Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

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This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

I Am Curse From Above!
Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Road Trip
A Bond To One Another
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Over Coming The Dark Within
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
Crimson Blood
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 2

You Are My Ideals

989 39 11
By StarGizer789

/We start off from chapter 16, as Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya walk to a different town and it was night time [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: Man how long have we been walking, I'm starting to think this lady doesn't even exist.

Sakura: Man my feet are killing me can't we eat somewhere?

/As Jiraiya looks to a place to eat and relax in a tavern [here's the pic of the tavern and imagen Sakura being with Naruto and Jiraiya kay cool]/

Jiraiya: Well in the mean time we'll get a bite to eat here.

Naruto: Really this dump come on can't we eat somewhere else?

Jiraiya: Don't be an idiot a place like this you can gather all sorts of information.

Sakura: Well I'll take whatever just so I can stop standing on my feet...

/As Jiraiya, Sakura, and Naruto when inside as they see the person they've been looking for Tsunade and her assistant Shizune [here's a pic of them]/

/As both Jiraiya and Tsunade look at each for a moment as both are shocked to finally see each other for the first time in a long time as Jiraiya points out to her and Tsunade stand in surprised by seeing Jiraiya/

Jiraiya: Tsunade!

Tsunade: Jiraiya, what the, why are you here?

/As Jiraiya walks to join with Tsunade and Shizune and so does Sakura and Naruto soon after as they all sit with each other [here's a pic of it and image Sakura sitting between Naruto and Jiraiya]/

/As everyone eats and drinks then Tsunade mutters/

Tsunade: It's like a reunion..., all the old faces are coming back at the same time.

/As Jiraiya pour the sake drink for Tsunade as he speaks up/

Jiraiya: You mean Orochimaru, so what happened.

Tsunade: Oh nothing very much we said hello that's about it.

/As Tsunade got a deck of cards and shuffles them as Jiraiya set aside his plate so that both Tsunade and Jiraiya can play a simple gambling card game as they start playing and talking/

Tsunade: So why are you looking for me?

Jiraiya: I'll cut right to the chase, Tsunade in it's wisdom the village made the choice of making you the 5th hokage.

/As Naruto was shocked and Shizune was also surprised but Sakura wasn't fazed at all by this as she simply smile and speaks up/

Sakura: So that's how it is, well that does explain everything.

/As Naruto is chocking a bit as Sakura simply handed Naruto water to drink it as he did quickly and look at Sakura for answers/

Naruto: What, what do you mean it explains everything!?

Sakura: Relax Naruto, the elders and our village needs a new Hokage and fast, usually losing a Hokage is a big blow to our defends and leadership, without a Hokage our village would be doomed from attacks by the other neighboring villages like the sand village did.

Tsunade: Smart one aren't you, tell me how in the world did you master that?

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura mostly to her forehead that has the Strength of 100 seals as Shizune was shocked to see it herself as she's speaks up with disbelieve/

Shizune: No way...

/As Sakura smile a bit as she speaks/

Sakura: That's simple I've studies most of what I could in the village in it's medical field, worked myself to the bone and gotten this as a child by working in mastering chakra control, all in detail in the special classes I've taken in the hospital and school, pretty much I'm titled as the next Tsunade, who'd ever think it.

Tsunade: Cocky one aren't you?

Sakura: For a good reason.

/As Sakura looks at Jiraiya to speaks with him for a moment/

Sakura: You don't mind if I talk to her before you two talk about grown up stuff?

Jiraiya: Sure but make it quick.

Sakura: Thanks.

/As Sakura looks at Tsunade with a smile/

Sakura: I'm sure you heard this so often but I would ask to be trained under you lady Tsunade.

Tsunade: *Sigh* Look kid I'm not interested in having another pupil at all.

Sakura: Darn and I was so sure that this would have gone far differently.

Tsunade: But if you can show me you have talent I might consider it.

Sakura: Mmm very well, considering not even your own pupil could master this.

/As Sakura tapped her forehead with her finger where the strength of 100 seal is marked at as Shizune felt annoyed by Sakura's cockiness while Sakura grins/

Tsunade: Don't push it kid, but we'll talk about it later.

Sakura: Fine by me.

/As both Tsunade and Jiraiya were playing cards the hold time while both Sakura and Tsunade were playing cards the hold time while Tsunade was losing clearly since she's call the legendary sucker as now they talk/

Jiraiya: I'm sure you've heard about the 3rd hokage.

/As Tsunade picking up new 5 cards since she's lost in the first round of the card game [here's a pic of it]/

Tsunade: It was Orochimaru's doing right, I heard about it in fact he told me himself.

Naruto: Wait hold on, you're staying he's the one who killed the old man, who is this Orochimaru guy?

Sakura: Naruto, we fought against Orochimaru back in the forest of death, remember.

/As Naruto finally recalls Orochimaru since he wasn't knocked out and he wasn't cursed with the 5 pronged seal on him thanks to Sakura's efforts, as Sakura kept talking/

Sakura: He's one of the 3 legendary Sannin and we're here with the rest of the 2 legendary Sannins, so yes we're here eating together with 2 legendary Sannin and they're playing a card game, truly we're making history.

/As Sakura couldn't help but roll her eyes on her own sense of humor as Naruto felt annoyed but this unfolding fact that Tsunade was chosen as the 5th hokage and about Orochimaru who killed the 3rd hokage as Naruto shout while feeling confused/

Naruto: Oh come on Sakura, why is that a big deal!?

Sakura: Naruto, the legendary Sannins are famous for fighting the Great 3rd Shinobi War, not something to take lightly and nothing to scoff at either.

/As Tsunade glance at both Naruto and Sakura for a moment then she return her gaze to her cards she had in hand/

Tsunade: Who's this brat and you might as well tell me the pink one along with it.

Jiraiya: The blonde kid, his name is Naruto Uzumaki.

/As Tsunade was a bit surprised as Jiraiya kept on talking/

Jiraiya: And this is his best friend Sakura Haruno, best student out of there year.

Tsunade: Is that so...

Naruto: Okay wait a second!

/As Naruto gets up and slam his fist on the table as Sakura speaks up/

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto: I haven't finished yet, there's something I'm not getting!

Sakura: Naruto stop!

/As Sakura get up to calm Naruto down but Naruto brush Sakura off to go on with his angry rant/

Naruto: No way, so this guy, you both know he murdered the 3rd hokage!

/As Naruto looks at Jiraiya in anger as Sakura trying to calm Naruto down/

Naruto: What have you done about it, he's a Sannin, he's one of you guys why is he still walking around, why haven't you caught him!?

/As Naruto points at Tsunade while still being angry/

Naruto: And oh yeah and what's the big deal of her being the 5th hokage!?

Sakura: Naruto that's enough!

/As Naruto looks at Sakura with anger/

Naruto: Absolutely not!

/As Jiraiya speaks up in a harsh voice/

Jiraiya: Sit down.

/As Naruto looks at Jiraiya for a moment then Naruto does along with Sakura since she wanted Naruto to calm down in the first place as both Jiraiya and Tsunade are still playing a card game as Jiraiya speaks to Tsunade once again/

Jiraiya: I'll say it once again, the leaf village has made it's decision they've chosen you to be the 5th hokage, so what's your answer?

/As Tsunade looks at her cards as they're not looking good at all as Jiraiya speaks up once again/

Jiraiya: Do you accept it Tsunade?

/As Tsunade is in deep thought of what her choice will be since she's thinking it through as Jiraiya speaks up again/

Jiraiya: Well I'm waiting, what do you say?

/As Shizune looks at Tsunade in worry as Sakura notices it but then ignores Shizune's worry since to her it's not important for the moment, then Tsunade place her hold cards of 5 down on the table and finally speaks up/

Tsunade: Impossible, I decline.

/As Shizune was surprised but Jiraiya smile in a grinning manner/

Jiraiya: You know it's kinda funny that rings a bell, I remember you saying those very words the first and only time when I ever asked you out.

/As Naruto is rubbing his head out of confusion and speaks up about it all the while Sakura couldn't help but notice it/

Naruto: Oh come on can someone explain what's going on, what the heck are we doing here, you said we're going to bring her back to the village to cure Sasuke and Kakashi sensei then you pull this stuff about making her hokage then she goes and refuses it!

/Then Sakura place her hand on Naruto's shoulder as Naruto looks at Sakura in question/

Sakura: Relax Naruto, the councils from our village carefully picked the selected few to be the next hokage and since we're here clearly, they've chosen Tsunade to be the next hokage.

Jiraiya: Smart but it's the surface of why, there was no one else who did more during the leaf's victory in the great war, she combines unrivaled skill as a warrior with the ability to heal others, what's more she is the grand daughter of the very first hokage, so her inheritance and abilities she is the clear and only choice to be the 5th hokage and once she accept her destiny which she will then she'll have to come back with us in the village and there heal your friends, like Sakura said it was carefully thought out by the highest councils of our village, no offence it's not expected that a young under age genin would understand.

Tsunade: Okay I'll bite, the girl in pink hair she's sparks some interest but the boy well he's nothing at all like the last apprentice, he's a fool with a big mouth, funny looking too.

/And at that moment Tsunade spoken those words Sakura glare at Tsunade for a moment and Tsunade clearly noticed it as Naruto speaks up/

Naruto: Oh yeah!

Jiraiya: Well to be fair, it would be hard for anyone to measure up to that stander well maybe Sakura could, the 4th hokage had the signs of becoming the greatest ninja in generations, brimming with talent and natural ability, brilliant, popular and to top it off as nearly as handsome as his teacher.

/Then Sakura looks at Jiraiya in a questionable expression towards him about him being handsomer then the 4th hokage and say/

Sakura: Right...

Tsunade: Oh sure, but that didn't save him from dying young, throwing his life away all for the sake of the village, moneys one thing a life is another, to risk your life against all the odds that's a suckers bet.

/As Naruto and Sakura weren't happy to hear what Tsunade had to say but Sakura kept quiet as Naruto shaking in anger as Tsunade goes on/

Tsunade: My grandfather and granduncle they were also willing to die to defend the village well they're both dead alright and the village is no safer then it ever was.

/Then Sakura looks at Tsunade in an determined and upset expression/

Sakura: That's not true, every day people are far better off then the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period of the great wars, people get the chance to live peacefully more then ever all because the hokages willingness to fight for what they've believed in, that's something to never look down on.

Tsunade: And yet they're dead.

Sakura: Yes but they've changed the village to grow ever larger and had the people's respect and power.

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura with in differents/

Tsunade: Yeah so what.

/As Sakura looks at Tsunade with disappointment in her expression/

Sakura: Well that's disappointing to hear, I wonder what your grandfather would think of you right now, I'm sure it isn't pretty the very least.

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura with annoyance/

Tsunade: Damn brat...

Sakura: Yeah that's right, I am a brat but at least I'm not wasting away like you are, here you are drinking and gambling away your life, someone who's clearly the first hokage's grand daughter who now moping around and how long has it been since you even helped people, I don't know and I could care less what you've done with your life up till now, I'm deeply disappointed to see someone who I looked up to living like a old washed up woman.

/Then Tsunade glared at Sakura/

Tsunade: You don't know what it was like for me, tsk forget it a kid like you wouldn't understand.

Sakura: Really, what would be so hard to understand you, give me a break just about a mouth ago our village was invaded by the sand village and along with the sound village, people died left and right, blood were surely going around where ever we saw, we had some jounins trackers chasing us luckily we got away and we fight a freaking giant sand monster called Shukaku the sand spirit and god damn survived it while we're just freaking kids, so please tell me what could I possibly not understand!?

Tsunade: I lost both my brother and my lover!!!

/As everyone was silent for a moment then Tsunade speaks up softly in a harsh tone/

Tsunade: You have no idea..., none what it was like to lose those you love so much, during the great war time, I lost both of them, they've dead especially the one who dead in my arms...

/As Tsunade glares at Sakura with anger/

Tsunade: You have no idea what it was like to lose those you love, if anything you're so god damn lucky you little brat, everything you've done is nothing what I've gone through and hell it's a walk in the park if you ask me, tell me what would you do if that idiot looking kid next to you died, how would you feel!?

/As everything silent as Tsunade still glaring at Sakura who's been silent then finally breaking the silent with a soft sigh/

Sakura: Honestly... perhaps I would be a total trainwreck like you...

/As Tsunade soft sigh of feeling disappointed as Naruto looks at Sakura in a surprised manner but Sakura kept talking/

Sakura: I would be heart broken losing my best friend, it's not easy for me, honestly I don't have anyone else that close to me, maybe perhaps Sasuke but even then I know losing Naruto would hurt the most, it's freaking scary to even imagen it.

Tsunade: Of course it is brat...

Sakura: But...

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura in question along with Naruto/

Sakura: If I really cared about them, if I truly cared about my best friend then I would try to get myself together, if they had a dream that they wanted to achieve I would do it for them.

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura in surprised along with Naruto as Sakura kept talking/

Sakura: Naruto's dream is to become hokage someday, if he up and passed away then I would achieve his dream for him, you can image how hard that would be for me, since I wanted to be the best medical ninja ever.

Tsunade: And what if you can't?

Sakura: Well say if I can't, then I can at least say that I've tried, because I would try tirelessly to be hokage for Naruto if he passed away, if I ever cared about my best friend like I do now, I would give my own life for there dream that they've long for, sure it'll be hard and when the time I die at the very least I can talk about his dream, what it was like.

/As Sakura smile in a grinning manner as Tsunade was surprised in a hopeful sorta manner/

Sakura: I'm sure talking with Naruto in the after life would be a fun topic to talk about me achieving his dream and I can rub it on his face.

Naruto: *Naruto in shocked* What!?

/As Tsunade surprised along with Shizune as Tsunade is in deep thought and recalling his brother Nawaki and his lover Dan and there dreams of being Hokage then she looks at Sakura and Naruto as this reminds her of her past when she was young along with her younger brother and Dan as if she's re-seeing the past play out then Tsunade got up in shock and place the cards down harshly and quickly/

Tsunade: I..., I have go...!

/As Tsunade and Shizune quickly take there leave but Jiraiya calls out to Tsunade/

Jiraiya: Wait we're not finished!

/As Tsunade stopped and turn around to yell at Jiraiya/

Tsunade: Well I am, I've seen how everything will play out, I want no part of this!

/As Tsunade and Shizune when outside as Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura followed along as Tsunade deep in thought until/

Sakura: Are you running away?

/Then Tsunade stopped in shocked then quickly turns to look at Sakura who's arms are crossed/

Tsunade: What?

Sakura: I'm more disappointed now, first you're a drunken slob of a mess then you become a coward too, oh how have you've fallen.

/As Tsunade looks at Sakura as if she's looking at her younger self in her prime and it doesn't help that Sakura has the strength of 100 seals on her forehead too and because of this Tsunade started to shake and Shizune noticed it as she speaks up/

Shizune: Stop it, you don't understand.

Sakura: Oh I understand alright, I understand that she's running away, I saw the fear in her eyes, she's afraid, afraid of the past.

/As Jiraiya looks at Sakura in surprised as Sakura kept talking/

Sakura: I betting right now even just looking at you Tsunade, that I remind you of someone, heh and I'll just say it I remind you of yourself don't I?

/As Tsunade started to shake more as if looking at Sakura in the memory of her past self was talking to her as Tsunade looks at Naruto as if he was both Dan and his younger brother Nawaki/

Sakura: You're afraid of the past, all the suffering you've gone through...

Tsunade: Stop it...

Sakura: But what gives you the right...

Tsunade: Stop it...!

Sakura: To be a cold hearted woman, what would they think of you now!

/As Tsunade was shocked to even hear this as she thinks of her younger brother Nawaki and Dan seeing the smiles as this idea shakes her to her core as tears drop from Tsunade's face as she dropped to her knees in tears then Shizune kneed beside Tsunade to give her comfort by hugging her as Shizune looks at Sakura in anger/

Shizune: I've think you've done enough!

Sakura: Yeah I guess I have...

/Then Sakura turns around and started to walk away and Naruto followed, as we skip to Naruto and Sakura being in a hotel room together as they're laying on the bed next to each other as Sakura seem down a bit as Naruto speaks up/

Naruto: Hey what's up?

Sakura: Heh nothing really, I just feel like I messed up again...

Naruto: Oh..., but hey it's not your fault she was a mean old lady to start with and beside I think you said was right.

Sakura: I don't know, I feel like I was way over my head.

Naruto: So you would be hokage if I passed away?

/As Sakura looks at Naruto in wondering why he would ask that question/

Sakura: Well yeah, you're my best friend Naruto I know being hokage is your dream, but I would be sad that you were gone more then anything...

/As Naruto couldn't help but blush then he smile to Sakura/

Naruto: Then I swear that I'll never die, it's my word and you know I don't go back on it believe it.

/As Naruto got closer with his smile as Sakura couldn't help but smile too [here's a pic of them smiling together and Sakura still has her long hair so yeah]/

Sakura: Then you better keep you're promise and I'll do what I can to fix you up.

Naruto: Yeah.

/As Naruto notice how close Sakura is to himself and so did Sakura soon after as both Sakura and Naruto blush a bit more as if they can heard they're own hearts beating then Naruto without thinking is slowly getting closer to Sakura as Sakura so surprised that Naruto would go for it and she couldn't deny her own feeling of this moment as she close her eyes just expecting Naruto to kiss her, but then just in the final moments a knock was heard then both Naruto and Sakura open they're eyes in shocked upon hearing a door being knocked as this annoyed Naruto a lot since the moment is ruined as the knocking kept going as Naruto felt annoyed enough to get up and answer it [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: Ah come on, okay okay I'm coming jeez!

/As Naruto opens the door as Shizune was the one who's been knocking as she speaks up/

Shizune: I know it's awfully late I'm sorry but I must talk to Sakura is she up?

Naruto: Well yeah but I want to get a good night sleep so I can get some training done tomorrow.

Shizune: Can that wait, there's something you and her need to know about lady Tsunade.

/As Shizune enters as Sakura see Shizune as Shizune looks at Sakura with a hint of anger for a moment as Shizune speaks up/

Shizune: There's a lot I want to say and you have a lot of nerve to speak to lady Tsunade that way as well.

Sakura: *Sigh* Couldn't we talk about this tomorrow, I get that I upset her and all, but why now that you suddenly want to talk with me here in the middle of the night?

Shizune: Sorry but it's something you need to understand, a long time ago lady Tsunade wasn't always the person who she is now, she use to be so kind, hard working for the village but she's changed, I'm sure you know losing her brother and her lover, they're names are Nawaki and Dan, Nawaki is the little brother of Tsunade and well Dan is her lover, they've mean the world to her and losing them is more heart breaking then you could ever imagen and Dan was my uncle, but now she has nothing but the necklace with all her memories of them...

/As Shizune explain the hold history of Tsunade and what she's been through to both Naruto and Sakura and if you want to know it watch Naruto episode 91 because I will not fully explain that because it's way too long but long story short Tsunade lose both Nawaki and Dan during the 3rd great ninja war and it was the start of Tsunade suffering trauma of blood on her as that changed her forever since it's her lover's blood that's on her so yeah it's really dark when you think about it, but when Shizune was done explaining her story to both Naruto and Sakura in a memories visual explanation in the story/

Shizune: So you see that was the day, it changed her, she's been in torment ever since.

/As Naruto is walking out as Sakura wonder for a moment but realize that Naruto is heading outside/

Sakura: Naruto?

/As Naruto at the door looks at Sakura for a moment looking serious [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: I'm heading out.

/As Sakura is worried but she won't stop Naruto from training/

Sakura: Be careful then.

Naruto: Right.

/As Naruto takes his leave then Shizune looks at Sakura in question/

Shizune: Is it a good idea to let him go like that?

Sakura: *Sakura softly smile* I couldn't stop him even if I wanted too, so it's best to let him go don't get me wrong I do worry about him, but it's better to let him work it out.

Shizuen: I see.

/As Shizune takes her leave as Sakura's alone in the room then she when to turn off the lights and when to bed, as we skip to the next day as Sakura got breakfast in a basket and making her way to where Naruto is training at as she sees Naruto's hands are shaking [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Naruto's stomach growled loudly as Sakura speaks up to Naruto and joins up with him/

Sakura: I knew you'd be hungry.

/As Naruto looks at Sakura who's carrying a basket full of food/

Sakura: I'm sure training in an empty stomach isn't the best thing to do to get stronger.

/As Sakura set up a picnic for Naruto to sit with Sakura as Sakura open a variety of foods she was able to bring with her, that being sandwiches, rice balls, cooked fishes, and miso soups with a few drinks as Naruto is in awe and takes the sandwiches/

Naruto: Man they look good.

Sakura: Might as well eat right.

Naruto: Right let's dig in.

/As Naruto started eating and so does Sakura while they eat they also talk/

Sakura: You're really doing a number on this place, you've really gone far Naruto.

Naruto: Yeah but it's still not good enough.

Sakura: Hey come on, if it was anyone else they wouldn't even come close as you are now, like I'd said before it took me years to master this and you're doing this in record time within a couple of months Naruto, I think that's a big deal in my point of view.

Naruto: But I won't stop until I've mastered it.

Sakura: I know, it's what you usually would do when you see a challenge, you go up and face it even alone if you have too.

/As Naruto looks at Sakura in awe for a moment then smile and so does Sakura as they finished eating as Sakura put away the left over trash as both Naruto and Sakura get up/

Sakura: But don't think I'll simply lay down and do nothing Naruto, after all I have to get strong myself.

Naruto: Well I'll leave you in the dust then.

Sakura: You can try.

/As Sakura and Naruto both stared at each other with a smile then they fist pumped each other as Naruto when back to training to master his Rasengan as for Sakura she's training her own body by working out by doing sit up, leg workouts, and push ups but along the way she's training to use the Flying Raijin but like how Naruto is having a hard time using the Rasengan Sakura is crashing against the trees from time to time which Naruto laughs whenever it happens as they kept training until night as Sakura laying down with a big red bump on her forehead with a little blood on it as she's worn out as Naruto was tired just as much as Sakura is, as someone was watching both Naruto and Sakura train and it was Tsunade herself watching [here's a pic of it]/

/As Tsunade mutters quietly to herself/

Tsunade: Fools...

/As Tsunade takes her leave, as we see Naruto and Sakura laying down but Sakura finally but slowly sitting up and place her hand on the side of her head do to feeling a headache for crashing against the trees so much with the Flying Raijin as Sakura mutters to herself/

Sakura: Ah... it hurts to think at this point..., my chakras is almost used up... but...

/As Sakura got a fuinjutsu paper and summon a sleeping bag big enough for both Naruto and herself to sleep in as she dragged Naruto in it even while being worn out as Sakura lay next to Naruto without a care in the world and so tired out as her eyes began to close, as both Naruto and Sakura trained together for the hold week while Sakura does bring there meals whenever they get hungry giving Naruto extra time to train as the last day of the week Shizune checks on both Naruto and Sakura who are tired out as she's shocked to see the destruction of the place and kunais full of the markings of the Flying Raijin on the paper tag that's attached to the kunais [here's a pic of Shizune's looking at Naruto but also imagen Sakura being there too]/

/As Shizune ran up to Naruto and Sakura and calls out to them/

Shizune: Naruto, Sakura are you two alright!?

/As Sakura was the only one to open her eyes even if she's tired out as she sees Shizune/

Sakura: Hey..., yeah I guess we when over board..., can you do us a favor..., I'm out of chakra and I can't move my arms and legs right now...

Shizune: You fool, are you trying to get yourself killed?

Sakura: Don't be silly..., but I wanted to work hard and Naruto kinda pushed me to go a bit too far since I didn't want to lose...

Shizune: Why would you go that far?

Sakura: I guess..., I just don't want to accept it...

Shizune: Accept what?

Sakura: That we kunoichi are weaker then boys... (More like I haven't let go of the pride of being a former man, sure it was a lot less then it was before but... it's still very much there..., I've lived it in my former life and to expect it to disappear without a trace is just ridiculous...)

Shizune: But to go through so much, why?

Sakura: I don't know..., I don't understand it myself... (It's a pride of a man, it something girls would have a hard time understanding, after all some guys wouldn't even know where to start to explain it, it just a feeling that you want to be better then anyone else, simple as that.)

/As Sakura's eyes started to grow heavy again as she passes out as Shizune worried and then carried both Naruto and Sakura and quickly made her way to the hotel where both Naruto and Sakura were staying at, then a bit later both Tsunade and Shizune were at the hotel room where Naruto and Sakura were resting all thanks to Shizune taking them both there herself [here's a pic of it and imagen Sakura being in the other bed kay, kay]/

Shizune: So how are they?

Tsunade: They're both out of it.

/Tsunade looks at Naruto and speaks/

Tsunade: His hands are burn with so much chakra being concentrated in one place.

/As Tsunade when to Sakura where she's laying down on the other bed next to Naruto's/

Tsunade: She's worn out from using the Flying Raijin so much they won't wake up the day after tomorrow in the earliest, stubborn brats...

/As Tsunade looks down at Sakura as she had the image of looking at her younger self as Sakura who's clearly passed out in bed [here's a pic of Tsunade looking at Sakura]/

/As Tsunade without thought place her hands on Sakura's neck as Shizune was shocked/

Shizune: My lady?

/As Tsunade began to squeeze Sakura's neck as Shizune quickly when to stop Tsunade from choking Sakura/

Shizune: Tsunade what do you think you're doing!?

/As Tsunade talks while squeezing Sakura's neck while being in deep thoughts in the madness of the trauma she suffered without care/

Tsunade: If only..., if only you were stronger, you could have saved them, but you couldn't do anything at all could you!

Shizune: My lady you're not yourself, she's not you!

Tsunade: For so many years I've suffered alone and broken but you have everything, everything I wanted, you have someone like Dan and Nawaki in your life while I've lost both of them forever!

Shizune: Tsunade!

/As Shizune finally slap Tsunade out of her madness of thoughts and Tsunade snapping out of it and realizing what she was doing as she quickly let's go of Sakura's neck that has red marks do to it being squeezed so hard and Sakura's face was beginning to have it's usual color again since it was turning blue before as that color is now faded away to Sakura's normal skin color again do to being able to breath normally again but Sakura is still passed out from her training with Naruto as Tsunade steps back in shock of what she was going to do to Sakura as she leaves and say/

Tsunade: I need to go...

/As Shizune watch Tsunade leave and close the door of the room as Shizune thinks to herself/

Shizune: (Tsunade...)

/As Shizune looks at Sakura who's deeply asleep as she bow to Sakura a little in a sorry manner/

Shizune: Please forgive her Sakura...

/Then Shizune takes her leave as well, then the next day of the morning as Naruto wakes up and sees that Sakura is still asleep, as he walks to her bed side and shake Sakura to wake her up/

Naruto: Hey rise and shine Sakura, hey snap out of it already!

/As Naruto shakes Sakura to wake her up but he noticed the mark on Sakura's forehead started to glow as it's black marking are slowly covering Sakura's body since the strength of 100 seals does store up extra chakra at the point of the forehead as Sakura started to wake up and look at Naruto in a sleepy and groan manner/

Sakura: Ah..., will you stop shaking me already..., it's way too early...

/As the black markings are all fading back to her forehead once again as the seal on Sakura's forehead is back to it usual look once again as Naruto seeing it for the first time up close as he wonders/

Naruto: What the heck was that?

Sakura: Huh what are you talking about...?

Naruto: That thing on your forehead what the heck did it do?

Sakura: Oh that..., well my seal on my forehead let's me store up extra chakra that I've saved up over the years..., you can say I have extra batters to charge up with..., but I'm still sleepy...

Naruto: Ah can't you wake up at all jeez.

/As the door of there room quickly and suddenly open and Shizune enters while holding her belly area as Shizune was surprised to see both Naruto and Sakura being up so soon/

Shizune: Wha..., how are you two..., never mind that now, have any of you seen Tsunade!?

Sakura: No, what happen...?

Shizune: No time for that, you two stay here okay!

/As Shizune quickly when open the window to leave but a kunai was quickly thrown nearly hitting Shizune [here's a pic of it]/

/As Shizune was shocked and quickly look to who thrown the kunai and say/

Shizune: What in the world?

/As Naruto check to see with Shizune who thrown the kunai as well as Sakura joining with Naruto soon after in a slow pace as they all see it was Jiraiya who's having a very hard time even moving as he's breathing heavily [here's a pic of it]/

Jiraiya: She slip me a micky...!

/As Jiraiya when to sit down to rest as Shizune quickly got a glass of water for Jiraiya to drink as he does take it and drinks it as he speaks/

Jiraiya: Double crossing little vixen, she must have spiked my drink when I wasn't looking, I can't build up any chakra, my body is so weak I don't think I can throw a kunai straight.

Sakura: Heh classic move from a vixens like us, goes to show to never take your eyes off what's really important, after all us gals do use our charm to distract guys like you.~

/As Jiraiya felt annoyed as his expression shows it/

Naruto: Just great pervy sage you always talk about how great of a ninja you are, what did she distract you with her pretty face!

/Then Jiraiya's more annoyed then before and yells out/

Jiraiya: Shut up!

/As both Naruto and Jiraiya were annoying each other as Sakura couldn't help but grin at this moment since it's funny but then Jiraiya speaks up/

Jiraiya: I should have known better only Tsunade could wipe up a knock out drug that any ninja couldn't detected but still to be cut off guard like that I must be losing my touch.

/As Jiraiya drinks more water as Sakura got a glass of water herself to drink so she can at least be more awake and then she splash the remaining water in the glass cup on her face to really wake up more then wipe her face with a towel and throw it back in the room where Naruto and herself were sleeping in as Shizune speaks up to Jiraiya/

Shizune: Are you feeling better now master Jiraiya?

Jiraiya: Well a lot better but I'm still not 100% but it'll have to do for now.

/As Jiraiya spotted someone and we know the person with glasses who works for a snake [here's a pic of him]/

/As Jiraiya look serious but he didn't say anything about it since the spy quickly left and then Jiraiya speaks up while looking at Shizune after that spy left/

Jiraiya: Okay Shizune.

Shizune: Yes what is it?

Jiraiya: It's about time you told us what Tsunade's and Orochimaru's deal.

/As Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya look at Shizune who's shaking a bit as she looks down and speaks/

Shizune: I'd never imagen she would go through with it that's why I, I didn't say anything about it before...

/As Shizune holds her belly area while still speaking/

Shizune: But now.

/Then Shizune stands up and still speaks/

Shizune: There's no time to lose, you must come with me quickly, I'll explain on the way!

Jiraiya: Right lead the way.

/As Shizune is leading while Jiraiya, Sakura, and Naruto follow along with Shizune to find both Tsunade and Orochimaru while Shizune explained to Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya about the deal with Orochimaru to bring back Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki and her lover Dan as Sakura thinks to herself/

Sakura: (Hopefully nothings changed and she's willing to fight against Orochimaru, I know she's smarter then that, right...?)

/As Shizune, Jiraiya, Naruto, and Sakura making there way as quickly as they can to stop what's Orochimaru's plan of healing his arms/

End of chapter 17


I hope you enjoy this chapter so far and sorry it took me a while, I needed a break and I wasn't feeling up to my best I hope you all understand, I do put a lot of thought into my stories at least good enough to please you all, but I wouldn't mind if you think I can make some improvements, well I'll see you in the next chapter, bye.

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