The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

11.8K 1K 3.4K

A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

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Cha-pter *1*
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The End

Cha-pter *22*

267 30 38
By AmelSmith

Lan Yi could not say a word, she was enjoying this as Shen Tian was kissing her on the lips. Both of her hands were held over her head by the sexy rich man's big hand. She could only fretfully shake her head to express a fake protest. Her protest, however, was ignored. Lan Yi was so immersed in the kiss to be able to pay attention to the man standing behind the only heir to the Shen family. She was frightened looking at Mr Bai that she swore she would definitely be a good woman in the future.

"Your dad!" She pushed Tian away from her and hurriedly wiped her lips dry. She apologized, titled her head down and walked past the frustrated man. Mr Bai looked unhappy about his son wrong choices whenever choosing a woman. He gave him a grave look before he asked with a hint of disapproval,

"Just what are your standards for selecting women? Is this the best you have?" Shen Bai's mind was in a total state of confusion because the son he raised to be proud of him had disappointed him so far.

"I like her, she is not fake. That woman is very kind unlike Zhang" Mr Bai indeed thought so at first before the woman could jump at his son, he sympathized with her and opened his big arms to welcome her and help her with anything she wanted. However, he just hid his big disappointment when the two started seeing each other and was crying inside. He knew that his son is a victim of greed. All of the people that got close to him, were coming for his fortune.

"I want to marry her" Tian said to his father when unexpectedly his dad shouted at him. He refused to accept their relationship at any cost. He knew the situation was too dangerous so his head was spinning with thoughts of how to make it end between them quietly and slowly. He kept thinking for a while on how to send her away from his mansion, but at the same time there was no better person to take care of his paralyzed wife and grandchildren.

Mr Shen Bai was sitting in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the scent of fresh roses while he waited for Lan Yi to come and have a little talk with him about her relationship with his son. Soon the woman showed up and was waiting for him to give her permission to sit. Mr Shen Bai pointed with his hand to the chair, asking her to sit down. She seemed a little nervous, though she was strong and kept looking straight into his eyes without hesitation or backing down.

"What do you like in my son?...... His heart or his money" The man was direct, he had taken her by surprise. Upon hearing his question, Lan Yi's eyes widened with so much astonishment. There was no doubt that the thickness in his voice was going to make her unconfident and uncomfortable. However, she kept her mind occupied with her answer that was building up inside her head to be wise and precise.

"Maybe both, can't I like both Mr Shen Bai? He is the first man to ask for my permission to kiss me, do you think I can let go of such a man? He is gentle and caring, he knows how to respect and love a woman beside he has little money, what is the harm of loving him whole?" Lan Yi was saying her quick prayers inside her heart asking for God to save her still from the bad temper of this man. She was being all honest with him, she assumed this was a wrong move but she couldn't lie or hide the truth. It was obvious the reason that made her fall for the man.

"But you are married and you have a son" During the conversation, Lan Yi's mind kept wandering in the very far past, when her parents passed away in a tragic accident leaving her all by herself. She had to work and study in order to live. She then married a poor man because she believed love will heal her wounds and thought money was not a big issue. Soon her love reached a peak after her son was born and they needed money to raise him.

"If you marry him, I won't forgive you. I can see through you an ugly greed for what my son has. I won't let you be happy if you ever dare defy me and accept his proposal" He said with an angry look.  

"I had suffered a lot in my life, people like you won't understand that. Now I am looking for opportunities and your son may be my last chance. I, with a careful thought have made my decision to marry him regardless. I was eight when both my parents left me, and the realities of life were gradually making me matured as the only child of my parents. I know what you feel when you have an only son, but if he is happy with me, can't you just give up?" Looking at his cold face, he seemed not moved at all.

"Mr Shen Bai ! You don't have a choice to disagree. We are so in love and I mean it. Just let us be" With that final statement Lan Yi ended the long conversation and walked away. She  assumed that the man was like a stone nothing would move him or make him change his decisive mind. Shen Bai was so arrogant, selfish, and inconsiderate.

"You will pay the price very high..........." With that statement Shen Bai was shaken to wake up from what seemed an annoying dream. He looked around him and saw the face of someone he didn't seem to know. He was taken aback and abruptly stood from his bed asking something very queer,

"Who are you young man? And what are you doing inside my room?" Zhao Yunlan was startled at his father's defensive behavior. He gave him full attention when he again said,

"Who allowed you in here?" He said harshly. 

"I am your son Han Chen" Yunlan murmured while his eyes reduced to tears. He was in denial for his father's condition. The conversation he made with Xin last night made his mind break into astonishment. This man here survived his ilness very bravely and smartly that non of the family members suspected he had Alzheimer. Soon the door to the room was open and Xin Ci walked inside with an ipad in his hands.

"I am sorry, I am a bit late" He played some kind of video to Shen Bai that was adressed to him by himself. He sat down slowly watching that. Xin Ci was the reliable trust worthy man who can never turn his back to his friend and boss. Every night he prepared him a detailed report about everything that happened in the previous day, sometimes records evidence for Shen Bai to believe. Xin Ci was recording every big and small talk Shen Bai had with anyone, even his most private conversations to remind him when he forgets.

"My father has no privacy, by this you know the tiniest details about him. Since when you started recording his life?" Yunlan said that to Xin Ci in somehow an odd way, he didn't seem to see the broad smile on his face like usual. 

"First of all, he turns the recorder off sometimes so I can't register anything. Don't assume your father is stupid or naive. I am not the only one whom he trusts, he has other men you don't know working for him that may give their lives to save your father. I am just one man among many. Second, I am doing this based on his request. I won't gain anything knowing his secrets since I am a loyal person. And to answer your question, it's been 5 years already" Yunlan could just freeze to what he just heard.

"Zhao Yunlan ! It's enough, Xin Ci is the last person you should be afraid of"

"I know, but still this world if full of surprises. I need to protect you just for being my blood related father nothing else. By the way, someone changed the pills you drink and that's what made your condition worsening. From now on, do not drink the medicine except from my own hands.  do you get me?" Yunlan's feeling of sadness about his father's health made him retreat even a little from his hate for what he had done to him and Shen Wei.

"I need to change, I want to have breakfast with the family. I don't want them to think I am still sick" Shen Bai was back to himself as he said with arrogance. Yunlan's jaw dropped open at his words and the look he cost the two men. He was supposed to be weak and sick but what he said instead and the way he said it was full of insolence. Before Yunlan could even utter a word, Xin Ci held his shoulder and ordered him to leave with him. The two men went out in a rush one of them being in a state of shock.

"Is he always......" Yunlan asked with pity towards himself.

"You don't know much of how a Strong man he is not easily invincible" Xin Ci walked while Yunlan watched him till his back disappeared around the corner.

"How could he be so insensitive? And act like nothing had happened? Xin Ci! You are a shrewd man that even I can not compare to you" Soon Yunlan glanced at the time before he followed the man wearing a sad expression. He wasn't feeling at ease nor happy with the current circumstances. Thinking about his encounter with Wei last night added more to his troubles. The man is not willing to leave his wife which made Yunlan even more upset.

While he was rushing to the dining room, Yunlan bumped into Wang. As soon as their eyes met, Wang felt somehow anxious and tense, she knew what kind of man he was as she tried as best as she could to control her fear of being exposed to him, trying to draw an innocent smile but that did not affect the wits of the malicious detective. He cornered her in a narrow gaze suffocating and unsettling.

"I am sure you read the email I sent you with the details of the medication you had been fed wrongly. You looked at me while terrified to face the truth. Now, you act like nothing happened pretending to be the same kind wife as before. But let me warn you, I don't sleep nor blink, my eyes are always open........In case you dare plan anything against Shen Wei, I will ruin you" He breathed harshly with a hint of threat in his voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about. But I am sure about one thing, I love my husband and I know enough that I will never hurt him" She dared him sarcastically. Wang turned left, and rushed back to her bedroom without uttering another word. She stood in the bathroom after locking the door, looking straight in the mirror. She was a total mess. She was the victim of Shen Wei, so why would Yunlan still defend him and threaten her?. Wang could never find the answer to her worries.

Meanwhile Lan Yi was having a chat with Xin Ci in the living room waiting for other members to join. Yunlan came fast and sat too far to avoid the arrogant woman. He kept taking glances at the couple as they whisper and giggle all comfortablly. Soon Xin Ci was startled by the appearance of Yezun. It was then Yunlan summarized the relationship between the two that was likely romantic. Xin Ci got up abruptly afraid the man would cause a tantrum seeing him with his ex-girlfriend.

"If you think that you and your dirty mother will win, then you are dreaming. My son, I will definitely get him back. Chu will return to my embrace and I will return his real identity and name back. As for you, I will make you and your mother the most regretful without excluding the most dangerous criminal Shen Wei" Lan Yi's face was, as always, contorted by disgust when addressing Yezun or his twin brother. While the two were starting a fight, Yunlan was watching afraid to interfere when he heard the name Wei.

"Did you tell her?" Her threatening statement made Yezun question Xin Ci as if he was not expecting that. This made him jump up a bit. He turned his head to look at the man with frustration before his vision was blocked by Lan Yi, she was having a stone cold, emotionless face that was full of disdain.

"This is why I always hated you because I realized I had never seen you donning a pleasant expression. You are so ugly and grumpy, becoming day by day like a scary witch. As for Chu you can have him back, but most importantly does he want the mother that abandoned him back? He will be only disgusted with you"

"Shut up!" Lan Yi raised her hand with full force to slap the insolent young man in front of her, but quickly grabbed Xin Ci her wrist and stopped her from doing it. Lan Yi was kinda surprised at his unreasonable behavior to defend the other man. She fought with him to loosen his fist from her wrist, but the man refused and looked at her with anger and dissatisfaction for her violent behavior. Because she did not listen to him and to his advice, she was stubborn, which made the man go against her.

"Let me tell you something more interesting..." Instead of reacting to Lan Yi's attack, Yezun laughed in her face wanting to burst a bigger revelation. She seemed to him very pitiful right now, he thought, highly amused.

"Yezun!" Xin Ci knew what was on his mind, so he wanted to stop him at any rate. He let go of Lan Yi and stood just in front of the man in attempt to threaten him and stop whatever on his wild mind right now.

"What is going on in here? Does this house know any peace at all?" Old Bai came down the stairs while being escorted by his butler. Shen Wei and Wang were upstairs watching silently. Shen Wei didn't feel like taking his brother's side knowing how evil he was to properly defend himself. He was not that weak to seek his brother's help.

"Why did you stop him father? He wanted to say something important, let him speak!" Yezun and Xin Ci didn't expect Hong to come at this exact moment and hype things up even more. The two stared at her blankly. Though it seemed impossible that she knows about them, however, Hong's eyes became even more tinged with contempt and disgust. She was starting to look dangerous.

"Darling!" The tension didn't last long, however. It seemed like Xin Ci detected how nervous his little spoiled daughter was, so he decided to ease up and smile a bit. He then raised his hand and pointed at Hong to come close so he could understand what was wrong with her. His expression did not really change much, but somehow, he looked more worried.

"I forgot to tell you that my phone has an automatic recorder, dad!" Despite being sure of the fatality of the situation he was put in, there was no way Hong was going to confront him about it and cause her dad a horrifying scandal, Xin Ci thought while looking at her.   

"Can we talk about this in private, please?" Xin Ci felt guilty for being a selfish father who didn't consider his daughter's feelings while throwing himself in the arms of a dangerous relationship.

"It's not anymore private father, I am way too disappointed in you. You let me down in the worst unimaginable way. You and Yezun are making me feel so disgusted" Hong determinedly detonated her father's secret without any hesitation or sense of remorse, hoping to take revenge on him who underestimated her and ignored her feelings. She wasted no time in gathering all of her courage to blurt things out to the people there making them question the relationship between the two.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lan Yi stayed there for a significant amount of time trying to link Hong's words with all of Xin Ci's recent unacceptable behavior. Anger was starting to form in her chest. When she finally finished thinking she looked at Xin Ci with disdain, her angry eyes translated her untold pain and regret. She was so caught off-guard that fear, sadness, anger, and regret violently contorted her expression, making her look pitiful.   

"Lan Yi! Please calm down" Xin Ci surprisingly, felt bad about what he did. He even felt sad about it, starting this whole thing with Yezun caring less about the aftermath it would lead to.

"Are you two romantically together? Answer me?" She loudly voiced, fixing her eyes on him, not wanting to wanting to believe this shit anymore. 

"Well my mom did not only take your son but I snatched your boyfriend as well, well karma is never too late"  Every time she saw Yezun, she always let go of her self-control. Lan Yi felt so much anger towards him that it felt like she had been his enemy since he was born. She hurriedly turned her back to them and strode away.

"Having nothing to say! Huh! Now you are running away?" It was such a scene seeing Lan Yi act all defeated and broken. Yezun couldn't be anymore happy after revealing his relationship with Xin Ci, now they don't have to hide anymore. Soon after things calmed down and the storm in the atmosphere stopped. Lan Yi walked down the stairs slowly while all eyes on her. No-one dared to say a word after such a scandal.

"Lan Yi! Can we talk like wise adults please?" Xin Ci felt really bad for driving her to this panicking state. He wanted to apologize and explain himself even he if was totally at fault.

"You are not even a man worthy of me, step aside I have something to say to that fagot" Lan Yi took a step forward before Xin Ci sensed something bad and blocked her way to Yezun.

"Move!" She shouted very loud breaking the short Peace in that mansion.

"What is it? Are you declaring defeat?" With that Yezun didn't see the light again and fell on the ground, unconscious. Terrifyingly his blood splattered all over the place, on Xin Ci and Lan Yi's clothes. The woman was holding a marble vase secretly in her hand and as soon as Yezun came near her. She was quick to hit him on the head with all force.

"No! No! Yezun Ah! Shen Yezun!" Xin Ci lost his mind at that moment and pushed her aggressively while kneeling to hold Yezun's body in his arms, trying to stop the bleeding with his hands. Yunlan hurriedly called for an ambulance and rushed to check on Yezun's condition. Wei and Wang rushed down the stairs all worried about him when Shen Wei felt weak and fell on the last stair. Only Shen Bai who didn't budge from his place watching indifferently like a boring movie on screen.

"Their end is coming soon, I am not going to hell alone. I wilk drag everyone with me"

I want to apologize to you all for making this story so tragic and painful.

I promise to make it up to you in the end and in coming stories.

Love you all


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