The story of tonight (Groffli...

By grofflins_sauce

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Just another Grofflin FanFiction (wholesome/a bit angst) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 39

114 7 8
By grofflins_sauce

Lin's POV

To put this out easily, we got up, ate, and sat in the living room for about an hour before we left. Everyone was in the living room just talking before the sad part of the day, which was leaving. Groff had been really eh about this day, which was understandable seeing that it was his family. I wouldn't want to leave either if I were him. He checked his watch before sighing. "Guys, we really should be going" he said sadly.

We all stood up and said our goodbyes. I went to shake his dad's hand, but his dad took my hand and pulled me into a hug instead. Why is he such a good hugger? I pulled out of the hug and said bye to his mom, obviously giving her a hug as well. She was on the brink of tears and said "Please take care of him."

"You got nothing to worry about." She held me tighter and took a deep breath. She let go, put her hands on my shoulders, and smiled her amazing smile, which was way too hard not to smile back.
And last but not least, David. I hugged him as well and thanked him for giving Seb company while we were here. Seb would not let go of his leg and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. "Seb, we have to go, c'mon."

"Can we keep him" Seb asked while smiling, obviously saying it as a joke. David whispered something to Seb which made him smile and nod. He said bye to David and climbed on me so that I could carry him.

Once we were outside, it started to drizzle. Just our luck. We gave the last round of hugs which ended in Groff letting out tears, but I wasn't sure if they were happy or sad ones. We got in the car and I started driving. "Well that was one of the hardest moments of my life" Groff said running his hand through his hair.

I don't even know what to say to make him laugh. I guess it just wasn't the time. "We'll see them soon, don't worry" I said putting my hand on his knee. He grabbed my hand and started fiddling with my fingers. He hasn't done that before, so I asked him about it. "You ok, Groffsauce?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother" he said letting go of my hand.

I grabbed his hand before he hid them and said "Don't be sorry. I was just asking since you've never done that before. Also, I asked if you were ok."

He paused and smiled while looking at our hands. "I'm ok."

"You sure?" He nodded and went back to fiddling with my fingers. The rain started getting harder as we drove more and more.

"Papa, don't crash" Seb said looking out the window. He always says this when it's raining, but he's never said it around Groff.

"Can you not drive in the rain" Groff asked nervously holding onto my hand for dear life.

"Yeah I can. Seb says that every time I drive in the rain. He's just joking" I said, his grip getting slightly lighter as I went on.

"Who said I was joking" Seb asked with a small giggle.

"Sebastian" I said laughing at the fact that he's still trying to convince Groff that I'm a horrible driver. I looked at Groff and he was terrified. I held his hand a little tighter and said "He's still joking we're fine."

He sighed and said "We better be."

I laughed at his attitude and focused back on the road. Then I realized that we had spent so much time in Pennsylvania that I forgot some of my lines which is major and I'm kind of scared to go back on Tuesday. Tommy will not be so forgiving if I forget literally everything. "Hey Groff, do you remember your lines?"

"For Hamilton" he asked turning to me. I hummed in response. "I literally have three songs; It's not much too remember... Forgot your lines haven't you?"

I hesitated thinking what he'd might say. I sarcastically responded with "No I just want to memorize the entire show, so I can impress the amazing writer. He's a really good looking guy so..."

Seb had the best line that followed. "Papa, don't flatter yourself."

Groff bursted out laughing. "I was going to say something, but that- that was way better."

"Wow, you guys are so nice to me today. Is it the weather" I said sarcastically.

"You want me to play the soundtrack" Groff asked between giggles.

"No I'm alright. I'll get it together on Tuesday."

"If you say so" he said, reclining his seat to be more comfortable. "This is going to be a long drive."

"Two and a half hours isn't as bad as it sounds. If you fall asleep it'll go by quick" I said, glancing at him every now and then.

"Yeah, but if I go to sleep, you'll crash since I'm the one keeping you up" he said still adjusting his chair to be at the right angle.

I looked at him and smiled seeing how frustrated he was getting with the seat. "Do you want your seat at the exact angle of 145 degrees or...?"

He lightly laughed and sarcastically said "Yes, exactly that." He kept messing with it until he finally got it. "It's about time."

"Aw look you did it all in your own! No one had to help you this time. I'm so proud of you, Buddy" I said, sarcasm loud and clear.

He playfully shrugged and looked around at the scenery, even though there wasn't much to see other than the rain.

I kept zoning out while driving, but I quickly shook myself 'awake' every time I noticed. I looked over to Groff and he was still looking out the window. "Is your favorite raindrop winning?"

He chuckled and said "How'd you know?"

"Everyone has a favorite raindrop." He nodded while smiling. "Now you have to name it."

"I have to" he asked still smiling. I nodded. "Ok, we'll name her... Henrietta."

"Wow. you had all the names in the world and you chose that" I said jokingly.

"What? It's cute" he said hitting me playfully.

"You've started a war." He looked at me confused, so tickled him.

"Lin, no. Stop! That's mean" he said, screaming and laughing at the same time.

I stopped and said "Fine then. You win." I only tickled him to hear him truly laugh. I missed it.

"How long do we have until we get there?"

"I don't know. Maybe about... an hour" I said not sure of the time we had left.

"What about the dog" he asked, obvious concern in his face.

"Shit... I forgot we had one" I said laughing. "I guess we'll pick her up then we'll get home."

"If she was a kid, it'd be very sad. Like, imagine your parents leaving you within the week your born. That was very fucked up of us, honestly. We have to cuddle with her tonight" he said leaning back in his chair.

"I never thought of it like that, but ok" I said kind of shocked since that literally came out of no where.

"Sorry that was a little dark" he said lightly chuckling afterwards. "Well he's knocked out" he said after looking in the back seat.

"The tornado is charging. Any moment now it might just pick it's landing point" I said in my documentary narrator voice.

He rolled his eyes playfully and said "You're so stupid sometimes."

"He's started yet another war..." I said looking at him.

"What are you going to do now."

"He said wanting to strangle the driver." Yes I'm the narrator now.

"I will when I have the chance."

"Suddenly, the car gets off tracks."

"Lin, I swear if you-" I swerved the car and he yelped which made me laugh. "You can't do that. We almost crashed!"

"Into what? There's no cars on the road" I said still laughing.

"I'm not letting you drive for now on" he said crossing his arms and leaning back angrily.

"Aw Groffsauce is mad" I said, faking my pity. I looked over to him and smiled widely. He shot me a very annoyed look. "You're so cute when you're mad" I said just so I can piss him off even more. I quickly ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled, sitting up in his seat.

"What do you want to do when we get home" he asked looking at the road.

"Nap for, like, an hour then just wait until Vanessa comes over. Unless you want to do something else" I responded not really knowing what we were going to do.

"Have you watched Toy Story 3 yet" he asked jokingly, but still serious.

"No, Seb couldn't do theaters yet. We bought the dvd, but we haven't had the time to watch it. Have you?"

"No, but I really want to." He paused and smiled to himself. "We really are children."

"Haven't doubted it for a moment."

~ TS

We finally got to my parents' house to say hi and to pick up Honey. Once I rang the doorbell, we immediately heard Honey barking which made Jon really excited. My mom opened the door and engulfed us each in a big hug. "Welcome home" she exclaimed really excited to see us.

She motioned us in and Honey ran towards Sebastian, almost knocking him over. She started licking his face and Seb said "Ok, Ok, I missed you too."

My dad then came out and said "They're back!" He came over and gave us each a welcoming hug. "How was the trip?"

"It was really good and it went a little better than I expected" Groff said giving my dad a genuine smile and a nod.

"The family is all good and everything" he asked, grabbing Groff's shoulders.

He sort of winced and said "Yep." I completely forgot about his shoulder. I almost laughed seeing how he was trying not to scream, but I decided that it would be mean if I did.

"Did they like him after all" my dad asked taking his hands off his shoulders and motioning towards me.

"Honestly, they like him more than I thought they would. Especially my mom, she loved him" he said, kind of over exaggerating, or at least in my perspective.

Sooner or later, we left back home and sat on the couch to watch Toy Story 3, as Groff wished. I guess this would be our last day with Seb until he comes back, so it'd be good to spend time with him.

Throughout the movie we would make little comments. Most of the time it was just me saying "what the fuck" to all the weird parts, in my head of course. I could tell Groff was thinking the same thing from his facial expressions.

Seb insisted that I side hugged him throughout the entire thing, so I obeyed his wishes. He seemed to like it seeing that he was paying attention to it the entire time.

Towards the end of the movie... oh god. Why did this have to be so sad. I just cried over a cartoon. Wow. I looked over to Groff and he had the same reaction as mine except it was slightly watered down. He looked at me and started laughing at me since I was crying. "Who's the crybaby now."

"You're crying too" I said, my voice sort of cracking.

"It wasn't even sad. You guys are overreacting" he said, making us let out a small laugh. It then hit me that he wouldn't see how sad it was until he's older. I'm probably the only one overreacting. "Papa, can I take a nap before Mommy gets here?"

I obviously agreed and he went upstairs leaving me with Groff... and Honey. By the looks of it, I've been replaced by her. Her entire body was on Groff's lap, which was funny since she wasn't a lap dog. "Can she sleep with us" Groff said looking at Honey with a soft smile.

I looked at him and said "Jon, she literally has her own room."

"That is not a room. It's an empty space that happens to have a door. It's lonely in there and we haven't seen her all week. She doesn't even have a bed" he said trying to convince me to let her sleep with us.

Honey looked at me with her sweet smile and her Hazel eyes. God she's making give in. "Ok, fine. She can come to bed with us, but I'm sleeping on your side." He looked at me confused, but agreed anyway. I'll make up some stupid excuse as to why I want to, so he'll feel bad for me. Yeah I'm evil. "How are you going to get her up the stairs?"

"I'm going to carry her? How else would I get her up there? She's the queen of the house, she deserves the world" he said getting up with her in his arms.

"Then who's the king?"

"Me, obviously. Is this our first time meeting" he sarcastically asked getting near the stairs.


"Thank you" he yelled half way up the stairs.

I chuckled to myself and paused just think. God, Seb's leaving today. I don't even know when I'll see him again. I mean it'd be best since we have so much planned for Sunday through Wednesday. I decided to not stress myself out and go upstairs to join Groff and... Honey. Look, I love her, but when you steal my boyfriend from me, I'll go berserk.

I open the door to see Honey and Groff laying on my side of the bed. "Look who finally decided to join us." I swear she's trying to steal him from me. She purposely cuddled deeper into Groff while staring at me.

I laid down next to them and Honey started whining. "Oh god, you're just like your owner" I said petting her head.

"Hey, she's sensitive, ok? And I'm not her owner; I'm her Daddy" he said hugging Honey closer.

"You're my Daddy" I said looking at him trying not to laugh at my own joke.

"You're terrible" he chuckled, raising his eyebrows.

I scooted downwards so I could be eye level with Honey and said "Don't you steal him from me."

"I think it's too late for that." I looked at him with my really face. "Also to make you even more annoyed, I gave her a full name."

"Oh god, let me hear it" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok, her full name is Honey Marie Groff-Miranda."

"Oh so she has our last names" I asked kind of happy that he combined our names.

"Well yeah. She's our child" he said kissing her head.

I sighed and gave in. "You haven't kissed me since we've got here" I said jealously.

"Aw the poor baby" he said pulling my arm so that I'd be closer to him... and Honey.

He gave me a quick yet passionate kiss and stared at me for a minute, smiling at me. That's when Honey decided I was too close and started licking my face. "Ok ok ok, I get it. You don't want me near him" I said backing up a bit.

"I don't think any of our kids will want us to love each other" he said, making me think of how Seb pushed us apart that one morning. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just already missing Seb." Don't cry don't cry don't cry- yeah no I have to. I wiped my tears as soon as they fell and Groff ran his fingers through my hair.

"It'll be ok. I'll miss him too" he said trying to soothe me.

I had my arm over my eyes since that's kind of a habit of mine. I felt Honey's head on my stomach and kind of laughed while choking back a sob. I started petting her head which calmed me down. Groff kissed the side of my head and pulled me as close as he could without squishing Honey. "I'm going to take a stress nap" I said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Go ahead" Groff said, not letting go.


I woke up to the doorbell and Honey barking her head off. I felt Groff's weight leave my torso and he shushed Honey, petting her head. I started to get up to answer the door, but Groff pulled me back into bed. "I'll get it, you should... fix your hair" he said, ruffling my hair and getting up to answer the door.

I got up to get ready and heard murmuring from downstairs then footsteps. I started trying to manage my hair. As I was brushing it Groff came in quietly with Vanessa. "Don't look I'm hideous" I said in an over exaggerated tone.

They laughed and both kind of stood at the doorway of the bathroom watching me. Well this is a little weird. "Here we see Lin-Manuel Miranda in his natural habitat as he brushes his hair. Hair-brushing has been practiced since the 1850's" Groff said trying to do an Australian accent making Vanessa laugh. I looked at him and he said "Watch out! He might just attack! If we stay calm and still he might just forget about us." I rolled my eyes and continued to fix my hair. "Good, he has forgotten."

"And hello Vanessa" I said finishing up.

She greeted me back and I pulled her into a sort of tight hug. "I need to breathe" she said even though it wasn't that tight. "Where's the child?"

"Oh he's napping in his room" I said leading her to the door and quietly opening it.

He was barely awake, but when he saw Vanessa, it was like he drank too much coffee. He was very happy and neither of them said anything, they just hugged. It made me happy seeing both of them happy. "You ready to go?"

"I haven't packed yet" he said almost as if he was guilty.

"That's ok Buddy, I'll help you" Groff said leading Seb back into his room.

"And you, I need to talk to you" Vanessa said poking my shoulder.

I nodded and walked her downstairs. I was sort of getting anxious. Why would she need to talk to me? We sat an the couch and faced each other. "Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?"

"No I'm ok. Thank you" she said looking down.

"Are you ok" I asked massaging her shoulder.

"I really need to tell you this, but I just don't know how" she said getting stressed out.

"Well you can just lay it down on me. I'll be fine" I said nodding confidently.

"Lin, trust me. You won't be. I should've told you this a few months before you and Groff got together. I just hope this doesn't affect you guys negatively" she said holding both of my now shaking hands.

"Is it bad" I asked nervously.

"Well no, but I'm worried on how it's going to affect you guys. I want you to promise me that you'll be together even after I tell you this."

That's an easy promise. "Ok I promise. Just tell me."

"Ok, again I should've told you months ago, but... I'm pregnant."

I didn't even know what to think. "Really?"

She nodded and started crying. I hugged her and she just kept saying "I'm so sorry."

I kept telling her "It's going to be ok" saying it more towards myself. She also said she should've told me months before. Wait a minute... "How long are you" I asked cautiously.

"Five months." I stayed silent and just rubbed her back.

She pulled away from my embrace and looked at me. "Can I... y'know" I asked motioning towards her stomach. She smiled and nodded unzipping her coat.  I put my hand on her stomach and I don't know what it was, but it calmed me. "Do you know the gender?"

"It's a boy" she said looking at her stomach. "What Seb wanted."

I smiled and stopped touching her stomach. "He'd be thrilled" I said still smiling. "How do you think I'd tell Groff?"

"Knowing him, he'd be happy." I nodded trying to picture the moment. "Also I don't know how he'd feel about this, but I want this one to be your kid. Like, I would want him to adopt him as his own."

"We would have to talk about that one. He's younger than I am, so I don't know what he'd think" I said, trying not to let the bad scenarios or memories come into my head.

"Yeah, a five year gap is a little weird" she said then paused. "Ew I thought about it" she said cringing.

"What'd you think" I said laughing.

"He was thirteen while you were eighteen" she said kind of freaking out.

"Oh my god" I said laughing. "I didn't think of it like that."

She paused for a moment and went back to her being serious. "Also, since I know you, don't go and hide in your office. If all goes to shit well then obviously do what you will, but I'm sure you'll be fine."

I softly smiled and laid my head on the couch. "Well thank you for telling me."

She nodded and said "I guess I'm your guy's surrogate now."

"Are you willing to sign on that because Groff and I actually wanted to ask you that."

She laughed and said "Oh god, I would love to."

I silently celebrated then we heard footsteps.

Hello people of the world. Hope you guys liked this long chapter. I tried a lot of different scenarios and I hope I picked the best one. Also I would like to tell everyone that my pronouns are he/him. Hope you guys have a great day or night. Thank you for all you do!

Questions comments concerns or suggestions?

3687 words

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