Poisoned [Korrasami]

By Ayy_Tee_Ess

17.2K 574 1.1K

Team Avatar got into not good looking situation, they have to get out of there as soon as possible, but will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Pt 1.
Chapter 21 Pt. 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

479 14 47
By Ayy_Tee_Ess

*3rd pov*

"Hey Korra, wake up, are you okay?" Chloe tried to wake up the crying girl next to her, even though it was dark and mostly silent, she could hear the soft silent cries, and later, she figured it was in the Avatar's sleep

"Korra, hey, it's just another bad dream"

"Nuh.... Asami?" A tired cracking voice echoed through the small metal room

"No, it's still me"



"..............it's dark"

"I know, it's alright"

Chloe placed her hand on Korra's shoulder, as Korra turned towards Chloe's voice and hugged her tightly crying again

"It's okay, just let it all out"

"I miss her Chloe.... She.... What if she will end it?"

"She won't she loves you, Kor, it's okay" she rubbed her back as they just sat there, Chloe almost couldn't believe it, the Avatar the strongest of strongest, and got so vulnerable by a nightmare, she was used to her having bad dreams, it wasn't the first time this week since they met, and she was always there to help her.

They sat there in silence and all you could hear was a soft crying.



"How... How do you know if a relationship is not working?"

"I uh... it's um..." Chloe was shocked by the question and wasn't quite sure what to say "It's when you argue a lot, or when you don't trust each other with secrets, and when you just feel distant from the other one" she explained as Korra finally pulled back, they couldn't see each other due to the heavy darkness that was surrounding them

"I think I should end it with Asami, I wasn't sure until now, I know I once almost did it but, I just... I am not sure"

"This is really complicated, and no-one can tell you what exactly you should do, you have to listen to what your heart says, I would wait for when you are out of this shit hole" both chuckled as Korra laid down again

"I just really miss her," she said, Chloe laid down close next to her and wrapped her arm around her

"What do you imagine it like?"


"The future with Asami, do you have any imagination?" she asked as Korra smiled and sighed

"I wanna wake up in the morning next to her, get a kiss for good morning, married, then when we get up, we will be greeted by our beautiful child, playing with Naga, have a breakfast together, then take our kid to school"

"Do you want a girl or a boy?"

"I would want a girl, but I would love them regardless of gender"

"You would be amazing mom Korra"

"Thanks, would aunt Chloe like to take care of our kid from time to time?"

"Would be my pleasure" they both chuckled, as Korra yawned "Get some more sleep, I assume it's still late at night, I will too"

"Okay, good night, and Chloe?"


"Thank you, you're a really good friend"

"No problem Korra, you are also a really good friend, sleep well"

And with that, both girls went back to sleep.



*Asami's pov*

I was meeting with Lin at 10 am at the police station, it was now 9:55 and I was sitting at the main entrance waiting for her to come. I was really curious about what she knows and what she found out.

"Are you just gonna sit there like that or are you coming?" I heard someone say as I turned to my left and saw the door to Lin's office opened and her standing in the door frame, wha- when did she get there?

"I'm coming," I said as I quickly stood up and walked inside and closed the door behind me.

"Sit down"


"First I am gonna ask, do you know anything about Bolin?"

"No, Mako stopped by yesterday and when I asked him he said he disappeared"

"Yeah he took a few days off but, weirdly, no one knows where he is, not even his brother"

She sighed as she pulled out a file of papers from the drawer in her desk "Take a look at this"

She gave me the file as I looked at her then I opened the file and read it out loud

"'due to exaggerated rebellion, prisoners were sentenced to one week's deprivation of visits and outings.' What is this?"

"Well it looks like Korra is making some friends"

"This is about Korra?"

"Yeah, and her 'roommate' Chloe Price, apparently they attacked some people during dinner"

"Why would-"

"That's a good question Asami, I think there must have been a reason for it, but I think we will have to ask them next week"

"Well, at least they didn't get hurt right?"

"According to what officers there told me they didn't"

"Okay, at least something" I sighed and placed the file back on her table, stop getting yourself in trouble Korra, come on.

"And as you already know her punishment shortened to 10 years, but the bail is still not available to pay"

"Shit, so what now?"

"Now we have to find out if-"

"Chief, it's Mako and his squad, and Bolin" some guy rushed inside of Lin's office

"JARED! What did I tell you about WALKING INSIDE WITHOUT KNOCKING?!" Oh damn

"I am sorry Chief but they say it's urgent"

Lin sighed and looked at me as I nodded and we both stand up and walked outside and saw few officers dragging two people away and one of them kept yelling that he is innocent and to let him go

"What is going on here?!"

"Chief I got evidence Korra is innocent!" Bolin said as he rushed to us

"Okay first things first Sergeant, what are you doing here"

"I will explain everything, but I have proof these two killed the two citizens, they dealt with the drugs and Korra had nothing to do with it" He continued as his brother Mako stepped closer

"He's right Chief, I was there as well"

"No offence I trust him more than you, come into my office"


"So you are telling me that Korra has no clue about this?"

"Yes Chief, we found evidence in the old base and in their room where they were accommodated, we found drugs and a bloodied knife, the blood matches with the citizens that were killed, plus one of them told me that Kalan organised the whole thing"

"Wait Kal-"

"The big buffy guy that was yelling across the whole station"

"But how did you find out?" I looked at Bolin and asked and he went silent

"I... I was um... Okay I was the co-leader of the community, Korra knew me as Itsuki"

"Bolin what?! Why were you-"

"I wanna help people okay, Mako you wouldn't understand, I did a terrible mistake trusting Kuvira and I still feel bad about it!"

"Okay Bolin, it's alright just ignore him, continue" I quickly stepped in before Mako could make him feel bad

"Sergeant so you are telling me you were part of the community?"

"Yeah... But if you are gonna interrogate that one guy that wasn't fighting back he will tell you they were the ones who did it, plus as I said, I was like a co-leader with Korra, I knew it was her but she didn't know it was me, I took a few days off to find out who really did it because I knew Korra wasn't the bad guy, but If I would go there as Sergeant Bolin I don't think they would talk, so I went there as Itsuki, they all knew me there for it"

"Okay okay, this could get Korra out of prison, we have to get as much information as possible, Mako you will interrogate the buff guy, whatever his name was"

"Right now Ch-"


Mako quickly walked out realizing it was probably a bad idea to ask

"You go with him, sergeant"

"Yes Chief" as Bolin was about to walk out again, Lin called for him again

"And Bolin?"

"Yes, Chief?"

"You did great, if this will actually help to get the Avatar out, which I think it will, then it was a successful mission, good job"

"Thank you Chief" He smiled and walked out and I quickly followed him

"So I won't get a hug?" I chuckled as he turned around and rushed to me then embraced me in a bone-crushing hug as he lifted me into the air, okay that wasn't probably the best idea, but I am really happy to have him back

"Of course! How could I forget?" He laughed as he placed me back on the ground and I hugged him back

"It's so good to see you again Bolin, I missed you," I said as I pulled back, he is like a brother to me I never had

"I missed you too Asami, can we go out tonight? You know, just two friends, hanging out"

"I would love to, when are you done with your duty?"

"8 pm"

"I will pick you up here then"

"Awesome! Thanks, Asami! I have to go back to work now"

"Of course, good luck!" I smiled as he went in the direction where Mako went a few minutes ago as Lin walked up to me from behind

"I will go talk to the other guy, I think you also got stuff to do"

"Yeah, I will see you around?"

"Definitely, take care Asami, stay safe"

"I will" I said as she followed the boys.

I really hope this will get Korra out of prison...



Avatar Korra is INNOCENT!

The real criminals were arrested!

When will be the Avatar set free again?

Avatar Korra is still accused of leading a community of people illegally!

The bail was unavailable for the Avatar until now.

Asami Sato paid the bail for Avatar Korra, are these two related in any way?


*Two Weeks Later*

*Asami's pov*

Today was the day, today, I will finally get to see my love, and I will be finally able to hug her, kiss her, feel her presence.

It's 2 pm now, and me, Bolin, Jinora, Naga, Kya and Lin, and Mako were standing at the back entrance that they used mostly to let the prisoners out, we were all excited to finally see Korra again, even though we visited her many times in prison, it just wasn't the best.

And our waiting has finally come to an end, the big metal doors slowly opened as the woman I fell for stepped outside from the darkness and the doors closed behind her, she was holding a bag in her right hand, the eye patch was gone, as she took a step closer to the bars that separated us, and soon they opened as well as she stepped outside in front of us, looking around as the sun was shining.

She looked at me and smiled as she dropped the bag and rushed to me as I did the same and soon we finally met, and she was hugging me tightly

"I will never let you go again"

"Me neither" she chuckled as she pulled back and kissed me deeply. It felt so good after such a long time to finally have her with me.

She pulled back after a little but was tackled to the ground by Naga

"Woah hey there girl, I missed you too" she laughed as Naga continued licking her face.

She rubbed Naga's snowy white soft fur as she stand up and Bolin was next to hug her

"I am so happy to see you again"

"Me too Bolin, I can't believe it was you the whole time, how could I not recognise you?"

"Yeah you hurt my feelings by that, ouch" he jokes as he pulled back and placed his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt.

"Come here you, I missed you," Kya said as she approached her and hugged her as well

"I missed you too Kya, all of you," Korra said as she pulled back

We were all literally just hugging and smiling, and then we finally went home.


*3rd pov*

"I missed this"

"What sex?"

"WHAT? Pfff no, I missed you, dummy, you know, cuddling in our bed"

"And sex"

"That's... Actually also true" Korra chuckled as Asami ran her fingers through the Avatar's soft hair.

"Round 3?"

"Woah calm down tiger, this isn't the last time you see me, plus I am tired"

"Hmm sassy"

"Oh come on, but I wanna know, where did you get these scars on your back?"

"Wait you noticed?"

"Korra, you look like a lion attacked you"

"Oh yeah well, I got into a fight and got whipped"

"Wait what?!"

"Yeah... I will tell you more about it later, don't worry, now I am tired"

"Okay, let's get some sleep"

Korra cuddled closer to Asami as she buried her head in her chest

"I love you"

"I love you too Korra, more than anything in this world."



So I wrote this during online classes so I hope it's all good.

This is the last chapter, it wasn't supposed to be but I had no more ideas how to continue this.

But don't worry! I still plan on something small with this story so this isn't the last time you see it.

What do you all think about Bolin being Itsuki? Let me know below!

Thank you and I'll see y'all around


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