10 Years Time

By justkending

16.2K 565 70

As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Fifteen

620 26 2
By justkending

Just halfway to the castle, Steve saw Y/N walking with a few of her side handmaidens. Ones that stayed with her when Nat or Wanda were off doing other things. Very rare, but it happened.

He turned redirecting his path to her.

"Y/N- I mean Princess. What, uh, what are you-?" He said looking nervously at the two handmaidens that were at her sides.

"Captain Rogers." she nodded cutting him off before turning to the ladies and telling them that she would be fine with the knight. They bowed before walking back to the palace.

"Bucky just came sprinting to me saying that you were running through the castle in a frenzy," Steve said taking a step forward now that the two were alone for the most part. Only passing guards and castle workers in the distance but none paying any mind to them nor close enough to notice them. He double checked to make sure they were out of sight before grabbing her hands and enclosing them in his own. "He said that he overheard you looking for your father. You weren't fighting, or-" he said slowly not wanting to push his boundaries.

She let out a little laugh squeezing his hands in reassurance.

"No Steve. Everything's fine. If anything, everything is much better." she said with a grin he hadn't seen her smile in a while since all the madness of their lives had erupted.

"What are you talking-?" he asked stepping closer leaving just a few inches between them.

"I figured it out Steve. I finally cracked the code." she said all giddy and with a wide tooth grin.

He couldn't help himself but grin just as wide from seeing her happy. It's that damn radiating joy she has when she gets all excited.

"What code sunshine?" he asked moving a wild piece of hair back from her face.

"My arranged marriage." she said her smile turning to a soft one and her eyes filling with hope.

"Wha-" he stuttered out but there wasn't air in his lungs to complete the sentence. His face dropped unsure of what the short comment meant. I mean she was smiling, so it had to be good right? Or maybe she really did want the marriage so it was bad, but-

"Steve. Darling." she said waving a hand in front of his face making him snap out of his dark thoughts. "It's good news. I promise."

"I'm confused sweetheart." he finally got out taking a deep breath. "What about the rule has changed?"

"Well, it hasn't... yet. I was coming out here to find Nat and Wanda. I was going to talk to them about it first, but running into you before was better." she said pulling his hands closer to her.

"But what-" he said needing answers.

"Come on. Let's find the crew and we can talk to them about it." she said pulling his hand and leading them to the facility.

Steve had so many questions swimming around his mind, but she had something mapped out so he let her lead him to their friends.

Nat had just finished training with the A-force, and Wanda had been visiting Pietro, but was now watching the end of the training session. Bucky and Sam coming around the corner planning on going in and watching the training with Wanda too.

"Boys. Perfect. Where's Clint?" she asked Bucky and Sam as they stood in front of her.

Bucky sending a look to Steve who still had a dazed face on him. Only making Buck raise and eyebrow before looking at the Princess.

"Uh, doing some last minute packing for the next mission. Why?" Buck asked.

"I have an announcement to make and I need you all here." she said walking into the dueling room and finding Nat getting water, Wanda talking to her, and the trainee's packing and leaving.

"What's going on?" Sam asked looking at the two men.

"She cracked the code is what she told me." Steve huffed out a breath running a hand through his hair.

"The code? There was a code to crack?" Sam asked as they walked in behind her.

"I'm still lost, but she's got something brewing." Steve laughed nervously watching as she brought the other girls over.

"When doesn't she?" Sam chuckled.

"Ok, so I'll have to fill Clint in later, but I have some big news and I wanted you all to be the first to hear about it." Y/N said making them all form in a circle of sorts.

"What's going on Y/N/N-" Wanda began to ask, but Y/N just turned to her clapping her hands together before interlacing them.

"For the past two weeks, I've been reading and studying nonstop." Y/N said looking at the group.

"We know. We can't seem to tear you away from the books." Nat chuckled crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, but have you paid any attention to what kind of books?" she pointed out.

"Well," Nat began, but then realized she hadn't. "No actually."

"They've all been practices and study of law based." Wanda spoke up sending her a smile as if she knew where this conversation was going. Everyone turned to look at her. She had always been the intuitive one of the bunch. At least about these types of things. "What did you find out?"

"I didn't just find something out Wand. I figured it out." Y/N said never breaking her eyes from her friend who grinned wider at the comment.

Everyone looked between the two watching as they silently communicated. They all waited for someone to step up and explain all the suspense just watching both of the women.

"Well, would either of you two like to share with the class? We're kinda lost over here," Bucky sighed as impatient as ever.

"Hey, watch it bud. You're still not on my good side from hiding a pretty big secret from me," Y/N said pointing a finger, but he could hear the slight tease in her voice.

"How many times do I have to say sorry?" he groaned. "I was following orders from the king. I didn't have much of a say."

"About a thousand more times, and maybe you'll be an inch closer." she winked getting a small chuckle from everyone before Steve spoke up.

"Sunshine, you're kinda making us all anxious. What's the big news?" he said stepping closer to her, and she looked to him with those big bright eyes once again making his worried lines on his face turn to smile wrinkles. Hiding his nerves as best he could.

"Right. So, uh, as I said, I've been brushing up on my law." she nodded. "It finally hit me earlier though, and I was able to put two and two together." she grinned up at her intrigued friends.

She went about explaining the two books that brought her to her solution of the arranged marriage. Then she talked about discussing it with her father. How it first turned into a small argument about him wanting to be right, and her trying to prove him wrong. What was new? Then she explained the law and how it had been changed just about 70 years back, and everyone had overlooked the fine writing. The one where it didn't really specify anything about a marriage joining two countries, but instead a agreement and certificate of alliance.

Everyone's eyes and mouths were open in shock. Steve being the one not able to move for the last five minutes of her explanation. Then as Y/N scanned her friends faces waiting for an answer of some sort, Bucky finally spoke for the rest of the crew.

"So, you don't have to get married to Prince Scott?" he said quirking and eyebrow.

"I don't legally have to get married to anyone for an alliance." she answered.

"So that means-" Nat began.

"You can be with someone who isn't of royal background," Steve finished looking at the ground trying to comprehend it all.

Everyone turned to him knowing what was going through his mind. Shouldn't he be ecstatic? He should be jumping for joy right now, right?

"No. I don't," Y/N said softly moving to grab his hand and interlace her fingers through his. Everyone watching the movement waiting for his reaction.

He looked up meeting her eyes, but his face was blank. She couldn't read him for once in her life and she didn't know what to do.

"Steve?" She asked bringing her other hand to rest on his arm, and that seemed to pull him out of his trance.

He blinked multiple times before stumbling back. All eyes on him, and a flash of hurt faded over Y/N's own eyes.

"I, uh, I have to make sure the troops are ready for send off. I'll meet up with you guys later," he nodded before sending an apologetic, but frantic, look to Y/N who took a step toward him, but he turned quickly to the door leaving.

"What was that?" Nat asked.

"I'll go talk to him." Sam said stepping up, but Y/N held up a hand.

"I think I know what this is about. I got it." she said never breaking from looking at the door he scrambled out of. "Nat, Wanda. Will you two meet me in my room in about half an hour. I have something I need to get ready before tomorrow that I'll need your help with."


"For sure," they nodded towards her as she scurried in a hurry to the door hoping to catch Steve before he could get too far away.

"Hey! Hey!" Y/N said catching him just as he turned the corner.

"I have to get the knights ready Y/N." he said not turning around, but she caught up fast running in front of him and making him halt in his steps.

"No. Clint has to. I know how it works. Don't act like I don't." she said sternly, but switched back to her gentle self when she saw the panic in his eyes that weren't quite meeting hers. "Hey. Talk to me," she said stepping closer and moving her head in an attempt to meet his eye line that was on the ground.

Lucky for the two, they were in a vacant hallway. But that didn't mean someone wouldn't pop up randomly, so they had to keep a distance. They didn't need rumors spreading since she was still the Princess soon to be betrothed to another. Or at least everyone thought since only her friends and Tony knew about the change in plans. Appearances need to be kept though because it wouldn't look good for royalty.

"It's nothing," he said looking up and over her head, again avoiding eye contact.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," she huffed out a sarcastic smile. "Come on Steve. You can talk to me. You know that."

"I don't need to talk," he said emotionless.

"What's gotten into you? Why are you acting so shut out all of a sudden?" she said popping that hip and crossing her arms. Steve knew that stance. That was a 'I'm not leaving until we've both said our piece' stance. "I thought you would be happy about this," she said with a hurt tone making him finally make eye contact.

"I don't want to talk right now Y/N. I have things to do." he said trying to step around her, but she predicted the move and shifted with him.

"Yeah, it's called telling me what the hell is going through your head."

"Y/N-" he said more stern.

"No. Clearly something is bothering you. You need to speak it into existence." she persisted.

"I'm not in the mood." he mumbled dropping his head and running an hand through his beard

"Well get in the mood." she retorted making him snap his gaze up at her and send an almost intimidating look. Captain Rogers taking over his stance.

"Move Y/N, please. I don't want to argue. I just need to-" he sighed. He just wanted to avoid the topic, but clearly she wasn't going to allow that.

"Don't act like you thought this was going to be easy." she huffed.

"Y/N, doll... I highly suggest you move out of the way. I really don't want to fight." he said staring into her Y/E/C eyes sharply.

"Good. We don't have to." she shrugged.

He rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. Most of the time it was hot and attractive, but right now he really just wanted to run from the situation.

"Fine." he gritted before turning on his heel and marching the other direction.

"Steven!" she shouted. He could hear her heels clicking on the hard floor. "Hey!"

He was almost out of the hall, but he felt a hand clasp around his wrist and pull him back. He would have pulled back but he didn't want to hurt Y/N by making the motion.

"Y/N-" he gritted turning back to shoot her a glare, but she was already turned dragging him to a storage closet. "What are you-"

She didn't talk until she had thrown him into the large hall closet filled with brooms, mops, training supplies, and all kinds of other things. He watched as she checked the hallway to make sure the coast was clear and then aggressively shut the door before turning back to him. She moved till she was about 3 feet from him and repositioned herself in 'the stance'.

"Talk." she motioned to him.

"Nothing to talk about." he shrugged copying her stance. He had learned over the years how to challenge her stubbornness.

"Don't give me that BS. Let's just skip the next 5 minutes of us denying somethings not up with you." she said making a face.

"Ok, and what if I don't want to talk about it?" he shrugged this time.

"Too bad. Cause we're adults now, and guess what they do. They talk about their feelings. Crazy. I know." she said sarcastically.

"Fine, you want me to talk about my feelings?" he said giving up on pushing it down now. Anger or nerves, she couldn't tell, bubbling to the surface as he began to rant.

"I'm terrified ok? Am I happy you don't have to marry some random man you met at a ball? Abso-fucking-lutley! I'm thrilled that I don't have to watch you sign your life away to some person that will see you as property instead of a beautiful, genuine, and intelligent woman! Am I freaked out that I think you did all this for me? Yes! I don't want you to ruin your relationship with your father. I don't want you to change the way the kingdom works just for me, and I don't want you to regret it all because you choose some lowly knight to love instead of someone who could offer you the world." he was trying to catch his breath at the end having not taken a breath or taken his eyes off of her the whole time. "Happy? Now you know why I'm panicking inside. Why I'm scared you're going to hate me at the end of this."

Y/N stood in her spot. Arms still crossed, but face clear of any anger and shoulders relaxed from the previous tension.

"Hate you?" she asked. "You think I would ever be capable of hating you?" she said shocked and slightly hurt that he thought she would ever in a million years feel that way about him.

"Well?" he huffed.

"God Steve. Are you that blind?" she laughed a forced laugh before throwing her arms down and rubbing a hand down her face.

"Blind?" he said confused now.

"Steve." she said looking up and moving closer to him. "I love you. I always have and always will. Nothing on this earth, in this kingdom, or law can change that." He gave her a blank stare just watching her features for any sense of doubt, but there was none. "First off, I want to make it clear that I didn't do all this solely for you. Were you a piece of the puzzle? Yes, but there was much more to it than you think." She let out a sigh looking down at her hands before talking. "I wanted this rule changed because the world is growing. Times are changing, and rules and laws are meant to be modified to fit with those times."

He was looking back and forth between her eyes taking in all her words.

"Something I learned while at the academy was that there are kingdoms out their that thrive not marrying into other kingdoms. They don't need the alliance by marriage to make it work. When I heard that, I thought it was insane. I had been groomed my whole life to accept the fact that I would be traded my hand in marriage for an alliance and never once considered love being a part of it. That was a dream for the life I was born into. But God did I dream hard. I thought of you, the first boy and now only man I've ever felt remotely close to, living that dream with."

He smiled at that, and she took his hands in hers caressing her thumbs over the back of his hands.

"So no. I didn't change my whole life for you. I changed it for me and for what I believe will help me continue to grow this kingdom into the strong and mighty one it already is. You however happen to be someone I want to stand by me while I do it." she smiled bringing one of her hands to his cheek and brushing his beard with her thumb.

"I don't know if I can do that Y/N. I don't think I can rule a kingdom." he said softly. His insecurity coming to the forefront of his internal battle.

"I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to stand by me and support me. Now, do I believe that you are very much able to rule a kingdom if you wanted? Yes, one hundred percent. But I understand you don't believe that, and I'm not going to put that weight on you."

"You need someone who understands the royal aspect of it all. I just fight wars." he said sadly leaning into her hand and closing his eyes at the gently touch.

"I know enough to hold my own and the kingdoms own Steve. Don't underestimate that." she said kindly. "And Steve, you know much more than you give yourself credit for."

"I don't underestimate you, but what if-"

"Then we figure it out. Look," she said pulling her hand away and stepping to where they were chest and chest. "Look at me Steven." He opened his eyes hesitantly and looked down at her. Her eyes showing reassurance and a safe place he wanted to find a home in. "You'll always be my knight in shining armor. You'll always protect me right?" he nodded leaning his forehead onto hers. "That's all I need from you. The rest is things we will learn together. Something that I look forward to greatly. We can grow, learn, and change ourselves and the world around us together. As long as you give me your all, and I give you mine, we won't fail."

He took in a deep sigh rocking his head slightly on hers.

"What if I do fail? What if I'm not enough for you?" he said softly.

"You are. You always will be more than I ever deserve."

"That's not true." he pulled back, but she didn't let him continue.

"But if we fail, we fail together. It's all or nothing." she smiled sweetly up at him. "The best part is we learn from it and only come out smarter and stronger. Right?"

He looked back and forth between her eyes. How can one woman be so confident in him about something like this? This was rise or fall of a kingdom, not the next move in a chess match.

"I don't know."

"That's ok. You don't have to know now."


"This is all on your own time. I just need you to know that I believe in you, our friends believe in you, and I would not do this if I thought otherwise."

"What if it does go bad, and you do hate me? I can't live with that Sunshine," he said sadly closing his eyes again.

"I'm sorry Steve. I don't speak or think negative." she said being her bright self as always. "Give me three positives out of this and stop handing me the negatives," she said raising his chin and making them look at each other again.

"Really? You're pulling that trick on me? The sunny side up trick?"

That's what he used to call it when she would approach people who were in a bad mood. She always made them think of three or more positives to cheer them up. Another reason she was his sunshine. Always trying to shine a little light in people's darkness to guide them out.

"Best way for you to see that you are capable of so much more." she grinned making a smile pull at his own lips. "Now come on. Let me hear it."

He let out a long sigh and threw his head back before moving his hands around her waist and pulling her toward him.

"Fine. One..." he thought about it and then looked at her. "I get to have you all to myself if this works out." y/n giggled and leaned her head on his chest as he continued. "I get to watch you rule Alberia with elegance, wisdom, and stubbornness like I've always wanted. You're going to put all other royalty to shame." He felt her laugh in his chest before continuing. "And another would be... I could start a family with the woman I love."

She slowly raised her head and looked up at him.

"Really? You want that?" she said red coming to her cheeks.

"Only with you sunshine. No one else could amount to you." he grinned down at her before leaning in for a kiss which she gladly reached up to meet halfway.

"Next step is to get you to believe the same about yourself." she said once they pulled back making him chuckle softly. "I love you." she smiled at him and he could have swore his heart would jump out of his chest in that instant.

"I love you more." he responded going for another kiss.

They stayed there for a while kissing and holding each other close forgetting about the world around them. Until, enough time passed that Y/N finally looked at the door hearing sounds from the other side.

"I think we should probably find a better place for privacy." she giggled.

"Yeah. Another group of men are about to train where Nat and them just finished up. They may come in here for supplies."

"So you going out first or me?" she said turning from the door to him.

"You go first. I'll give it 5 minutes before I come out." he nodded her off dipping his head to nudge her nose. "Roof tonight if you still can?"

"Let's schedule it for tomorrow night. I have some things I need to talk with the girls about tonight." she pouted before nudging his nose back.

"Ok. It's a date."

"Can't wait." she winked moving up for a final passionate kiss before walking to the door. Steve keeping his hands on her as long as he could before she had to break away. "I love you Steve."

"I love you too sunshine."

They shared one more smile before she cracked the door and peeked her head out seeing the hall empty. She tiptoed out and shut the door quietly leaving Steve by himself.

He let out a huff of air and ran a hand through his hair and down his beard. This wasn't what he was expecting, but Y/N was right. He just needed to come around to accepting himself just as much as she accepted him. Then maybe he would think he was capable of doing what she thought he could.

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