, can you grab me the crown?"

"Yes ma'am." Wanda nodded going to get it from the case it was in.

"You look stunning Y/N. Words can't express how breathtaking you are." Nat smiled folding her hands in front of her. "You somehow managed to pull of this look better than your coming home party."

"I'll be honest. I didn't think you would ever be able to top that outfit off Jay, but here we are. Somehow one step up from the last." Y/N said admiring the details of the dress around her in the mirror.

"Well my dear, if you could see the visions of dresses I have for you in my head, you would be taken back by how much I can do." Jay smiled.

"I already am." Y/N winked.

"Here we go." Wanda said bringing the crown to the back of her head. Nat coming to help adjust it to where it needed to be. "Oh, and it goes perfect with the hairstyle Nat did!" Wanda said all giddy.

"Oh, Jay. This-This is stunning. How did you-?" Y/N said watching the piece come together with the rest of the attire in the mirror as her ladies positioned it just right.

"You're secret admirer gave me the idea." Jay said coming to her side and placing her hands on her shoulders as they admired the work together. "You are everyone's sunshine even if he claims you as his own."

Y/N was close to tears. She had a piece of Steve with her through the necklace that still lay on her chest, but the crown was perfect for Steve's nickname for her. It was all just so... Perfect.

"Now, no crying. You'll ruin your makeup." Jay said patting her shoulders before wiping a few stray tears of her own. "We need to get you down there. We are running just on schedule to not be late."

"Yes, ma'am." All three girls said trying to push back the tears. Only laughing at each other from the shared emotion.

"Let's do this your majesty." Wanda said extending her arm on one side while Nat did the same on the other.

"Let's do this." Y/N said taking in a deep breath and linking their arms.


"So you're Prince Summers?"

Scott turned at the deep voice to see a long haired blonde with deep blue eyes, and another man next to him with black sleek hair and lighter blue eyes.

"Yes, that would be me." he said with a smile and straightening his posture.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Thor and this is my brother Loki. We're the Princes of Asgard." Thor said with a friendly smile while Loki gave his signature mischievous one.

"Right. I've heard about you two. Y/N said that you are of one of the top alliances Alberia has." Scott smiled extending his hand.

Thor took it seeing that Scott was actually a kind man, but still kept his grip tight showing his dominance.

"Yes. We're neighboring kingdoms with Alberia. We grew up and were raised with Princess Y/N." Thor said never breaking eye contact.

"We would do anything for her." Loki added.

"Well, I'm glad. The Princess is a very special woman, and I'm glad to have made such a friend in her." Scott said shaking Loki's hand next.

"Right." Loki said with a twerked brow. "Now Scott, you do plan on keeping the agreement with Princess Y/N after this alliance is signed correct?" Loki said not letting go of Scotts hand.

Scott looked down at the contact and caught onto what was happening.

"Of course." he said with only genuine looks. "Y/N said that you two were like her adopted brothers. Always keeping an eye out for her."

"That or taking an eye out for her." Thor shrugged his shoulders with the same smile on his lips that was now coming off as intimidating instead. "No one hurts our little Y/N. No one." he said the last line with his smile gone.

"O-Ok..." Scott said noticing his hand was still being shook by Loki, and the grip was getting tighter.

"Prince Scott." A comforting voice said coming from behind the three men.

They turned at the noise, and once Loki saw Y/N approaching them with a raised eyebrow and a smirk he dropped the hand. Scott bringing it to him and massaging the pain from the grip.

"I hope that these two brutes are treating you kindly." she said with her looks directed to Thor and Loki even though she was talking to Scott.

"Uh, y-yes..." Scott said, but he was distracted by the appearance of Y/N. Just like all the other men in the room were.

Who wouldn't be? She was wearing a stunning dress that was mainly red and gold, the colors of Alberia. It had a stunning neckline with details and jewels shining all kinds of different colors. Same for the train of it. Caught in the right light, the mirror like jewels that looked like quails almost gave a rainbow kind of gleam to it from the light reflection.

Her makeup was done simple, but elegant. Her eyeshadow being a metallic gold, her lashes voluminous and bringing attention to the specks of color in her eyes, and her lips stained a dark ruby red.

To pull it all together, the crown sitting on the back of her head looked like rays of sun sprouting from her. As if each one represented a piece of light that she shined on the kingdom.

She was superior to any other woman. The natural beauty she had was jaw dropping and the three men in front of her couldn't seem to form a thought let alone a sentence of her presence.

"You boys are playing nice I hope, right?" She said coming around to stand by Scott, and the men's eyes followed her.

"Y-Yes, of course we are." Loki stuttered out elbowing his brother. "Right brother?"

"Y/N, you look absolutely amazing." he said not answering Loki.

"Thank you Thor." she giggled at their wide eyes. "You two look as handsome as ever too. You as well Prince Scott." she said turning to him, and watching as he shook his head out of his thoughts.

"Wh-Why, uh," Scott coughed to try and compose himself. "Why didn't they announce you? I figured they would announce your entrance so we could get the ceremony started."

"No one else was announced. Why should I be?" she shrugged placing her hands in front of her and interlocking her fingers.

"But you're the whole reason for this ceremony." he added.

"As are you. Were you announced?" she said back with a smirk.

"Well, no, but-"

"See? No need to be center of attention from start to finish. Everyone will see us eventually. I mean, we are signing a pretty big contract tonight." she winked.

He let out a small laugh as she gave him a friendly smile.

"Pretty big turn out. It's crazy actually." Y/N said looking around. "I guess we should be making our rounds, hmm?"

Scott snapped out of his thoughts once again, and extended his arm. "I guess we probably should." he smiled.

"Boy's I'll be seeing you at the after party correct?" she said to the brothers who hadn't taken their eyes off of her.

"If you mean our friend group staying up late until the sun comes up? Yes. You will see us there." Loki answered.

"Perfect. Enjoy the party. King Stark really went all out this time." she winked before being escorted by Scott through the crowd.


Y/N and Scott made their rounds for about half an hour. Explaining to those that were still lost on the concept of what the whole evening was about, and doing their best not to get annoyed when they were asked about the hundredth time why they just weren't getting married instead.

Of course, Y/N's did her best to hide her snarky remarks when the older groups said that it was just insane and just a young person's mistake to be making. The Tony Stark in her really wanted to come out, but with a squeeze on the arm from Scott, she bit her tongue. Something Tony never learned how to do.

Throughout the time, she was trying her best to find Steve, or Bucky and Sam at least, in the crowd. The whole time though, there was no sight of any of the knights that were her friends. Maybe they had some problems with the guards to take care of.

Then just as her patience was running dangerously low with some of the guest still prodding about the reason for the night, trumpets played calling everyone's attention to the stage.

"Ladies and gentleman, King Stark." the announcer shouted.

Tony made his way up. Completely decked out in jewels and the best royal cape a king could wear. The crown on his head the biggest and most eye catching one he had. He was really showing off for his country. Why shouldn't he?

"Wow. A great turn out. Thank you all again for coming tonight, and I hope you're all a little buzzed for what's to come. If not, the drinks being passed out are free so I have no idea what you're doing." he smirked getting a laugh from the crowd. "Tonight isn't about me though, like we're use to. I would like to invite my daughter Princess Y/N Stark, and Prince Scott Summers up here so we can get this ceremony rolling."

Lucky for Y/N and Scott, they were in the middle and not far from the stage, so it was easy to maneuver once everyone moved out of the way.

"There they are!" Tony said gesturing to the two, and everyone applauded.

Once on stage, the two broke apart and waved at the mass of people in front. Y/N keeping her eyes out for Steve still. She found Nat and Wanda at the foot of the stage, close as always. She saw Morgan, Peter, and Shuri over by the food table talking, but still looking her direction. She saw Thor and Loki were talking to some other princes before turning toward the stage. She saw Peitro and Carol off in the distance, but no Clint, Bucky, Steve, or Sam. All the head knights nowhere in sight.

"Y/N, I'll let you explain the events of tonight." Tony gestured patting her back and walking to stand on the side by Pepper.

"Right." she smiled, taking a deep breath and turning to Scott who gave a reassuring smile. "As you all know, tonight is not like most alliance forming type ceremonies. And if you don't know that, then we have some news for you." the crowd chuckled, but she saw the older couples/ rulers roll their eyes. "Anyway, I just want to reiterate what exactly is going to be taking place tonight." She took a deep breath all of a sudden nervous. She was about to do something not many people dare to do because of how out of the ordinary it was.

But just as her heart stuttered, she looked in the back seeing new people coming in the ballroom. How she saw them, she wasn't sure but she knew who they were nonetheless.

Steve, Bucky, and Sam had finally arrived and were walking in watching every move Y/N made. Giant grins on Bucky and Sam's face. Steve on the other hand had a smile full of pride and admiration. Something he had on the nights on the roof, but somehow about 100000x brighter.

Like all the air in her lungs had been replaced by Steve's, and all the nerves had been replaced by his pride, Y/N straightened her shoulders and began her speech.

"Many of you tonight have asked what the whole deal was. Why I decided to rule without a king arranged to rule by my side." She sighed putting her hands together. "Because as amazing as Prince Scott here is, I felt as if if I can't rule my own kingdom without someone's help from the outside, I shouldn't rule at all. But I know I can. I know I can do just that and marriage isn't going to help me do it. My own brain, my own thoughts, my own strategies and understandings of this kingdom that is my home, is what is going to keep us growing and becoming stronger. I of course have the help and power of the kingdom's people with me and I'm excited for this journey and the change that is to come." she smiled getting a few new smiles from those that were hesitant before. "I ask the same thing that I asked the Summer's family who has been nothing but kind this whole time."

She smiled at the family that was on the other side of the stage and returned it.

"I ask that you all go into this open-minded, understanding, and positive. This is a new way of things for this time, and I believe change is the only thing that is going to keep us persevering and thriving through the future." She paused finding Steve's eyes again. The pride somehow still growing. "It's ok to dive in head first and not know what to expect. It's ok to be unsure of things. But what we have to understand, is there is no growth in just standing in one spot. We have to move forward and go all in."

She smiled seeing what almost looked like a gloss in Steve's eyes at her words. Without noticing it, she too had the same gloss.

A few moments passed before Scott put a hand on her shoulder and nodded seeing she needed a second.

"She stole all the words I could possibly try and explain with, and made it about 1000 times better." the crowd laughed. "Which is why I know Y/N will do amazing things. I agree completely with the princess. Because of that, I am happy and very excited to be a part of this change." he smiled at Y/N who gave a soft smile trying to reel her feelings in. "I won't bore you with a speech from me. Y/N is a hard act to follow, and like I said, I couldn't have said it better than her. So." he turned to the crowd grabbing Y/N's hand and moving her up with him. "Shall we begin the signing?"

The crowd cheered and the couple raised their hands before moving back where advisors and lawyers were bringing the treaty to the families.

The lawyers went through the agreements that were compromised and to be met with the signing. Taking a good amount of time to explain it out to the crowd.

"Are you all ready?" the head guy asked and motioned to both families.

Y/N turned to her father seeing any sign of nerves from the past 2 months, completely gone. Instead replaced by how proud he was of his little girl. She was a stunning copy of her mother and in that instant, he was almost 100% sure the he saw her there right in Y/N. In a flash, his daughter was back making him honored to be next to her.

Y/N gave a nod to her family seeing that Morgan had joined them at some point in her speech. She turned to Scott seeing him smile and offering his hand.

She took it and they both grabbed a pen ready to sign.

"Here and here."

The two signed where asked a few times here and a few times there. Then. It was done.

"I now pronounce, the Kingdom of Alberia and Turan united in a signed alliance," the advisors said together as the princess and prince raised their joined hands.

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