Wolves: Dawn of a Destiny #1

By Itsnotlorii

1K 33 65

A prophecy has been bestowed upon the wolves of the Sky Winds Pack. This destiny is meant for more than one... More

Wolf Packs
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

60 2 0
By Itsnotlorii

"Dear Ancestral Wolves, I come before you with Snowfall; this apprentice, for you to anoint her paws to the ways of the Healer, and give her guidance when she needs it most." Sorrel spoke.

"For her to be able to help her pack in times of need, and to learn to be one with you." Sorrel finished.

Snowfall saw a whirlwind of leaves whirl around her dancing in the wind as it blew over her.

That clearly must have meant some sort of approval from the Ancient Wolves that walked before them many moons ago, because Sorrel looked warmly at her new apprentice.

The Healer nodded to Snowfall and went to lay down at the waters edge.

Cedar went on another part of the bank on the opposite side of the pool, not visible as he was just behind the willow tree.

Snowfall then walked to the waters edge and looked down to see her reflection waving in the waters movement.

The stars and moon's reflection shown on the clear pool's waters.

She bent down and touched the cool water with her nose. Not that she necessarily had to, but just because she wanted to and felt like it.

Snowfall laid down at the waters edge just like she saw Cedar and Sorrel do and soon fell asleep.

Blinking her eyes open slowly, the white pelted apprentice suddenly found herself lying on soft lush green grass with clouds and mist floating all around her in the air.

The mist and clouds seemed to have a starry hazy look to them and were a pretty pale lavender color while a gentle breeze blew carried them around her.

It was utterly beautiful to say the least. A large meadow stretched out before her and stars danced over the bright dewy grass. As for the sky, it was it was a dark indigo mixed with a darker purple color and thousand of stars were dusted across it. Everything seemed so bright, so much more vibrant; so peaceful and still.

Such a calmness loomed around her that was indescribable to her, never had she felt so at peace. It was as though every worry and care had been lifted from her mind just being there.

Heavenly was the only word that came to Snowfall's mind to describe it. That was the only word that could ever describe it.

This has to be the Land of the Ancestors, but where are they?

She got up and began walking, slowly putting one paw in front of the other as she continued observing her new surroundings.

If this is the place where my Ancestors and I are to meet, they need to work on the 'meet' part on their end.

Snowfall though somewhat annoyed while looking around to see if she could spot any wolf and admire the place she was in. Now she had to admit though, despite being so at peace, it was starting to feel a bit eerie being alone in  this place.

Kinda weird that no wolf is here, but id it odd that I kinda like it? Okay, stop getting distracted, I need to find the Ancestor wolves.

"Hello?" Snowfall called out, her voice echoed in the desolate empty place.

No response. All was still as can be, and the only thing moving were the clouds being pushed by the gentle breeze.

"Hello?" Snowfall repeated. "Any wolf there?"

Suddenly a figure was being made out of the mist as it gathered together before her.

Snowfalls jaw dropped as the mist and clouds gathered into a shape of a wolf and slowly it fully became a wolf.

Snowfall stared in shock. It was a beautiful wolf with amber eyes, a silver and black pelt, and on her fur were stars glistening on it.

"Greetings Snowfall." The female wolf dipped her head to her.

Snowfall stared for several moments before saying anything being distracted by astray thoughts. "Oh, uh, greetings." She stammered.

The wolf turned around and looked over her shoulder at Snowfall and beckoned with her tail for Snowfall to follow her. Without questioning anything Snowfall came up beside her and the two began walking down in the valley. 

"Nervous are you?" The wolf warmly said to her with interest  in her eyes.

Snowfall looked at her in surprise. "How did you know?"

"Part of being an Ancestor is that you can read a wolf's emotions, and even thoughts when they come to you." The female explained to her.

They walked in silence for several more moments through the mist, which Snowfall couldn't even see through before another word was spoken.

"Um, I hope you don't mind my asking, but, who are you? And where are you taking me?" Snowfall said laughing nervously.

I can't believe I am actually talking to an Ancestor wolf, a dead wolf who walked the territories moons before me!

Snowfall thought in wonder as she just stared at the wolf before she answered.

"Oh, pardon my manners. I am Silver Fox, and I am taking you to meet the Great Alpha's." Silver Fox told her.

"The Great Alpha's?" Snowfall tilting her head to the side.

Silver Fox nodded briskly. "So, training to be a Healer are you?"

Snowfall nodded back still gazing at her in astonishment. She still couldn't believe she was actually walking with one of her Ancestors!

"Your sure that's what you want to do for your pack? Is it what your truly called to do?" The Ancestor female asked her looking at Snowfall through the corner of her amber eyes. The way she said it was dubious and it made Snowfall feel a bit uneasy.

"Er, I think so...?" Snowfall said slowly and confused.

At least I think it's my calling, I hope it is!

Silver Fox looked at Snowfall for several more moments before looking away.

Does she know something? She does know something! What is it?!

Snowfall now felt nervous from Silver Fox's silence. Was she not called to be a Healer? Her thoughts were interrupted when she made out a large looking rock ahead of them. She saw the silhouettes of wolves ahead gathered beneath it.

She heard the whispering of voices at the rock coming from the wolves gathered there.

Ancestor wolves!

The mist and clouds then abruptly cleared to reveal the large rock on which six wolves sat on overlooking a clearing full of wolves, all of them had stars shimmering on their pelts.

They all stopped talking and stared as Snowfall and Silver Fox came down into the lush grassy clearing bellow the rock. All the wolves were lined up on either sides of a pathway they made for Snowfall and Silver Fox to walk down.  

Heat of anxiousness was all over Snowfall. Looking up at the rock she saw six wolves looking down at her as she and Silver Fox walked down the path. These wolves were very different from all the other Ancestor wolves though. All the Ancestor wolves she noticed had a distinct glow on them, but hey had a much more pre-eminent glow than all the others. 

Not to mention they seemed a bit bigger than them all even from down bellow. They just seemed so much more immensely different than any other wolf she had ever seen.

Silver Fox and Snowfall walked down to the center of the large clearing as the six wolves on the rock looked down at them.

Snowfall felt all the eyes of the wolves laying on her as they watched their every move.

She felt nervous and hot with embarrassment. Normally she wouldn't really care if wolves were all looking at her in a group setting, but these were all honorable wolves who walked before her and she just could not bear to mess anything up. 

What do I do? I don't know what to do or say! What if I mess something up if they talk to me? Or tell me I can't be a Healer?

Snowfall thought slightly panicking.

Silver Fox clearly sensed the tension emanating off of Snowfall (and every wolf around them probably did as well), and sat down in the center of the clearing with Snowfall sticking nervously to her side.

"It's alright Snowfall, they shouldn't bite you." Silver Fox tried assuring her.

"Shouldn't?" Snowfall squeaked in fear as her eyes widened.

Silver Fox rolled her eyes grinning and slapped Snowfall on her back with her tail.

"You'll be fine." She  whispered. Define 'fine' for me Silver Fox.

Snowfall saw the wolf shake her head with a grin. Oh so now this is funny? I'm panicking here  and you find this amusing!

She felt a slap on her back from Silver Fox at Snowfall and glanced with her eyes for her to look at the six wolves on the rock. She looked up at the rock and saw the six wolves eyes on her.

Oh great! Please tell me I didn't just look really stupid here!

The white apprentice grinned nervously at them and looked around the clearing at the other wolves all watching her. Realization struck her like a bull moose.

Maybe Poppy's here!

She looked around to see if she could possibly see her deceased mother whom she never even met.

Then howls came from the giant rock over looking the giant grassy clearing, which Snowfall didn't even know if she should call it a clearing, it was more of a valley.

The six wolves had howled to fix the wolves in the clearing on them.

"Ancient Wolves of the Packs!" A large dark brown male said taking a step forward.

"Who are they?" Snowfall whispered to Silver Fox.

"You don't know? Those are the great Alpha's!" Silver Fox whispered back. "How do you not know?"

"Well, I wouldn't know because I have no idea what's going on!" Snowfall hissed back.

Silver Fox glared at her for several moments and Snowfall glared back, not listening to what the Great Alpha's were saying.

"Ugh, I can already tell you are taking a bit too much after Sorrel." Silver Fox sighed shaking her head.

Snowfall narrowed her eyes looking down at her paws with annoyance. How am I supposed to know who they are? I've never seen them!

"Silver Fox?" A pretty silver-gray Alpha said from the rock. "You may depart from her now."

Silver Fox got up. Snowfall lifted a paw in surprise and worry, panic arose inside her at the thought of being alone.

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Snowfall whispered in a hiss to Silver Fox regretting snapping the way she did.

"Alpha's orders." Silver Fox whispered back as she walked off.

The silver-gray and black female walked off into the crowd of Ancestor wolves, leaving Snowfall in the enter of the clearing by herself. 

"Snowfall." A pale golden female said to her from the rock.

Snowfalls attention shot back to the Alpha's.

"Y-yes?" Snowfall gulped.

"Are you ready to be made a full Healers apprentice and receive the blessing?" The female Alpha spoke to her.

Snowfall nodded briskly. "Yes."

I think.

"Arise to your paws then, Snowfall." The pale furred female told her. 

Snowfall got to her paws wide eyed glancing around at all the wolves. The six Alpha's got down from the rock and came up to her.

Three other wolves, two males and a female came up to her with the Alpha's.

Snowfall stared in silence at the nine wolves stood around her in a circle. What are they doing? Is this the ceremony they do? Do they even do a ceremony? What's happening!?

"Relax young one." The dark brown male Alpha who spoke on the rock told her calmly sensing her tension.

They bowed their heads to her and a mighty wind whirled around when they did, making Snowfall stagger. Her head was hung low and her legs far apart from each other when she caught herself from almost falling.

The wolves around stared at her with the misty stars clinging to their fur.

Snowfall straightened herself out, and felt a strange sensation tingling all over her, like tiny prickles.

"May you be the best Healer you may be." A dark gray male said to her.

Snowfall tilted her head back to see his face. He was so much bigger than her, it made her feel like a mouse compare to his size.

She crouched down, dipping her head.

"I'll do my best." Snowfall squeaked out in nervousness.

The male grinned at her and turned away into a mist.

All the wolves left out of the glowing grass clearing into a dense misty fog, leaving Snowfall alone. She sat down, letting every muscle in her paw pads relax in the soft grass.

It was much softer than the grass in forest, this grass almost seemed as though was she imagined what it felt like to step on a cloud.

Snowfall glanced around to see if she saw any other ancestor wolves. Nothing. She thought to herself.

She looked up into the dark blue and purple star filled sky that glistened, her eyes getting lost in the stars beauty.

"Stargazing a bit, are we?" A soft voice of a female wolf spoke.

Snowfall quickly looked down in surprise to find that she was no longer in a clearing, but now beside a lake that was even more majestic than the stars. 

The lake was crystal clear, much like the Ancient Willows pool of water, but more clear and blue and stars reflected shining in it. Every detail was visible in the lake, even in the night.

Small fish splashed around in the waters, the green moss and kelp that swayed with the waters movement like waves, and it glowed clear and bright. Moonlight illuminated the bottom of the clear lake from above. Woah, and I thought what I first saw when I came her was beautiful!

Snowfall took her gaze off the beautiful lake and turned to see who had spoken to her.

She looked and saw the mist all around, but not as thick, and tall pines and aspen trees standing around the lake.

A wolf then emerged from the forest. She had the same glow on her fur as all the other Ancestor wolves.

Snowfalls mouth dropped when she saw her. This female had a very striking resemblance to Moth.

Her fur was a golden tawny color, and she had a creamy white fur color on her chest and muzzle, and pale green eyes.

Snowfalls tail then dropped when she realized who the wolf was.

"P-Poppy?" Snowfall stammered out, could it really be her mother? She hadn't even met her before! And this had to be her!

The female let a warm grin fall on her face and ran up to Snowfall from the forest.

Snowfall ran over to her and they met eyes. 

They reached forward and gave each other a nuzzle. Snowfall had the scent of Poppy's fur caught in her nose.

Smelling it; Snowfall had a blur of a memory, maybe not even a memory, nor and image, just the noise of muffled cries, in darkness.

"Oh my sweet Snowfall." Poppy whispered while nuzzling.

Snowfall and her mother took a step back from each other.

"Look at you." Poppy said warmly. "Last I saw you, you were no bigger than a squirrel, and now your a Healer's apprentice. I'm so proud of you."

Snowfall circled one of her paws in the ground.

Poppy grinned at her. "Strange isn't it? Seeing me for the first time?"

Snowfall nodded shyly, it definitely felt awkward.

What was she to say? She felt stunned. It was her mother she never had the chance to meet until now.

"So, your father is gone right now?" Poppy said to her. Snowfall could sense sadness ebbing in her voice.

"Yeah, he said he had to go on some sort of journey? I don't when he'll be back but he said he would." Snowfall said trying to sound optimistic, which wasn't a strong point on her end.

"I see." Poppy said after a moment of pause. Did she already know? Why was she asking about that if she already knew?

Snowfall also sensed that her mother knew something she didn't about her father.

"You behave yourself and serve your pack well, and no mischievousness. I've been watching you and you are exactly like your father when he was an apprentice." Her mother told her.

Snowfall grinned warmly at her mothers words.

The two wolves leaned forward and gave each other another nuzzle. Snowfall closed her eyes in the moment while she rubbed her mother fur with her cheek.

"I'll be watching over you and your sister, always." Poppy whispered.

A light just breeze blow on her and she heard a noise that sounded like twinkling. Like the sound of glistening droplets of icicles. 

When she opened her eyes she found herself beside the pool of the Ancient Willow.

Snowfall let out a yawn and saw Cedar and Sorrel stirring in their sleep, possibly waking up too since it was dawn.

The two adult wolves woke up not longer after and stretched their paws.

Sorrel looked at Snowfall. "Did you get visited by your Ancestors?"

Snowfall nodded, "Yes! I even saw-"

"Shh! Don't tell me!" Sorrel cut her off "Your supposed to keep your visits and confrontations with your ancestors to yourself. That is between you and them for a reason, but there are some moments where you will be able to tell me things you see. But I can guess who you saw and what happened."

Sorrel grinned softly and winked at her.

Snowfall smirked in return at her mentor.

"Do we start training when we get back?" Snowfall asked, she wanted to obey her mother and honor her pack to the fullest.

"We'll have a rest and eat first, and I'll make sure no wolf was stupid enough to get poisoned or break their tail being without me for one night before we begin." Sorrel said to her shaking her head.

"Ready to head back Cedar?" Sorrel called to the Alpha who was awake and lapping up a bit of the water from the pool.

"Yes, I'm coming. I know I can't be too long with you with how your always getting crabby and impatient." Cedar said trotting over to them.

"Might I remind you, that I have duties to the pack, and last I checked you are one of the Alpha's of the pack." Sorrel pointed out.

Snowfall could tell she was just trying to annoy Cedar with her words.

"Fair enough let's go." Cedar said not about to argue with Sorrel.

Snowfall couldn't help but grin and quietly snickered as she, Cedar, and Sorrel set off.

But she also couldn't help but wonder, did her mother actually know something she didn't about Adder? She had to have.

Ancestor wolves did know a lot more since they could watch what the pack wolves were doing at all times, and Snowfall had to admit that was a bit unsettling to think about.

But the question still remained in Snowfalls mind, why did her father leave? And what was the journey he was going on for?

And would she really ever see him again? Maybe one day she'd find out the truth, she was determined to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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