Pulled Back

By stayawaynegativevibe

5.4K 192 6

Bianca Bailey, she was the golden girl, the ideal perfect kid. Though she would soon to be known as Jefferson... More

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

189 6 0
By stayawaynegativevibe

Bianca sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria, poking at the food and pushing the tater-tots around her plate. She floated around in her own world until a hand slammed down on the table and people started to sit uninvited.

"Are you avoiding us?" Margret asked straight up and Bianca shrugged

"If I was you definitely don't know how to take a hint" Bianca mutter to herself, Vanessa scoffing with an offended look.

"Why are you avoiding us?" Daniella jumped in trying to shine her phone flashlight in Bianca's face. Theatric people, they do the most.

"I was just talking to Les and Vanessa this morning" She stopped dropped the plastic fork and pushed the phone out of her face "I'm sorry I didn't call or text some of you back, I've been a little busy"

"Well we can see that" she had heard Margret pop up "You could make it up to me by going to the mall" Margret sang, that shopaholic.

Bianca picked her fork back up and started to impale her tater-tots again "I can't today, I'm busy but maybe tomorrow"

"You going to go see your mysterious lover boy boyfriend" Vanessa teased nodding towards Bianca's neck as the other two hadn't noticed

She shifted uncomfortably at the term Vanessa had used, Julian was more of a sexual partner then a boyfriend though he did call himself her boyfriend. Julian was attractive, he was more of a fuck buddy then a boyfriend most times but he was still a good fuck.

Bianca stood up "I got to go, sorry" she said before walking out of the cafeteria to her locker, getting her bag and running towards the parking lot.

Her friends watched, not knowing what to do or what just happen. Staring at each other trying to figure things out silently, the curiosity running through them when seeing their friend take off suddenly. Suspicious for worried.

She sat in her car trying to figure out how she would get out without someone noticing but realized someone would notice whether she wanted them to or not.

Sitting in her car she could only think about how she was lacking in the pill department, weed was good but sometimes gave her anxiety, even if it was only for a second she didn't like it.

Taking her windshield covers off she basically said fuck it if someone saw, driving out of the school she passed the football field, some people sitting on the bleachers watching her drive away.

Bianca Bailey, the girl who never missed a minute of class.

Bianca drove away, her eyes started to water up out of nowhere, her mood dimming, she felt sad for a reason she didn't know why. She was starting to just think of herself as the problem, her dad left the first chance he got and so did her mom. She didn't know why she was thinking of them all of a sudden, she just was.

What if everyone hated her, what if she actually ruins everything without knowing it she thought.

Bianca stopped her car in the middle of the road, staring out at it, she turned around and rerouted realizing she was heading out of town... towards Julian. He was an asshole, no one could deny that but he made Bianca feel like a better person, better as is good about herself because Julian was a horrible person.

Bianca started to drive towards Jake's house, her head floating off into different states, unable to stop it from thinking negatively, she was tired for no reason, she just wanted a break and her head wouldn't let her have that.

Turning down a road she started to get closer to the cabin house along the lake. The houses there were beautiful, they had the most comfortable homey vibe, it always smelled good out here and just a little up and around the bend was the spot she met Julian. A place where she felt joy, it was like a sanctuary for her but now it was nothing but a nightmare.

When she sat out here on the grass she felt different from up there, it was a new safe place.

She sniffled a little rubbing her nose and walking to the front door. Knocking on the thick dark wood Bianca tap her foot on the porch waiting.

"Yo" Darius says as he opens the door, the smile on his face slightly fading away.

Bianca looked up at him with a pleading look and he shook his head with a sigh, moving out of the way so she could pass.

"Where's Jake?" Bianca asked and was pointed down the hall.

She walk down to the basement slowly, stopping at the bottom before proceeding out the back door to the dock, the house was on a large incline so the basement  had the back door, the first floor had a wrap around porch with some stairs but those stairs were always slippery.

Bianca looked over to Jake who was sitting on a chair, leaning forwards and just staring out into the water. She walked over sitting down next to him and looked over to where Jake gazed, watching the fish swim up to grab little pieces of bread he previously was throwing.

"What are you doing here Bianca" he asked but didn't really ask.

"Please Jake" is all she said looking up towards him, knowing exactly what she wanted but not wanting to give it to her.

He looked over to her, feeling her eyes on him and he shook his head 'no' at her.

"Jake come on, I got money-"

"No Bianca" he stated standing up and ready to walk off before Bianca grabbed his arm "No, I told you that was the last time I gave you anything, Bianca it isn't good for you, you don't need it"

"What kind of dealer are you" she groaned "I'll pay right now, just give me something"

"How many times do I have to say this Bianca, stop doing this to yourself, look at you, pretty soon all your going to be is bone. You haven't even been on something for a long time yet and your already letting yourself go, go home, go to sleep, and eat something for gods sake" he snapped and pulled his arm away

Bianca followed him as he tried to walk away, he cared for her, Julian was right to worry about Jake and his feelings but Jake had morals, he respected people who deserved it, he wouldn't sleep with her when she was a minor and he didn't do it with girl in a relationship.

"I need something Jake, please!" She begged

She felt like it was the only thing that would actually help her, weed and alcohol just made everything buzzed but the stronger stuff numbed her.

"I don't have anything right now, I stopped selling what your looking for"

"Your lying! Come on Jake" he turned around and glared at her, partly angry at himself for letting her get to the point she was at, like death had ran her over.

If she was just some random chick who dropped by every week he could care less about her but Bianca, he spent time with her, he got to know her -sober or not- and all he could think was how sweet and innocent she was, something that he took part in destroying with the drugs that he provided because he liked seeing her.

He was not at fault for her current state and he knew that, she knew that, it was her decision but now he was taking action and refusing to give in to his crush.

Walking up towards Bianca he grabbed her wrist and just held it, as their skin made contact she flinched and he looked as if he had just proven his point.

"Go home, I'm not supplying you with that anymore, I'm not supplying anyone with it anymore so don't come at me with that" he released her arm and looked up the stairs before back at Bianca "Just go home Bianca, stop punishing yourself-"

"The only person punishing me is you-"

"No I'm not!" He raised his voice a little "I'm trying to help you but your head is too thick to see it, maybe I should let you know that your makeup is running and I can see everything. You don't deserve that Bianca and you aren't going to realize it until you quit trying to hide from your feelings and face it"

Hearing him say that made her laugh.

"You need mind your own business sometimes-"

"It's funny that you say that yet every time you come see me your crying and covered in bruises, I'm done with looking at that Bianca. The first time I met you, you looked nothing like this and I know enough to know that he is destroying everything beautiful about you, and one day your just going to be at your rotting point, I don't want you to get to that place and I don't want to be responsible for it either, I can do that with others but I cannot do that with you"

That crush he had, had him in a tight choke hold.

Her jaw clenched as he spoke, she knew that he may be right but still, she just wanted something and he couldn't even give it to her.

"Fine then" she hiss

He pulls Bianca back before she could walk past him "Stop going back to him Bianca, you could do so much better then him, you deserve better then him"

"Mind your own business Jake, worry about your actually customers because that seems to be how it is"

"I do care about you Bianca!, that's is exactly why I'm not going to give you even an ounce-"

"If you cared about me you would help me and your not helping me right now, you know that this is only going to make matters worse, and guess what, I don't need you, there are other people that would take my money in exchange" she say yanking her hand out of his hand, running up the stairs she ignored the watching eyes.

"Bianca!" Jake yelled while running out after her "Bianca don't you dare-"

She got into the car and slammed the doors closed, starting up the car she watched as he stood on the porch scratching his head in frustration. Watching her speed out his driveway.

Now it was time to see the he who's name shall not be said, he would have a dealer she could use or some stuff she could steal from him.

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