The Girl With The Motorbike

By RewritingYourDreams

43.6K 880 69

I had lost everything, my best friends, my boyfriend, and most importantly - My Dad. But I still had my sist... More

The Girl With The Motorbike
Chapter 1 - Troublemaker - Edited
Chapter Two - Scream and Shout
Chapter Three - Radioactive
Chapter Four - For The First Time
Chapter Five - Runaway Baby
Chapter Six - Fix You
Chapter Seven - Impossible
Chapter Eight- How to Save A Life.
Chapter Nine - Girl On Fire
Chapter Ten - Tonight Tonight
Chapter Eleven - Domino
Chapter 13 - Die Young
Chapter Fourteen - No Words
Chapter Fifteen - One More Night
Chapter 16 - Six Degree's of Separation
Chapter 17 - Run
Chapter 18 - Half Of Me
Chapter 19 - Raise your Glass
Chapter 20 : One Moment In Time
Chapter 21 : Secrets
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me Slowly
Chapter 23- Everything Has Changed
Chapter 24- I just wanna be close to you

Chapter 12 - Home

1.5K 37 0
By RewritingYourDreams

The Girl With The Motorbike

Chapter 12

Paige’s POV

I stood in front of the Sunderlands house with my mouth gaping open.

“Close your mouth deary, you might catch flies,” Ross snickered, and I glared at him.

His house was huge! And I thought my “Mums” house was big, her house was a cottage compared to this place. The main house it’s self, must have around six floors, if not more. Off to the side where smaller, detached houses, which had three floors. I was guessing that they were the staff houses. I peered around the side of the house, and my eyes widened as I took in what was in front of me. Stables, big posh stables, like the ones you see in paintings filled the back of the house, around twenty of them stood, along with various other barns, and buildings. To the right of the main house, was the garages, which were bigger than my old house in London. Everything was just so posh, and big; but yet it didn’t give off that “snobby” atmosphere, anything but.

“My mum is into her horses,” Ross told me, and I nodded. That was obvious.

“I love horses, I used to get riding lessons when I was very young, before my Mum left, and then when she did- we had to move into the city, and there was no stables near, plus we didn’t have the money,” I confessed to him, and I mentally slapped myself. Why was I telling Ross all this stuff? God, I really need to learn when to keep my mouth shut. 

“My mum would teach you to ride,” Ross offered, and I turned around, and grinned at him.

“Really?” I asked excitedly, and he chuckled.

“You know, you’re really bad at keeping up your bad girl side you know that? And yeah, she loves teaching people to ride. She used to do that as a teenager, and then she met my dad, and they both fell in love and all that shit; and here we are now. The stables and yard was a present from my Dad, and then he left for working, rarely coming home. She spends most of her time out there with the horses. She loves the horses more than she loves me,” He chuckled, although showing no emotion, and shaking his head.

As Ross shared a part of his family life, I started to feel better about letting a little of mine slip. It looked as if he didn’t have the picture perfect family either, which made me feel at ease.

Just as we reached the main door of the house, Ross dumped my bags there, and grabbed my hand, and led me through. I shot him a questioning look.

“You’ll have your own mini house, I just thought I’d better introduce you to my mother,” He told me, and my eyes widened which Ross reacted by rolling his eyes. I was just about to give him a piece of my mind, when someone interrupted us.

“Oh my dear! Welcome!” and suddenly I was pulled into a warm embrace, by a small, slim figure who I thought to be his mother. And I was right.

She pulled back, and I stepped back, to take in her full appearance. She was, really a beautiful woman. Like those woman that are always in the heat magazines, that looked half their age and you would never think they had children, especially two. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, and a purple polo shirt, along with a pair of long riding boots, even in horse wear, she looked amazing. Her dark hair was piled upon her head, in a messy bun and she had no makeup on. But she didn’t need make up to look beautiful. She was beautiful naturally. Which I really didn’t expect, I expected her to be fake. Fake boobs, fake hair, fake eyelashes, and to be dressed extremely slutty, but I was wrong, completely and utterly wrong.

“I’m Ross’ mother, you can just call me Cassie, I’m sure Ross will show you to your own part of the house, which I really hope you find acceptable,” She told me, and my eyes widened.

Truthfully, I was expecting a rude, hostile woman who was stuck up her own ass. But she was anything but. She was friendly, polite and very welcoming. I could also see where Ross got his piercing blue eyes from, and his dark hair. Ross was a splitting image of his beautiful mother.

Shame he didn’t pick up her personality too, I thought to myself. Then he would be perfect.

“Thank you so much for having me,” I thanked her sincerely, and she flapped me away with her hand.

“It’s no problem, I can tell you need a break from your mother, and you haven’t really fitted in? But that’s okay, you’ll be made to feel part of this family, and I will treat you like a daughter, I always wanted one, but I ended up with two grumpy boys instead,” She chuckled, and tears started to form. “Also, I’m sorry about the way your mother has handled you, I know I shouldn’t excuse her, but really; she doesn’t know how to deal with you. But she still shouldn’t have chucked you away, and you don’t seem that bad, not the way she described you. Anyway, I best get on. Ross show her to her house?” The tears were threatening to fall, as she pulled me into another hug. I was normally never this emotional, but being told that I was part of a family again; well warmed me. Sure it was Ross’ family, but so far so great.

Ross nodded, and grabbed my hand, and I almost jilted my hand away, from the spark of his touch, which worried. I shouldn’t be feeling this way around Ross.

“Oh yeah, and Mum?” He asked politely, but I could tell that he had stiffened slightly, and I squeezed his hand, which he returned. Cassie turned around, slightly surprised.

“Yes?” She answered, and she returned to her normal posture; warm eyes, wide smile.

“Could you teach Paige to ride?” He asked, and my smile widened, and she chuckled.

“Sure,” She answered, and then she walked away, leaving me excited.

I jumped onto Ross, and tackled him with a hug, I could tell he was surprised but my reaction, but hugged me nonetheless.

“Thank you thank you thank you,” I thanked over and over again, and he peeled me off of him, sorting his hair.

“Okay I get it, you’re happy,” He sighed, and I let out a little girly giggle, which I automatically covered my mouth with my hand, surprised at the sound which had came out of; supposed to be, a bad girl. Ross raised an eyebrow, and I blushed, which made him laugh; loudly I must add. And he grabbed my bags, and walked off; and I ran after him, determined not to lose him in this mansion.

Ross’ POV

After I had asked my mum if she could teach Paige to ride, she tackled me. Literally. She was lucky I didn’t fall back. I was so surprised when she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me hard, and I must add; her grip was like steel. I would have stood there and hugged her for hours, embracing the warmth, but I couldn’t breathe, so I had to peel her off of me.

And then that giggle, that I didn’t expect. That cute giggle, which really shouldn’t come out of a bad girl’s mouth. And then she blushed, and that set me into a fit of laughter. She was so surprised with herself, she didn’t expect that giggle, and nor did I.

I decided it might come in handy for teasing her later. I grabbed her bags, and walked off and I could hear Paige run after me, which made me shake my head, and smirk. I walked across the huge drive, to where her house was situated. It was literally a house. With three floors, and everything you need. Although I don’t think she’ll need to use the kitchen, as my kitchen is fully stocked, including my cook. But it had everything else. Three huge ensuite guestrooms; a public bathroom; a swimming pool; a games room which was packed full of every game table possible, along with a dart board. The main bedroom was huge, with a walk in closet, which I’m sure she had enough cloths to fill; a huge bathroom, which contained a huge shower, an elegant bath and everything else that a bathroom has. In the centre is a huge king sized bed, which was already made up, a huge desk which already placed in the centre, was a brand new apple Imac, complete with speakers. Mum really had gone all out, I thought to myself as we entered the bedroom. I could hear all the breath from Paige escape, as she stood rooted to the wooden floor, gazing around her, speechless.

I dumped her bags down, and left the room to give her some privacy, and also for her to snap out of daze. I smirked as I when into my own house, which was joined onto Paige’s. And headed for the kitchen, where Betty stood, at the stove. I walked in and gave her a hug, placing a kiss on her cheek, and sat down on one of the bar stools.

“Hello handsome and how are you today?” She enquired, and I grinned.

“I’m great, yourself?” I asked her, and she smiled, and there was a spark in her eyes.

“Badgering on. So what girl has got you smiling?” She asked, and I looked at her in confusion.

“How did you-?” I started to ask her.

“I just know, so who is it?” She asked ,and I smiled. This is what I loved about Betty, I could speak to her for anything, generally. And she had a really weird way in telling what was going on, before I even got a chance to explain to her. She was right, it was a girl that had me smiling, and that troubled my thoughts a little. I had to keep telling myself not to develop any feelings for Paige, but it was getting harder and harder, as we grew closer. I knew falling for her would end up me getting hurt, or more likely me hurting her. I was a danger, and I couldn’t put any girl in danger, especially not Paige. I told this to Betty, and she nodded, understandingly.

“But like they say, love is worth the risks,” She told me, and my eyes widened .

“I am not in love with her Bet,” I told her, and she nodded.

“No, not yet,” She mumbled, but I knew she was wrong; I wasn’t in love with Paige, no way. And I never would be. I made a promise to myself not to fall for her, and I would keep that promise. Even if it did mean hurting myself.

Just as I was about to tell Betty about Paige, she walked into the kitchen. Speak of the devil, and she will arrive. I turned around to give her a smile, which she returned and she took a seat beside me, struggling to get up on the tall bar stool, making me smirk and burst out laughing.

And then she punched me on the shoulder, and I dramatically fell off the stool, groaning.

“You punch like a man!” I shouted at her, and she just smirked at me.

“Well, good to know for the future then, isn’t it?” She said, snickering.

I knew I was going to have a bruise there tomorrow. She really did hit like a guy, maybe even harder. I jumped back  into the stool, with my throbbing shoulder, and decided to introduce Betty.

“Betty, this is Paige, and Paige this is Betty,”

Paige’s POV

I smiled sweetly at the old lady standing opposite us, and she smiled at me back, and I noticed the spark in her eyes. She looked at me as if I meant the word to her, which crept me out a little.

She embraced me in a hug, and squeezed me hard.

“So you’re the girl that has my dear Ross smiling?” She asked innocently, and I let out a strained chuckle, and shot a look at Ross who was looking awfully embarrassed.

“I guess I am, and whom may you be?” I asked politely.

“I’m the –coo” Betty tried to answer me, but she was cut off by Ross deep voice.

“She’s part of the family. Now Betty, stop calling yourself my cook, because even you know you are more than a cook to me. Paige, I guess you could call Betty my grandma,” He said sincerely. Which made my heart swell; well that was cute.

Betty swatted him off, as tears brimmed her eyes, and Ross gave her a hug, swinging her side to side, making her chuckle.

“Get off me you fat lump,” She said chuckling, making me laugh. Ross turned to glare at me, and I mocked him, returning the glare.

“You know this is all muscle,” He flattered himself, tapping his stomach. Which was probably very well sculptured. Which I knew for a fact was. Then he caught me staring at me, and I could feel my cheeks heat up, as I buried my head into the counter.

“So have you looked around?” Betty asked sweetly.

“Yeah I have, but one room was locked?” I asked, turning to look at Ross.

“Oh yeah, that would be the gym. I’ll unlock it for you,” He told me, and walked away, leaving me pretty speechless.

You know, I gym is great, I adore the gym, I really do. Except this one is going to lead to something bad.

Oh fuck sake.

A/N : Another longer chappy. Whoop! I have decided that I am going to shorten the amount of chapters, and make each chapter longer instead of updating heaps of short chapters. So updates might take a little longer, seeing as they will be longer.

This was typed up at half 2 in the morning, so sorry for any grammer mistakes or anything!

Picture of Ross’ Mum on the side, and whom has also been added to the cast.

Chapter Song : Home by Gabrielle Aplin (video to the side)

Please continue to vote, comment, fan, read etc!

Kirsten xoxox

P.S – One Direction’s Dancer epilogue will be added at 15,000 reads.  : )

        Roses, Tears and Friendship will start being updated more regularly! : )

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