The Future Hunters

By RJCime

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Chapter 1: The Scorpio Protocol
Chapter 2: Calgary High
Chapter 3: Blinded Visor
Chapter 4: Frozen Puzzle
Chapter 5: Panthalassa's Island
Chapter 6: Core of the Mantis
Report 273: Time Worm
Chapter 7: Manticore
Report XIA-07: The Time Angel Project
Chapter 8: Flowering Hell
Valkyrie Missions 1&2: Test and Falcon Wing
Chapter 9: Don't Dream
Valkyrie Mission 3: Wing Clip
Chapter 10: Hyper-predator
Valkyrie Mission 4: Cerebral
Chapter 11: The Old Man in the Chair
Chapter 12: Tropical Fish and Shining Rainbows
Valkyrie Mission 5: Seoul Overturn
Chapter 13: Twice Marked, Twice Victims
Valkyrie Mission 6: Unknown
Chapter 14: Walls and Dust
Chapter 15: Lose It All
Chapter 16: Symbols Lead Us On...
Chapter 17: ...But Monsters Tear Us Down
Valkyrie Mission 7: The Scorpio Project
Chapter 18: Language Acquisition
Chapter 19: Skyline of Grass
Chapter 20: Outside World
Scorpio's Journal: Day 347:

The Book of Flowering Hell: Written and Illustrated by Geoffrey Jamerson

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By RJCime

The Book of Flowering Hell: Written and Illustrated by Geoffrey Jamerson. 

The Seed of the Future: 


I planted myself on this moon over forty years ago. It was a “plant-researchers” dream, a moon filled with exotic plants, being paid to do research for the government of KV1. At least that was what it seemed at the beginning. I radioed the government every day with news of my research. Two weeks in and I radioed for my lab partner to be sent to help me in my investigation. He was sent to the moon and is expected to arrive within the next year. It seems a long time and it is, even in CrySleep. For the mean time I will continue my research into the plants that inhabit this moon. I am still working out why the government funded this experiment. Today I finally finished furnishing my underground shelter. The major experiments will start tomorrow. From what I've seen the flowers in question cover the entirety of the moon, although patches of non-growth have been found. The exact reason for these “crop circles” are currently unknown and are the location for the entrance of the shelter. 

I have calculated that because of the number of plants to area of atmosphere the oxygen levels will most probably get extremely high and may cause asphyxiation if the concentration reaches over 95%, and lung deficits meaning that the surface will only be accessible at times of no sun exposure. 

It is unknown if there are any living creatures living on the moon's surface or underground it.

The sun is starting to rise, I'll have to collect my first samples tomorrow. 


It has been 73 sun rises since I have heard from KV1, all communications have gone dead. Videophone, radio, even the Spire isn't working. Something must have gone wrong back at KV1. Something very bad. Still, my research continues. I have identified seven types of flower and two types of grass at this point. I have also found two different species of creature that live either on or under the ground level of this moon.

The moon was officially named Pandora by the government, but I believe this name to be cliché and so I have taken the effort to informally rename it, so I have recently been thinking up a name for this poisonous moon. My research is making remarkable bounds forwards. 

I have collected all seven species of flower and completed my preliminary experiments on them. They all seem to be related massively, sharing over 95% of their DNA with each other. The remaining DNA difference seems to code for the variety of their colour and shape but mainly of their poison characteristics. All but one share this poison characteristic.

I believe this is what the government sent me here for but I cannot be sure as communications are down for the time being. 

After many experiments results are finally coming to fruition. My gene results have come back positive and my poison tests are all positive results. This has brought me forward to the stage of categorising the species that I have found on this moon. The subject will be here soon, if my calculations are correct that should be in twelve days time. Then I can begin. 

For a start here I will categorise and revise all of my findings so far. 


The subject has arrived. His CrySleep engine is still running. If everything goes as planned he won't be conscious until twelve hours after the engine closes the CrySleep state. Anaesthetics can make that period much longer. 



The most incredible creatures can be found here, that is a fact for sure. 

Below is my first database of creatures that have been found on this moon, so far. 

Name: Mus Amicus.

Common Name: Common grey Rat. 

Size: 20cm long, (43cm with tail).

Weight: 29g.

Characteristics: Mostly found to be inquisitive and friendly, non-aggressive tendencies.  

Closest Relation known on KV1: Common field mouse. 

Danger Level: Insignificant. 

Venom Rating: PSS Rating 1: 

Symptoms include: Itching, local mild swelling and mild pain. 

Speed: Maximum speed reached: 3m/s. 

Defence Mechanisms: Sharp incisors with mild poison. 

Food: Eats stems of the flowers which do not seem to be poisonous. 

Name:  Gigas Ingens Aranea.

Common Name: Giant Spider. 

Size: 91cm (tip to tip of opposite legs).

Weight: 650g.

Characteristics: Mainly friendly, I actually found one in my bunker, it must have followed me down there. I'm going to call him Monty. He'll be my friend. Huge, hairy legs.

Closest Relation known on KV1: Goliath Birdeater Tarantula. 

Danger Rating: Insignificant.

Venom Rating: PSS Rating 3:

Symptoms: Moderate pain, cramping, generalised paralysis affecting vital functions, deafness. 

Speed: Maximum speed reached: 7m/s. 

Defence Mechanisms: Razor sharp fangs, powerful paralysis enduring venom. 

Food: Eats Common grey Rats. 

That's all the creatures that I have managed to find so far. Tomorrow I'll test the different flowers and their varying poisonous results. 


Monty says hi. He's around for most of the day now. He likes to sit in the corner and watch me experiment, he reminds me a lot of myself. It's like he is me. 

Here are my results from my experiments. Thank you for sending me here. These things are remarkable. 

Note: All flower poisons are transferred through touch. No other ways of transference are capable. 

Name: Vafer Languorem. 

Common Name: The Green One. (Sly Sickness)

Colour: Emerald Green. 

Poison Characteristics: Delayed effects for 24 hours, then extreme vomiting and dehydration occurs.

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 2. 

Name: Diabolus Cornua.

Common Name: The Red One. (Devil Horns)

Colour: Ruby Red.

Poison Characteristics:  Spines grow through the lungs and oesophagus making it extremely painful to breath, after a time so many spines grow that it becomes hard for the subject to breath, asphyxiating the subject to unconsciousness.   

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 2-3.

Name: Teneat Suspendium.

Common Name: The Blue One. (Strangling Hold)

Colour: Sapphire Blue. 

Poison Characteristics: The immediate area that came under contact is sucked free of oxygen. If the affected area is the chest or head then asphyxiation until death will occur. 

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 2-3.

Name: Profundum Maris. 

Common Name: The Purple One. (Deep Ocean)

Colour: Amethyst Purple.

Poison Characteristics: Contact gives the effect of drowning. Lungs fill with liquid, a mix of blood and water, and the subject “drowns”.

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 3. 

Name: Fulgide Illustrat:. 

Common Name: The Yellow One. (Blinding Light)

Colour: Citrine Yellow. 

Poison Characteristics: Extreme abrasion of the irises and cornea occur.  

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 2. 

Name: Ignis Monstrum. 

Common Name: The Orange One. (Monster Fire)

Colour: Tourmaline Orange. 

Poison Characteristics: Massive third degree burns occur over 95% of the body, an unknown infection then takes affect causing almost instant death.  

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 3. 

Note: This next one is my favourite. 

Name: Tenebris Mortis. 

Common Name: The Black One. (Dark Death)

Colour: Onyx Black. 

Poison Characteristics: Instantaneous death occurs. 

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 3. 

Name: Nubes Sanator. 

Common Name: The White One. (Cloud Healer) 

Colour: Albite White. 

Poison Characteristics: Heals poison effects of all flowers instantaneously. 

Poison Rating: PSS Rating 0. 

Note: It seems that I found the effects of The White One too late as my subject is now dead. At least I still have Monty. 


This may be the last of my accounts. I was recently visited by a friend. He said he would be staying for a while, I think he said four years or so. Said he was building something. Said I could come and have a look when he was finished. He seems nice. Monty likes him. He'll fit in here I'm sure. He told me where he had come from, I'd heard of old myths about our old planet called Earth. The only way that he is telling the truth is time travel. But then, I suppose that's why he said he was setting up a portal back to the planet Earth if something went wrong. Something about a project involving a scorpion, I think he means himself since he has a scorpion tail. But then again I have never met a Manticore without one. 

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