Jeon Jungkook | ๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐‹๐€๐‚...

By Sophiliarity

8.4K 1.1K 1.1K

"Korea's famed novelist J.JK is currently facing backlash for his stories, with some claiming that he has los... More

Author's Note
Prologue : Two
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- Sophiliarity's Message

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187 38 29
By Sophiliarity


SHE WANTS me to introduce her to Jungkook? I looked at her analyzing her facial expression that was full of hope as she looked at me with her light brown orbs. How should I respond to this...

"I- umm you want me to introduce you to Jung...kook?" She nodded twice as she pulled her chair closer to me with a cheerful smile on her lips. Oh gosh, why am I even hesitating with introducing Christina to Jungkook? This is so unlike me. "I don't know Jungkook that well... And we aren't that close so I'm-" I looked at her to see her smile slowly forming into a frown as her lips slightly overlapped each other forming a pout.

"-I mean I-I'll try..." This feeling I know it way too well. The feeling of doing something you don't want to do. I guess you can call me a pushover. But when I looked at Christina wearing her ever so sweet smile I thought, my decision isn't so bad after all.

"Oh my gosh! thank you, Erelah" She thanked me as she slightly stood up from her seat and grabbed both of my hands caging them into her tiny ones. "M-my pleasure..." After that, she let go of my hands and began eating again. But I on the other hand have lost my appetite as I only stared at my food. Which she didn't seem to notice.

"What's with this awkward mix of emotions? One is happy and all sunshine and rainbows. While the other one is gloomy-" I turned to the side and looked at Taehyung with wide eyes as I kicked his foot to stop him from continuing his sentence. "Oww! What was that for Rere?!" Taehyung asked as he crouched down to the floor and started caressing his poor feet.

I turned towards Christina and saw she was looking at me with a confused face. "HAHAHAHA don't mind him, Tina... You know him right? he's Taehyung your illustrator." Taehyung, stood up again and glared at me while I only showed him a cheeky smile. He rolled his eyes and sat down beside me.

"Yep of course I know him! he's a very well-known artist at our company anyway," She said as she looked at Taehyung and smiled at him. "Gosh, you flatter me too much." Taehyung joked that made Tina chuckle.

"By the way, Erelah... I like the nickname you gave me... Tina, I like it." She said, smiling. Oh, I didn't even notice that I gave her a nickname. "Well, then since you like it. I'll continue calling you that." She nodded while her cheeks were still full of food. Which made me chuckle. "I'll come up with a nickname for you too."

While I and Tina were talking Taehyung just keeps eating, and eating ignoring our presence. But I guess he decided to socialize with us now. "Oh, by the way, Rere what is Jungkook doing at your house all alone? won't he get bored there?" Taehyung asked as he stopped eating and looked at me. My eyes widened as I felt Tina's gaze on me.

"Jungkook... Is living at Erelah's house?" Ugh... Heck my life! I slowly looked up to meet eyes with Tina who now has a frown on her face. I started caressing the back of my neck and thought, how do I explain this?

"Uh yes, Jungkook is living at my house right now." What I said only made Tina frown more as she tilted her head to the side. "But don't get the wrong idea! We have no relationship whatsoever. Jungkook is my brother's friend and he's here because he wanted to visit America." Tina's frown slowly faded away. "And he's only staying at my house because he wants to save money since the flight here wasn't cheap." Tina, nodded seemingly convinced by my explanation.

"Oh... Sorry for misunderstanding." I nodded as a response. While Taehyung was looking at us with a curious look on his face. As his eyes drifted between me and Tina repeatedly. "I'm just gonna ignore the tension you two had earlier and go on with my question." Thank you Taehyung...

"As I said earlier... Isn't Jungkook bored all alone there?" Well, from what I have observed. Jungkook didn't seem bored when I come home from work. I always see him in the living room watching what seems like detective movies or sometimes he can be reading a book.

"I mean he can't just waste his time in your house Erelah, he's here for vacation... We have to tour him!" Taehyung suggested well he is right. Jungkook did come here for vacation, however, he doesn't go outside and only stays inside my house. And besides, Jimin told me to guide him and I'm not doing it right now.

"I agree... Well, then sure since it's a Saturday tomorrow and we have no work... Let's tour him." Taehyung smiled widely as he held his hand up high asking me for a high five. Which I gave. He noticed Tina looking at us kinda feeling left out, so he asked her. "Would you like to join too?" Her blank face turned into a bright one when Taehyung asked her. "I would love to!" She exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

"Well, then it's settled"


After a long day at work, I'm finally back at my house. I twisted the doorknob and let myself in. But I saw no trace of Jungkook anywhere in the living room. That's weird... Maybe he's in his room? I then crouched down on the floor and started untying the laces of my shoes. Then eventually taking them off leaving me barefooted.

I started heading to his bedroom since I had to ask him if he wanted us to tour him in Los Angeles. I was now in front of his door as I lifted my hand to knock but stopped halfway. What if he's reading a book? What if he's changing- NO! but that's why I'm gonna knock, so he can tell me if I can come in or not.

Sure about my decision I knocked twice on his door that was followed by him saying. "Come in." And that was my cue. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. The room was filled with darkness. The only light source was his laptop screen that was illuminating his handsome face.

He was typing non-stop on his laptop's keyboard but stopped for a second. And looked at me which caused me to open the door fully and show myself. "Hey, sorry to interrupt you. I just wanted to ask a question." He nodded as he faced his laptop again and started typing. "Ask away."

"I umm... Would you like to come with us tomorrow?" He looked at me again. But now his eyebrows were furrowed. "Us? Are there other people involved?" I nodded. "Yeah, don't worry you already known one of them... You still remember Taehyung right?"

"Yeah, he's that guy who yelled at me while I was reading. And he's also your friend," He said with a slight frown on his lips. I guess he doesn't like being disturbed huh? "Well, we plan to tour you here around L.A would you like to come?" I clasped my hands together hoping he would say yes. "Sure, why not? that's why I came here anyway..." He agreed and gone back to typing on his laptop.

I guess I should go now he looks busy. "Well, remember to wake up early tomorrow since Tae wants to go out early in the morning." That was the last thing I said before I closed his door.

But I wonder... What could he be typing on his laptop?

Hmmm, what is Jungkook typing on his laptop? could it be a new story? or is it something more meaningful? something more important to him?

Let's leave that questions for now hehe. I hoped you guys liked this update today! And I also wanted to thank you for 400 plus reads and 100 plus votes it means a lot to me.

That's all for today. See you in my next update.

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