10 Years Time

justkending tarafından

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As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family'... Daha Fazla

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

880 35 5
justkending tarafından

10 years had passed. 10 long years.

Today was the day though. The day that Princess Y/N Maria Stark finally returned to her home of Alberia.

Was she excited? Sure... But she was more nervous than anything. Seeing people she hadn't actually physically seen in 10 years doesn't tend to have a calming effect.

The only people she had seen those years besides the other princesses, maidens, ladies, and teachers at the academy, was her father, Pepper, and Morgan about 4x every year. Only for holidays and for her birthday. Morgan stopped coming the last 3 years. Pepper blamed it on her being a teenager who was becoming stubborn like her father who tried to deny it, but they all knew the truth.

The academy hadn't been as bad as she pictured. Strict? Very much so, but she made friends with princesses from other kingdoms and countries. Forming allies as well as girlfriends that would hear out her problems and troubles when they arose. Just like she would for them. They all became rather close for sure.

Plus, there were some strategies taught at the school that she never thought would be considered for a princess. But boy was she glad they were. It would definitely drop some jaws if she ever needed to use those specific skills.

As she could feel them getting closer to the castle, Y/N grasped at the pendant she held close to her heart no matter how many times Lady Sif told her to put it away since it wasn't 'traditional jewelry for a royal'.

The crazy thing was that no matter how much anger she had formed toward the man who gifted it to her, she still found comfort and ease in it. Just like the day she left.

The day she left.

That was a day that she would never forget. Nor the night before.

Her first kiss with her first and only crush. Then leaving to only have him break his promise and not be there to say goodbye.

The day it happened she put excuses in her head for him.

He had something come up. There was a family emergency. He lost track of time. Someone was keeping him from coming. He had to have a valid reason... Right?

But as she had years to process, and no letters ever came from him in all that time, she pushed those excuses aside and became infuriated with the boy she considered her best friend. The love of her life in truth.

Now? Now he was just a boy who broke her heart, and broke his promises to her. Nothing more than a small, cowardly, tease of a boy.

But still...

She found herself still wearing the necklace, and still grasping onto it as if it were her life raft to coming back home.

So maybe she did have some forgiveness in her heart for him... But she didn't know that yet. She chose to be hurt by it and had yet to truly moved on.

Getting pushed out of her thoughts by the driver of the carriage yelling holt, she turned out the window seeing her old home. Her kingdom.

A smile crept on her face thinking of all the memories she had here, and how she almost forgot how much she loved the view of the castle that held them. But that was when she was 14. Now she was a young lady of 24 years. Things would be viewed very differently.

"Your majesty?" she heard the footman ask.


"We have arrived. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I ever plan to be." she chuckled moving to get a better position on exiting the tight carriage.

The door opened and as soon as she stepped out, she was greeted with a few familiar faces of Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Clint, and of course her Father and Pepper. No Steve or Bucky, and no Morgan.

"Oh my goodness! It's her! It's really her!" Wanda squealed jumping up and down getting a group of laughter from the men and Pepper, but only an eye roll and smirk from Nat. Typical.

"Wanda." Y/N smiled at her overly energetic friend who without a thought was already running into the princess's arms.

"Wanda!" Nat scolded from behind as she came up to remove her from Y/N who was only laughing at the gesture.

"It's fine." Y/N chuckled once Wanda was pulled back. "I miss you both too. Both of you come here!" She said opening her arms wide for her two ladies in waiting.

Wanda sent Nat a look asking for permission and Nat nodded before falling into the hug as well.

After some light laughter and embracing they all pulled back looking at each other.

"You two have grown so much. Look at all the beauty here." Y/N said examining them.

"Us? Are you kidding? You're putting the royal genes to higher standards. How did you turn out so perfect?" Wanda said crossing her arms.

"Good genes one would say." she winked.

"I'm the one who would say." Tony said coming closer as the two ladies shuffled back and bowed. "You look as stunning as always my dear. I'm glad to have you back." he said with open arms.

"Me too dad. It's good to be back." She smiled before going into the big bear hug. "Where's the little bean?"

"Being a drama princess somewhere I'm sure." Pepper said coming up and giving her a hug as well. "I would advise not calling her Bean either. She just started the whole," she leaned in for only Y/N to hear. "Lady cycle, and it's not treating her so well. Or us." she huffed.

Y/N laughed at the thought of it.

"Well then, she's definitely grown since I've last seen her than." she said folding her arms in front of her and straightening her posture.

"Grown indeed. Just as you have." Tony smirked. "Let's go inside, hmm?" he hummed. "We have a plethora of things planned for today, and your ladies will need to get you prepared for it." he said turning on his heel as she followed close behind everyone else following as well. "Clinton, Samuel, make sure she gets to her room and her luggage is taken there as well. Afterward, you two are free to get ready for tonight."

"Yes, your highness." they both replied.

Y/N turned looking at the two boys she had yet to reunite with and smiled at them. Both of them giving her goofy grins as if she had never left. She jokingly returned them with a wink.

"What's happening tonight?" the princess asked once turned back around.

"Only the best of the best for my little girl." Tony cheered sending a smirk to her before going back to waltzing into the castle.

"I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means." Y/N mumbled.

"Natasha and Wanda will prepare you for tonight. No need to worry about any of it. They have all the details." he said.

She sent a worried look to the girls and Wanda just blushed and giggled while Nat shrugged sending the princess a smirk like her father.

"Oh goodness." Y/N sighed before moving along.

Once in the hall of the castle Tony turned back to his daughter.

"I'll see you later tonight my dear. I am so glad you're back and safe and sound." he smiled giving her one last hug. "Wanda, Nat, you know what to do. Clint, Sam you as well."

The group bowed until the king left the room and Y/N turned to them.

"Should I be worried about tonight?" she asked the crew. Each of them turning to each other and trying to stifle a laugh.

"If you're anything like you used to be, tonight is not going to be your scene." Sam spoke up. Clint nodding in agreement.

"So a big grand party is happening. Over the top as usual?" you nodded walking to your room as they followed.

"Hit it on the head." Clint answered.

"Perfect." She groaned slouching some, but then instantly fixing her posture. Something she learned never to let down at the academy.

A princess in never not poise.


Once they got to her room, Clint and Sam moved all her trunks and luggage in as she took in the few changes here and there.

"Wow. You've changed my room a little I see." Y/N said turning in place and looking up and down the walls.

"That's not the only thing that's changed in this room." Sam mumbled to himself, but everyone heard. They all turned their heads to him just as Clint gave him a swift elbow to the ribs. "Ow!"

"Maybe say it a little louder next time." Clint said sarcastically before sending the princess an apologetic smile. "Some thing's never did change though." he added motioning to Sam.

"I know. I know. Lay it on me. 'She's changed. She looks different. She acts different. She walks different.'" Y/N listed rolling her eyes before sending a playful grin at the group of old friends who just laughed softly in return.

"All good kinds of different. Nothing bad." Wanda assured.

"Yeah, you definitely grew up looking completely different than any of us imagined." Sam said bluntly again. This time Nat giving him a shove in the ribs. "God! Stop that!" he pouted.

"Think before you speak idiot." she hissed.

"It's fine. Really." Y/N waved off before sitting at the end of her bed. "I know I wasn't the most eye catching in my young teens. That girl was persistent in dressing, and doing her hair and makeup her own way even when it should have never have been allowed." she laughed.

"You were a tomboy Y/N, not ugly." Clint clarified. "I guess what we mean is you didn't like the fancy dresses or looking all done up like a princess, so seeing you in it all now, is kinda... Interesting." he shrugged.

"Thank you, I think?" Y/N said unsure but smiling nonetheless.

"Smooth one Clint." Nat sighed.

"What? It's true!"

"Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to speak it." Wanda rolled her eyes going to push the two out. "Now you two go and get ready for tonight!"

"That's not for another 8 hours!" Sam whined.

"Then your running low on time to fix that." Nat said motioning to their faces.

"Hey-" they both shouted before the doors were shut on their faces.

"Men." Wanda huffed as they walked back to the princess with hands on their hips.

"You all really haven't changed have you?" Y/N said placing a hand over her mouth as she giggled.

"Oh! Y/N there's so much to do!" Wanda jumped up and down completely ignoring Y/N's comment. "The King has a beautiful, elegant, and very exciting party planned for you tonight!"

"Sounds like it's more for him than me. Never liked the overcrowding of people kissing my ass like he did." Y/N sighed moving around her room taking in the new decorations.

"Yes, but it's a monumental moment for you that we're celebrating. You left a young girl, and came back a refined woman." Natasha said moving to stand by Y/N. "Look at it as a way to reunite with old friends. Everyone is excited to see you and see who you've grown into."

The princess nodded along as they redirected her to the vanity in the corner and sat her down in front of the mirror.

"And you are the future queen of the palace since the king never had a son. It's a good way to know those that work with the kingdom." Nat continued.

"Plus, you're old enough to drink now without being scolded. You can have the help of some liquid courage throughout the night and not hide it from your father." Wanda giggled from behind you.

"Wanda..." Nat groaned.

"She's not wrong Nat." Y/N laughed. "But coming back to the 'meeting those who are rather close with the kingdom or plan on being...' Was there some underlying context to that Natasha?" she said quirking an eyebrow and turning to her lady in waiting.

"Well um..." she for once in her life hesitated.

"Nat. Tell me what's going on."

The two redheads shared a look before awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with the royal.

"Girls..." she dragged out.

"Oh fine. You're father has arranged for a group of young princes to come tonight so that you may get a feeling for a future suitor." Wanda finally burst.

"What?!" Y/N said jumping from her spot before twisting back to the ladies. "You- How- This isn't- I'm too young!"

"We weren't supposed to tell her. The king was going to be the one to break it to her." Nat swatted at Wanda before turning to Y/N. "And you. Don't act so surprised. You're 24 now Y/N, not 14. It's time for you to start thinking about these things." she said sassily crossing her arms and popping her hip. A signature move from the specific fiery redhead.

"Ok, but-"

"Nothing. You know your duties. This isn't news to you, or any of us." she cut her off.

Wanda could see y/n's worry and anxiety start to surface. It's one thing knowing your duties, but having to actually act on them is a whole other process.

"Let's not worry about that now though. We have a party to get ready for after all, hmm?" she said racing to the side of her friend and grasping her shoulders for support before turning to the Nat. "Lots of preparation and treatments right?" she said sending her a look.

Nat let out a long sigh before nodding and relaxing her stance.

"Yes. You are correct. Let's get started, and you can tell us all about what happened the past many years." she smiled reassuringly realizing she was a bit harsh.

"Not much to talk about. Just lots of lessons on how to act and be a proper young lady." Y/N scoffed letting out her breath.

"Nonsense. We have 10 years of catching up to do, and only 8 hours to get into it!" Wanda smiled. "First things first though. You need to bathe after that long trip."

"I second that. Let's go." Nat said already making her way to the bathroom.


After calming Y/N down, and easing her mind off of the bigger issues that were to come later tonight, the girls, as well as some other help, began to prep the princess for her coming home party.

Long baths, facials, hair mask, massages, pedicures and manicures, waxing, tweezing, the whole nine yards of spa treatment was given in a span of 5 hours. Leaving 3 hours to do the hair, makeup, and dressing.

In the five hours though, Y/N told tales about all the lessons she was given and all the other royals she met and grew with.

From learning how to sit and stand properly, to how to negotiate a peace treaty with other countries/kingdoms to keep her and their homes safe and out of war. Things no one would know a queen to be concerned of, but let's be honest the women are always running the show in the background whether people notice or not.

She also told of the friendships she formed with neighboring kingdoms, and how she learned of their cultures as well as a way of life as a whole.

"It's a thing that changes how your hair is styled? So even people with curly hair like Nat or you can have straighter hair like me?" Wanda asked raising the mysterious 'hair iron' as she called it and examining it.

"Hmm hmm, that or curled hair for people that don't want straight hair anymore. Brunhilde hated using it, but her nannies always made her anyway. She brought it to the academy in hopes of giving it away so that she wouldn't have to bring it back and use it ever again." Y/N giggled as she grazed the selection of jewels laid out for tonight.

"How does it work?" Nat said looking over Wanda's shoulder.

"I'll show you later, but for now help me figure out what to wear." Y/N said showing two different necklaces.

"You may want to know what your dress looks like before you do that." Wanda grinned.

"Ok, and where are the dresses?"

"Not dresses. Dress." Nat corrected moving to the giant closet that was at least half the size of the master room.

"I don't get to choose?" Y/N said faking hurt.

"I don't think you'll want anything other than this one. Hope's mom Lady Janet designed it herself." Wanda said.

"Wait. Aunt Jay is still here? I thought she would have retired by now." Y/N said slightly shocked.

"So did everyone else, but when Hope went off to study abroad, she got lonely and realized dressmaking made her happy and kept her occupied. She's been filling your closet with some of the most stunning dresses ever made over the past 10 years." Nat explained opening the giant doors and walking towards the back with the other two girls following. "She's also been doing Morgan and Pepper's and some of ours, but when she gets an 'out there' idea as she calls them..." she turned back to Y/N sending her a smile. "She saves it for you. Her favorite princess."

Y/N smiled widely at that comment. She was always close with Janet, or Jay as she called her growing up. She was like a second mother to her at all times. Even when Pepper came into the picture, she still was closer to Janet. Pepper was always a sweet individual and always treated Y/N like a blood daughter, but the relationship with Janet was somehow more warm and grandma like. She was her comfort zone when her actual mom had passed, and when she was transitioning into woman hood.

"Here, come on." Wanda coaxed grabbing the memory struck princess and dragging her back to the back of the closet where the dress was safely kept. "The one she made for tonight is like nothing I've ever seen. And on you? It's going to bring the whole palace to a stand still."

Y/N just laughed at her friends enthusiasm as they sped walked to the back.

"Ok, ready?"

"I'm not sure. You guys are making a big deal out of-" But before Y/N could finish her sentence her jaw was dropping at the elegant dress that was hung up on a silhouette in front of her. "That's- That's mine?" she asked taking a careful step closer.

"Hmm mmm." Wanda nodded excitedly.

Y/N took the last few steps closer before placing a hand on the beautiful fabric. The detail and design was so elaborate and well thought out. She could tell that it was all hand put in, and every bead and thread was woven and sewn with love and careful hands. The gold meshing with the dark teal fabric, and the way that it worked up to a beautiful designed top that would look plastered on once worn. It was stunning and extremely hard to comprehend the beauty of to say the least.

"How did she-"

"Do it?" Nat finished as they all took in the dress before them. "I have no idea how this woman does what she does. All I know is that she's one of a kind, and I don't think anyone will ever compare."

"Will she be here tonight?" Y/N said moving around the dress and taking it all in from all angles.

"Yes, I believe she will be." Nat nodded. "For now let's get your makeup done, and hair so we can get this on faster. We have less than 3 hours before guests start arriving. Plus Wanda and I have to get dressed as well."

"Yes ma'am." Y/N mocked fake saluting Nat like the bossy lady she was.

"Don't do that." Nat rolled her eyes walking out of the closet.

Wanda and Y/N snickering behind her like children as they followed.


Y/N showed the ladies how to use the contraption that Hilde was kind enough to gift to her as her going away present, and taught the girls how to use the hair iron themselves.

Tonight, she went for a more voluptuous curl to give her normal tight curls a change of pace. Then quickly after, another set of ladies did her makeup doing a more extravagant look than most normal days to really bring attention to the maturity that she had grown from.

Once all those details were taken care of, Nat and Wanda began to help Y/N out of her silk robe and into the beautiful gown for the night.

Once she was in it, they all giggled and cheered at how even more stunning it was on. Wanda quickly remembering that earrings were needed, and running to grab a set of gold ones.

"Natasha." Y/N said quietly grabbing the attention of her friend who made eye contact with her in the long mirror as she fixed that dress around her. "You said everyone is going to be there tonight right?"

Nat knew what she meant, and froze before coming around to meet her eye line.

"Yes. Everyone will be there."

"Everyone including..." Y/N drug out.

"Yes. He'll be there as well." she nodded.

"Oh." Y/N said taking a deep breath. "You don't think-" she paused looking back in the mirror. "The likelihood of me seeing him with all the other hundreds of guests are low, right? It'll probably be too crowded."

"As much as I would like to say yes to bring you some ease for tonight, I can't promise that." Nat sighed pausing before adding. "Steven is the new head Knight of the Kingdom. His father no longer."

"Wait, what? I wasn't informed of that." Y/N said snapping to look at Nat beside her with shock written over her face.

"I'm sure your father was going to inform you tonight, as well as a lot of other things me and Wanda have already spoiled, but I think you deserve to know." Nat smiled softly in hopes of helping the princess relax at least a little, but the information was too much for her and caused her to start hyperventilating.

"I don't think I'm ready for that Nat. The last time-"

"I know. I know, but Steve has changed. Matured just like you. I don't think he would have done anything to hurt you. I know the boy, and if anything, he was hurting like you too."

"He could have done something about it." Y/N gritted bitterly. "Wrote a letter or two."

"Yes, he could have, but you know men. They aren't the smartest species." she laughed lightly.

"But Nat-"

A few soft knocks on the door brought the attention of the two away from the panic attack that was on the rise.

"Who is it?" Nat asked as Wanda reappeared with the earrings.

"It's Jay. I wanted to check in." a soft voice said through the thick doors.

"Oh Jay!" Y/N shouted in relief. "Hurry and let her in!" she instructed Nat who did as asked. Wanda moving to put the earrings on as she came over.

"Well would you look at that." Janet's voice said coming in.

She had aged a bit since Y/N had last seen her, but that only made the grandmotherly look more welcoming.

"Auntie Jay." Y/N smiled with a few happy tears forming but never fully falling.

"You look better in it than I could have ever dreamed." she smiled before enveloping her in a long overdue hug. "How did you get even more stunning? I thought it wasn't possible." she said pulling back and brushing a hand over Y/N's cheek.

"Oh please. No need to lie to me. You're dress is the one that did all this." Y/N blushed.

"The dress just brings out the beauty. Doesn't make it." Jay grinned. She turned back to the other two ladies and smiled. "Would you two mind giving us a second? I'll come out when she's ready for you."

"Yes, ma'am." they nodded before turning and waiting outside.

"There's something missing." the older woman said examining the outfit. "Ah ha! I got it. Sit still." she said moving to the closet where any accessories she needed would be. Coming out shortly after, she pulled out a tiara from behind her back. "This one will do the trick."

"I don't remember this one." Y/N said cocking her head.

"That's because I had some new ones made for you. You're father wasn't too happy about the cost, but when I told him it was for his first princess, he gave in." she grinned placing it on Y/N's head and adjusting it with her hair. "The hair style really works with it too. Let me pin some of it back though."

She grabbed some hair pins and pulled strands back framing her face perfectly with the half back style, but still showing off the giant curls that were made. Pulling out a few extra strands to really frame the face, she pulled back smiling.

"Perfect again. Without fail." she smiled.

"Thank you Jay. You always know how to brighten my day."

"That's you sunshine. Not me." she smiled.

Sunshine. That wasn't a nickname she had heard in a while.

"Th-Thank you Jay." she stuttered still trying to process the name. "You are going to be at the ball tonight, right? My ladies said you would be."

"Yes, but only for a little. That's why I stopped by now. I'm afraid my aging self can't handle those parties like I used to." she nodded.

"Well that's good enough for me than. I'm just glad I'll have another friendly face there."

"Now, what do you say we make our way there?" she said motioning to the door.

"Do I have to?" Y/N semi-whined.

Janet laughed. "I see not everything changed."

"I'm going to be hearing that a lot tonight, aren't I?"

"More than you want." she nodded. "Come on little one. Let's get your ladies and get ready to go."

Without much room for argument, Janet brought back Nat and Wanda to get Y/N ready to escort out, and left giving her a kiss on the cheek saying she would see her later tonight.

"Ready?" Nat asked.

"No, but I don't really have a choice, do I?" Y/N sighed straightening her dress.

"Nope." Wanda answered. "Now let's go before we're the ones in trouble for your apprehensions."

And like that, they were making their way to the main ballroom escorted by a group of guards.

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