Newsies one-shots

By F_writes_alot

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Believe me: it (might) get better after a while. I try to have a equal amount of angst and fluff, but there... More

Rain before sunshine|| Javid (modern au)
Fighting like a married couple || Spralmer (modern au)
Gamenight || jackxdaveyxcrutchie, spralbert, elmerxbuttons, spromeo and more
Memory || Spralmer
From empty to anger|| Spelmer
Stressed out || Javid
forgotten in the park || Spralmer
He's back || Spralmer
Family quarrel || Spralmer (canon era where being gay is legal)
Stressing || Relmer
Words won't come || Elmer (no ships)
Just tired (pt 2 of words won't come) || Jack and Elmer (not a ship)
Ignored||kinda part 3(ish)
Crashing || multi ships
As long as you're here || Sprace
Sleep deprived || Spralmer
Who lives, who dies, who tells my story? || Jatherine (Canon era)
To us || Buttons x Elmer
Breaking to protect || No ships (Canon era)
Watch what happens...
Lullaby for a stormy night || canon era
Their first fight || Spralmer
Let him feel your heartbeat || Spralmer
Nerf war || Sprace, Javid, Blush & Newsbians
You should have been there || Spralmer (canon era)
It's just the flu || Almer
Breaking his trust || Sprace (canon era)
I'm counting on it || Javid
But you're still scary as hell || Multi relationships
I do care || Javid (background Crutchie x Elmer)
Always have your back || Race and Jack (canon era)
(No) one would care || Spralmer
Switch up || Spralmer & Javid (canon era)
With time || Spralmer
The nights they weren't there || canon era
As fine as always || part 2 of the nights they weren't there
What about angels || Sprace
With time || Brotherly relationships
Group projects and panic at the Larkin mansion || Random relationships
Tell me it's not that way || JackxRace
I've lived || brotherly relationships
Some people just don't get it || brothers
The need to protect
This is where the story ends.

Hundred and twenty-three || background relationships

333 11 4
By F_writes_alot

At some point I'll be switching point of view, but it'll be pretty obvious about who's it is and when it'll turn back again.

~ F

"Hundred and twenty-three days." Jack said softly to himself as he finished counting the stripes he had made on the cover of his sketchbook. Hundred and twenty-three days had passed by since he first arrived in the pits of hell.
Many people believe in hell, but many see it as something else. To Jack? To Jack it was the house he had been living in for hundred and twenty-three days. 

The first thirty-seven days had been perfectly fine. When he was introduced to his new foster father, he had looked like a decent man. He had immediately introduced himself as mister Snyder. The man always wore a suit, ran a children's daycare and the house had been cleaner than what he had been used to since his parents had died in a car accident on their way to Santa Fe when he was five. He was seventeen now. There was a television in the right corner of the room with a chair and a couch circling it, there was a dark wooden dining table with six wooden chairs around it. Even the walls had wallpaper that wasn't falling off any second. In the kitchen there was an oven, a stove and a fridge filled with food and soda.
There were two bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom. One of the bedroom's was his and one was Snyder's. It was in contrast with downstairs.
His bedroom only had two beds and a cupboard with a heavy lock. Instead of proper wallpaper, there were some empty walls, two even had holes in them. Jack had decided that it had been this way because the older man wasn't used to having children around the house before, since he had told Jack that he'd be his first. Thirty-seven days was all it took. That was when Snyder's friends first came over and alcohol had been drunk straight out of the bottle. After that night the man started drinking a lot more. The days before his constant drunkenness he had already been strict, even punishing Jack with a slap on the cheek, but after that night, the cupboard in his room finally opened. Belts, baseball bats, knives. Nearly everything imaginable was in there. One step out of line and Jack would get a punishment, leaving him bruised and bleeding. At the very start Snyder was careful enough to only hurt Jack in places he could cover, such as his stomach and arms.
But at the ninety-fourth day he had started becoming reckless. Leaving bruises on his cheeks and hurting his leg so bad that he couldn't help to limp. His friends had always asked about it, being the concerned bunch of idiots they were, Jack loved them though, but he had always put it on being clumsy and tripping. That had been going on for twenty-nine days now.

"So, what's it today? Failed to catch the ball again while you and Snyder played catch?" Race commented as he sat down in front of Jack at their usual table in the corner of the canteen. He was obviously referring to Jack's black eye, which he had gotten after Snyder hitting him with a plain old fist. Race and Jack had known each other since they were little kids stuck in an orphanage. They had become best friends pretty quickly and Crutchie followed not much later.
"Told ya, I'm not good with sports. Give me art." Jack gave a small smile to hide the lie. Race returned an eye roll, but didn't continue on the subject. 
"What are you talking about?" Crutchie asked as he took a seat next to Jack, looking at the marks on his sketchbook. 
"Nothing." Jack commented, looking at his other best friend with a small smile. It stayed silent for a little while longer as they waited for the rest of the group. As Jack thought about it, nearly all of them had met in the orphanage. All except Romeo, Albert and Henry, who still lived with their parents, but had joined the group of misfits when they first met in their shared classes. Crutchie, Race and Finch had been adopted by Miss Medda, who happened to be their drama teacher. Specs and JoJo had been taken in by mister Denton, who had been their English teacher a few years prior, it's a weirdly small world. Only Elmer was the one who was still moving around a lot. The boy was two years younger than the group, but his intelligence had allowed him to skip grades, so he was now attending the same classes as the rest of them, mathematics being the main reason since he still got A's on every single test.
It was no secret that Elmer had a history with abusive households, who only took in kids for the money. The poor kid had-
"Heya." Jack was ripped out of his thoughts by Race greeting the rest of the group. The brunette looked up at his friends who had now joined them at the table. JoJo and Henry were practically clinging to each other, not having shared any classes before lunch. Even though both denied it, all of the friends knew that something was going on between the two of them. They held hands underneath the table, thinking no one would notice, but their friends wouldn't dare comment on it.
Specs, Albert and Finch were already talking about something 'sciency' that Jack never understood. The three friends shared the same class and always did the projects together, ending with the most chaotic results, such as a rainbow volcano or a glitter bom, which should've been just a minor explosion, "In our defense, it wasn't our fault that it happened to rain today and that the water made the system glitch.".
As he looked to the far end of the table he could see Elmer clinging to Romeo. It was no secret that the two were in a relationship since the previous school-year ended and Jack was happy for them. That made that it wasn't a rare occasion that Elmer was sitting in Romeo's lap. The problem was that Elmer was shaking and his face was buried in the crook of Romeo's neck. The worried look on Romeo's face didn't help the worry that was starting to sit in Jack's stomach. 
"What's wrong with El?" Jack asked Crutchie in a whisper without taking his eyes of the boy. For all the years they'd known him he had never cried. Not even when he was hospitalized after a beating of a previous foster family. 
"They're making him move out of the orphanage again. He needs to leave today actually." Crutchie informed him, ending with a sad sigh.
"And that's the only place he has felt save at since a long time." Race added from the other side of the table. Jack knew the last bit though. The orphanage was run by the nuns and was the safest place in Manhattan. 
"Do you know where he's going?" Jack asked no one in particular.
"They wouldn't tell him." Henry answered, seemingly to have listened to their conversation.
"The only thing we know is that there is supposed to be another foster kid." JoJo added after taking a bite of his sandwich. 
"Let's just hope for the best." Race sighed. All of them nodded, silently agreeing that they would help Elmer where ever they could, but leave him be for now.

[1.04 pm.] Race:  Are you okay though?

Jack looked down at the messege he had just gotten from Race out of no where. Even though the boy was sitting so close he was texting. 

[1.04 pm.] Jack: I'm fine, Race. Don't worry.

[1.04 pm.] Race: You can come to me when something's wrong Jack

[1.05 pm] Jack: Don't worry

Jack loved his best friend like a brother. Race was definitely like his little brother. So was Crutchie, but Race had this thing where he'd get all worried about something and starts getting really protective while Crutchie is able to play it cool. He eyed his friend as he placed his phone back on the table, giving him one last 'it'll be fine' look before turning back and joining a new conversation.


"KELLY! GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN!" Snyder's yell ringed in his ear as he looked up from his notebook. He had been studying for the mathematics test since Snyder had left the house to 'go get something'. Jack had assumed it was either more alcohol or a new baseball bat since the last one had broken when he had missed Jack in his drunkenness and had hit the edge of his bed instead. He placed the notebook down in front of him before walking down the stairs as quick as he could. He didn't fancy another punishment for being to slow. 

The sight in front of him made him stop in his tracks. Before him stood Snyder, an annoyed look on his face, and a small boy. Two beds. It now made sense. It took Jack a few seconds to notice who the smaller boy with dark curls was though. 
"Elmer." Jack let out with a small gasp. He had to fight his instincts so he wouldn't go out of line and get him or the other boy punished. 
"You seem to know the boy. Good." Snyder had a wicked grin on his face before walking of without another word. Jack took a moment to look at Elmer. The boy had dried tear tracks running down his cheeks and there was a bruise forming a little under his right eye. Snyder had obviously hit him because he had been crying and Jack never wanted to kill the man any more than at that moment. He took a few steps forward so he was now in arms reach of the boy and knelt down, trying to force Elmer to look at him, since the boy had been staring at the floor the entire time. Jack was a foot taller than the younger boy so he wasn't that much lower than a little below eye-level. 
"Elmer?" Jack questioned, his hand resting on Elmer's shoulder. The boy didn't respond. His eyes were like glass and he was staring at seemingly nothing. "Come on. Let's get you upstairs." Jack stood back up, knowing what the consequences would be if Snyder saw them anywhere but their room. Jack tried pulling Elmer to their room, but the lack of recognition of the movement from Elmer, left the boy to nearly fall over because his legs didn't move along with Jack. That's when Jack decided to pick the boy up, carrying him bridal style to their room. Elmer's head was hanging freely as Jack walked, bouncing a little with every step. The door was closed quickly as Jack had finally reached their room. He was panting a little, but that was mostly from walking up the stairs the fastest he had ever done it. Elmer had always been as light as a feather, so there wasn't much problem with the carrying. Jack placed the boy on the bed, letting him laying on his side, facing Jack as the older boy took a seat. 

"Come on, Elmer. Wake up." Jack whispered over and over again like a mantra. It had been fifteen minutes since Elmer had arrived. The sound of his phone getting a message got him looking away from the not moving boy. It was one message that turned into what felt like a hundred inside the group chat. 

[9.36 pm.] Racetrack: does anyone know where elmer is?????????

[9.36 pm.] Finch: havent heard from him

[9.37 pm.] Henry: I hope he didn't get stuck in another shit family...

[9.37 pm.] Specs: Elmer, buddy? Are you here?

[9.37 pm.] Albert: there's probably a logical explanation

[9.37 pm.] JoJo: did anyone find out where he was send to???

[9.38 pm.] Crutchie: Rome? Did he tell you?

[9.38 pm.] Romeo: No he didn't and I'm worried as hell... He isn't answering my text or calls...

Jack took Elmer's phone out of the pocket of the boy's trousers after rolling his eyes quickly at the lack of proper punctuation from Race, Finch and Albert. 
"Shit." He muttered. The phone had died, which was why he had never heard it going off. 

[9.39 pm.] Jack: He's here.

Jack send out the text as quickly as possible.

[9.39 pm.] Romeo: Is he okay?
[9.39 pm.] Romeo: Why isn't he answering.
[9.39 pm.] Romeo: Did anything happen?

That's when it dawned on Jack. There was no way that he could pull Elmer out of his own mind. He didn't have any experience and god knows that he and Elmer were friends, but neither really knew each other's personal lives. It took him only a few seconds before he was Skyping Romeo. Said boy answered nearly as soon as Jack had called, tears streaking down his cheeks in fear. 
"Jack? What's wrong?" Romeo sounded panicked and Jack didn't blame him. 
"Elmer isn't reacting to me. It's like he's not in his body anymore." Jack only now noticed how raspy his voice sounded and how panicked he felt, but especially helpless. 
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Romeo muttered from his side of the phone. "I'm coming over." 
"Wait!" Jack tried to stop Romeo, but Romeo's expression made clear that it wasn't a question. "At least come through the window. Sny- There is a fire escape leading straight to our room." Romeo nodded at this, knowing not to question it. Jack turned his attention back to Elmer as soon as he had hung up. The boy hadn't moved an inch, but there was a tear rolling down his cheek. Jack didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. On the one hand, Elmer was crying and he hated it if one of his friends was crying. They all deserved to be happy. But on the other hand he had actually shown a reaction to Romeo's voice, which looked like something slightly good.

Another ten minutes went by without another reaction from Elmer. The tear that had been rolling down his cheek was long gone. If Jack didn't know any better he would say that Elmer was dead, but he did know better. What Elmer was... it's a hundred times worse. A soft knock on the window made him look up from the boy. On the other side of the closed window, Romeo was sitting with a determined look in his eyes. Jack stood up quickly, making his way silently to the other side of the room, putting his finger in front of his lips, signalling Romeo to be quiet. The other boy nodded before looking behind the slightly older boy to look at his boyfriend. The window opened with a soft cracking, but Jack knew that it wouldn't alarm Snyder, since he used to sit on the fire escape nearly every night. 
"What happened?" Romeo asked in a hushed voice as soon as he was fully standing in the room.
"He came in here like this. I even had to carry him all the way up here because he wouldn't move." Jack informed the smaller boy. Romeo nodded before leaving Jack behind on one side of the room and sat down on the bed next to his boyfriend on the other side of the room. He carefully lifted Elmer's head so it could rest in his lap, his right hand coming up in his hair to comb through it. 
"Elmer, you're safe. I'm here. It'll be alright." He whispered with a comforting voice that it even made Jack feel like he could just fall down and sleep for hours. Jack sat down on the empty bed, not wanting to disturb the other two. He grabbed his sketchbook from where it was laying on ground under his bed. He took the pencil of which he just now noticed was tucked behind his ear. 

Around thirteen minutes went by before Elmer seemed to come back to the real world. He was now hugging Romeo tightly while Jack could do nothing but watch with somewhat a fond smile. 
"Jack?" Jack's eyes went wide as he heard his name being called by a raspy voice that couldn't have been from someone else but Elmer. 
"Yeah, El?" He asked as he stood up quickly and made his way over to the two boys. 
"Thanks." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth before he re-buried his face in Romeo's neck, who smiled a little brighter. 
"No pro-" Jack couldn't finish his sentence before he heard heavy steps come from downstairs, making their way to the stairs. "Romeo, you need to go." There was a sudden panic on Jack's face and in his voice that Romeo's eyes widened to twice their normal size. 
"Jack, what-" Jack shook his head as he pried Elmer away from Romeo, keeping the 15 year old in his arms himself, before sending Romeo a look not to question him. Romeo stood up and made his way towards the window again. Jack nearly let out a sigh of relieve, but Romeo stopped halfway. The boy was looking at the cupboard which had been standing ajar, without either of them noticing until now.
"Rome-" Jack tried, but was cut off.
"Jack, what's this?" Romeo whispered in pure horror as he could see the belt, a knife and a broken baseball bat, all covered with splats of dried blood. 
"Don't worry about it. Just get out before he comes here." Jack ushered Romeo out. The boy seemed to hesitate at first, but then quickly made his way through the window, disappearing underneath it. Jack was glad that Snyder wasn't one to walk really fast and that their room happened to be at the end of the hallway. He could already smell the cigar that Snyder probably had been smoking and the constant scent of alcohol became stronger as the older man barged into their room. Elmer began clinging tighter to Jack and the older boy only took a tighter hold himself.
"How cute." Snyder fake cooed in a mocking voice. 
"What do you want?" Jack was fully aware that putting up an attitude would get him punished, but still he did it on purpose. If he got punished, Elmer probably wouldn't. Snyder would get bored eventually and just leave them be. 
"What did you say to me, boy?" Snyder snarled even though he had fully understood.
"Screw you." Jack looked at him with a new found fire in his eyes. 
"Don't talk to me like that, Kelly." Snyder took a firm grip on Jack's hair, pulling on it. Jack let out a small hiss, but otherwise didn't cave. "On your knees, shirt off." Snyder ordered, clearly already ready to punish the boy. Jack pried Elmer of off him, even though said boy only tried to hold him tighter, not wanting anything to happen with his friend. 
"It'll be alright." Jack muttered in the boy's ear as he had finally freed himself from the somehow very strong arms. 
"You know I don't like waiting, Kelly." Snyder commented without any evidence of emotion. 
"Sorry." Jack mumbled as he slowly fell to his knees and pulled up his shirt. He hesitated at first, since his whole chest and back had been covered with bruises, cuts and scars and he didn't really fancy the idea of Elmer seeing him this way, but he also knew that he didn't have a choice, so he pulled it off quickly. His head shot up from where it had hung low, when he didn't hear one, but two gasps. One coming from Elmer and another one coming from the window. He quickly looked at Snyder, but the man was so infested in picking the right tool that he hadn't noticed. Jack then looked at the window to see brown hair and hazel eyes pop up from underneath. The older boy's eyes widened as he recognized Romeo. 
"DOWN." He mouthed to the boy when Snyder started to turn around, the broken baseball bat in his hands. 
"Let's show the new rat how we treat people who misbehave, shall we? Let you be the example." Snyder couldn't stop the evil chuckle which rolled of his tongue. There was only a second of silence before the bat collided with Jack's back. A sickening crack could be heard and a gasp from Elmer. The boy on the bed was about to protest, but Jack send him a glare that was strong enough for the younger's mouth to slam shut. Then there as another hit, this time on Jacks ankle. The bone there had definitely broken and it would be a pain in the ass to cover up that limp. Other hit came against his shoulder, probably dislocating it, but Jack couldn't feel it anymore. He had stayed quiet for this entire time though, not wanting Elmer or Romeo to hear his screams, but it seemed to annoy Snyder. 
"Why don't you scream, boy? I always love it when you do that." He teased lightly, letting his fingers trace a few scars on Jack's back, making the boy curl a little into himself and feel nauseous. Jack didn't respond to him as the older man sighed. He could hear some movement behind him and nearly screamed from surprise as he felt the belt come around his neck. It was strapped around it as tight as it could, but lose enough so the boy could still breath. The other end was placed underneath Snyder's left foot, forcing Jack to be sitting on his hands and knees. He realized that he was in a very vulnerable position since he couldn't fully move away and he knew Snyder knew that too. 
Another second of silence passed before he could feel the knife piercing in his back. he tried so hard. You must know how hard he tried not to scream, to not scream in front of Elmer and Romeo, but as blood trickled down his sides a scream of pain escaped his lips. His cry of pain was louder than the laugh that erupted from Snyder's mouth. When the knife finally leaves his back his scream stops, as he erupts in a coughing fit. 
"That's what I meant." Snyder says, a grin tugging at his lips. 
"Screw you." Jack knew that the man wasn't bored yet. He would take his agresion out on Elmer if he wasn't bored fast, so Jack did the only thing he could think of: pull the attention back to him. 
"Don't talk to me that way, boy." Snyder snarled as he pulled on Jack's hair again, the boy's neck getting in a weird position as his head is pulled up but the belt is pulling him down. He stays like that for a few seconds before the hand is removed, only to be replaced by a foot in his stomach. He can feel the belt getting freed from under Snyder's left foot as he falls down to the ground, the blow to hard to keep up right. If his ribs weren't bruised already, they sure were now. There were three more hits in his stomach and one in his already probably dislocated shoulder before one final to the head. He could hear Snyder leave the room before he blacked out.

Romeo had been sitting underneath the window the entire time. His phone sat in his shaking hands as he filmed the whole thing. He watched the hole beating on the screen instead of seeing it with his own eyes, thinking that it was less noticeable when only a small camera phone stuck up from underneath than half a head. It took the man ten minutes before he finally left, probably bored as the oldest of the boys was laying limply on the floor, blood streaming down his back. Elmer was lucky that he hadn't closed the window fully, knowing that he wanted to come back when Jack's foster father had left again. He stood up as fast as he could, opening the window a little further so he could get through. The first thing he did when he entered the room was close the door and place a chair in front of it just in case the man decided to come back anyway. When he turned around he noticed that Elmer wasn't sitting on the bed anymore. Instead the boy was kneeling next to Jack with trembling hands and tears in his eyes as he looked up to his boyfriend.
"What do we do now?" Elmer whispered as he took a hold of Jack's hand, not knowing what else to do. 
"I filmed it all." Romeo informed him with a trembling voice. "I'm sending it to the group, because we need all the help possible. They can show it to Medda and Denton." Romeo told the boy, coming up with the plan right on the spot. He couldn't go to his own parents with this since they barely even knew Jack. They would help, yes, but there wouldn't come any good solution. 
Without waiting for an answer he did as he had said seconds prior, making a new group chat without Jack, knowing that the boy wouldn't want to see this himself if- no, when he woke.

[10.23 pm.] Romeo: <Video.JaK.HLP>
[10.23 pm.] Romeo: Help, now. Tell Medda and Deton.

Romeo wasn't so sure anyone would even answer at this time, but only a minute later Race answered. He probably hadn't watched the entire video, but that wasn't necessary. 

[10.24 pm.] Race: Medda is calling the police and an ambulance. We're on our way. Stay there and don't let his foster father come in.

Romeo now realized that none of them knew Jack's foster father's name, since Jack had never told them and this could possibly be the reason why. 
"Race has told Medda. Police and ambulance are on their way and so are they." Romeo sighed with relieve as he informed his boyfriend who hadn't zoned out yet, which he was proud of. The kneeling boy nodded, but his eyes never left Jack. He was still holding his hand tightly in his own. Romeo had to look away again when another notification buzzed on his phone.

[10.25 pm.] Specs: We're picking up Albert and Henry. We'll see you at the hospital. 

[10.25 pm.] Romeo: Thanks. Race, come through the window if you're here before the police and ambulance.

He knew that they couldn't just barge in through the front door. That was just impossible with Snyder still down stairs. He finally let himself kneel next to Jack. Combing the boy's hair with his fingers before turning Jack so he would be laying on his side so he wouldn't suffocate. The older boy, even though he was much taller than either him or Elmer, was scarily light. He wiped a few stray tears from Jack's cheeks, which had fallen minutes earlier. Jack's breathing was labored which scared the other two boys. 
A gasp and the sound of people running made them look up. Race and Finch were already sitting down beside their friend, tears rolling down their cheeks. 
"Wh-" Race was about to say something but nothing could get out of his mouth as he looked at his best friend, his brother, his protector is some way. 
"Crutchie and Medda are still outside. Crutch can't make it up here so he and Medda are waiting for the police." Finch's voice was steady, but his face told them how nervous and shocked he actually was. 
"Jack, c'mon. Wake up." Race suddenly began whispering, his hands taking a hold of the boy's arm. "Wake up, Jack. This isn't a funny joke." He was nearly yelling at this point, not caring about the man downstairs. Finch was quick to move and wrapped his arms around his brother from behind, trapping the boy's arms at his side as he pulled him back. Race began struggling, yelling and crying for his friend before he felt limp in his brother's arms as Finch had managed to get them on one of the beds. Romeo could hear someone coming up the stairs, so he did the only thing he could think of. He stood up and leaned against the door, trying to aid the chair in keeping the dangerous man outside. When the door handle was turned, but the door couldn't be opened due to the boy's weight and the chair that was blocking it, there came a voice. Not the voice of the dangerous man, but another voice that he didn't recognize. 
"It's okay kid. It's the cops." a female voice sounded from the other side. He made quick work to back away and taking the chair with him so the door could be opened. In a matter of seconds three cops were now standing in the room. Two women and a man. They only shared a nod before they started separating. The man went over to Finch and Race, a woman with long brown hair sat down next to Jack and started to check him for a pulse and what else while the other woman, the woman Romeo had heard from the other side of the door guided him and Elmer to the other bed. 
"Does he have other family besides his foster father?" The woman asked, probably needing the information for official bussines. 
"I-" Elmer started, but he couldn't seem to finish his sentence. Romeo took hold of his hand and squeezed it reassuringly before continuing for him.
"He's Jack's foster brother since today, but we're all kinda a family. Other than us, and some people who will be going straight to the hospital, he has no one." The woman nodded at his response. Looking up at the door for a few seconds as their colleaguesfrom the ambulance came running in and started to take Jack away.
"Alright. You two can ride with me. I spoke to their mother downstairs." She nodded over to where Finch and Race were still siting, with Race still in Finch's arms as the slightly older of the siblings held his brother close. The male police officer had already left, helping with Jack. "She'll take the others there." She stood up and signed for the two boys to followed as they all left the room. Romeo held Elmer's hand while Finch still had his arm wrapped around Race's shoulder as the blond leaned on him. 
When they got down stairs they were met with a crying Crutchie, who was quickly engulfedin a group hug from all four of them, and Medda, who only stood with a sad smile on her face. 


When Jack woke up, he was too tired to open his eyes just yet. He had prepared himself to wake up on the cold hard floor, but instead was met with a soft and warm feeling. There was a lot of light coming through his eyelids, which surprised him since the last time he'd checked it had been around half past ten. There was also the sound of a soft beeping noice and soft breathing from either side of him, which confused him even more. Last he could think of was only Elmer in the room. Maybe it was Romeo... There were also two heat sources coming from either side of him. He slowly opened one eye, trying to adjust to the light. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his own room anymore. The room he was in was all white and clean. The second thing he noticed was that something was sticking in his arm, but he didn't really mind that. He opened his other eye and looked down. On his right side Elmer was laying, somewhat tucked underneath his arm. He carefully wrapped his arm better around the sleeping boy and held him tighter. He then looked at the other side. Race was laying on that side, his arm wrapped around Jack's stomach, but careful to not touch Jack's shoulder, which Jack only now noticed was bandaged up and his arm was plastered against his chest, but he wasn't able to understand how the doctors had done that. 
Although it hurt a little, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the crown of either boy's head. 
"We could get them to leave your side." Crutchie's voice suddenly sounded from the doorway. Jack's eyes shot up as he was met with the sight of both Romeo and Crutchie standing in the doorway with bottles of water and some food.
"I've never seen either of them this clingy." Romeo gave him a sad smile. Even Jack's tired mind could see the hessitation in the boy's eyes. Crutchie carefully made his way to Jack, resting his own forehead to Jack's, careful not to disturb his sleeping brother as he hung over him. And whispered something Jack couldn't understand, but he didn't really bother asking Crutchie to repeat them, knowing that the words didn't really matter. With Crutchie it was always the action and the underlying feeling that mattered. When Crutchie pulled away Jack could still see Romeo standing near the door with a scared look in his eyes.
"Rome?" Jack asked gently as he carefully lifted his hand from where it had been resting on Elmer's side. Romeo was quick to walk over and hold it tight as a tear finally fell down his face.
"I'm so- so sorry for not doing anything." Romeo whispered as he looked down at his feet.
"Hey. Look at me." Jack told him gently. The boy looked up at him slowly, not meeting eye, but close enough for Jack. "You couldn't have done anything about any of this and I wouldn't ever want you to put yourself in a dangerous situation for me. Understood?" Romeo nodded slightly at this and Jack let out a sigh. "Come here." He gently moved a little so that Romeo could practically lay on top of him. Romeo hessitated for a second before carefully climbing over Elmer and laying down. Jack would never admit that it hurt, since his ribs were probably bruised. He would hold them even if he was getting ripped apart. Crutchie had made his way to Jack's other side, the side where Romeo had previously been, since a chair stood there waiting for him. He pulled it so that it was directly connected to Jack's bed and sat down. Jack opened his hand in invitation and Crutchie gladly took it as he rested his head on Jack's shoulder.

When Medda, Deaton, Henry, JoJo, Specs, Albert and Finch walked in after what seemed about an hour, they were met with the sight of four sleeping boys and a smiling, but awake Jack. 
"You've got a choice to make, Jack." Henry whispered with a small smile on his face as he placed a hand on Jack's leg, feeling the need to at least touch his friend. 
"You can either go live with Medda or with Denton. It's your choice." Albert continued for Henry. On Jack's left stood Medda with her arm around Finch's shoulder while Denton was stending on his right side with Specs and JoJo on either side of him. He too had his arms around the boys' shoulders. 
"Is Elmer coming where I'm going?" Jack asked hesistantly, eyeing the sleeping boy for a second. 
"Of course, sweetheart." Medda nodded as she confirmed it. Jack looked around for a few seconds, making the choice in his head. It wasn't a really hard one. He really loved his friends and Deton, but his two best friends, his brothers, lived with Medda, so he really wanted to live with her too. 
"Is it okay if we come live with you, miss Medda?" Jack asked, sounding really small and insecure.
"Always." Medda answered with a soft smile. 


It was a few days later that they walked into the Medda mansion. Jack did struggle with his crutch in the beginning, but learned pretty quickly with the help of Crutchie. 
Both him and Elmer had gotten their own room, but slept in the same bed for the first week. 

And if they would sit a little closer more often, if they would cuddle on the couch during a movie night or if they would all sleep in one room at night, no one mentioned it.

Hope this was good enough to make up for not posting lately :)
Stay safe.

~ F

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