The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3...

By mary4561

797 7 1

Prince William of Denmark alway wanted to have someone to come home to at night. He has his eyes on one of hi... More

Author's Notes.
The Invitation
The First Date
Pain and Loss(chapter 4)
Do You Love Me?
Unbearable Pain
The Fight Part 2
The Fight Part 1
Our Child
Contentment Sorta
Happy At Last
Confession II
The Ex
A Heavy Heart

The Duke

13 0 0
By mary4561


"Your ex-friend? I remember seeing you with him a lot over the years. What happened to your friendship I haven't seen him since we got together?"

"He's a racist scrum bag he thought I shouldn't date a black woman. He and Giovanni knew I liked you for years. Giovanni has always told me to go for it with you. Mathew didn't now I know why. He told me today he was okay with it now because he found out you're a billionaire heiress. He called Giovanni and ask him to arrange a meeting between us. Giovanni was under the impression it was for an apology. At first it was then it wasn't, you know he said at least Debbie is light skin and her kids are white passing".

"I hope you decked him".

I shake my head,"No I didn't we were in a public place and he would've sued. You deserve a royal wedding free of scandal".

"Where does my father comes into it?"

"I needed someone to talk to since I was so angry about what that idiot said. It turns out Mathews father's company isn't doing so well".

I see understanding on Eva's face then she breaks into a big smile then cackles, "Daddy is going to destroy him".

"Yes he is Malcom is buying the members club just so he can ban him and Caroline from there. That's where we met him today at the club".

"That was smart if it was a private setting he could've told the press lies about what happened".

"I know".

"Did Giovanni ask about Faith?"

"Yes is there something going on between them?"

"Not yet but hopefully soon".

I check my phone, "We need to get ready to go to your parent's house for dinner".

I stand and walk to our bathroom then I apply lotion to my body then pass the bottle to Eva. I brush my teeth and walk to my closet then I call my valet. He takes out a pair of black cords and a pale yellow shirt from my closet for me to wear with a black belt and black vans.

I walk back into the bedroom to see Eva in a one shoulder pink dress with ruffles on one shoulder which she pairs with a black belt. Her hair was poker straight it was almost to her lower back. I smile when I see her putting in the diamond drop earrings I gave her for our six week anniversary.

When she was dressed I whistle, "Wow you look hot".


She kiss me then applies her lipstick and stares at herself in the mirror and smiles. She does this everyday it's a confidence thing for her. I can't believe someone thought she was ugly and bullied her for it. I take her hand and we walk to the car.

We arrive at her parents mansion and I help her out the car. The mansion was a three story house with a courtyard with a fountain in the front and a outdoor swimming pool in the back. There were bodyguards at the front gate in fact there were body guards everywhere. We were let through the gates to see Eva's parents waiting to greet us.

"Your royal highness, Eva it's lovely to see you both". Her father bows and her mother curtsy to us.

We hug them and go inside where their butler takes our coat. We walk into the receiving room where Eva's brother and sister were waiting.

We greet them and take a seat beside Eva's brother Daniel who was wearing black jeans, a white button down and  black Vans. He offers me a glass of champagne.

I take it, "Thank you".

Her sister Faith smiles at me she was a similar height to Eva and was wearing a white body con dress. She had greenish-hazel eyes and brown hair her skin was much lighter than Eva's. She looks like the singer Kerri Hilson only lighter.

Eva's mother Jane kept smiling at me like she knew a secret. She was very tall about 5'10 with black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black gown. I knew like my family does the Thomases like to dress up for dinner.

The butler checks everyone has a glass of champagne, "I have an announcement to make".

We all turn to Malcom judging by Jane's face she knew what the announcement was.

"What's going on daddy?"

Malcom turns to Eva and smile, "The king because of my charity work and what I've done for the Danish people have decided to give me a title".

I was surprise at that and so it seems was Eva. "I don't know anything about this".

"I know baby girl I couldn't tell anyone it will be announced tomorrow. I'm getting a title I can pass on to your brother and your sister will have the equivalent of the British title lady in front of her name. When you marry William you will have a family coat of arms because I've been given one which you'll use".

"You guys are members of the aristocracy now?" I was floored at the news Debora and my uncle kept from me.

"Once the ceremony happens then yes he's making an exception for me. I'll be the equivalent of a non royal British duke".

"I'm happy for you guys when did you find this out?"

"Couple weeks ago".

I notice Eva was a bit put out she notices me glancing at her and she takes my hand, "I'm happy for you daddy I'm so surprised at your news. Debbie really doesn't have to tell me what she's planning if she doesn't have to".

"Why would she sweetheart she's very busy I would be surprise if you see her as often as you use to. She's not the same person you met at eighteen unsure of herself darling. She's a queen in waiting who will make decisions you will need to follow. She must really like you and William a lot to agree to this".

Eva's POV

Mum was right what the royal family have done for my family is unheard of. No new titles have been created in decades.

"Debbie's definitely changed she is super busy now and you're right she decides a lot of what William and I do".

"Just remember when she tells you to do something you don't like it won't be out of malice. She needs to keep the monarchy going and it needs to be seen as worth the money the Danish people pay for it".

"I know mum can I have some orange juice please".

"Sure darling", she presses a bell and the butler Adler comes in and I order a orange juice.

"I turn to William, "Darling do you want a non-alcoholic drink.

"Mango juice if you have it and some nibbles I'm starving".

My mother laughs, "Good there's plenty of food. You can take some home with you if you want".

I turn to daddy, "Did you buy the club yet daddy?"

"I've spoken to the owner he's willing to sell it to me".


When dinner was over we took some of the lemon chicken and roast beef along with some other food home with us.

My family are now members of the aristocracy. If I wasn't going to be a princess soon I wouldn't believe it.

We arrive home and while William was taking a shower I call our friends and check who was coming to the dinner party. Everyone I invited was coming except for the Crown Princess couple. I was disappointed but I understand I didn't give them enough notice of the dinner.

I walk into the living room and turn on the tv they were talking about the royal couple(king and queen) who was on a tour with their five year old son Alexander. I see imagines of them in North America and as young as he was. Alexander was shaking hands in the receiving line at the airport.

When William was finish in the bathroom I have a long bath. I decide to wear some sexy lingerie. When I was finish in the bathroom I see William in our massive bed watching football. I smile and decided to wait to seduce him.

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