The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

12.3K 1K 3.4K

A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

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The End

Cha-pter *25*

301 31 77
By AmelSmith

Xin Ci's voice was still gentle and caring, just like how it usually was. He was checking on Yezun on the phone before he hung up and went to meet Mr Shen Bai. When he arrived at the big Mansion it was almost dinner. However nothing was set on the table. Lan Yi was absent with her son. Shen Wei and his wife probably decided to eat upstairs. Only his friend was in the living room reading a book and refused to eat.

"Where are the others?" Xin Ci wasn't happy to see the man all on his own that the mood felt somehow lonely and gloomy. Soon Shen Bai lift his head and welcomed him with a smile, the man's sudden guilt diminished a bit. Seeing him with a good spirit was Xin Ci's only solace. Ordering his attorney to sit, Shen Bai's voice trailed off. He scrunched his face because he knew he really shouldn't be asking this question. However, curiosity kept throbbing,

"Are you serious about Yezun?" Xin Ci's pretty smile suddenly disappeared when he realized what he was suddenly asked. The pretty angelic face of Yezun flashed through his mind, and he was suddenly reminded of the hot night of their passionate lovemaking. He grew flushed and panicked. Xin Ci never showed this unique side of him to anyone being deeply in love and embarrassed.

"You don't have to answer, I get it already" Shen Bai avoided to look at his attorney and looked back into his book. He was reading something. He didn't ask about matters related to work nor about the inheritance he had given to Yunlan but was more focused on Xin Ci's relationship with Yezun. He was surprised as it never crossed his mind, Xin Ci could be gay and into one of the twin brothers.

"Here, a copy of the new will, right now you own nothing. Are you okay with that?" He tried to pretend the behavior of his friend hadn't taken him aback, that hearing his question hadn't rattled him. He pulled an envelope from his briefcase and placed it on the couch next to the man. Shen Bai put his book down and glanced at the envelope with narrow eyes. He is now relieved that everything was going as planned.

"Well done! By the way, Yunlan and Zhu Hong will be engaged on her birthday next week. I hope you don't mind" Shen Bai placed his hand on his friend's shoulder to comfort him. Xin Ci though looked uneasy, he didn't seem to accept the sudden news without being consulted on such a matter. He kept silent only for a moment. However, Shen bai could still notice that the man calmly smiled at him through the panic inside him.

"I am sorry, I can't accept that. We both know what kind of feelings Yunlan holds for Shen Wei. It is impossible to let Wang's scenario repeat itself with my only daughter"  Shen Bai seemed to focus on the figure that just appeared behind Xin Ci. He then got up and apologized to leave, giving both father and daughter the space they need to speak in private. Xin Ci could smell her spectacular perfume. He knew she was there and probably heard his confession.

"My barby!" He looked at her eyes welled with tears again. Every time she looked at him, she felt more upset and sad. The mix of the awful present and the joyful past was a jumble of emotions that Hong couldn't quite parse. She wanted her old father back, she didn't seem to accept this new personality of him nor his queer choices in choosing men over a women. Lan Yi was a better choice as she believed for her father. When she thought of him being with a man who was her friend. She felt like throwing up.

"So what? I know his heart is already taken. You were in love with Lan Yi but look how your heart has changed. I believe I will make him love me too..... And......" Xin refused to accept because the situation was totally different. He immediately interrupted her before she could finish her words.   

"That's different. I don't want you to be hurt my little angel, I know that Yunlan's heart won't ever change, believe me!" Xin Ci closed the distance and held her hands tightly. He didn't want her to feel sad or broken over things that won't be changing at all. He knew better the bond the two men had that no power in this planet could break or change it. It's true they are not yet together but Yunlan's heart is obvious and can be easily understood that Shen Wei Comes always first.

"I don't accept your relationship with Yezun. Break up with him and I won't marry Yunlan. That is the only condition I have" Zhu Hong didn't really have a choice in her mind. That was something she couldn't control about Yunlan being gay. He was honest enough to tell her, but the two agreed to play this game in other to gain something. Zhu Hong and Zhao Yunlan both were pretending to get engaged to reach to their beloveds hearts. Even though Hong liked Yunlan a lot, she had no chance to be with him.

"I apologize to you, but I am serious about Yezun. Whether you accept our relationship or not. I will never break up with him" In an attempt to win her acceptance. Xin Ci forced his way by putting pressure on her. It seemed that he had no choice either. With the belief about his intentions cemented in her mind, a cold, scornful smile found its way to Zhu Hong lips. She was well aware he wouldn't accept her suggestion. She retrived her hands and gave her back to her father already ending the conversation.

"Me and you have nothing to say. I won't force you to leave Yezun so don't force me to leave Yunlan. Being with him doesn't necessarily mean my life will be a tragedy. Marriage is simply a part of my life, and I still have plenty of other things to concentrate on. like his fortune, so don't try to stop me, I am warning you" She believed strongly that as long as she keeps insisting, her father will give up. She thought he would choose her over Yezun but Hong was totally wrong.


Zhang was riding her car to a precise destination, she had questions that needed answers. Now, she was in a place that was both familiar and foreign at the same time. While she kept thinking on how to face Shen Bai, she was pulled out of her thoughts when the car made a sharp turn and entered the mansion. The vehicle drove into one of the biggest family compounds in the city. The silver iron gate opened to welcome her visit.

"How funny! I was born here" Looking at the flowers of all kinds bloomed in the garden, lending a warm and cozy atmosphere to the area.The Shen family had undeniable prominence and wealth. Many considered them to be the most powerful in the city. The mansion rose like an impenetrable fortress - inspiring awe to anyone else who stood in its midst. The walls gleamed against the sunset, and bright lights flowed from the glass windows.

"This extravagant beauty and wealth anyone would kill for it. This all belonged to my family before Shen Bai betrayed his best friend and partner to take everything. The law does not protect naïves, I would rather say than fools." Zhang felt her stomach churn despite the magnificent view that unfolded in front of her. The Shen family, despite their coveted status, had brought her not a single tinge of happiness when she lived with them.

"Mr Shen Bai! Madam Zhang is outside...!" The man didn't finish talking when Shen Bai ordered him to let her in. Zhang gave the gentleman a polite smile and walked to the chair across him and sat slowly. She stared at the greatness of the place around her that she missed dearly, then turned her gaze to the arrogant man that reeked of enormous power and influence with a hint of a cold smile barely visible on his lips.   

"If only you know what I am carrying for you, you will have a seizure and may die prematurely" She scoffed inwardly.

"Be quick, why are you here?" With the same cold indifferent voice the head of the family adressed her feeling so uncomfortable being in the same room as her.

"Age had left its telltale trace on your face. The deep lines stretching on your forehead and crinkling the corner of your eyes, but rather than the old look, it's giving you a mellow charm, akin to aged wine" A gentle smile was on her lips as she admired him politely trying to start the confusion inside of him and shake his confidence. The man did not show any reaction, however, he kept looking at her with extreme coldness.

"Old man! Who is Zhao Yunlan? Or shall I call him Han Chen or what exactly? How many identities does he have?" Raising a perfectly arched brow at Zhang's provocative question. Shen Bai did not even bother to conceal his distaste at this woman as much as he looked at her. She was a lady of a very high esteem and evil beyond limits. It was unthinkable for her to burst out such a question.

"You don't plan to tell your son, do you?" Shen Bai trailed an appalled look over Zhang, lingering on the cunning expression she gave him as if her very existence was an unthinkable offense. It was absolutely uncharacteristic for an elite man of his position to waste his time with a person he considers unworthy of his time. Zhang understood from his behavior that she was despised to the very core, yet she courteously answered him.

"Father! I think Shen Wei has the right to know. However, I don't want them to be together not by Yunlan being your son. It's a forbidden relationship" She nodded her head. Unlike him at this moment, Zhang was much more wise. Her calmness was a stark contrast to Shen Bai's sudden rough and stern words, but as of the moment, her mind was fixated on the man's agressive reaction.

"What are you implying, The twin are not blood related to me nor to my son. Make yourself clear or I will kick you out, you think I have much time to waste with you!" Shen Bai felt his heart skipped a beat as he thought about her words trying to place him in front an unpleasant queer situation. He waited in silence for an answer to his question. Shen Bai's displeasure had not left his face and he looked across him, as if seeing Zhang would be an eyesore.

"Is he your real son because It's important to me? If he is, then we should split them apart, our families should never be united not by love or hate. We shall end this long cursed war" Shen Bai sank into the soft leather, leaning his back while taking his time absorbing her words, that woman was sure hiding something but she wouldn't say. He sat there locking her in a tight gaze as he kept silent hoping she would behave herself accordingly. 

"Liu! Does it sound familiar?" Shortly after the long silence, the unmistakable sound of a big revelation pierced the wordless space among the two of them. Shen Bai started to feel uneasy, as if there was a premonition of something unpleasant. The man abruptly stood up and walked towards her while consumed by great shock that he couldn't control. Shen Bai felt his chest hammering as his mind raced with all sorts of thoughts trying to relate the family name to his previous best friend.

"Why do you know about this? Did you dig my past" He furiously shouted at her face. Uncertainty gripped him as he counted the seconds until the inevitable happened. It had been years and years since he closed that file of the Liu family. Looking through her eyes, Shen Bai could see big excitement and joy in them. He knew she was here to spark his anger and open old files that he was trying so hard to get rid of. He felt the sour bite of regret and bitterness, emotions he thought he had buried with time evoked again deep inside.  

"I witnessed how my father died  because of grief when I was 9 years old. The impact of the shock on him was very strong when you made him leave his palace and accused him of embezzlement. My father did not trust someone other than you, he considered you his best friend and trusted you with his wealth. He passed away soon after what happened. What had hurt him most was your betrayal, as he never cared about money." Shen Bai was still buried in the agony of her words, in denial of what she said.

"After that I resolved to take revenge on you and take back everything that belonged to my father. I changed my name and surname in order not to get recognized by you. I chased after your son until he married me, however, I never loved him. Yes, I cheated on him several times and I do not regret it." Right after she said that, his hands pulled at his tie and he threw it down on the sofa. The black pools of his eyes shone with a cruelty that was only amplified by the coldness of his smile. 

"I can't believe this!" He was hardly breathing.

"I didn't finish! The day I asked you for the share of your grandchildren in the inheritance, that was only the first part. I am determined to take back what was left of my father’s share and this palace" Zhang stood from her seat and their eyes met, Shen Bai felt as if his body would be thrown back by the force of his heartbeat. He recognized this feeling, and his hands clenched involuntarily, waiting for the storm of emotions inside of him to calm down so he can make sense of this whole revelation.

"Life is an opportunity and your father did not take advantage of the opportunity that came to us that day, which made me exclude him from everything to pass the project, as he was strongly rejecting the partnership contract with the United States. One of us had to get rid of the other, so I did first" The pain came slowly, reluctantly, like water slowly eroding the surface of a stone, and then it forced its way to Shen Bai as he regret his past so bad. He felt as if he was submerged in ice even as he felt his inside burn.   

"Were you ever happy? You passed the project and increased your status and wealth, what did you gain? You are left with nothing old man! not even a relative you could leave this fortune for him. Don't make me believe Yunlan is your son, I know he isn't. You just raised him out of sympathy and probably to make him fight for you" For reasons she couldn't fathom, she was nervous. She broke the gaze quickly with Mr Bai, and turned her eyes elsewhere. She could feel her hands moisten with sweat and she swallowed to relieve the dryness in her throat.   

"Stop saying nonsense, I won't let you get anything. Now, please get out!" Shen Bai said nonchalantly after he finally calmed down. The tension was palpable and the pressure rose in the room, but it was as if his calm exterior was impenetrable. The seconds trembled like a ticking bomb in the strained silence, as if the slightest disturbance would cause an explosion. Non of them added a word but kept looking at each other with killing gazes wishing to end the life of the other person if it was possible to end an endless misery.   


Zhao Yunlan walked slowly, taking small, graceful steps towards Shen Wei, as if taking his time to observe a stranger's face. Then he took off his coat in seeming interest to cover his shivering body, he looked freezing.    It had been hours when she Wei was sitting here lifeless. He had known nothing about the wife he thought was an angel, Is actually poisoning his brain cells with drugs that kills his consciousness and drives it slowly crazy. He looked not tired but exhausted, he had not the slightest interest to sleep or close his eyes.

"Take it off!" He ordered from Yunlan who came home late seeing Shen Wei sits in the back garden, alone, lightly dressed, in such cold. Still, he was taken aback to see him dressing in such an ignorant manner. He observed him carefully like a total different person, and their eyes averted from each other's. He had pale skin, and Thin body. Yunlan had to admit, reluctantly, that even in his worst state, Shen Wei had a pure loveliness about him.   

"You look tired and sick, is everything okay babe?" Yunlan said with a hint of concern. He was extremely worried about his sweet lover who's body and mental conditions are decaying significantly. Yunlan felt was venomous burn at the pit of his stomach. He hated to see Shen Wei in this horrible condition. Wei instead was furious, he didn't even greet his man, and completely ignored him as if he was no different than a parcel of air. Without any response, Shen Wei threw the coat on the ground and took his leave towards the house gate, leaving Yunlan feeling awkward.  

"Shen Wei!" Called Zhao Yunlan after the man. He was about to reprimand his discourtesy when Wei averted his body and looked at him, he spoke to him in his gentle voice,

"Sweetheart, I am worried about you. Wanna sleep in my room?" Yunlan spoke very softly, Shen Wei was able to capture that warm timbre of his voice that melted his heart. Is he being submissive just to Yunlan's voice, he wondered as he walked back to him. He refused to be affected by this man, despite the possibility of his body and heart betraying him. He hugged Yunlan and the two went to his room.

"Did your father tell you about me and Yezun, that's why you raped me? Because I just came to understand why you never considered the fact I called you uncle!" Shen Wei looked devastated and felt great betrayal. He locked the door and leaned against it. His tears fell down endlessly. Shen Wei cried for about two minutes then wiped his eyes dry and looked to the silent man.

"It's a long story, the most important thing is I was unaware of what was going on around me. Soon after I fell in love with you, things started to make sense. Now your safety is all that matters to me, I don't wanna see you looking devastated and weak" Yunlan was closing his eyes in regret.

"I will be fine, I am not that weak. I can still cause you harm, I want to kill you with my poison just to see that old man suffer for once. And again, I think I love you insanely, I want to have you all to me. However, you are my enemy's son that I want to eradicate at all costs" He was still blinking and rubbing his eyes trying to see the face of Yunlan clearly.

"Are you okay? Geez, Shen Wei, what happened to you, you're talking nonsense" Paralyzed by the thoughts of what Wei just said. Yunlan just stood there speechless. He found himself staring at a different person, a man who may be psychologically troubled, as he was not aware of what he was saying. Maybe the anger and hate made Shen Wei lose his mind. He stood in front of Wei in what looked like a total stranger to him.

"Maybe if I kiss you, you will get back to normal" Yunlan pulled Shen Wei close. So many times had Yunlan tried to restrain himself from reaching out and touching him. However, the urge to hold his sweetheart or pull him into his arms almost irresistible. Too tired to resist, Yunlan gently wiped the little streaks of remaining tears from his cheeks. With that tenderness, Shen Wei found himself muted. He couldn't answer, couldn't think or breath. Shivering with long restrained desire, he wrapped his arms around Yunlan's neck to get to his lips.

"Kiss me babe!" Shen Wei stood, leaving nearly no space between them. Yunlan didn't flinch or move, in fact, he stared him straight in the eyes, his voice softened as he felt his heart picked up speed at the irresistible proximity. His eyes still locked with Shen Wei waiting for his lips impatiently, the rise and fall of his chest betrayed his erratic pattern of breathing. Yunlan almost hated that Shen Wei had this effect on him but at the same time he found this aspect of their love so exhilarating, so enticing, he couldn't help but crave feeling it over and over.

"Huhh.." Shen Wei took in a nervous breath. He looked lost and he couldn't help himself. He pulled Yunlan's head down, ready to offer him a silent comfort. Before he could have the chance to reassure himself that this man belonged to him, he found his lips crashed into Yunlan and started kissing him relentlessly. The kiss was sloppy and frantic, so passionate not at all how Yunlan imagined it. It was very unlike the Shen Wei he had known while driving him to madness.

"Uhmm.....Ahhh" Before he could stop himself and take a quick breath, Yunlan was devoured mercilessly with profound longing he flet in that wild kissing. Shen Wei's hands were working the belt buckle of Yunlan before he could even realize he wanted him so bad. He pinned him against the wall, help himself push his clothes out of the way. Wei was aggressive and focused and he realized that he didn't want to stop just here, he wanted to feel every inch of Yunlan's body and love him physically strong.

Yunlan groaned into Shen Wei's mouth when his hand wrapped around Shen Wei's hardening cock, he kept caressing him gently. Yunlan let his adorable man have his way with him; his head was falling back when he felt the moist heat surrounded him. The two lovers soon found themselves frolicking on the king bed in Zhao Yunlan's room. They made out with a fiery passion and then took a breather. Shen Wei was lying seductively on the bed, began to pout to the man in an overly sweet voice.   

"Better than sleeping with my wife, you know how to please me, Yunlan!" The man's voice was breathless from their rigorous activities. Hearing that Yunlan got frustrated, his heart ached before he could talk back to Wei.

"If you talk like that again, I will be the one to kill you" Shen Wei was shocked, he discerned the disdain and coldness in Yunlan's voice at hearing his threatening statement. He quickly recognized his mistake and looked him with adoring eyes. Shen Wei knew what could anger Yunlan the most so he said that on purpose. One last test he was preparing for Yunlan as he stood from the bed and walked to leave.

"Where are you going?" Yunlan asked while confused by Wei's queer behavior.

"Let's meet at breakfast, I have a surprise for you" Yunlan didn't quite get it. However, he  knew the past days had been tough on Shen Wei which led him to act strange, but he didn't know a fraction of the things Shen Wei is enduring when his wife is trying to kill him slowly. Watching him leave that way, Yunlan felt insecure and uncomfortable. That dangerous beauty was sure plotting something.

"Did anyone see my wife?" Shen Wei asked a little bit troubled.

"If you didn't sleep in your room, of course you wouldn't know" Lan Yi was scheming something very bad. She looked nervous, however, she tried to hide that by her poisonous attacks. Then she again picked at the troubled Shen Wei.

"When do you plan to leave, I thought I was clear when I said you don't belong to the family"

"He will leave the day you will, you too do not belong to the family. Your husband is long dead, you have no reason to stay here when no-one want you" Soon the defensive voice of Yunlan responded at her provocation mercilessly giving her a portion of her own medicine. He believed that she deserved worse treatment than this.

"Can we eat in silence?" Shouted Mr Shen Bai while in a very dark mood. His attorney was not here yet to calm these wild creatures. He had to deal with the pressure of shushing them alone.

"I see that you all drunk your juice, it was delicious. What was it made of?" He cunningly averted his body to the butler who was standing few feet away, waiting for any requests.

"Excuse me?" He was never asked about the food being served to them as far as he knows.

"Ah! Sorry. It's a natural fruits mix of mango, cherry and dragonfruit. Glad you like it Mr Shen Wei" The man was confused but still softly answered as he smiled to Shen Wei.

"And Castor Oil Plant!" Added Wei sarcastically looking at their nervous expressions. His malice smile was directed to Shen Bai most of the time.

"What is that?" Lan Yi asked already being part of this game.

"Castor oil seeds contain one of the most poisonous naturally occuring substances known to man, Just one seed can kill a human being, as the toxic protein ricin can cause severe dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea. And soon the person dies....... Umm, How many seeds did I use, I can not remember" He looked now more satisfied before he heard Yunlan ask him with a profound agony, unable to believe what Shen Wei was trying to do.

"Do you want to kill me twice, Shen Wei? If you don't want to regret it later, tell me which glass contains the poison" From the opposite side of the table, Yunlan observed the look of false solicitude on Shen Wei's face, a shadow of a cold smile playing upon his lips. Shen Wei clicked his tongue silently. After so much thoughts, he decided not to reveal his wicked plan, his acting was still sharp.   

"When was is the first time I tried to kill you, as far as I know this is my first and last attempt......" Soon Shen Wei saw Yunlan's face becoming pale and the color of it changed. He hardly finished speaking when Yunlan's glass of juice crashed to the floor with a loud noise. At the sound of broken glass, everybody froze. Shen Wei rose up from his chair, his shocked face was full of vehement anger.   

"Stop joking!" He yelled at the man in a shrill voice, forgetting where he was. Wei gazed at him terrified, disheartened and surprised at Yunlan's reaction.   

"Han Chen!" Yelled Bai seeing the man throwing up blood and fainting to the floor. Almost shocked to death, Shen Wei was disabled to move or run to his lover. He kept watching other people running to the man trying to lift his body from the cold floor, Lan Yi immediately called the police. And Xin Ci who just stepped in called the ambulance while scanning everything around him. Shen Bai was holding Yunlan in his arms and crying.

"Han Chen! Who is Han Chen?" Shen Bai's voice was wrecking and sent a shiver down Shen Wei's spine. The sudden, explosive of the truth darkened the expression on his face. The air around the table turned grave. Shen Wei didn't believe he heard it right, though he felt the name a bit familiar. He panicked and almost fainted.

"If he dies, I am gonna send you to hell" Shen Bai's voice cut through the tense silence as his eyes swept to his grandson.

"It wasn't me, I did nothing....... I swear, it wasn't me..., Yunlan!"

Enjoy the long chapter

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