By LawZnodachi

66.5K 1.8K 1.1K

[OMEGAVERSE AU] ON HIATUS Basically a world where a male can also bare a Child with them. Alpha's are Known m... More

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7.7K 213 229
By LawZnodachi

Luffy groan hearing ringing sound that's coming from his phone.

"Stop calling!" Luffy muffling his words through his pillow.

"I'LL EAT YOUR MEAT" the ringtone of his phone suddenly change, it was ace voice, hearing it made him half awake.

"What the!" He shot up and answered his phone.

"When did you got the time to change?!" Luffy shouted to his phone.

"LIKE SECONDS AGO DUH!" Ace shouted back, he heard sabo sighing in the background.

"Don't shout I'm not deaf!" He heard ace scoff through the phone "like you're one to talk" luffy simply groan.

"What is it Ace-nii" luffy rolled his eyes.

"Was that a question or a demand?"


"Why you-"

Ace got cut by sabo who slap his hand to his mouth, shutting him up and took the phone. "Good morning little Lu!" Luffy lightened up a bit hearing sabo's voice.

"SABO-NII!" Luffy happily said making sabo chuckled while ace look annoyed.

"Hey! That's not fair! Why is sabo the only one you always get excited when you hear him?!" Ace annoyingly said, Sabo let out a little laugh.

"Well you need to be more nicer!" Luffy said.

"Uh hello I am nice" ace replied.

"Yeah your mean" luffy bluntly said making sabo laugh out, "Shut up blonde!" Luffy knew ace was embarrassment so he joined his other older brother from laughing.

"Will you two shut up!" Ace angrily said, his face flaming up.

"Okay,okay calm down will ya?" Sabo patted his brother in the back making ace glare at him.

"Tell me, why did you guys called me? it's too early" luffy ask in a sleepy tone.

"Oh yeah, we just wanted to greet you good morning, also Lu." Sabo stop that made luffy a little curios.

"Look at your watch" Ace finishes the sentence. Luffy look at his clock and it was almost eight.

"It's 7:52 why you ask- oh my GOD SCHOOL I'M LATE! WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS TOLD ME EIRLIER?! I GOTTA GO BYE LOVE YOU BOTH!" Luffy hang up his phone not letting his brothers finish saying goodbye. He hurriedly took a shower after his done he put on his clothes and his strawhat, got his bag, took a piece of meat, and rush to school with his bike.

-At school-

"MADE IT IN TIME!" Luffy shouted, panting as he slammed the door open.

Luffy was greeted with a boink in his head making him rub it.

"Your 2 minutes late" his teacher, Smoker, Signal him to go to his seat but stop when he saw many girls trying to take his seat. He look back at his teacher wanting to know the reason.

"New student, next to you" he muttered, and smack his ruler trying to gain the attention of the students. Everyone once again paid attention to class while luffy got to his seat near the window. (yeah I guess we all can agree to it cuz every main character always seat's next the window)

Luffy plup his head on his desk, sighing not bothering to greet his new seatmate.

"You seem pretty tired,omega" his seatmate said, luffy somehow heard that voice somewhere but shrug it off. "Yeah, I didn't even got a proper meal after coming to school" luffy sighed again.

"How about I treat you?" Luffy shot up his head looking at his seatmate, seeing a well build tall man, red haired, and a scarf of his neck covering his mouth. It was ...

"KATAKURI!!" Luffy shouted making all the people inside the room look at him.

"Mr. Monkey, please do not shout out so loud and listen to the lesson" Smoker sighed continuing his lesson.

"Shishishi, sorry smokey!" Smoker got tick mark on his forehead. "Don't call me such silly names!" Luffy laugh again but quieter, the class also did the same. To be honest Smoker actually gets along with luffy very fast like a good friend of his, but it's different when his teaching he doesn't seem to show it to others his soft side's.

Katakuri sat there watching the whole scene, he's glad that luffy still haven't change at all, He's also glad that he get to be luffy's seatmate not to mention he was his childhood friend.

"Say Katakuri what are you doing here?"luffy ask tilting up his head to look at his old friend since he has such small figure compared to katakuri (which is actually cute :3).

"Oh, mama got a business together with the vinsmoke family, Will be leaving in a month. I just entered this school cause I got nothing interesting to do at our new apartment" katakuri explained

"Ooooh, your doing business to Sanji's former family" luffy said while katakuri just nodded.

"Katakuri you should meet my friends at lunch time!" Luffy showed him his still same old grin making him smile back.

"I don't see why not" he said that made luffy excited.

Katakuri just ruffled his head before drawing his attention back to class while luffy drifted off to sleep.

Luffy was Katakuri's childhood friend he was the only person he made friends with, He was always bullied because of his spiky teeth that's why he always wears a scarf but luffy was the only person who didn't drove him away instead he was amazed by his teeth. Katakuri felt happy about it he soon fond out that luffy was an Omega and told him he was a Beta, but they parted away when Katakuri's mother has another business partner. Katakuri and luffy spend their time before they fully departed making it his best day. Katakuri really love luffy but more like of a brotherly love.


The bell finally rang meaning it's lunch time.

Katakuri woke luffy up saying class is over and headed to the cafeteria going to meet his friends.

"You'll like them katakuri! There's zoro his a great swordsman since his father own a studio that teach Swordsmanship though he doesn't have have a sense of direction he always get lost, like when you just want to get a drink and you'll tell to stay still but the time you got back his already gone!" Luffy laugh and katakuri chuckles his old friend seems to have an interesting crew.

"Next is Nami!, she loves money and tangerine but she can detect weather's so fast, you can't even see it coming! She's also scary sometimes"

"Robin, She's a arche-achi..archigist? Ah! Archichigologist!" Katakuri laugh a little knowing he still can't pronounce words properly "it's archeologist luffy" "Yeah that's what I meant, she's super smart, she's nice, she would always give me her food when I needed more!"

"Chopper, he want to be a doctor! He's small and cute he always heal me when I get hurt" Katakuri gave him a worried smile he's really a reckless person always doing such reakless things.

"And Usopp, he has a long nose and always lie but his stories are amazing even though other parts are lie it's still interesting to hear, oh yeah he's a good sniper too!"

"Franky, he's a huge guy but not as huge as you he always invent cool thing he has this weird pose and shout 'SUPEEERRR' He likes cola so much!"

"Brook, he's a musician he wrote great songs and play so good with instrument and he's tall! has an afro hair too."

"And lastly Sanji you already know him right but he always stick with girls he make this swirly dance and his eyes turning to a shape of heart! He also make the best food it's sooo good! you should try it someday, oh speaking of food were here!"

"Over their katakuri!" Luffy said pointing at a group but as he heard from luffy they were supposed to be 8 one person seemed to be missing.

They walk over to the group luffy spoke first greeting his friends.

"Heya guys! meet katakuri he's my childhood friend!" Katakuri greeted them with a wave.

"Oh, katakuri? What are you doing here?" Sanji asked.

"Business.." katakuri gave him a simple reply, Sanji only nod understanding.

"Ara aren't you Miss linlin's Second son? Charlotte Katakuri?" Katakuri nodded "Mama seems to be famous" katakuri said as both luffy and him sat down.

"Indeed, Miss linlin bakes cakes and only sweets, she even have her own castle design as cake isn't that right?" Katakuri nodded once again. "Seems like luffy was actually telling an interesting story" the others were confuse except for Robin and Sanji who just smile at him.

"Katakuri meet Robin" Robin wave at him with a smile on her face.

"Nami, nice to meet you" she stuck her hand out making katakuri exchange a handshake.

"The name's Caiptaiiiin Usoppu! Beware of my 8000 followers, I am the great Soge king!"(Oops sorry I always mix those two up) Usopp said saying it proud and tall.

"I'm chopper if you get hurt just tell me, okay?" Katakuri nodded at him "Of course, future Doctor Chopper" Chopper blush and said "Saying that won't make me happy at all, You bastard!" 'your actually showing it' they all thought except luffy who just laugh at the Smaller male.

"I'm brook, it's nice to meet you katakuri-san" "you too."

"SUPEEERRR nice to meet you, the name's Franky bro" Franky said doing his weird pose (Which is SUPEEER!)

"It's nice meeting all of luffy's friends" katakuri said.

"Actually katakuri, you didn't meet all of us were missing one person shitty marimo must got lost finding the cafeteria" as Sanji said that luffy's phone suddenly ring looking at the caller it was zoro.

"Speak of the devil." Sanji annoyingly said rolling his eyes.

"Zoro where are you?" Luffy asked as he put it on speaker.

"I should be saying that, the others just suddenly dissappear" Nami got a tick mark on her forehead showing a pissed face.

"YOU GOT LOST YOU IDIOT!" Both nami,usopp, and sanji said at the same time.

"Shishishi, Where are you now zoro?" Luffy repeated.

"I'm at the rooftop" The others sweatdrop.

"How the hell did you even end up their?!" Nami shouted.

"No idea"

-Time Skip After School- (Cuz I'm lazy as fuck as you all know)

"See you tomorrow katakuri!" Luffy wave at katakuri as he got out of the school building. Luffy stayed behind as he promise to go home together with chopper, chopper were still in his class working on a medication with her professor Ms. Kureha.

Luffy walk up the stair going to chopper's class looking through his phone when he suddenly bump into someone making him fall into his butt.

"Ah sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" luffy apologise getting up.

"It's alright, but do you know where's the principles office? The person asked luffy look up making his eyes wide open it was the same guy he saw yesterday. The mind-reading guy! Though he's still wearing a mask 'wonder what he look like'  luffy thought.

"Y-you!" Luffy pointed out, the ravenatte man just chuckle.

"What a small world to see you again." Luffy could see the smirk through his mask.

"W-w-what.. Are you doing here?!" Luffy stuttered a few words.

"How cute, stuttering like that. Isn't obvious I'm going to this school starting tomorrow." The taller male lean his face forward to luffy making him blush and back away a little.

"Who the hell are you anyway!" Luffy push him a little but didn't budge even a bit.

"Interesting, you don't even know me, Just looking at my tattoos people recognise me right away."

"Eh?" Was all luffy could say 'do I need to know this guy?' He thought.

Suddenly the man grab his face leaning to him even more, their faces a few inches away when..


Cliffhanger, yeah sorry about that. This is way longer than I thought it would be but that's for now see ya guys in the next chapter

Stay peachy!

-Rika :)

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