Household (A SDS x Child read...

By Robo-Goat

28.9K 456 777

You think Seven Deadly Sins is chaotic enough as it is? Well, it got even more chaotic! Our dear protagonist... More

Hm...Well then.
Running for our lives
Explaining a few things
Time to stop this bullsh-ttery!
Let's get down to business!
The man behind the slaughter
I am Iron Man
Hallucinations and Blood
{Filler}We've missed you
Quality Time
A/N and Changes to the story
The future of this book

*Jesus has entered the chat*

2.2K 42 71
By Robo-Goat

[Warning: Cuss words]
[Names between | | tell who's talking]
*Hendrickson P.O.V*

'Things in the 21st century are entirely different.' I thought and turned the knob in the shower off.

First time using these futuristic showers and all I can say is that Cee is very lucky to have these available everyday. I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off the until I was fully dry.

After I was done drying myself off, I put on the clothes I selected for the day.
(A/N; His outfit would be the [Liones Ceremonial Outfit])

I left my room once I was finished. "Good morning, Hendy. Have a good nights rest?" Dreyfus asked, who was leaning against the wall and his arms crossed.

"Yes, I did. Thanks for asking. What about you?" I asked, a grin on my face.

"As well as I could. I woke up in the dead of night but nothing too serious." Dreyfus responded. I couldn't help but slightly frown at his statement. "Are you alright?"

He nodded and hummed. "I am. Cee had a nightmare but she should be fine now."

"Poor girl... She must've been really shook up about what had happened." I said softly. Dreyfus nodded again before out attention was shifted to a pair of footsteps going towards us.

"Hey Hendy. Hey Dreyfus." Sir Ban greeted, his hands in his pockets. "Oh, hello Sir Ban. " I said, nodding in his direction.

"Anything happen?" He asked and we shook our heads, mutually agreeing not to say anything about Cee having a nightmare.

He hummed in response and started walking towards the stairs. "Hey, can you wake the kid up? I don't know how to use any shit in the kitchen and I don't wanna be the reason this place catches on fire. Thanks." And he was gone.

"I guess we have no choice but to wake her up." I shrugged and went to Cee's room with Dreyfus. I opened the door as quietly as I could and walked up next to Cee's bed.

She was still fast asleep, her hair was a mess, and she was hugging one of the pillows. I squatted down next to her and started to gently shake her. "Hey, Cee, wake up."

She groaned and shoved her face into her pillows. "Just five more minutes dad..."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise before smiling and chuckling. Dreyfus started snickering, most likely finding this slightly amusing.

"Come on, you need to wake up. Sir Ban needs your help in the kitchen." I said, highly amused.

"I don't wanna get uuup..." She whined and shoved her pillow into my face. This caused Dreyfus to start laughing softly and this seemed to catch her attention.

She removed the pillow from my face and sat up. She stared at me with wide eyes and her lips in a straight line until she whispered, "Oh shit, you're not my dad."

I laughed at her blunt realization and this caused her to blush lightly. "Shit, sorry Hendrickson! I didn't realize-"

"No, don't worry about it. You're fine." I smiled. "But, did you really think I was your dad?"

"Yeah. If I'm being honest, you kinda sound like him." Cee explained, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, now that you're up, we'll leave you to get ready. Hendy and I will be outside. "Dreyfus said, calming from his little laughing fit.

She gave us a thumbs up and a smile. "Aight!" And with that, I stood up and walked out of the room with Dreyfus and closed the door.

"Well that was an amusing sight to see." Dreyfus said to me once we got outside her room.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting for her to mistake me for her father." I chuckled. But now that I think about it, that's slightly concerning. Did she nearly forget what happened yesterday? And her family must be worried sick, wondering where their daughter disappeared to.

"Heyo." Cee said, stepping out of her room.
(A/N; This is the [Light Green Hoodie] for {Lostvayne Meliodas})

"Greetings Cee. Ready to head downstairs?'" Dreyfus asked.

"Not sure why that's a question but yeah." She nodded and was going to start walking before Dreyfus stopped her. "Actually, can you get the two swords you were carrying with you yesterday?"

Cee raised an eyebrow but complied. She went to get the swords and I looked at Dreyfus with the same confused look she had. "Just in case the need to defend herself comes up." He briefly explained and I only nodded in understanding.

She came back out out and the two swords were strapped to her waist. "I'm ready to go for real this time!"

We then started walking to the stairs and we got there...only to see Fraudrin walking down the stairs. I really wished to avoid any Commandments until everyone was downstairs but I guess those chances are gone.

I couldn't help but hold resentment for what he did. Because of him, Zaratras was killed, the Seven Deadly Sins were framed for his murder, the whole ordeal with the New Generation and Old Generation, and then the resurrection of the Demon Clan.

And before I could say anything, Cee went to the stairs and sat on the stair railing and started sliding down. As she was passing Fraudrin, she smiled. "Morning Fraudrin!"

He stopped in his tracks and stared at Cee who started walking away like she had nothing to do with it after she got off the stair railings. And then she was off to the next set of stairs.

"What the...?" Fraudrin whispered, sounding just as confused as we felt. How could she be so friendly to someone like him? I get she's a child but she most likely knows what he has done, so why?

"So...that was interesting." Dreyfus said. Fraudrin finally acknowledged us and looked at us. "So, neither of you knew she was going to act like this?"

We shook our heads. "No, we're just as surprised as you are."

We ended up walking the rest of the way down with Fraudrin... in dead silence. It unfortunately made our walk downstairs seem longer.

After reaching the first floor, we were immediately caught by a very sweet smell that came from the kitchen. We simply followed the smell where it led to a dining area.

In the dining area, there was a long table with place mats and several small decorations in the middle. There were enough seats that if I were to guess, it would seat everyone.

At the far end of the dining table, was a pair of doors that led to the kitchen. The doors happened to be open and we could see Cee and Sir Ban making breakfast. "Hey you three! What took so long?" Cee asked, focusing on the pancakes she was making in front of her.

"Well, we didn't slide down the handrails like you did. We walked down, like most people." I chuckled. Cee giggled and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm not like most people."

"Anyways, go ahead and find some seats. We gotta continue working on breakfast." Sir Ban piped in. We complied and Dreyfus and I took a seat near the end of the table closest to the kitchen. Fraudrin ended up choosing a seat farther away from us and on the opposite side of the table.

About a minute later, two pairs of footsteps were coming from the hallway. Not too long later, Guila and her little brother Zeal walked into the dining room "Good morning!" Zeal said with a bright smile.

"Morning Zeal! Morning Guila!" This time, Cee had glanced back at the two.

Zeal jogged up to Cee's side and she smiled at him. "Hey Zeal, have a good sleep?"

He nodded and smiled back. "Yup! The bed was really soft and the room I slept in was huge! It was like the rooms with made for a Duke!"

Cee giggled and flipped the she had in the pan. "Yeah, the rooms ARE very big. Definitely bigger than my room at home. The rooms might as well be made the size of a house!"

Zeal giggled at her statement. "Anyways, go ahead and find a seat with your sister." Cee said and he nodded and walked away. He ended up taking a seat across from Dreyfus.

Cee removed the pancake on the pan and put it on a plate and poured more batter into the pan. As she was doing this, Guila had walked up to her.

"Cee, I didn't get to thank you yesterday for protecting Zeal from the Ten Commandments. I'm in your debt and I wouldn't be sure what I would do if I had lost him." Guila said, grateful.

"It's no problem! I DID make a promise that I wouldn't let them get a single scratch and I stay true to my word." Cee smiled. "Anyways, we can continue talking while eating. Why don't you join Zeal, Hendrickson, Dreyfus, and Fraudrin at the table? Breakfast won't be done for awhile anyway and I don't want you standing up for awhile."

"Alright." Guila nodded and sat down to the right of Zeal. When she sat down, she nodded at Dreyfus and I. "Good morning, Sir Dreyfus, Sir Hendrickson."

"Ah, good morning, Guila." Dreyfus nodded at her while I hummed at her and her brother. "So, what do you think so far of our predicament?"

"Hm... well, it's a situation I wouldn't like, as I don't like the idea of the Ten Commandments running around freely.." Guila stated lowly, turning her head slightly to Fraudrin. I glanced at Fraudrin at the corner of my eye and saw him turn his head away from us, his arms crossed.

"Well, then it's good we have a truce set in place. They can't hurt us but we can't hurt them. " I said, making a point in our conversation. "And I'm sure we'll know if someone has broken that truce, considering that they'll be turned to stone."

"You do have a point. But considering how some of our fellow Holy Knights act, we might need to hold them back, as they're easy to anger." Guila said. "I can already think of a few and list them."

We continued with several side conversations and everyone else filed in. It looked as everyone was sitting in groups; the Ten Commandments, The Four Archangels, the Seven Deadly Sins, the Royal Family, etc. As everyone was getting seated, I noticed that six seats were still empty. I know Sir Ban and Cee are going to have a seat but that would still leave us with four seats empty.

I was brought out of my thoughts as a plate with pancakes, hash browns, bacon, and eggs were placed in front of me. "Alright, breakfast is served~!" Sir Ban said, serving us as Cee was doing the same but with the Ten Commandments and Four Archangels and Divine Lance Corporal.

Hawk squealed with happiness and immediately started digging in. "The scraps from Heaven!!"

"Thank you Sir Ban, this looks delicious!" Princess Elizabeth said, a smile on her face.

"I didn't do all of it, the kid made the pancakes." Sir Ban said, pulling out his chair and sitting in it.

We all started eating and I admit, it's amazing. "Hm, oh my. I have to admit, this is actually good." Melascula's voice piped up, sticking a bite of the pancakes into her mouth.

"Thank the kid." Sir Ban said, his words slightly muffled as he was in the middle of eating his pancakes as well.

"Hm...You did a good job cooking, I'm impressed." Melascula, slightly glancing at Cee. This caused her to smile. "Oh, thank you!"

It became quiet again. The only sounds that were heard were people eating, forks and knives scraping the plates, and Hawk. This will be an awkward first day...

*Gloxinia P.O.V*

'Everyone in this room is so tensed, what a shame.' I thought as I took another bite out of the pancakes. I secretly gave Drole my eggs and bacon, since fairies don't eat meat or eggs. I wanted to hear something interesting, and hopefully something helpful. Hmm...whose heart should I read?

I observed all the humans around us and carefully watched all of them. My eyes landed on the girl that claimed us as fictional characters. Considering what she could know, she's the best option.

She drank a mug of coffee it looks like while sitting very awkwardly in her chair and I started reading her heart. 'Man, I feel bad for Hendrickson and Dreyfus...They don't think too deeply into the truce. It's heavily flawed.'

I raised my eyebrows in interest. 'Oh? Now this is interesting..'

'I don't think they know that Commandments don't work on other Commandments. Galand is really the only Commandment that needs to stay true to his word... Actually, they could end up provoking someone to attack them. They're not hurting them physically, so it stays within the truce. They get a minor injury, the other gets turned to stone.' Is she really thinking about how to find a loophole in her own truce..? But, this is perfect information for a good plan..

"Soo...You guys explored the other floors right? What did you find?" Cee asked, trying to break the silence.

"Hm...well, I was able to find a medical room and a lab, along with a training room. Of course, there were other rooms but I wasn't sure what they were made for." The Boar Sin said, speaking up.

"Oh yeah, there was one room that just had rows upon rows of chairs and a giant...TV, I think in front of it all." The pompadour hair human |Howzer| piped in.

"And a basement full of alcohol." Galand murmured under his breath, seemingly happy about that. He DOES love his booze.

This lead to Cee being very surprised by the looks of it. "Wait, there's a movie theater room?" I guess she didn't hear Galand.

"Uhm.. yeah, if that's what it's called." Pompadour hair said. "But, if you don't mind me asking, what's it for?"

"I don't mind, anyone can just ask me any question anytime. 'Course, there will be things I won't directly answer or answer at all." Cee responded. "And a movie theater is essentially where a large group of people can gather and watch a movie that's usually around an hour or two. And a movie is essentially a story being told through moving images or with actors and special effects."

"Ooo, that sounds cool." Meliodas said, a smile on his face. "Hey, how about we watch one of these 'movies' later on?"

"Sure! I have a good idea about what movies to start on anyways." Cee responded. "I think you guys will enjoy them."

"Moving on to a different topic, the various 'technology', explain what they are and how to use them." Zeldris stated.

"Huh? Oh, sure!" And that's how the rest of breakfast went on. Cee had told us the various technologies that she knows of in this mansion and explained how to use them. Along with everyone eating, others asked questions and sometimes for clarification and so, breakfast wasn't as quiet as before.

Meliodas's friend |Ban| and Cee picked up everyone's dishes and walked back into the kitchen. Now everyone started splitting up again and I went to follow Zeldris.

"Zeldris, there's something I want to talk about."

*Cee P.O.V*

It took Ban and I a few minutes to wash, dry, and put away the dishes. "And all done! Anyways, Ban, I'm gonna find Elaine, Gerhade, and Zeal, see ya!" I said but before I started walking away, Ban stopped me.

"Hey kid, before you go and find them, I just wanna say thanks." He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at me since I'm considerably shorter.

"Huh? What for?" I looked at Ban confused, what's he talking about again?

"For what you told me earlier." Ban clarified. "It's...good to know that Elaine and I get a happy ending...Honestly never thought I would be able to bring her back fully."

"Oh, that! You're welcome. I thought you needed to know that. I know I didn't go into detail as to what you did and what was going on, but you still needed to know." I smiled at him and this caused him to grin a little bit.

"Thanks, now go ahead and find them. Elaine told me they'll be somewhere on the second floor." Ban told me and I gave him a thumbs up.

And I was gone, I quickly go up the stairs to the second floor. I was going to walk into the rec. room and see if the three of them were there...before I heard voices.

"How are you alive..?! I thought Hendrickson and Dreyfus killed you! And who are you, old man!?"

"Now that's not very nice. And this young man doesn't look dead to me."

"Shut it! Now where the hell am I!?"

Oh HELL no. I recognize that voice and something tells me that Jesus is here because there's only ONE memorable person that both Dreyfus AND Hendrickson killed. I rushed to where the voice was, which was the library and I quietly opened the giant ass doors that led to into the library. I walked in as quietly as I could and closed the door as quietly as I could before tip-toeing my way through the walls of books.

When I got to the source of the voices, I peaked out from behind a shelf and low and behold...motherfucking Vivian, Zaratras, Cain...., and Gelda!! My jaw would've dropped to the floor if I was able to do that.

"Vivian...So you were working for Hendrickson and Dreyfus, weren't you?" Zaratras did NOT look happy at her. "I swear, if you did ANYTHING to my son, I'm going to-"

"What? Gil is supposed to be with me! Not that brat of a princess!" Vivian exclaimed, angry as well. Gelda and Cain were standing by, watching Zaratras and Vivian go at each others throats.

Cain looked up at Gelda. "Do you have an idea of what's going on young lady?" Gelda shook her head. "No, I don't."

"What did you call Princess Margaret!?" Ohhh, he pissed. At this point, I'm not even standing behind the shelf. I'm just watching them out in the open. And it looks like I caught myself someone's attention.

Cain looked to the side and at me. "Oh, hello there." That got Vivian and Zaratras to stop bearing their teeth at each other and turn to me along with Gelda.

"Uhm...hi?" I awkwardly waved at them. Now that the attention was on me, I got nervous. I wonder how I didn't pass out yesterday from being nervous.

Zaratras cleared his throat and his attitude changed, he wasn't angry towards me."Hello there young one. I apologize if we made any ruckus here. Is this you're home?"

"Weelll...It's temporary but yeah. 'Course, I'm not the only one here. there's others living here." I answered, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Oh? And if you don't mind me asking, why is it temporary?" Zaratras asked, crouching down in-front of me.

"It's not really my house. The others and I were teleported here and we're staying here until we can find a solution as to how we can leave and get home." I explained.

"Who are the others here?" Cain asked and took a gulp of the alcoholic had in his hand...wait where did that come from?

"Well, the Royal family, holy knights, like your brother and son, Zaratras." I started, looking at Zaratras. He looked shocked that I knew him and Dreyfus and Gilthunder. "OH! And the Seven Deadly Sins and friends, so Meliodas is here, Cain."

"Oh? Did Meliodas tell you who I am?" Cain asked.

"Nope." I smiled at him. "But... the Ten Commandments and Four Archangels are here too, soo....there's that!"

This caused Vivian and Zaratras to gasp. "T-The Ten Commandments?! Here!? How are you not dead then!?"

"We made a truce. No hurting anyone on either side." I shrugged. "Hey, at least you didn't get slashed up by Galand and Melascula yesterday!"

"You got hurt!?" Zaratras asked, concerned.

"Yeah, but don't worry. Princess Elizabeth, Hendrickson, and the Four Archangels healed me." I said, waving him off a bit. "But now that you four are here, I'm gonna have to take you to the others. So , Vivian, no going after Gilthunder."

"HUH!? Why not!? My sweet Gil needs to be with me and only me!!" Vivian exclaimed. "And what can a little brat like you do to stop me!?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe tell you what will happen in the future if you DO go after Gilthunder again?" I stated sarcastically. Sure, I don't like Vivian for what she did to Gilthunder and Margaret but she's still human and has emotions.

"You can tell the future?" Gelda asked and I nodded. "Yeah. So Vivian, 'ya want me to tell you right?"

"Hmph...fine, What is it?" Vivian huffed, her arms crossed. I turned to her and looked her dead in the eyes. "You have a near-death experience with Ludociel of the Four Archangels. He stabs you in the throat with Hendrickson and Dreyfus behind him. Don't believe me? I'll show you if I must." I raised one of my hands and my hand gets engulfed in Gowther's magic.

She looked horrified and angry. "T-that can't be true!! You're lying!!" I sighed and shot the scene of her getting stabbed by Margaret's rapier through her throat. I had to focus on that one memory and not show her more and let me tell you, it's harder than you think.

She stood where she was, frozen in shock until she begins tearing up a bit. "Look, I didn't want to show you that but you really left me no choice." I closed my eyes and focused on summoning Galand's commandment. And I knew that I summoned his Commandment, it kinda just feels like a small shock when I summon a commandment.

"So, I need the four of you to tell me this. Do you swear that you promise you won't hurt anyone on purpose and so they won't do the same to you? And this one goes directly towards you Vivian; Do you swear to not go after Gilthunder and Margaret and live or do you want to go after Gilthunder and die?" I asked seriously.

"I swear it." Cain said, raising his hand. Gelda hummed and nodded. "I swear it as well."

Zaratras sighed and nodded. "Fine...I swear it as well. As long as the Ten Commandments don't hurt anyone." We then looked at Vivian, who was really deep into thought. "Vivian, we're waiting on your answer."

She really didn't like this at all and squeezed her eyes shut and clenching her fists. Then she relaxed and sighed. "I... swear it on both terms.."

I smiled and desummoned the Commandment and opened my eyes. "Great to hear! Now, I'm sorry I did it but now you have to live by that word because you've been cursed."

"Huh? Cursed? Why?" Vivian asked, looking even more terrified than before. "Relax, it won't activate as long as you don't go against your word. Go against your word and you'll be turned to stone. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE here is living under those terms, even myself. And Vivian, just to make you feel better, you can still interact with Gilthunder, just not try and get with him."

Her shoulders lowered and her fists weren't clenched and she nodded. "Alright.."

I smiled and the atmosphere of the room changed. "Anyways, let's head downstairs! Like I said, I gotta bring you to the others! So that means you get to see your son and brother, Zaratras!"

"W-Wait, now? At this moment?" Zaratras asked, seemingly not prepared to face them. "What am I supposed to say to them?! It's been ten years and all of a sudden I'm back-"

"Zaratras, chill out! Don't think to much into it and just go with the flow of how things play out! You don't know how they'll react until you actually encounter them! And do I need to remind you that Dreyfus and Hendrickson are EXTREMELY guilty over your death?" I responded, one of my eyebrows raised in a questioning look and my hands on my hips.

He deflated and sighed, his truer personality showing. "I guess you're right.."

"Alright then! It's decided! Let's go!" I spun on my heel and led them out of the library. As I was making my way down to the first floor, Zeal popped out of the rec. room. "Cee? Who're they?"

"More roommates! I'm gonna hang out with you after I get them downstairs and let them see their family, okay?" Zeal smiled and nodded. "Okay!"

We walked in silence until we reached the living room, where Vivian, Cain, Gelda, and Zaratras were hidden behind a wall and blocked from everyone's views.

"Hey guys! I got something!" I announced, stepping into the people's line of sight. The Royal family, some of the Seven Deadly Sins, and various Holy Knights were socializing in the room and then looked at me.

"Oh, hey Cee! Whatcha got?" Meliodas asked, a smile on his face as always.

"Well, so did anyone else notice that there were four seats that were empty at the table this morning?" I asked, the smile on my face growing.

"Oh yeah, I noticed that. Why?" Gilthunder asked, setting his tea down on the table in front of him.

"Well, I found the missing roommates!" I said and I gently pulled Cain, Vivian, and Gelda into the room.

"Oh, Cain! You're here too?" Meliodas asked, sitting up in his seat. "Why yes I am, I had no idea how I got here to be perfectly honest. I just woke up on the floor of the library along these three." Cain said, jabbing his thumb in Vivian's, Gelda's, and Zaratras's direction.

"Vivian..." Gilthunder said lowly. This caused Vivian to shift her balance on her other foot. "H-Hello Gil."

"Hey, Gilthunder. Chill out. She's not gonna do anything to you or Princess Margaret." I said, stepping in because Gil is hella pissed.

"Really? That's doubtful." Griamore said, crossing his arms. Vivian shook her head. "No, She's saying the truth. She... cursed us that if we ended up hurting anyone on purpose or in my case.. if I tried to do anything to Margaret and you, Gil, then I would be turned to stone."

"Wait, what?" Gilthunder looked surprised and looked at me and I shrugged. "What? Everyone else is stricken to the truce we made with the Ten Comamndments, so they had to be stricken to the same truce, right?"

"Hey so, Cain said there was four of you, including him. I only see three." Meliodas pointed out.

"He's right. Who's the fourth person?" Dreyfus asked and Hendrickson gave me the same questioning look Dreyfus had.

I turned to look at the hallway where Zaratras was and I saw him slowly backing away from the living room so he wouldn't make any noise. I gave him the look of 'Are you bullshitting me?' And started walking towards him. "Uh uh! You're not walking away!"

"I can't help it I'm nervous!" He whispered at me and I walked straight up to him and grabbed his wrist. "I know you are but 'ya gotta do it!"

"Uhhh, Cee? You good over there?" Meliodas asked. Vivian, Gelda; who has been quiet this entire time, and Cain were looking at Zaratras very confused.

"I'm good!" I exclaimed to Meliodas before I whispered to Zaratras. "You gotta do it. Not for me, but your son and brother."

He didn't like this one fucking bit but he started to slowly walk back to the living room...until I started dragging him to walk faster to the room.

I popped back out of hallway and I was still holding on Zaratras's wrist. "Sorry, he's nervous."

"He doesn't need to be nervous, we don't bite!" Deathpierce joked.

"Oh, he knows you don't. It's just that he's been DEAD for the past ten years and hasn't seen his son or brother for that time being." I smiled. Everyone was quiet and Gilthunder, Dreyfus, and Hendrickson perked up.

"What..?" Dreyfus asked softly and I let go of his wrist and scooted to the side so Zaratras could walk in. He walked in, a hand behind his head and with a nervous smile. "Hello Dreyfus, Gilthunder."

"And may I present to you, the formerly dead Grandmaster, Zaratras!"

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