10 Years Time

By justkending

16.1K 545 70

As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Thirteen

602 23 1
By justkending

A few more days went by of Y/N reading non-stop, and Tony trying to reach out to her, but somehow always missing her, or deciding on just giving her her space.

It had now been 1 month and 2 weeks since Steve was sent off. Y/N was throwing herself into her books even more lately becoming more and more scared that Steve's time away would continue to grow.

The only people she really talked to was Wanda and Nat. She was still angry with Bucky and Clint for hiding the truth, and well, she couldn't be mad at Sam because he was with Steve. If anything, she was grateful that he had someone. Hopefully they were keeping each other safe.

Y/N was out in the garden now. She had asked for alone time since Tony had heightened security with her ever since the last screaming match. He was scared she was going to make a run for it, and if she wouldn't let Tony keep an eye on her, he was for sure going to make sure someone was.

But even with guards at each entrance and exit, it still allowed her to have the garden to herself. No one else in it other than those who maintained it, and they were scattered out.

She was coming to her second favorite spot in the entire place. There was a small duck pond that sat in the middle, and a bench under a cherry blossom tree that overlooked the water. There weren't many ducks right now, since winter was on its way. It was reasonably cool, but not cold enough for anything other than a long sleeve dress.

Y/N's dress right now being one of her new favorites that Janet had just made. She was so thrilled after she finished it, she begged the princess to wear it once it started getting chillier. So, considering it was one of the first days with a nice cool breeze, and she would be outside, like she had been a majority of the time recently, Y/N granted her wish.

It was a light green gown with a thin red ribbon around the middle of the waist. Along the sides as well as the up the arms, the waist, and on the breast of the dress, little pink, red, and white flowers made of lace speckled over it. The sleeves had a flounce to them, and looked as if they were made of netting type material, but they were warm besides how they looked. Her hair was done in her natural curls that flowed to her mid back, and Nat had done a full fishtail braid down the middle with half of her hair pulled back.


Y/N closed her eyes taking a deep breath as she meditated in nature. Feeling calm for once over the past month. That was until she heard a deep voice behind her that cause her to jump in her seat.

"Heard they're having a hard time getting you out of here."

She turned quickly at the familiar voice, and as soon as she saw the dark blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes, her smile turned into one that reached ear to ear.

"Steve!" she jumped running to him and immediately throwing herself in his arms.

He laughed and stumbled back at the reaction as he quickly moved his arms to catch her.

"Hey sunshine." he smiled into her hair as he lifted her off the ground and held her tightly to his chest. He slowly eased her to the ground, but never loosen his grip around her waist. "God, I missed you."

"I can say the same." she smiled finally pulling back enough to look up at his face, and holding onto his biceps that her hands couldn't really wrap around due to the size. "Your beard." she stated bringing a hand up to his face and caressing the overgrown hair.

"Yeah, didn't have much time for grooming or really any supplies for it." he laughed leaning into her touch loving how it made him shiver at the delicate manner.

"I like it. I mean the scruff was nice, but this?" she scratched it a little making him chuckle lowly. "I can get use to this."

"And I can get use to this." he said pulling her back to look at her dress. "You look as jaw dropping as ever sweetheart. You're hair's gotten longer too." he said putting a piece of the Y/H/C locks in between his fingers and twirling them.

"Aunt Jay always knows how to style me just right to make me look not too much of a mess." she blushed.

"You never look a mess Y/N. Even if you did, you would still be stunning." he grinned lowering his head to hers, and resting his forehead on her own. Both closing their eyes and relishing in the closeness that had been missed.

"I don't want you to leave ever again. I can't handle that." she said after a while.

"I heard. Buck told me you haven't talked to him in over a week after you found out about my whereabouts." Steve sighed.

She groaned and pulled back.

"He lied Steve." she said with stern eyes.

"Your father told him not to tell, and unlike me, he listens to his king." Steve said with some disappointment.

"Still. We're friends. I can't believe he wouldn't tell me." she said with hurt in her tone.

"Don't be too mad at him doll." Steve said pushing strands of hair behind her ear. "I, uh, I may be at fault a little too." he said hesitantly.

"What?" she said taken-aback.

"I kinda told Bucky not to tell you either." he whispered.

"I'm sorry?" she said taking his hand from her hair and pulling it away. "You did what?" she said sending him a look that was now sending a different type of shiver down his spine.

"Let me explain before you get mad." he said moving forward as she took a step back. His hands raised in a defensive state.

"A little late there Cap." she said with a tone that made Steve even more nervous.

"I wasn't sure what your father was going to do the night everything happened. So when he told me he was sending me on a mission that was going to be a while, I told Bucky to try and keep you at bay for as long as he could." he explained.

She took another step back and scoffed.

"At bay? What am I? A bear that you're scared you're going to have to shoot with tranquilizers or something?" she said shaking her head and turning to walk back to her area under the tree.

Steve quickly followed.

"No, it's just- Tell me you didn't try and follow me." he said running in front of her and effectively stopping her.


"Did you or did you not try and go after me?" he said raising an eyebrow showing her that he already knew the answer.

Damn Bucky always snitching.

"I-I, uh, I didn't-" she stumbled on her words.

"Sunshine..." he said deeply making her look to him and narrow her eyes.

"Doesn't make what you did any better." she huffed turning and walking to the bench with her arms crossed.

Steve chuckled lightly at her stubbornness and how she looked like a toddler going off to throw a fit in a corner.

"I know you Y/N/N. I knew you would hop on the first horse you see, wild or not, and go against orders to stay behind." he said walking over to her and standing beside the bench as she tried looking anywhere, but at him. He sighed when she didn't move and finally sat down next to her, and scooted to where their knees were touching. Gently, he took hold of her chin and turned her towards him. "You can't lie and say that you wouldn't have asked the same of Bucky if this had been reversed."

She looked up at him with her big doe Y/E/C eyes. The light hitting them perfectly to make Steve's breath hitch, but he kept his stern look hoping to get her to not hate him so he could press his lips to hers.

"I guess." she finally said so quietly that only he could hear.

"I did it to protect you." he said back looking back and forth at those perfect eyes.

"You always do. And I would do the same for you." she smiled against her will.

"I know. I think that's why we're so dangerous for each other." he said with a pull of his mouth half saddened by the truth and also happy that they loved each other that much.

"Is it true though?" she asked pulling him out of his thoughts and making him sit back a little. "Was the mission Tony sent you on just a wild goose chase?"

He turned his head. "Calling your father by his first name now?"

"We're not on good terms. You could imagine with everything that's gone on." she said with a sassy huff and roll of her eyes before looking at him.

"Well, uh," he thought back sensing the sensitive topic. "At first I think it was, but then we got some intel on a possible alliance break with a neighboring country."

"What? Who?" she said perking up and being more in a royal headspace than one on one with Steve.

"Nothing to worry about in the end. Ended up being false and unreliable." he said taking her hand because he couldn't stand not touching her anymore. "What about you? How has the last month and a half treated you?"

She sent him a bitch face and shook her head.

"Great. Just absolutely splendid." she said sarcastically.

"Don't want to talk about it?"

"No." she said looking out to the pond again.

"Ok." he said nodding his head.

They both were looking at the pond now, and some time passed as they just took in the fact they were together again. Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder, and he pulled her in knowing that no one would be watching. That was something they had to be careful with. You know her practically being engaged to another and all.

"About Prince Scott..." Steve spoke up eventually feeling her tense at the name and thought. "When, uh, when was the, or when will-" he stuttered.

"He hasn't been here since the night Tony announced us to be wed." she said catching on to what he was trying to say. "He left that night, and sent word that he was going to be traveling for the next 2-3 months to settle some other business."

"Oh." was all Steve said. "That's-That's good I guess."

"You don't have to act as if you aren't jealous Steve." she giggled. "I know you were just wanting to know if we had spent any time together."

"That's not ALL that I-"

"Save it." she said looking up and placing a finger on his lips. "It's cute."

He grinned with her finger on his mouth, and grabbed her hand before gently kissing it.

As their eyes met again, she looked up and saw longing in his which she was sure he saw the same in hers. They started leaning in for the first kiss in a while, and just after Steve's hand intertwined with her hair-

"Y/N! Steve!" Wanda's voice echoed along the path. She was whisper shouting as if there was anyone who could hear. "Where are you?"

Y/N's head fell and Steve pushed away. Both upset with the interruption.

"By the ponds bench Wand." she said straightening her posture and turning to see Wanda walk up.

"I know you two have a lot to catch up on, and I am all for helping you out in that sense, but," she turned looking behind her and then back at the princess and knight both standing now. "I just overheard some guards say that King Stark knows you're back home Steve. He wants you to report immediately."

Steve nodded and let out a heavy sigh.

"Yes. Of course." he smiled softly at Wanda before turning to Y/N. "If I don't get to see you the rest of the day, maybe I can see you with the stars." he said grabbing both her hands.


"If possible, yes." he smiled.

"Captain?" a soldier's voice shouted off in the distance.

"Damn." Steve growled. "I should go before word gets out that I went to you before your father. He might not be too happy with that."

"I can go with you-"

"We both know that's not smart doll. I'll be ok."

"Last time you said that, you were shipped off for almost two months."

"We just have to do a better job at hiding I guess. Then your father won't send me off all the time."

"I don't want to hide." she said painfully.

Steve's eyes crinkled at seeing her upset. He looked up seeing that Wanda had gone far enough to give them space.

"I know. I don't either, but-"

"I have duties and you do as well." she sighed looking up at him. "I know. Unfortunately."

"If I had control over the earth. No one would be able to keep up apart. That, I would make sure of." he said leaning in as he did earlier and resting his forehead on hers.

"That's such a cliche and cheesy thing to say Captain." she giggled.

"If it gets you to laugh some, I'd gladly say it a thousand times more." he said pulling her into his chest.

"You're a sap." she laughed again.

"Don't tell any of the guys. They'll hold it against me."

"No promises." she winked at him making his heart flutter.

"I hate to do this sunshine, but I really need to go. They'll catch on soon." he said nudging his nose with hers.

"Ok." she sighed. "I'm not happy about it, but I understand."

They looked at each other again, but this time Steve didn't hesitate to close the gap. The kiss was sweet, but needy for them both. Sparks erupted like they had the other times. It had been long overdue, and Y/N nor Steve wanted to pull back. Even if it meant they fainted from the lack of air. But eventually they did.

"The roof." Steve stated catching his breath and leaning on her head with his as they closed their eyes trying to stay in that moment.

"Yes, and if my fa- Tony tries anything stupid, you have to tell me this time." she said looking up now.

He just stared at her trying to take in her beauty, but also not wanting to promise her something he may not be able to do.

"I missed you. So much." he said.

She softened and pulled him down for another kiss.

"I missed you too."

"Steve!" Wanda shouted again.

"I better go." Steve groaned.

"Yes, I'll, uh, I'll be in the library or here if you need me." she said as they pulled away from each other.

He nodded and walked out only leaving their fingers to disconnect.

Wanda came back in and saw the saddened princess.

"Did you tell him?

"No." she answered simply.

"Why not?" the red head asked moving to stand by her as she sat on the bench looking where he left.

"If he knows he'll try to stop me. He'll think I'm sabotaging my future for me if I try and give it up to him."

"But it wouldn't be. You're reading on things that could keep Alberia thriving even without an arranged marriage with another country."

"Yes, but Steve doesn't believe he's good enough for Alberia. He doesn't believe he should be allowed up on the throne with me." Y/N said quietly.

"Well, maybe-"

"I'm going to head to my room for a bit. I think I need a long hot bath." she said standing.

"Oh, ok." Wanda said sensing the want to drop the subject. "I'll have Nat get it started, and I'll-"

"I can do it Wand. It's fine." she said placing a gentle hand on her ladies shoulder. "You take a little time for yourself. You've been helping me nonstop the past few weeks while Nat trains. You both deserve a day off."

"Are you sure-"

"Hundred percent. Please, go take care of yourselves." Y/N smiled.

"Yes ma'am." Wanda bowed and walked out with smile.

Y/N stayed a little longer in the garden, but then made her way up to her room. Again a few guards stationed outside her room. But at least she was alone inside.

As she was sitting in the bath, eyes closed, lavender smells taking up the space, and fingers becoming prunes... It hit her.

"Oh my god!" she said shooting up from her relaxed spot. "That's it."

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