The Life of Mia Grey-Shepherd

By liyahhoosein

42.1K 635 301

These are all oneshots! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR REQUESTS IN THE COMMENTS OR FEEL FREE TO DM! Let's pretend Meredith... More

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Keep Breathing Part 1
Keep Breathing Part 2
Without You
Wake Me Up Part 1
Wake Me Up Part 2
Into The Fire
Sweet Caroline
Truly Madly Deeply
We Will Rock You
Papa Don't Preach Part 1
Papa Don't Preach Part 2
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Piece By Piece
Another Brick In The Wall
Castle On The Hill
Father Of Mine
Gone Girl Part 1 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Gone Girl Part 2 | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Coming Of Age | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Enemy | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Minnesota | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Fighting With Derek | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Valentine's Breakup | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Abusive Relationship | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Cristina Returns | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Jealous Of Your Siblings | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Partner | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Lashing Out | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bailey's Birth | The Life Of Mia Grey-Shepherd
Bad Idea, Right?
Flight 505

After Hours

1.8K 23 15
By liyahhoosein

Description: Based on Season Twelve, Episode Nine. This is gonna be dark.

A/N: Yea, I don't even know what to say. This was a really long chapter, I'm sorry but I wanted to make sure that I got a lot of the details in there that were featured in the episode. I hope you all enjoyed and I love you all so much. have a good night.

Mia slept over at the dream house because she was celebrating with her family as her work was published for recharging hearts.

She had a huge argument with her mother before leaving for work.

"You're not going all the way to Switzerland to work with Cristina. You're not going, end of discussion!" Meredith yelled.

"Can't you be happy for me? I'm working hard as you told me to! My work is being published in the American Journal of Medicine, Mom! Aunt Cristina is one of the best cardiothoracic surgeons in the world. Why can't I have any freedom, I'm twenty-nine years old!" Mia exclaimed.

"No, you're not leaving. You're way in over your head, you're not even an attending yet! You're not going anywhere without my permission!" Meredith said with a dead-serious face.

Derek was just in the middle of this heated fight.

"Watch me!" Mia stormed out and slammed the front door.

"You better not..." Meredith's voice trailed off as Mia left.

The truth was that Meredith was so proud of Mia, she couldn't be any happier. But people at Cristina's hospital wanted her to come there and give a lecture. They'd even offered her a spot as an attending and she was a fourth-year. Meredith was upset that she was leaving, all of the kids had already left to work at farther hospitals and universities and she was the only one that stayed behind with her parents. She was heartbroken.

"Meredith, are you okay?" Derek said a few minutes after Mia had left and rubbed Meredith's back.

"I'm fine, let's hurry and go!" Meredith got ready.


Mia was driving to the hospital and there was a lot of traffic. She looked out her window and saw that there were tons of cars in front of her as well as behind her. She saw a bunch of ambulance rigs pass by and thought that it was a good idea to go and help, after all, she is a surgeon.

Cross, April, Owen, Amelia, Alex, Jackson, and some interns were waiting in the trauma bay when all of those ambulances showed up. Cross and an intern opened the rig that Mia was in.

"Got a 45-year-old male with a head lac, positive LOC on the scene. Also has an abdominal contusion.

"I'd like to say it's not as bad as it looks, but...." The male patient says.

"Do you think he has an intra-abdominal injury?" The new intern asked.

"Well, there's one way to find out!" Mia said and they wheeled the man in on the stretcher.


"Hey, so what did your parents say about the offer?" Cross asked, he was one of her closest friends during residency.

"My mom was mad about me leaving. My Dad looked like he was on her side, it's a lifetime opportunity, right? I should go!" She reasoned with him.

"Well, I mean this hospital is pretty great as it is and you're already building your name here. Maybe finish your residency first. I can see why your mom is mad, she's gonna miss the crap out of you!" Cross sighed.

"Perhaps your right, I don't know," Mia said as she continued to do the patient's workup.

"Maybe I should make up with her, I guess I could stay. Everyone else is gone and living out their lives, and Mom and Dad are all alone, I shouldn't have yelled at them." She thought to herself.

"A bony deformity in the temporal region, 5-centimeter head laceration," Mia stated.

Meredith and Derek were doing their surgeries so they were on the first floor while Mia was on the third.

"Abdomen looks clear, but let's just get a general consult to confirm," Cross said while Mia nodded in agreement. she needed to make amends with her mom, she couldn't leave her behind, at least not like this.

"Palpable pulses in all four extremities," The unknown intern said.

"We've got mild pupillary asymmetry, we need to get a CT. So, make sure neuro and general are both paged, please." She ordered

"Starting to regret taking that tour of the city today. No rain. Thought it was a good idea... I got more than I bargained for" The male patient says.

Mia chuckles a little bit. She was always good with patients, always friendly and caring.

"Yeah, well, you did hit your head pretty good Lou, but we're gonna get you fixed up!" Mia says, putting him at ease.

"Wasn't my most graceful landing either?" He says and mia smiles.

"Pushing 150 of Fentanyl should help with the pain," The intern says.

"You know they had a wall at Pike's market, covered in people's chewing gum?" He asked.

"I do in fact know that Lou, I grew up here" She says to him and Cross gets off the phone.

"Where's general and neuro?" mia asked.

"paged no response!" cross sighs.

"well then can you go get them please?" She requested as cross nodded.

"any pain here lou?" mia said and palpated his abdomen.

"just a little sore" lou responds.

"a little sore?" mia repeats to make sure she has all of the info.

cross finally finds meredith and derek upstairs with a patient. "dr. grey-shepherd needs you!" cross said.

"she can wait, she started the fight and she yelled back, this is her fault!" meredith said.

*cross stands there waiting for an answer*

"cross we'll be there soon, if we're not find someone else!" derek said and dismissed him.

meredith continued to rant to derek about mia. cross came back downstairs and was headed back to the trauma room until he was interrupted by an intern.

"dr. cross, a little help please!" cross comes over and helps the intern work up the patient.

------(mia in the trauma room with the other intern)

her and lou are talking. "we're out her visiting my sister, she and my kids are on a girls day out. so I decided to go see the space needle, now I'm seeing all kinds of needles!" *lou laughs with mia*

"yeah it's corny, I know, sorry. my daughters tell me i make the worst jokes." lou laughs. mia smiles, lou is actually bringing her joy today.

"how many kids do you have?" mia asked. "uh two, they're 10 and 6" lou says. "aww sweet!" mia replies. "they are smart man! they're smarter than i..........." lou says and starts to seize. "whoa, okay" mia says and tries to hold lou down still. "what are we looking at?" mia asks the intern. "uh.." the intern says. "come on, speak up!" mia says eagerly. "a tonic clonic seizure!" the intern says. "thats right, lets roll him!" mia shouts. "1, 2, 3!" the intern says. "ok what do we do now?" mia asks, trying to teach the intern. 'we wait for it to pass!" she answers. "correct, now i will learn your name, seeing that you are competent, what is it?' mia asks. "dr. blake" the female answers. "this is going on too long, blake get 10 of lorazepam, its locked up in pharma, go now!" mia says and blake follows her instructions. *lou continues to seize* "its okay lou, i got you" mia says in a calm voice. after a while he stops seizing. mia wipes the drool from his face. "oh he's gonna need a new gown and fresh sheets!" mia tells the nurse. "oh i hate it when they do that, could you get an orderly, do you mind?" the nurse tells the other hospital staff and they nod. "i'll be right back" the nurse says. 'ok hey there's no rush, but if you do see neuro and general, get them up here please!" mia says, wondering what was taking her parents so long. maybe they hated her now, but that didn't matter, the patient needed a consult. mia takes a stethoscope and listens to lou's heart "okay lou" she then inputs data into the electronic chart system. mia hears shuffling noises and sees that lou has woken up. *lou starts mumbling* "lou you need to lay down, you shouldn't be up" mia says. lou is pushing himself against mia. "lets get back on the bed lou" mia says trying to hold him still. lou pushes her against the blinds aggressively, and against the cart, then on the bed, then drags her out of bed and slams the back of her head on the glass cabinet, he continues to bang her head on the wall. she falls to the floor and so does lou.

-----(a few minutes later)

mia can't hear anything, she's on the ground shaking. *lou is behind her seizing again* mia's body is bruised everywhere, there's a huge cut on her cheek and a shard of glass inside. she can't move at all. she can't get up. she can't escape the silence. blake runs into the room and she can't believe what she's seeing. she feels for a pulse on mia. "i need some help in here now!" blake yells as loud and as clear as she can.


mia is lifted onto a stretcher, wearing a neck brace, oxygen mask, and her body is draped. she's swollen everywhere. "trauma panel, send blood for a crossmatch. belly is soft." owen shouts. "bruising on the left chest, decreasing sounds on the left" april reports. "art line is going in, pulse ox is going down to 88" cross says. "for a trauma series, hook up those monitors!" richard says. "we need a wide bore iv" owen shouts. "get ortho here, add some left arm and leg films" richard shouts. "has anyone told meredith or derek?" april asks worriedly. "ok do not page them, this is one patient okay, we can do this one!" richard says and april nods. "the guy who did this, he was stable.. non-aggressive, he wasn't a threat! i left for five minutes and this happens!" cross says. "he was postictal. hyper-aggression can occur after a seizure" owen says. "temporary fugue state, he won't even remember it" richard says enraged. "where is he now?" april asks. "restrained and being treated next door" cross says. *the door opens* meredith and derek walk in and start talking. "mia i'm sorry, but............" mer's voice trails off and she sees mia on the bed. mer and derek just stand there frozen in time. tears start to pour down both of their faces. "what the hell happened? why is she on a table, who did this!" meredith screams in tears. "grey, shepherd, you can't be here right now, you can't be in this room, families don't treat other family members" owen says. "everyone is this goddamn hospital is her family! richard we are staying, richard, meredith and i are staying!" derek yells and richard nods.

mer and derek sit by her head and run their fingers through her golden locks. "im sorry baby, im so sorry this is my fault" meredith says in mia's ears while crying. "put in a central line" april shouts. "i got it" derek says. "uh ok" richard says. "obvious dislocation of the left elbow, we got some left knee swelling" owen says. 'rib fractures on the left with palpable crepitus" april says. "get ortho here' richard yells. "get a blood gas from the art line" cross says. everyone is just yelling orders. "get a wide bore iv, no obvious flail," mia's eyes shoot wide open, revealing her emerald orbs that are the same as meredith's. she sees a whole bunch of people, but she can't hear anything. she just sees people talking and nodding at her. "someone page jackson in here right now!" april yells. "its okay mia, we love you okay, you're gonna be just fine okay" derek says rubbing her head. meredith feels guilty. maybe if she had put her anger aside and came downstairs on time this wouldn't have happened. its her fault. *amelia enters the room* "hi im here, we've got you okay!" she sniffles. "ok easy 1, 2, 3" richard says and they roll mia over on her side to lower her down. mia groans very loudly in pain. derek looks at her and cries, then he wipes away his tears to make sure she doesn't see him falling to pieces. mer holds his hand tightly and she rubs mia's head with her free hand.

amelia shows mia her finger and mia follows with her eyes. amelia nods. mer steps back and collapses against the wall. people are yelling orders across the room. "set up the pleurovac! draw blood gas from the a-line! *jackson enters the room. "what is this! what the hell happened?" jackson yells. "she was attacked by a patient, the neck is bruised and swollen, she needs an airway evaluation!" owen yells. "mia, we're gonna have to put in a chest-tube alright? your lung is collapsing, this is gonna burn im injecting the lido!" april says.

mia's screams of pain are muffled from the oxygen mask and then she coughs. "breathe mia, just breathe, breathe" jackson says in a soothing voice. "pulse ox is coming back up!" cross says. amelia checks her eyes. "no evidence of traumatic brain injury, no focal deficits, uh, except... mia i need you to move your fingers for me...... or your toes" amelia commands and mia doesn't move anything. "come on just move anything!" amelia shouts. derek is confused "she responded to the painful stimulus, it doesn't make sense! *mia starts wheezing* unless guys! guys! i don't think she can hear us!" derek said. "are you sure?" april asks and derek shakes his head. "i see evidence of barotrauma, possibly from the blows, I think shepherd is right, I don't think she can hear anything we're saying" jackson says while observing mia's ears.

mia gasps for air. mer is still against the wall. "her jaw is locked, suction!" owen shouts. "all right lemme take a look, easy. easy. yeah we got a dislocation here, possible fracture, there's no way we're getting a tube in there" jackson says looking at mia's mouth. "you have to get a tube in, you have to preserve her airway!" april says. "or we have to trach her" cross says. derek is now sitting against the wall with meredith. "if I can reduce the dislocation, we can probably get her mouth open just enough to intubate, it's gonna hurt like hell though" jackson sighs. "okay mia, we're gonna have to pop your jaw open okay. im sorry, I know, but we have to do it, we're gonna do this on the count of three you guys. 1, 2, and.." jackson says and mia's jaw pops. she screams in pain and everyone can feel it. mer and derek just look at her on the table and they can't breathe. derek is trying his best to be brave, but he is scared for mia, for mer, for himself. "this is my fault, I was mad, and now she's like this!" mer cried. "no shh, it's gonna be okay, it's not your fault, she will be fine, our baby will be fine okay, don't cry" derek said and hugged her tightly.


mia has been in the hospital for about 2 weeks now, sedated most of the time because she is still healing, zola and bailey weren't able to come in and see her because they've both been busy with work, so only ellis visited and mia's parents. she's alone in her room and she's crying. she's had surgery after surgery to fix everything and she's been trapped in this room. meredith has been visiting mia, when she's asleep. they haven't spoken about what happened and there's still tension in the air. mia wants to forgive her mom, but she needs time.

derek enters the room when mia is sobbing in pain. his heart breaks for his baby girl. he lays down next to her and holds her. "just get it out, get it all out. all of the tears, all the...." derek's voice trails off and he looks at mia's complexion. "god you've got a lot of snot!" derek smiles. *mia laughs* "I'm serious, I'm for real, I mean you might have a serious condition. come on woman, blow your damn nose!" derek says and hands her a tissue. *mia chuckles* "wait hang on?!" derek looks at her confused. "mia?!" derek says and snaps his fingers. "can you hear me?!" derek asks. "mm-hmm!" mia replied, not able to speak yet because her jaw is still wired shut. "you can hear me?" derek says with tears in his eyes. "mm-hmm" mia responds again. *derek chuckles* "you can hear me!" derek smiles. "mm-hmm" mia says wide-eyed and they both laugh. "oh my god! oh!" derek says and kisses her forehead. he hugs her tightly and they both laugh.

mia has been stuck in the same bed for 5 weeks now and she misses her mom. she can tell that meredith has been avoiding her. the feeling of not talking to her, like how she did everyday was missing. just the feeling. mia is in her room by herself and then she sees her parents walk by her room. mia waves at them through the window and gestures for them to come in.

"hi honey how are you feeling?" derek asked. "good, how are you guys?" mia asked. meredith was quiet, "don't worry about us" derek said. "mia.... when you paged, I was mad at you and.... I'm-sorry-I'm- if I came quicker, this wouldn't have happened, and I'm so glad you're okay!" mer cried and sat on the bed. "it's not your fault, like you told me.... everything happens for a reason!" mia sighed. "im not going okay, so you don't have to worry, I'll probably see what's out there after my residency, but until then.... I am staying here!" mia said and held her parents hands. "I don't want you to stay because of what happened, you should be happy, you've proven yourself and I'm so proud of you baby!" meredith said and derek stroked her hair. "no! my family is here, I am staying here. I grew up here, I learned how to be a doctor here, I've had success here, and my person is here, and you are my person mom! you have always been my person and you will always be my person, I love you guys and I'm staying! end of discussion!" mia said.

"so my baby is staying with me?" meredith asks innocently. "haha, our almost thirty-year-old baby!" derek laughs.

"I'm not going anywhere, not for a while" mia says and they snuggle in bed with her. mer starts to tear up a little bit. "wow she must love us so much, she's going to stay! derek and I raised her good, she was always the good one, she is. I love her to death, literally!" mer thought to herself. derek admired his grownup family. "they are beautiful, both of them. thank god they made up and thank god mia is not leaving. I know for a fact that mer would be more hurt than when cristina left. all of the kids left and went on with their lives, but not mia, she stayed. she always stayed behind,  for us" derek thought to himself.

The end.


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