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What happens when Helen Potter and a few of her friends of the Magical world, traveled to another dimension t... Mais

STORY GUIDE: Summary, Settings, Character List, etc.
CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning
CHAPTER 2 - Surviving The Monster Apocalypse
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 1
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 2
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3
CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 1
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 2
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 3
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 4
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5
CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 1
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 3
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 4
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5
CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 1
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 2
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4
CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 4
CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 5
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 1
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3
CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 1
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 4
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5
CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 6
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 1
CHAPTER 13 - Set Forth The Voyagers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 1
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 2
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3
CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 4
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 1
CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2
CHAPTER 15 - ... and More Revelations part 3
CHAPTER 15 - ...and More Revelations part 4

CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1

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"Hmm...well, this is quite interesting," Luna finally voiced out loud, breaking the silent tension between them.

And so the new chapter of their story goes on...with the addition of these new young survivors.


"Very interesting--and so much intriguingly amazing that you, Draco, didn't hesitate into letting in these new survivors into our safe humble abode, as well as going out there yourself to rescue them for that matter," Luna said in an all-knowing wise tone of voice as she looked straight at Draco like she knew his true nature or something.

Draco didn't answer as he tries to act all cool and composed while holding the female child in his arms that's still clutching at him like a cute koala bear cub.

"Well, he had to, considering that I'm the one who saw and said that they are the good kind of survivors since they have children with them," Neville answered for him as Luna seemed to like staring at the adorable sight of Draco and the kid in his arms.

Bellamy and Murphy did a quick look over the new survivors in this small group and studied the gaggle of teens and children intently for a moment until they nodded upon seeing the same as Neville does, trusting that they're truly the good kind of people. Bellamy had experienced into reading what is really the good and bad kinds of people during his time in the past when he used to work as a security guard, and Murphy is the same but the difference of the kind of experience on knowing the kinds of people is when he had grown up on the bad side of life when he and his parents were forced to live in a neighborhood that had street gangs on it.

After seeing how shaken and slightly frightened the small gang of survivors that Draco let in and rescued all are, even though the two teen boys looked to be on guard and protective of their group, Bellamy and Murphy instantly knew that they're the good friendly types of people that they don't need to be worried about. Even with or without children, these young teenagers appear to be harmless, in a manner of speaking or sorts.

When Bellamy, Murphy, or Neville tried to approach more closely at the new survivors to show them where they can rest along with their group, the two teen boys pushed and got their group to back away from them and the Jewish teen boy tried to call out for the teen girl to get the little girl back from Draco's arms and return to their group but the little girl kept holding on to the blond mage like she didn't want to let go of her rescuer, no matter how much the teenage girl tried to convince or coax her to let go.

Before the tension would have become greatly troublesome, since it looks like the group of new survivors seemed wary and cautious of the other group, despite that the little girl trusts Draco implicitly in her natural childish way, the rising tension between the two survivor groups was easily broken down and calmed when another one of their group had roused from sleep and came to greet the new strangers.

And that was Helen, the main leader and 'mother' of the group.

"Oh! We have new guests?" she inquired in a warm gentle voice and they all turned their eyes and attention right at her as she spoke.

The new survivors were all stunned, except the children who stared a bit in wonder and awe, when Helen revealed herself to the group, in her visible pregnant state.

And it looks like one of them decided to share their good friendly nature, that is the African teenage male among them. "Oh wow! You're really pregnant! (HEAD-SLAP!) Ouch! Hey, sis--I didn't mean to say it as something bad or anything!"

The African teenage girl, who is the sister of the African male, slapped her brother upside the back of his head for the sudden rude comment he just uttered out at Helen. She bowed shamefully while using her free hand to push her brother's head to do the same as she said in some kind of native African accent. "I am so sorry about my brother, Jake. He doesn't know better than to open his mouth and speak such rude things to anyone without thinking. I am Jane. You already know my idiot brother, Jake here. ("Hey!" Jake protests.) And these are my two friends, Jack and Jill (the Jewish teens), they are siblings. As for the children, the baby girl in Jill's arms is Hope Rose. The little Asian girl is Meiling, her big brother is young Lou, and the other boy is Jordan Jasper Green. Finally, the girl in the blond man's (Draco cocked a brow at her remark) hold is little Madi and the girl standing beside him is Charlotte."

Helen nodded to each of them politely still with the warm kind expression on her face, and Jack lowered his guard, even the African teen boy named Jake as he smiled friendly back at her. Bellamy instantly went to her side, gently scolding her to go back and rest as she still seemed to be tired from the exhausting journey they had gone through before. Helen would have argued and stayed behind to look after their new guests of survivors, including meeting the children, but then Luna gestured at her in a silent nod that she and the others will be dealing with them and that she should return to their children and sleep so that she can rest completely for the next day. And so Helen relented this time and she was guided back to the sleeping area with Bellamy's help.

After Helen left with Bellamy, it didn't take long for the new survivors to mingle and know the other people easily and almost fast as Octavia and Neville talked to the two pairs of siblings that are Jake and Jane, and Jack and Jill, and Luna had Murphy accompany her into coming near the children, introducing themselves and being friendly and caring for them, which the children accepted the attention easily on how friendly the other young adults are.

Clarke watched this sight, smiling a bit with relief, as they slowly get to know one another and the others are kindly helping the new ones settle into the safe place with them. When she turned her focus onto Draco, she blinked when she noticed that the little girl named Madi is still in Draco's arms, as she just clings tighter around his neck, either she was afraid of the new strangers or was just being shy, and she can't help but grin slyly at the blond man when he didn't mind the child holding on to him as he comforted her with small pats onto her back with one of his free hands.

"Well, well--I didn't think that you're good with kids, Draco," Clarke teased him lightly a little while the others are distracted or not paying attention towards them.

Draco tensed at her words before he relaxed upon noticing that the little girl also sensed his tension and he comforted her again, making her relax in his hold. He turned to glare at Clarke for good measure, making sure that the child in his arms didn't see or notice it, as he gave a silent threat at her by his glare to not tell anyone else about this.

Clarke made a 'lip-zipping' gesture with her fingers that she promised to keep silent about it but she can't help at being touched at the sight of Draco holding Madi in his arms so gentle and kind in that way, like how a father would have for his child, even though they're not biologically related by blood and everything.

Draco knew, from holding onto the little female child in his arms, still clinging tightly onto him, must have gone through such mental and psychological trauma that no young child should ever go through when it comes to the monster apocalypse. It's no wonder that she would cling to whoever is brave and strong enough to face those monstrous dangers and threats out there without hesitation or flinching, despite that she has her previous guardians among the young teenagers, who seemed fit and strong enough to fight and survive through this.

The blond mage was wondering what kind of terrifying ordeals this little girl and her group have gone through since the monster apocalypse happened. But he knew that he shouldn't push boundaries that soon since this is their first time meeting and getting to know one another, so he'll wait until later to find out more information and know more in the future about the new survivors, which he also knew that they'll be accepting and adding them into their group on that very day--actually, that very night of the late time.

And Draco also knew that he'll be outvoted by the others into accepting the new strangers into the group, but he didn't mind it this time because he would rather not be rendered as cruel and heartless if he turned away this surviving group of kids, both the young teens and the children. He had known, the moment when Neville said that the new survivors had children, he didn't hesitate into deciding internally to himself that he has already accepted them.

But he's not going to let others know about it as he's keeping up the image of the persona 'Ice Prince' that he's still holding for.

Draco would have joined the others as they led the new people into their makeshift housing space that is in the very center of the magically fortified abandoned warehouse building they're all in, but he needs to double-check the perimeter outside to make sure that the magical barrier is still holding up and shielding them from any monsters that are lurking around or about outside.

He knew that Madi wouldn't like it upon being let go of her new rescuer and favorite guardian but he had no choice, as he grabbed Luna's attention by softly whistling at her and she turned and saw him dimly nod in a gesture to take the girl in his arms and bring her to be settled in with the others.

When she came, Draco easily handed over the child to Luna after he reassured the little girl who was about to be frightened or agitated upon being transferred to another stranger but then relaxed when the blond man comforted her that Luna is a good friend and she'll look after her while he's doing something else.

Madi meekly asked if he'll come back and Draco smiled reassuringly at her and promised that he will. After being reassured and comforted by her rescuer, Madi lets go and lets Luna reach out and take her away from the young man's arms. After that, Draco quickly turned away so that he won't give in upon seeing the adorable pleading look on the little girl's face when she turned to look back at him and left to do his task before he might change his mind.

Luna held back her amused knowing smile when she saw how Madi tearfully stared after her savior when he left and almost looked like an abandoned puppy, which in her eyes is just too cute. But she focused on settling the little girl to join her other kid friends, who are Lou, Meiling, and Jordan, as well as returning her to the care of her teenage guardians. Luna kindly transferred Madi to the Jewish male teenager named Jack as he reached out to take her and she smiled at him reassuringly when she handed the girl over.

Once Luna and the others guided them to their living space and settle them comfortable to sit down and rest, Luna instantly turned into her Healer mode and studied the group of new survivors a little closely.

"Are any of you injured or hurt in any way?" Luna asked seriously after perusing and studying intently for a moment as she assessed the new survivors.

Jane nodded towards her brother before he was about to voice out in a negative and swiftly answered her, "My brother Jake. His left foot got busted during our escape from those things out there."

'Traitor!' Jake mouthed silently at his sister, looking at her with dramatic betrayal as Luna turned to focus on him.

"Alright. Murphy...can you help me set up a cot for my new patient over here so that I can check this young man's foot? Octavia, there might be some leftovers from our dinner a while ago. Would you mind getting some for our new guests? And Clarke? There's a med-kit in one of the backpacks. Can you please get it for me?" Luna asked them nicely and they nodded, doing the tasks that she requested them to do.

Jake would have protested that he's fine but his limping state did not escape Luna's keenly sharp eyes upon seeing it and she gave a very firm stern look that he should not argue or complain about it and silently gesture him to sit down when Murphy quickly set up the cot on the floor, beside and almost near to the children's side. Jake flinched from seeing Luna's stern glare like he's back at the time when his and his sister's mother was all stern and firmly angry whenever he got into trouble, so he relented, slumping with defeat, and sat down before Luna might get Murphy to 'persuade' him to listen to her.

However, Jake decided to try his best to convince the Healer girl, Luna from inspecting more of his injured foot and then find out that it might have been worse than it was when he got it before. Unfortunately for him, Luna was calmly studying his injured foot with all the intensity and studying of an experienced Healer that she is, and Clarke returned in time to hand over the med-kit Luna requested for before and that she needed it now when she saw the importance of note that needs to be treated in Jake's foot injury.

And it seems it's a good thing that Jake continued prattling and rattling on in his talking ramble so that he wouldn't notice Luna is bringing out the alcohol, gauze, and magic bandages to treat his wounds.

"And then I--Ow-ow-ow--OW! Hey! That hurts!" Jake cried in sudden pain and dramatic moaning whines when Luna pulled a hurt muscle or something when she moved his wounded foot slightly as she finished inspecting it critically.

"Hm...well, good news, you haven't broken or sprained your left foot," Luna said in her Healer-mode after studying his injury and then carefully dabbing alcohol-soaked cloth to wipe away some cuts that were also on his injured foot to remove the infection, making Jake wince a little from the stinging pain.

"Oh, that's good!" Jane said, slumping with relief, as she and her other three friends were standing around Luna and Jake beside them, to watch over and stand by their brother/friend.

"However, the bad news is that the few wounded cuts on your foot have gotten a little infected. So, unfortunately, you're stuck on light duty and bed-rest until your injured foot completely heals and then recovers."

"Aww, man!" Jake whined in slight groaning.

Jack shrugged as he pointed it out to his friend. "Well, look on the bright side, Jake--you always said that you wanted to relax and sit back so that you can enjoy yourself, huh?"

"This was not what I had in mind! I mean, come on!" Jake immediately complained in his dramatic whining and moaning, and Jane just grinned at her brother amused. Murphy and Clarke are also amused upon seeing the young teen boy's funny personality, even Octavia caught the tail end of it when she returned with the leftover food they had for dinner before and brought it over for the newcomers.

Jack and the humorous Jake were instantly wary for the free offered food given by the others when Octavia brought it over for them, but their hunger won over their caution the most when all the new survivors' stomachs grumbled and growled soundly upon smelling the still-warm leftover food's scent wafting to their noses. The teenagers blushed slightly in embarrassment from the growling noises of their hunger sounding out but the children were too excited and eager to have really good food that they took it gratefully and ate with vigor like they haven't eaten for a long time, and it looks like the baby girl Hope Rose feels the same way as it gave a pleading wail that it wants milk now in Jill's arms.

Fortunately, Octavia had bottled breast milk ready when Helen gave it to her before she rested with the other sleeping children, and she handed it over to Jill and nodded back at her in thanks, and fed the baby, stopping its crying before it gets any louder. Hope Rose eagerly drank the milk once one drop touches inside its mouth and gave the baby the delicious freshness of a mother's milk that it didn't have for almost so long, besides the milk formula that it had.

Jill, her brother, and her friends sighed with relief when Hope Rose drank the breast milk on the big bottle happily, and it seems that Luna and the others were glad that the leftover food was enough to win over the trust of the new survivors, as they watched them eat their food gratefully too like they haven't gotten a decent stomach-filling meal for so long since the monster apocalypse happened or something.

It didn't take long for them to finish their dinner and then Luna and the others help them settle in with more sleeping bags and cots for them to rest comfortably. Murphy and Neville helped move Jake to one of the sleeping cots so that he wouldn't worsen his foot injury, despite that he protested that he can move just fine after Luna patched him up with a tightly wrapped bandage over his wound. But Luna told him sternly that he should be let off from his injured foot and follow her strict instructions that he should not worsen or neglect it as she told him to.

Jake promised that he would but somehow his sister Jane and friend Jack looked like they don't trust him on his word when he said and promised it, so they felt like keeping an eye on him in case Jake forgets or neglected his own health and well-being on purpose or not. Murphy and Luna were the only ones who noticed this, also Draco too, when he returned after double-checking the perimeter and seeing if there are any lingering threats outside but reported to the others that there still aren't, much to their relief upon hearing that.

Draco was staring suspiciously at the new survivors, specifically straight at the teen boys Jack and Jake like they have something deeper to hide amongst themselves and kept it hidden from them, but Luna reassured him by silent soft whispers to tell the blond mage that they're truly good people and to give them time and space for them to get to know them better and get along so that there won't be awkwardness or tension between their groups.

Draco didn't need to be told twice or reminded of that since he knew that these small group of teenagers and children must have gone through a lot in horrible or tragic kind of ordeals since the monster apocalypse happened, and it shows that the main reason why Jack and Jake seem to be guarded against other strangers was that they are the sole protectors and guardians of their group, thus explains why the two boys regarded the others with caution and wariness.

Even though they seemed to be accepting of the new strangers and that they were taken into their group without hesitation inside the safe secure building they're all in, Draco knew that it will take a while for Jack and Jake to give their full trust to the other group and show them what other secrets they must be hiding among them. So Draco decided to wait but he won't pull his eyes away from watching them discreetly so that he'll find out or obtain clues on what kind of secrets or things that they're hiding within them.


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